Have you seen them at your depot? For me there was an announcement only.
The wiki says civ needs all [COMMON_DOMESTIC_ tags to use them to a full extent. That will cause demon girls bring pet chickens and piglets though.
Also at the embark screen there were only soul wisps and trolls available. And wisps only when negotiating with liaison.
I don't have any other mods.
The wagon were there and they moved toward the depot. I should have let them drop their supplies before moving on to be sure but nothing changed for me since the previous version.
The wiki seems to be inaccurate about the COMMON_DOMESTIC tags, at least when you have access to evil and cavern pets.
COMMON_DOMETIC_PULL added wagons and the ability to trade, PACK added to goblin allowed them to come to trade too using elf style pack animals. Perhaps the lack of PACK cause this issues on some, but not all forts. Like for example caravans not falling back on the second method should the depot not reachable by wagon.
I'll try modifying nightmares to fill theses roles, after all I had the perfect creature right under my eyes all this time.
Edit: Okay, so adding an underground biome is a sure way to give the succubi access to a creature. In this case, I made nightmares pets and added caverns in their list of habitats. This seems to add trading abilities to them without any COMMON_DOMESTIC tags.
But... this gives trading to the deep succubi. So I revoked their access to evil animals, I restored their access to soul wisp by removing the creature's evil tag. This will probably have the side effect of making stray wisps appear in caverns.
I am afraid that despite all of this, this issue is not fixed. Perhaps the game checks for tags and not creatures when it is time to spawn traders. I'll try making a trade depot unfit for wagons to see what happens.
EVIL alone is not enough to give access, my guess is that non caverns creatures requires the civ to be on the accurate biome first, afaik you can't enforce a start on evil biomes. However it filter the creature for other races.
Edit edit : It is working, both when the depot is available for the wagons or not.