when you press I you see all the "life skills" that there are.
and you can get all of the top row (mining, fishing, hunting, all of them (i think farming and woodcutting (?) are more expensive than the others)), one of the middle two rows (one of weaponsmith, tailor, jeweler etc... and one of the cultural like painting, music). also you can get both of the bottom row... but i think that divination is just available to actually use as VIP.
(think i picked musician as the cultural one and i am not realy convinced its that useful at the moment... as in battle just to sit there and press a few buttons so teammates get +13 strength or so doesnt seem that usefull right now... and just seem to have a use against bosses that take 5 mins to beat down or so not normal npcs or pvp as the team probably killed everything around you in 1 min and you sit there playing music while they wandered further to the next enemies or so where you could do damage or heal the teammates or so.... and the music buff just seem to be active while you play music. probably need to try it out a bit more... think there is supposed to be a smaller interface when playing music in battle (somewhere small down right? and not it filling the whole screen) *shrugs*)
and yeah.. there are tons of goldspambots in the starter towns! so many you cant realy use the chat at all to ask what the hell to do. you can though rightclick the name in chat and "add to blacklist" (ignore), but not totally sure if that prevents their chatmessages to popup.... usually i just rightclick the chat tab at the top and disable nearby chat (or world or gossip if there spammers start to spam).
the school chat after you actually entered one of the 8 schools doesnt realy have any gold spambots at least.
on the bad site... you cant chat in school chat as non vip (or until you have the school main "technique skill" leveled to i think 10)... so yeah... a lot of confused people who dont know what to do after they entered a school as they cant ask in school chat for advice easyly.
overall its a bit hard for new people as its quite confusing and not realy totally showing what to do when. they kind of throw alot of stuff at you it probably takes 10-20h to get mostly used to the general "feel" of how the game works/is supposed to be played or so...
a few things i found useful were:
-the F9 key does hide all player characters so you can actually click a quest npc that is swarmed with 30 people (yeah the start towns are totally full of people).
-press M for the local map and there on the map at the bottom right there is a little text/dropdown menu that can show quest npcs on the map so you can click them on the map and auto walk there (there is a lot of autowalking in this game to find the npcs!)
- press L and check there for acceptable daily sub quests in one of the tabs at the top... they give a little bit of exp and money and seem to repeat every day.
-also 5-10 steamed buns (? fooood) are good to have in your bag or warehouse storage as you need food to not starve and loose hp. (nutrition stat in the C character screen).
personally i still am not realy comfortable with the combat controls/system... i.e. the rightmouse blocking comes often in the way when i just want to turn my character and camera. its fine in pve against animals or robbers etc, but in pvp... urgh... (using the "normal control method atm not that alternative as leftmouseclick movement is even more awkward for me right now)
the few (2-3) times i was in pvp i was mostly fainting or knocked on the ground... the one "school scroll defense" i did was relatively chaotic too... well there were lots of players (what was fun to see them all running around) but every time i attacked someone with a scroll they did seem waaaay stronger than i was. (but i am just level 5 with my first school technique skill... so it might get better at 10+ or so or with a 2nd main technique/style of the school later...)
i probably shouldnt care about pvp at all yet and when someone attacks me just try to do some sort of damage and expect to die a lot the first week or so... and more focus on daily random npc quests and the main storyquest that i picked (think they are marked with golden scrolls over npc heads).
half way forgot about them and was already busy doing side quests in my school till i got a "homesickness" quest to go back to the starter town and there i randomly saw that main quest while doing side quests in there for the "life skills". and that gave me some sword and i could buy a bunch of sword skillbooks at the hometown kungfu teacher too (didnt saw these books for buy wither first time)... still the main school skills seem to be way better than these "home town skills" you get. (i.e. the main school "technique" gives tons of hp+ compared to the hometown one.).
and leveling up (cultivation) the hometown "style" doesnt make that much sense.. i just went to level 5 and then just concentrate on the school style now.
also in case of "meridians" (? one of the little buttons top left at your avatar/hp bars or a tab on the left in the skills book (under arrays?) with the K button gets you there)
i found out that you can "train" one of them (think it was something with "D" to activate training one of them at the bottom of that "line graphic" on the right book page. and you get points nearby for it just by fighting stuff).
but also you can "activate" 3 of the 8-9 meridians (?) and each does give a few stats like +hp (shown on the square skill icon in the top left of the "line graphic page")... so even if you dont have any levels in them its probably good to "activate 3" for a few extra +hp etc.
seems like these meridians (? cant remember what they are called i think meridians) are grouped in 2 groups... one with one meridian and one with 8 (?) and the 8 seem to be loosely linked to the 8 schools and the one alone to the hometown style... (at least one of the top "sub meridians" you can select on the "line" (holy its confusing to explain but you probably see it if you check it ingame) seem to have requirements like "level 20 in the hometown combat style" or "level 25 in the shaolin school style" etc.... so i guess its probably best to "train" the one that has your school skill somewhere as requirement to unlock one of these points (? gates? on that meridian line? the hell its confusing lol) and activate that one and then pick 2 more to activate that seem to have "stats" you like to have a little bonus with....
well overall... the game seems interesting and confusing... that offline players replace the "random daily life npcs" is a pretty interesting feature (not doing much exept as kidnapping victims and that you get a few benefits from what your character did while you were offline when you login again, but kind of nice that its there).
the game has tons of players at the moment too... and tons of them are probably as confused as everyone else, as the "entry" to the game isnt that clear and is quite confusing...
now that i "found" my main storyline in the hometown/startingtown again i probably concentrate more on that then on random repeatable daily side npc missions... and expect to die a lot in pvp when people randomly attack me... maybe i get used to how combat works after a few more days, at the moment its "confusing" and i am not comfortable with it...
well maybe that wall of text gave some tips to some people or so...