Where can i find flax and course cloth?
Flax is a low-level farming product. Take up farming and you can grow as much as you need.
Coarse cloth I kind of assume is made by tailoring, but I'm looking at my local tailoring npc now and I don't see that particular recipe either for sale or on the combine list. Worst case I'm pretty sure it does drop from npcs, but there are nearly a dozen types of cloth you definitely can weave yourself just using recipes available in the starter zone. So if you're leveling tailoring, you might have an easier time just making things that use those types of cloth.
EDIT: Actually, here's a question: how do I use life battle skills? I'm a chef. I have the paring ability. It costs 2 meat and 7 fish. Once I collect those, the ability turns red to indicate that it is available. I then wait until my turn and click it...and nothing happens. Left click, right click, both buttons together, spamming everywhere on the button, click dragging it, pressing "p" ...nothing seems to work.
How do I activate it?
Coarse cloth and Flax you can get from killing npc people (not animals).
for the chef skill... i think that is how it should work... no idea what it is or what it does as i am tailor and not chef, but i guess the battle system is similar.
when you press the i button and then mark chef and click the "life battle" button there you can equip the skills etc, but i guess its automatically active.
maybe it has a requirement to be useable, check the tooltip again maybe... i.e. "negates enemy shield" or so that might just work then if the enemy has a shield active.
hmm when i can use a skill it actually gets white-ish borders, but maybe the chef one goes red then... red just sounds more like "not usable atm".
I still have no clue on what I'm doing and where to get more skills for the other school styles but I least I can make some bags and found something to do that can earn me some money.
PM me or something if you want a bag. IGN: Acolyte
a basic walkthrough would be:
-arrive in home/starter town
-learn basic combat style there.
-join a school and learn the first school style. (then cultivate/level up your school internal skill from here on for a loooong time.)
-go back to your hometown (some homesickness quest) and complete your main storyline chapter1 questline. (you get array skills at the end) you wont get a quest to the npc that starts this... you have to find the npc yourself in your hometown, he/she has a golden quest scroll over their head!
-then go back to your school and start the main school storyline for chapter 1.
-that storyline will teach you the 2nd and 3rd school style. (i think it requires your "school internal skill" to be level 5 and 10).
and as side stuff to do (in more or less order of difficulty):
-click the book next to the minimap and click/read/do/checkout all tabs and buttons in there until you checkmarked most of them. (basic tutorials, alot are probably checked already and a few are more difficult to checkmark).
-life skills.
-little repeatable side quests (press L button, then recommended tab. each map has tons of them.) or find npcs with silver scrolls over their head.
-press N and do all the stuff in there. maybe start with a few low faction fights from the "factions" tab (instances that are all over the world and play similar to what you did when you got the array skill in your hometown. takes like ~10-20 mins to finish). then theres actual long versions in the "instances" tab (first is twilight village. takes like ~2h to finish.)
-and then there is all the school stuff like patrols, spying, scrolls, war...
-and if you joined a guild there is all that stuff too.. like escorting a cart to a town.
-and even more hidden are random encounters based on gossip. (for a basic idea check the book at the minimap and go to "around the world" and then check the "random encounter" button... that hives you a easy quest version of what you can find all over the game hidden in random items and npc gossip.)