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Author Topic: Paddledmirrors - Battling Forts - Turn 7: Fortress Blues [Need More Overseers]  (Read 18829 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Гномовержец Enjoyed throwing someone recently
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Downloading the save.
Losing is Fun, so let's see how much Fun can bring The Blue Team Of Wondrous Losers!
Did you know that the Russian word for "sock" is "no sock"?
I just saw a guy with two broken legs push a minecart with a corpse in it. Yeah.


  • Bay Watcher
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i might have a go at this. kinda bad at Fortress mode, though.


  • Bay Watcher
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i might have a go at this. kinda bad at Fortress mode, though.

Don't worry, it'll just keep things fun! Do you have a side preference?
Come and be amazed by this wonderful menagerie! Draw your own! Bring your favorite! The [Forgotten Beast Art Contest] is open for business!
Now also available - [The Legendary Artifact Art Contest]! It menaces! It has rings! It has craftsdwarfship!
I have a [YouTube] channel! It has Let's Plays and other stuff.


  • Bay Watcher
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i might have a go at this. kinda bad at Fortress mode, though.

Don't worry, it'll just keep things fun! Do you have a side preference?
nope. any side suits me just fine.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Гномовержец Enjoyed throwing someone recently
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Personal note book of Indigo Rithamug ("Bellsfogs"), fourth overseer of Blue Paddledmirrors and militia commander
7'th year since the beginnig of Red-vs-Blue competition, and I'm in charge of everything here, for a year. Yes, they coudn't find more fitting person for being Blue Overseer than me:

Funny, but most of our team is in great mood. I think 'cause no one looks further his nose. If they made an effort to understand where we're going, they would better jump from highest wall head down.
Just for example:
1 0!) We have about 40 barrels of raw plants. And ZERO barrels of wine!!
1) Our prevuios attempt to breach aquifer failed when ice thawed. At leas we didn't lost all out picks like it was in the pre-previuos attempt.
2) While Reds have completely barricaded their side, our half of field is open for any invader.
3) The only defence is 3 squads - 10 soldiers total. Suited with WOODEN armour(!) and imported weapons. At the good side - it's true weapons, not sticks that we were using last time.
4) Nobody doing anything.
5) We're doomed.
6) The body of my eldest son lies unburied at the dirt!  :'(

On the bright side - I don't want my life to end in a dirty hole like this! If we're doomed, let's die horribly with blood, glory, epicness and disaster! I guess that's the best way we can win that competition - cause so much catastrophe, so Reds would never do anything closer to that!

So, main points of our development are:
1) Pump the water out of stairwell. Midnight the previous overseer wisely put hatch covers over stairwell, so our small stone mine wasn't flooded.
2) Elfy industry. Why no one grows and mills dimple cups? What a team we are without our uniform?! Grow and spin pigtails, dye it with dimple dye, sew pants, socks and cloaks.
3) Military concription. Who has weapons - keeps mastering them. Who doesn't - train wrestling skills! I heard about hidden mountain fortress where soldires were so legendary in bare fist fighting, that they needed NO weapons! Sholil-Inen it was called - "Woodstick hill".
4) Cut every tree we have here on our side of river.
5) Build a megatree of gathered lumber. Just because we need a megaprojest that no one made before. And because it annoys elves.
6) ? ? ?

Bye, dear notebook, I got to go spreading some talks here.
Did you know that the Russian word for "sock" is "no sock"?
I just saw a guy with two broken legs push a minecart with a corpse in it. Yeah.


  • Bay Watcher
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Just a friendly reminder, coffins get claimed automatically regardless of if they can reach it.  You might have to forbid the red unused coffins to get someone to bury the child in a blue one.

I can take another go if need be, just let me know.  No hurry or anything, anyone new definitely gets priority :)


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Wait, do the reds already have their uniforms coloured?

Because if not... *grins*


  • Bay Watcher
  • Гномовержец Enjoyed throwing someone recently
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Sorry, real life things are slowing my profress greatly.
But here's the first small update

Personal notebook of Indigo Rithamug, Who is in charge
I found mysterious black spots that dwarves spoken about. It's neither open space, nor water, nor solid ground. I wonder what is we drop some cat there?

And tame bat escaped from cage of dead merchant's cargo. Not a big deal, but those idlers are always glad to discuss minor events instead of working.

We're unsealing our gate. And installing the lever to operate it.
Did you know that the Russian word for "sock" is "no sock"?
I just saw a guy with two broken legs push a minecart with a corpse in it. Yeah.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Гномовержец Enjoyed throwing someone recently
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Personal Notebook of Indigo, Who's-In-Charge
7th Granite. We started work on piercing aquifer - again, since that frlloded section is useless till winter.

And Red weaponsmith has fey mood. Bloody bastard.

Our farmer - one of team founders has organized party at the table. Great time, asshole - we're trying to break through aquifer!
And duclings have hatched. Why do you bother me with such nonsence?!
Did you know that the Russian word for "sock" is "no sock"?
I just saw a guy with two broken legs push a minecart with a corpse in it. Yeah.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Гномовержец Enjoyed throwing someone recently
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Personal Notebook of Indigo, Who's-In-Charge
22nd Slate.
Red weaponsmith has failed his mood and went stark raving mad. I heard he demanded steel bars, ha!

We're slowly making progress with aquifer. Had to fix some mistakes that previous overseer made, but it goes on anyway.

17th Felsite
An ambush! Six goblins with pikes, led by human maceman. Never trusted those tall assholes!
they stumble upon a metalcrafter who went fishing. I think he's doomed, and we're retreating into our walls!

Another spearmen ambush. And elven caravan. Good luck, pointy-ears!

22nd Felsite
Another guest. We're having so much fun here!

First it killed a goblin, then one of woodcutters left outside. Go go for some elves, warthog!
Nope, goblins killed it. And killed elves too.
And our marksdwarves had some fun on the walls shooting goblins while they were killing elves.

So ends the spring.
Did you know that the Russian word for "sock" is "no sock"?
I just saw a guy with two broken legs push a minecart with a corpse in it. Yeah.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Гномовержец Enjoyed throwing someone recently
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17th Hematite
We (I mean Reds, since we don't have time for that crap) elected new mayor. Sakzul Sabrebristled. Red, my ass.
Diplomat (have we had one? O, really?) left unhappy. Good luck, smart guy.

I've just invented a new gobbo-fighting tactic. First, you gather whole bunch of bunnies and pit them outside your walls. Second, you station your marksdwarves nearby. Third, you wait for gobbos to come. That worked brilliant!

Red waxworker got posessed. Why everything funny happens with Reds only?!

1st Malachite.
Waxworker collected everything he needed. Looks like they will have a leather sandal or thongs or something.
But we have a party! We finally made through aquifer and ready to claim the undergrounds!

That moody waxer made cat leather backpack, deorated ith cat bone. Stylish, I must admit.

24th Malachite
I can't stop gigglils all day. Because newly elected red mayor has gone berserk. Good luck, guys
Another diplomat has left unhappy. (What? we had TWO diplomats?!)

26th Malachite
Their mlitia commanter decapitated that berserkm but here goes another one. I'm so happy.

A lot of stark raving mads in the red team, and anot he berserk. This time it's Dolwina...

..who's been quickly disoatchedby their guards. Not so fun

12th Galena
Human caravan arrived. We should be aware of goblins who could ambush us anytime soon!

28th Galena
A LOT of berserks in Red team. Maybe that's how they do their population control?
We've secured big part of caverns. A huge place of safe tree-cutting and web collecting. And we're digging down to magma.

So ends the summer.
Did you know that the Russian word for "sock" is "no sock"?
I just saw a guy with two broken legs push a minecart with a corpse in it. Yeah.


  • Bay Watcher
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I won't be able to take my turn because I won't be here from tommorow and until 18th of July(ish). Sorry.

Pie Maker

  • Bay Watcher
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Hordes of stark raving mad dwarves wandering the halls? Berserk dwarves attempting to kill their own brothers? The military staging public executions? What have you done Chimpanzee?! This is beautiful!

It appears that The Great Tantrum Spiral has begun. Oh well, at least the military is efficient.

Also, about that piece of the cavern that you secured-you don't mean the first cavern, right? Because we've got a claim over the whole thing. :P
"W-w-w-w-what do you want?"


  • Bay Watcher
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That's what happens when I try to make one side ecstatic with a lot of food supplies. The opposite happens  :P

As of the cavern, that is the first cavern, and I already have an enclosed safe-zone with fortifications, but at the flip of the lever, we gain access to the rest of the cavern.
Edit: That's the red cavern. No idea what's going on with the blue cavern.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2013, 07:28:31 am by Chimpanzee »
"I am a Legandary Weaver! Nobody handles cloth like me"
"Yeah, that's great. Hey, are you done? If so, we need to smelt this ten thousand large load of hematite. I'll see you next month."
"That's nice. Tell you what, pretend you are weaving metal out of this ore. Now get to work."


  • Bay Watcher
  • Гномовержец Enjoyed throwing someone recently
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It appears that The Great Tantrum Spiral has begun. Oh well, at least the military is efficient.

Also, about that piece of the cavern that you secured-you don't mean the first cavern, right? Because we've got a claim over the whole thing. :P
It's The Great Red Tantrum Spiral, I must admit.
Spoiler: That's how it look now (click to show/hide)
Huh? As I see, you claimed the tiny part of it - a few yards around your stairwell, and we still have unexplored parts between ours and yours. So, the southern half of that cavern is our! But I gladly present you all cavern creatures that come from the dark.

Personal notes of Indigo, Who's-In-Charge of Blue fort
6th Limestone
Things are getting harder for Reds. Chimpanzee, Elite Marksdwarf has gone berserk too!
Elite warrior armoured in steel - that's not a berserking child., that's a serious business!

.. or not. Whole squad swarmed him, and did nice teamwork of disarming, taking him down and finishing their former champion.

And we've finally struck warm stone.

27th Limestone
We've traded for everything we needed and let the traders out. And suddenly - kobold bowmen ambush! Shit.
They killed two of ours, but was easily dispatched by caravan guards. Good job.

9th Sandstone
We got a guest. Two-headed Ettin.

But that wasn't a big deal - we killed it without a scratch.

12th Sandstone

Ehm.. hello?

8th Timber
One of our Founders - Kosoth Boldedspotted got secretive mood.

But - oops! we have a siege! Five squads of goblins and troll squad. Screw you, we're locked!
And they are led by human warleader riding cave crocodile.

23rd Timber
Well... we lost about ten dwarves due to their habit to panic. They see troll far above and they run in panic, straight to the walls. And there they meet goblin archers tho would never shoot them if they stayed down there. Dumbasses.
But my wife Kosoth, despite his injured leg, gathered his stuff and started his work. Such a dwarven spirit!

But now we have tantrums here too.

28th Timber.
Remember I told you about brave Kosoth who've been collecting materials for his mood, under shots of goblins and with injured leg?
He collected everything, locked at the crafts workshop.. and then our tantrumng child broke his workshop! She's berserk now.
I think I should take care of that by myself.

I killed her gently with a single strike of spear, but that wasn't easy to me.

So ends the autumn.
Did you know that the Russian word for "sock" is "no sock"?
I just saw a guy with two broken legs push a minecart with a corpse in it. Yeah.
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