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Author Topic: Paddledmirrors - Battling Forts - Turn 7: Fortress Blues [Need More Overseers]  (Read 18815 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Hey, I love what you've done in the face of total failure adversity! While down a pick, it looks like the Blues are well-off. Now just hope that Reds don't pierce the aquifer, and claim the prize!
Come and be amazed by this wonderful menagerie! Draw your own! Bring your favorite! The [Forgotten Beast Art Contest] is open for business!
Now also available - [The Legendary Artifact Art Contest]! It menaces! It has rings! It has craftsdwarfship!
I have a [YouTube] channel! It has Let's Plays and other stuff.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Adept Dwarf
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Aquifers still give me trouble too.  Good luck to both teams (since I am neutral still)

((The OP could probably use an update.))

Pie Maker

  • Bay Watcher
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Just thought you'd all like to know that I'm not dead. I've nearly finished my turn, but I've never had the time/willingness to write any updates, since this has been quite a busy week. I'm going to try to get the save up by tomorrow/Thursday, together with the entire tale of Red Paddledmirrors under my rule.
"W-w-w-w-what do you want?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Glad to hear that! Was just thinking I should message and see which side is up :)
Come and be amazed by this wonderful menagerie! Draw your own! Bring your favorite! The [Forgotten Beast Art Contest] is open for business!
Now also available - [The Legendary Artifact Art Contest]! It menaces! It has rings! It has craftsdwarfship!
I have a [YouTube] channel! It has Let's Plays and other stuff.

Pie Maker

  • Bay Watcher
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An excerpt from the diary of Urist Mc.Pie Alleyglazed, The Operator

24th Obsidian 300
One year we have waited behind locked doors, living like elves within these clay hills. One year we have waited for a great dwarf to rise from amongst us, one to lead our clan to glory, to carve our way to the rock beneath this cursed aquifer. Goblins prowl around freely outside, ready to kill anyone who ventures beyond the walls unguarded. Yet, no dwarf has risen to lead us, nor has any leader been proclaimed by the general populace. We had elected a mayor two years ago, of course, upon our arrival in the site, but the fellow had vanished almost immediately. It’s a pity really, especially when you consider that we ended up with Dolwina, that short, mad fool shouting insane orders at us. Nowadays, most of the dwarves simply spend their days wallowing upon this waterlogged earth, bickering about their miserable lives. Indeed, we have waited far too long. It is time to open our doors once more and, if no one here has the sense to lead us, I shall put the task upon myself, whether general populace likes it or not. It is time to make the Red Clan great once more! 

25th Obsidian
I have met up with a friend of mine, Rovod Inklabor, the most skilled and courageous shot amongst our hunters, to recruit him to my cause. He has agreed to work for me, for a small price once the job’s done.

27th Obsidian
According to the watchmen, the goblin squad has been causing trouble beyond the river. Apparently, they killed an outpost liaison foolish enough to approach the Blue Clan’s hole. Oh, and a goblin bowman is firing at the blue dwarves through a gap in their roof. Idiots. 
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29th Obsidian
Rovod has recruited three loyal allies, each with varying (rusty) skills as a marksdwarf. Quite a small number, but it shall be sufficient. I have named this squad “The Crimson Bolts” and they have sworn their allegiance to me. Now, to get my hands on some equipment…
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30th Obsidian
Three crossbows and a few bundles of bolts have mysteriously gone missing from the storage tunnel, but I am certain that nobody shall notice the theft. My soldiers are armed. Business can now commence.

1st Granite 301
A new year brings a new life. Such is the old proverb. I have secured my position as leader of this fortress-to-be, with a little assistance from The Crimson Bolts. It was actually quite easy; I simply walked into the dining room, and announced that I was now overseer of the fortress and its people. Of course, the loaded crossbows pointed threateningly at their faces might have helped them accept this, but it seemed like most couldn’t care less. Even the Prestigious Mansions simply stood aside and nodded indifferently. Now, everyone, to work; we have a fortress to build, an aquifer to breach and a squad of goblins to get rid of!

3rd Granite
A wax worker died of thirst today. It seems like he had been stricken with melancholy. I hope that the other dwarves don’t mind too much; it seems like everyone’s friends with each other here. I foresee many tantrums in the near future. Also, I have ordered the construction of kilns and a wood furnace; it is about time someone started making use of this clay.
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4th Granite
Open the doors! Assemble the army! Ready the archers! Everyone else underground! Now go, rid of us the filth outside our doors! The overland shall be ours once more!

6th Granite
Uh…we’re still waiting for the goblin squad to arrive. It seems that they stopped by the blue fortress to sink a few bolts into another blue dwarf’s flesh. Fortunately, this also means that the only archer in the squad is out of arrows. Also, a blue gem setter was possessed today, or so I heard. It is most interesting that, according to the sketches our spies sent us, the blue fortress has no jeweler’s workshop. I wonder if there will be any more ghosts in the blue fortress in the near future…
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8th Granite
The goblins finally reached our walls, where they were met by The Crimson Bolts and The Prestigious Mansions. Oresome was the first to run towards the invaders, whip and shield in hand, whilst the rest began firing bolts. Within mere minutes, the invasion force was broken, with every single goblin being slain. Unfortunately some baby was killed in the fray, and Oresome’s ended up injuring her right arm, making her unable to use his whip (though she fared quite nicely, bashing goblins with her bone shield instead). Also, chimpanzee became an elite crossbowdwarf, and some blue dwarf randomely died of thirst.
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9th Granite
Now that we are rid of the goblin menace, we can finally venture outside. I have ordered the mass deforestation of the area to replenish our wood stockpile. Now, the next priorities are to increase our defense and to pierce this aquifer.

12th Granite

Wood is being chopped, a new wood stockpile is being dug underground and I have observed the aquifer-breaching project. According to notes left behind by Dolwina when she was overseer, the project is just about complete, and only stopped because the water froze. So, my question is: What, in the name of Armok, is this?
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I’m actually quite afraid of touching it; I am certain that something will go horribly wrong. It was designed by a madman, after all! Perhaps I’ll postpone it just a little…

14th Granite
Ach. Our second-best miner has gone mad. It seems that he was quite good friends with the wax worker that died last month. He’s been having mini-tantrums since that day, I should have realized that something like this would happen! But now, it’s too late and when he dies, we’ll probably end up with a tantrum spiral. Something must be done about this immediately.

15th Granite

Dolwina has given birth to a boy. Armok help us.

2nd Slate

Not too much going on, but anther ghost has risen in the blue fortress.

6th Slate
A vile force of darkness arrived today; KEAS, and lots of them. Luckily, I have a squad of marksdwarves under my complete control.

7th Slate
The keas have all been exterminated, and their corpses now lie scattered around the land, surrounded by bolts. And now a blue farmer is throwing a tantrum, for some reason or another. Seems like a good day to me. Heh heh…
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19th Slate
Remember that jeweler who was possessed a month ago? Well, it looks like he's failed his mood.
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Also, a couple of migrants finally arrived today. Quite a mixed lot, with generally useful skills. This includes a strand extractor and various recruits for the army, amongst others.

12th Felsite
A (real) vile force of darkness has arrived! A small goblin siege, ready to die in an attempt to bring down our incomplete defensive structure. No worries, it's quite a small force, most likely a suicide team meant to test us. The army has been gathered, the bells have been rung. Everyone to your posts.

In other news:our mad miner has finally died of thirst. The people's response to both pieces of news was to throw a party at the statue, since that is obviously what we all need at times like these.
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26th Felsite

Hah hah, they're all gone. Our crossbowdwarves shot them all to death from our side of the river, while they just sat there and fell like flies. (also, Rovod is now an elite crossbowdwarf). Of course, now all of their equipment is stuck on the opposite side of the river...
23rd Hematite
The defensive wall is nearly completely built, the archery ranges are finished, and a moat is being dug. Also, some other blue dwarf got possessed.
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8th Malachite

Another migrant wave! Amongst them was a professional clerk, who I have assigned as our fortresses' bookkeeper.

8th Galena
A blue dwarf has gone berserk, for some reason or another. This should be interesting.
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12th Galena
That berserk dwarf was killed by a camel with a kick to the head, but not before he did a bit of damage-quite a few animals are now dead, and a couple of dwarves are injured. Also, the pump operator's husband is now miserable. Expecting more fun in the future.
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14th Galena

Some farmer decided to throw a party at the statue for no reason whatsoever. Slackers. I really need to have all party dwarves chained up at the workshops for a year or two, once we actually get hold of chains. No problem, I bet a few crossbows and threats will get them working.

16th Galena

A kobold thief was spotted attempting to enter the fortress, but escaped unharmed. We should post a dog or two at our entrance.

20th Galena
A human caravan arrived today. Which makes me ask myself: what happened to the elven caravan? It's a shame they didn't show up, who are we meant to plunder now? Anyways, we’ve traded some prepared meals and other junk for a few barrels of beer, a number of good weapons, cloth, leather, some food and a pair of breeding dogs, which I’ve ordered to be trained as war dogs.

17th Limestone

I decided that it was high time I did something about that aquifer, so I inspected Dolwina’s aquifer-breaching setup once again. If I understand the plans correctly, I should order the deconstruction of these pillars right here…
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Well, that has no effect whatsoever, the soil simply crumbled into the aquifer and vanished. Now, it seems like the aquifer is…flowing into itself? Eh...woops? Ah well, I always knew Dolwina was insane. Luckily I have a Plan B-but we must wait until winter.

26th Limestone

More migrants?! What is this madness? That’s the third wave one this year!

15th Timber

The dwarven caravan arrived today. It will hopefully arrive safely at our depot; we need more weapons.

17th Timber

Oh dear Armok, a goblin siege has arrived! And this is nothing like the one we fought last spring; this is a proper siege-4 squads of goblin invaders, each mounted on a cavern creature and armed to the teeth. They have entered our map through the opposite side of the river, so we have some time left. Unfortunately, the trade caravans are still crossing the river. However, our defensive perimeter is set up, and the goblins are still quite far awat, so we have a chance.
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20th Timber

The caravans have made it to the trade depot, which is situated outside our walls. The goblins are still marching towards the river, however they sent a troop of trolls ahead of them, who are currently breaking down the doors of what was once supposed to be the centralized noble room. Our small army has gathered at the river, and a group of civilians are working fervantly to finish the constructon of walls along it. I have ordered the immediate removal of the ramps leading up into the noble-room, and I want the river-bridge lever pulled as soon as the caravans cross. The goblins are marching slowly indeed.

22nd Timber

It is most strange, the goblins have all stopped in their tracks, even though they can still path right into our land. Most curious, however I am not one to complain at this turn of luck. I have also just realized that most of them are riding cave crocodiles, meaning that the river will pose no problem to them. I have ordered redoubled afforts to get the walls built in time.

30th Timber

The bridge is closed, the ramps are no more and the construction of the Red Wall is finished. Ha! Let the blue dwarves deal with the goblin problem; after all, it is on their side of the river.
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3rd Moonstone

Indeed, we finished that wall just in time, for the river has frozen over. However, this means that we can now focus all of our energies on our biggest priority:the aquifer.

11th Moonstone

A red dwarf has finally been possessed; a clothier-I guess it's our turn for a mood. Most unfortunately, he wants uncut gems, and we, of course, have none. Oh well, this provides yet another reason why we should strive to defeat the aquifer before winter ends.

15th Moonstone

Our legendray woodworker's frozen corpse was dug out today. It appears that he died whilst constructing one of the walls.

22nd Moonstone

The first aquifer level is secured, but a miner has been lost. (luckily one of the novices).

8th Opal

As the mighty leader of the Red Dwarves, I decree that this day shall forever be celebrated as Triumph Day, for today we, the Red Dwarves of the Youth-Hames of Diversion, have, under my leadership, defeated our great nemesis; the aquifer. We have breached through the final level, and have reached the glorious rock beneath. A party was, of course, thrown immediately to honour such an achievement, and for once, I shall do nothing to stop it. In the process, we lost 1 miner, 1 carpenter, and a number of children who had no business being in the area.
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9th Opal

It is time to get to work. I have ordered the immediate excavation of a number of rooms, as well as the construction of masons workshops and a glass kiln. The moody clothier has also begun his mysterious construction.

15th Opal

Behold, The Conjuction of Silver, the artefact rope reed fiber sandal! Well, I'm not quite sure what good a sandal is, especially when you don't have a pair, but it's an artefact nontheless!
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8th Obsidian

A few rooms have been excavated underground, including a fine room for a noble such as myself (even though I guess I am not  officially a noble). In it is a throne of green glass, the first glass item produced by this fortress. The normal citizen bedrooms are being excavated and furnished as I write.
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21st Obsidian

The ice thawed today, and I was incredibly pleased to see our walls held back the flow of the aquifer. However, we did get a fright when we saw a puddle of water on the stairway leading upwards from the rock layer; it turned out to be the bit of ice trapped inside the walls. Spring is nearing, it is time for us all to withdraw behind our walls for a year; we shall honour the rules of Paddledmirrors as they were set by the king. I have given out the order for all red dwarves to enter the fortress true, and for the bridge-gate to be closed. 

1st Granite, 302

Spring has arrived, and with it comes the closing of our gates for this year. You know, the fortress doesn't feel as bad as it did last year. The aquifer is breached, a small military force has been set up, the defensive perimeter has been fortified and various other tasks have been completed. Well, I guess I've I don't really need to rule this fortress any more. Surely any future overseers won't be able to mess anything up now! I hereby release my iron fist from the throne of Red Paddledmirrors, and declare it a free democracy once more, as far as dwarven democracy goes. The fine room, however, is mine, and anyone who disagrees with that can speak to The Crimson Bolts.

The Fortress:
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The Soil Layer:
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The Aquifer Breach:
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Note to all future overseers (both red and blue):I have also set up a working alert system for civilians. The alert is called "Restrict dwarves to" and should always be set to at least 2 burrows, one for blues and one for reds. In, for example, a blue's turn, the alert should be set to the "Red Inside Fortress" burrow, which covers the red fortress' inside and the "Blue Working Burrow", which covers all blue territory. That, or it could just be left without being set to a burrow until a siege/other danger arrives. In the case of a siege, the overseer can change the restriction from "Blue Working Burrow" to "Blue Inside Fort" to get the blue dwarves inside without disrupting the red dwarves. Of course, some other burrow can also be set instead, and the current burrows can be changed and expanded. Also, remember to manually add any new citizens to the side's territory burrow.

Save currently being uploaded.
Edit: There we go:
Edit2:Just thought I'd mention: Feel free to deconstruct the wall if you are going to improve the noble house/build any more centralized rooms.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2013, 11:37:44 am by Pie Maker »
"W-w-w-w-what do you want?"


  • Bay Watcher
  • Now with 20% less sanity and trans fat!
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I guess that means I get control of the blue fort, shame we didn't conquer the aquifer first, but someone had to get it first, bravo, sir!

EDIT: Could you upload the save as just a zip file and not a 7zip? Every time my computer tries to handle one, it gets an aneurysm and dies.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2013, 07:23:29 pm by mastahcheese »
Oh look, I have a steam account.
Might as well chalk it up to Pathos.
As this point we might as well invoke interpretive dance and call it a day.
The Derail Thread

Pie Maker

  • Bay Watcher
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I guess that means I get control of the blue fort, shame we didn't conquer the aquifer first, but someone had to get it first, bravo, sir!

EDIT: Could you upload the save as just a zip file and not a 7zip? Every time my computer tries to handle one, it gets an aneurysm and dies.
With what are you trying to extract it? I test-extracted the file before uploading using 7zip, and it worked fine. You can download 7zip for free and try it with that, but I'll upload it as a zip file later today, if I find the time.
"W-w-w-w-what do you want?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Damn, that was a good turn Pie Maker! Congratulations on achieving the first Challenge victory! I will give Blue a chance to recuperate and continue from there.

Also note to self: Do a writeup for the challenge outcome. Don't be lazy.

Mastah, to simplify things I could download it, change into .zip or .rar and put it on my google drive. I'll do so tonight.
Come and be amazed by this wonderful menagerie! Draw your own! Bring your favorite! The [Forgotten Beast Art Contest] is open for business!
Now also available - [The Legendary Artifact Art Contest]! It menaces! It has rings! It has craftsdwarfship!
I have a [YouTube] channel! It has Let's Plays and other stuff.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Now with 20% less sanity and trans fat!
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Mastah, to simplify things I could download it, change into .zip or .rar and put it on my google drive. I'll do so tonight.
This would probably be best, as for the program i used for extracting it, it was 7zip, it would repeatly kill my computer until I completly erasesd the entire thing off my computer
Oh look, I have a steam account.
Might as well chalk it up to Pathos.
As this point we might as well invoke interpretive dance and call it a day.
The Derail Thread

Pie Maker

  • Bay Watcher
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Alright, I've re-uploaded the file as .zip

Good luck mastahcheese!

By the way, I forgot to mention that I ran into a little problem with coffins: It seems that dwarves are assigned to coffins according to the order in which they were built, so if the blue fortress built coffins before the red fortress, then both blue and red dwarves are assigned to the blue coffins first, and vice-versa. To get my dead buried, I had to order the deconstruction of the blue coffins and build my own. (I hope you don't mind; I had the coffins re-built immediately after). It seems that, since burrow restrictions don't have any effect on this, we must manually set the coffins to be used as burial places only when a dwarf dies.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2013, 09:34:46 am by Pie Maker »
"W-w-w-w-what do you want?"


  • Bay Watcher
  • Now with 20% less sanity and trans fat!
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By the way, I forgot to mention that I ran into a little problem with coffins: It seems that dwarves are assigned to coffins according to the order in which they were built, so if the blue fortress built coffins before the red fortress, then both blue and red dwarves are assigned to the blue coffins first, and vice-versa. To get my dead buried, I had to order the deconstruction of the blue coffins and build my own. (I hope you don't mind; I had the coffins re-built immediately after). It seems that, since burrow restrictions don't have any effect on this, we must manually set the coffins to be used as burial places only when a dwarf dies.
I'll make sure to keep note of that, thanks.
And thanks for re-upload.
Oh look, I have a steam account.
Might as well chalk it up to Pathos.
As this point we might as well invoke interpretive dance and call it a day.
The Derail Thread


  • Bay Watcher
  • Now with 20% less sanity and trans fat!
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Ok, I've worked on the fort a bit, it's a bit difficult to get time in with my schedule and still being a bit sick, but I got some work done on it.

So it seems that I'll have to rule this fort now... Why is there a solid wall in front of the front gate?

Everything is in disarray, but nobody seems to be crazy, at least.
I tore down the wall and immidiately ordered the complete deforestation of our side of the river, no tree or shrub shall escape!
The Red fort seems to be doing just fine on thier own, kittens are adopting children at an alarming rate, and a potter just got possesed.
At the same moment the potter claims the workshop, another red throws a party, and a dog gives birth, hmm...
Oh hey, there's miasma spreading through their fort, what lovely shades of purple.
I'm dismatling one of the interior bridges, as it seems a bit unneccassary, and using the mechanisms to hook up the new, main gate.
The potter has currently gather some limestone, some rough bandfire opals, and dog leather, and going to get more.
I've talked with some of the people, and they want some chairs and tables, we'll have to use wood, unfourtunantly, but at least we'll have a dining room.... In the tomb.
A Blue just gave birth to a girl, I've already stopped tracking the Reds and their cats. Oh, looks, that possessed guy has started his work.
Granite is now over.
The Red has successfully turned a chunk of limestone, two rough bandfire opals, 16 yak bones, and an assortment of leater from a dog, a cow, and a yak into a scepter.
Our people are already using the new dining hall, even though it's only partway finished. I've also added in some new hives, I'm not entirely sure why.
Hmm... There's really not a whole lot to do here, with out a pick, I can really only wait for stuff to happen on it's own. Hopefully the elves show up soon.
The Blue that gave birth earlier just got stung by a bee, that's how exciting this is. And another Red gave birth.
Another Red has organized a party, they must really like their parties.

This is how things are going, I've been running DF in the background, taking occasional notes and such, but I can't really do anything until a caravan gets here.
Oh look, I have a steam account.
Might as well chalk it up to Pathos.
As this point we might as well invoke interpretive dance and call it a day.
The Derail Thread

Pie Maker

  • Bay Watcher
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Ok, I've worked on the fort a bit, it's a bit difficult to get time in with my schedule and still being a bit sick, but I got some work done on it.

So it seems that I'll have to rule this fort now... Why is there a solid wall in front of the front gate?

Everything is in disarray, but nobody seems to be crazy, at least.
I tore down the wall and immidiately ordered the complete deforestation of our side of the river, no tree or shrub shall escape!
The Red fort seems to be doing just fine on thier own, kittens are adopting children at an alarming rate, and a potter just got possesed.
At the same moment the potter claims the workshop, another red throws a party, and a dog gives birth, hmm...
Oh hey, there's miasma spreading through their fort, what lovely shades of purple.
I'm dismatling one of the interior bridges, as it seems a bit unneccassary, and using the mechanisms to hook up the new, main gate.
The potter has currently gather some limestone, some rough bandfire opals, and dog leather, and going to get more.
I've talked with some of the people, and they want some chairs and tables, we'll have to use wood, unfourtunantly, but at least we'll have a dining room.... In the tomb.
A Blue just gave birth to a girl, I've already stopped tracking the Reds and their cats. Oh, looks, that possessed guy has started his work.
Granite is now over.
The Red has successfully turned a chunk of limestone, two rough bandfire opals, 16 yak bones, and an assortment of leater from a dog, a cow, and a yak into a scepter.
Our people are already using the new dining hall, even though it's only partway finished. I've also added in some new hives, I'm not entirely sure why.
Hmm... There's really not a whole lot to do here, with out a pick, I can really only wait for stuff to happen on it's own. Hopefully the elves show up soon.
The Blue that gave birth earlier just got stung by a bee, that's how exciting this is. And another Red gave birth.
Another Red has organized a party, they must really like their parties.

This is how things are going, I've been running DF in the background, taking occasional notes and such, but I can't really do anything until a caravan gets here.
Hold on, what did you do about the goblin siege?
"W-w-w-w-what do you want?"


  • Bay Watcher
  • Now with 20% less sanity and trans fat!
    • View Profile

Hold on, what did you do about the goblin siege?
What siege? All I saw was the red's front door littered with corpses.
Oh look, I have a steam account.
Might as well chalk it up to Pathos.
As this point we might as well invoke interpretive dance and call it a day.
The Derail Thread

Pie Maker

  • Bay Watcher
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Hold on, what did you do about the goblin siege?
What siege? All I saw was the red's front door littered with corpses.
Just downloaded the save to ensure that I had not uploaded an outdated backup file by mistake, and I'm incredibly surprised to see that it is the correct file.

Now, what on earth could have happened to the goblin army? I'm (nearly) certain they were there when I last saved...could it be a bug? Remember, they were acting quite strangely, not pathing into the fortress (even though they had several ways of doing so), but instead standing fixed in place.
"W-w-w-w-what do you want?"
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