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Author Topic: Paddledmirrors - Battling Forts - Turn 7: Fortress Blues [Need More Overseers]  (Read 18826 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Just downloaded, but I likely won't be able to play until Thursday cuz the fudrucking lawn needs mowing. My most hated chore!

I just hope the lawn wasn't tall grass... did you make it back alive?
Come and be amazed by this wonderful menagerie! Draw your own! Bring your favorite! The [Forgotten Beast Art Contest] is open for business!
Now also available - [The Legendary Artifact Art Contest]! It menaces! It has rings! It has craftsdwarfship!
I have a [YouTube] channel! It has Let's Plays and other stuff.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Pants-on-head retarded
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It was a long, grueling battle, but I survived.
I'm probably gonna play all day today.
I always seem to end up with a magnificent burial complex and nowhere near enough bodies to fill it, or far too many bodies and nowhere to put any of them.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Pants-on-head retarded
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I, uh, may have entombed our only miner and pick in ice.
I always seem to end up with a magnificent burial complex and nowhere near enough bodies to fill it, or far too many bodies and nowhere to put any of them.


  • Bay Watcher
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I, uh, may have entombed our only miner and pick in ice.
Three Years! Three years we've been trying to break this aquifer, and still we're having problems? I swear, you all are the most dwarven people I've ever seen.
Oh look, I have a steam account.
Might as well chalk it up to Pathos.
As this point we might as well invoke interpretive dance and call it a day.
The Derail Thread


  • Bay Watcher
  • Pants-on-head retarded
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I, uh, may have entombed our only miner and pick in ice.
Three Years! Three years we've been trying to break this aquifer, and still we're having problems? I swear, you all are the most dwarven people I've ever seen.
It was my fourth failed attempt! I've tried and failed four times in my turn!
I always seem to end up with a magnificent burial complex and nowhere near enough bodies to fill it, or far too many bodies and nowhere to put any of them.


  • Bay Watcher
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I, uh, may have entombed our only miner and pick in ice.
Three Years! Three years we've been trying to break this aquifer, and still we're having problems? I swear, you all are the most dwarven people I've ever seen.
It was my fourth failed attempt! I've tried and failed four times in my turn!
How deep is this thing, anyway? 3 z-levels?
Oh look, I have a steam account.
Might as well chalk it up to Pathos.
As this point we might as well invoke interpretive dance and call it a day.
The Derail Thread


  • Bay Watcher
  • Pants-on-head retarded
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I, uh, may have entombed our only miner and pick in ice.
Three Years! Three years we've been trying to break this aquifer, and still we're having problems? I swear, you all are the most dwarven people I've ever seen.
It was my fourth failed attempt! I've tried and failed four times in my turn!
How deep is this thing, anyway? 3 z-levels?
I always seem to end up with a magnificent burial complex and nowhere near enough bodies to fill it, or far too many bodies and nowhere to put any of them.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Pants-on-head retarded
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My turn thus far. I haven't proofread it and editing has been at a minimum, so it's not very good reading material. The final draft will be much better, I assure you.

Open the doors! Raise the bridge! Make a working burrow! The Blues begin their ascension to greatness!
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…Why are we built into a red hillside!? Disgraceful! Despicable! We must fix this! We must breach the aquifer before the ice thaws! Get digging!
Oh, and it seems the Reds have a bit of a haunting problem.
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Well, as long as they stay over there, I don’t give a WHAT THE HECK!?
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Those dastardly Reds sent ALL of their ghosts to haunt our bedrooms! They will pay for this!

22nd Opal
The great Miner Break begins.
We’ve also boarded up a flooded passageway (that lead to the surface for some reason) and dug into the aquifer for a watering hole. Infinite water, should we run out of booze, and it’ll never freeze over.
A Red childbirth, one of the Reds has fallen into a fey mood, the vampire has banned exporting catapult parts, and other boring Red crap.
Mastahcheese went out and plucked a large copper dagger off a kobold corpse by the bridge. Guess he wants to kill stuff. We should make a barracks soon, but breaching the aquifer is top priority right now.
As I was writing this entry, a snow storm just hit. Hopefully this means the water will stay frozen for a while longer for us to breach the aquifer.

11th of Obsidian
Our miner finally gets back to work. It probably wasn’t a very restful break; all three Red ghosts were haunting her room.
And the snowstorm continues.
We got word of that Red fisherdwarf falling into a fey mood a while back, but we never heard anything more. Maybe he’ll go berserk and kill some Reds!

12th of Obsidian
The snow just melted as suddenly as it appeared. The ice will melt soon, and we don’t have enough time to breach the aquifer the preferred way. Fudruckers. I’m going to have our miner continue digging in preparation for next winter, should our other methods fail.

27th of Obsidian
The ice-based aquifer breach is finished. Now we just need to wait for winter. In the meantime, we’re gonna try other ways to breach the aquifer. (to the wiki!)
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I had Mastahcheeses room expanded and added weapon and armor racks. He’s now performing basic drills…by himself. If only we could make more weapons.
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And our sow gave birth to a piglet.

1st of Granite
Spring has arrived!
The dwarves are asking for orders, but aside from breaching the aquifer, I really don’t know what to do. Without stone, our options are limited, and until we get some, the fort is at a standstill.
In anticipation of traders, I’m having wooden trinkets being made. It’s all we can do.

17th of Granite
One of our laborers gave birth to a boy! Congratulations!
That fisherdwarf went berserk. Oh, darn.
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It’s none of my business, but I still want to watch this.

The fisherdwarf immediately charges into the food stockpile where five other Reds are enjoying a drink and beats a woodworker into a bloody pulp, killing her with surprising ease. One death, right off the bat. The berserker has her leg cut open, so she’s moving significantly slower now. She then proceeds to (slowly) chase a bunch of dwarves and pets around the farms and workshops, landing the occasional blow. Someone lands a lucky strike and kicks out multiple teeth from her mouth, landing right next to the dead woodworker.
She’s slowly limping around the workshops and the farms, scaring every Red off. Nobody can get any work done.
This goes on for five days until mavj96 finally decides to see what all the ruckus is about. He plants five bolts in the fisherdwarf (one pierces her cheek and gets stuck in her tongue!) before she reaches him. She lunges multiple times, but mavj is simply too fast. He gets out of range and continues shooting her full of bolts. Then a second marksdwarf, some unnamed milker, shows up and starts shooting her from behind. This continues until ORESOME shows up, strolls up to the fisherdwarf, and punches her in the brain, killing her in one blow.
That would’ve been more interesting if she didn’t cut open her leg on that first victim.

In fact, I was so busy watching this fight that I forgot to manage my own fort for a week!
That same laborer gave birth again. A girl! Congratu-wait. It’s only been a week since her last childbirth. I call shenanigans.

15th of Slate
Been a while since I’ve written. We’ve been busy working with the aquifer. We’re trying the double slit method, but I’m still trying to figure it out. It should take about three to four months.
We just got some migrants. A gem setter, a pump operator, a child, a beekeeper, two animal caretakers, a spinner, a fishery worker with combat experience with a spear (I’m claiming this one as Vendi), her pet bunny, a farmer, a brewer, a fisherdwarf, a weaver, his pet chick, a bowyer, his pet blue peachick, an engineer, a hunter, a leatherworker, a woodcutter, a jeweler, his gosling, a wax worker, his guineacock, a soapmaker, and a thresher with his pet peachick and poult. And they brought a duckling, a keet, and a yak calf!
21 migrants! Holy crap! We need bedrooms and a dining hall!
…but I want to breach the aquifer first!
Now that we have egg laying animals, we’re having nest boxes built. I also decided to have two hives set up.

24th of Slate
The double slit method seems to be working (I can’t be sure. I don’t know what I’m doing.). We’ve dug through the two levels of the aquifer, but the stairs we used are currently flooded.
But for a split second, the miner saw it. Until the stairs flooded again, he saw limonite. Stone! We’re so close!
Oh, two Red childbirths today. ORESOME and some weaponsmith both gave birth to girls. Whoopie.

2nd Felsite
The two slits have been dug down to the sweet, sweet stone. Now for the long, difficult process of walling off the aquifer, which should take about two months.
And another Red gave birth to a girl.

6th Felsite
Bkdevil, our administrator, has been taken by a fey mood! He makes a beeline for our craftsdwarfs workshop and starts demanding stone and silk. Neither of which we have! There’s only one logical way to tackle this. We wall him off and hope a trader comes soon.
And another Red childbirth. The Reds must be getting bored over there.

12th Felsite
And elven caravan has arrived!
…oh, boy, this is gonna be interesting.
And our broker is currently sealed off in the workshop babbling about stone!
I really hope they have silk.

13th of Felsite
Well, since our EVERYTHING is made out of wood, I’m having all idle hands search the landscape looking for random bolts lying about from previous skirmishes. Maybe we can afford some silk with a handful of silver bolts.
And yet another Red childbirth! Geez.

14th of Felsite
Well, the elves don’t have silk. Or stone. Or anything, really. I traded a bunch of stray bolts for an eagle, a dingo, and a spear. Looks like I’ll just have to lock bkdevil away.

8th of Hematite
The first level of the aquifer has been fully breached and sealed. Took forever, but it’s finally done. We have one level left to seal before we can truly live as dwarves were meant to live!
Vendi has been given that spear and is officially part of the Blue military. She still prefers to spend her time fishing, though.
Bkdevil just sits patiently in his little room, waiting for stone and silk. At least he has company; one of the Red ghosts just loves it in there.
And another Red childbirth, this time from Dolwina the Small.

10th Hematite
Why do we have hedgehog men wandering about the fort!?
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This is what we have a military for!
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Much better. Vendi took it down with no problem.
Bkdevil has been stricken with melancholy. Guess we can let him out now.
Oh, and a Red horse had a foal.

9th of Malachite
More migrants. As if we weren’t at full capacity already.
A woodworker, a stonecrafter (with no stone), a water buffalo, a puppy (woohoo!), two wood burners, an engineer, a blacksmith, a goat kid, a poult, a brewer, a stoneworker, a butcher, and two waxworkers. That last waxworker caught my eye.
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She must be from before the reclaim. Her husband came, too, and he also has previous thoughts and acquaintances.
It seems unfair to simply name her “Blue” and have her fade into the rest of the Blue populace, so I’ll name her Azure. Silly, I know.
Not her husband, though. He’s just “Blue”
On an unrelated note, three Red births in the same day. What a headache.
The progress on the aquifer is going slowly. I always underestimate the power of the mighty dwarven break. Dangit, the wiki said this was supposed to be relatively easy!

16th Malachite
The frick is this!?
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No doubt those blasted Reds have been spying on us! We won’t forgive this outrage!
And one of our carpenters has given birth to a girl. Congratulations!

25th Malachite
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Wait, what?
A ghostly miner that doesn’t belong to either side? How far back did he die? And what took him so long to come back as a ghost?
Also, there was a second childbirth immediately after the one pictured, also Red. Those Reds really don’t have anything better to do, do they?

1st Galena
Yet another Red birth. Should I even bother keeping track of these?
Also, remember that secret tunnel?
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That’s what I think about your blasted trickery, you dirt Reds!
I’m also digging a reservoir that links with the river. Hopefully, the Blue fort will have access to fish at all times, regardless of what season or who’s turn it is.

16th Galena
A human Caravan! Bring out the wooden trinkets!
Also, Red birth.

19th Galena
Trading has begun, but I doubt we can do anything substantial.
The aquifer breach is just a few wooden panels away from finishing. The workers are standing on stone as the build the walls, but constant flooding prevents us from actually using it. But it’s there, mockingly close.
And a Red has withdrawn from society.
We’ve finally dismantled the wagon. It was sitting right next to the bridge, but I didn’t feel like it was up to me to dismantle it. Which is silly, of course, it’s on our side of the river.
Bkdevil has been found dead from dehydration, curled up a short distance outside the forts walls.
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Mastahcheese is quite unhappy as a result.

23rd Galena
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You dastard! Our military will take care of you!
…well, Mastahcheese is asleep, so Vendi will take care of you!
…well, Venid is slow, so he fled the area before Vendi could reach him.

24th Galena
Since we don’t have a broker anymore, we had to guess at how even our trading was. I traded three bins of goods for two caged hens and an anvil. He gladly accepted. Heck, he seemed ecstatic. I may have done something wrong. But now we have an anvil and more hens for eggs.

28th Galena
I got a report about another snatcher attacking someone. So I immediately rush over to assess the situation. And what do I see?
A goblin snatcher.
On the other side of the river.
Pestering a Blue farmer
Also on the other side of the river.
What the heck!?
When I check him, he’s labeled as “no job”.  How did he get over there? Why is he over there? This deserves further study…
Once confronted, the farmer returned to Blue territory via swimming across the river while the Goblin retreated into Red territory.

On an unrelated note, that fishing reservoir is finished. One small problem, though. It connects to the river through a staircase, which fish apparently can’t travel through.

1st Limestone
It is now autumn. And about that farmer on the Red side of the river?
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Mystery solved. That’s how he got across. I never understood the purpose of that building, but I should’ve locked it up! I must think up an adequate punishment for this farmer…
I’ve locked the three doors in the middle of that building, but left the outer door unlocked. It is, after all, still Blue territory.
Also, another snatcher appeared. We’re going to have to start taking precautions. Goblin encounters are on the rise.

13th Limestone
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Wait, what? I didn’t get an alert or anything! Sneaky dastard!
Also, Red birth.

18th Limestone
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I got a little over-anxious with the aquifer breach and skipped a step or three. Now I have a carpenter trapped in a hole, and the aquifer breach is totally useless. Only way to get him out without drowning him is to dig up to him from below, meaning we can only wait for the backup plan to freeze…before he dies of dehydration. I’ll keep trying, though.
Dang it, I spent seven months working on breaching that aquifer, and now all my work has gone to waste! I may as well just waited for the aquifer to freeze!

28th Limestone
Well, I finally saved the carpenter. I ran the pump to keep the carpenter from drowning and dug in diagonally. I’m still pretty sure the breach is beyond help, though.
Also, migrants! A stoneworker, his cavy pup and bunny, a stonecrafter, a gem setter, a cheesemaker, an armorer, his duckling and piglet, a dyer, a cook, his lamb and piglet, and  two rangers. Oh, boy.
While sorting out names, I came across an unnamed baby. I checked which side he was on so I could name him accordingly. He’s a Red baby. His mother is a Red clothier. The same Red clothier who went into a secretive mood a few months ago. This baby doesn’t have much of a future.

9th Sandstone
I’m officially declaring the double slit breach attempt beyond saving. Nothing more can be done. At least, nothing more that won’t take longer than waiting for the aquifer to freeze.
That clothier has finally gone stark raving mad.
And another Red birth.

23rd Sandstone
…Fudruckers! I meant to punish that farmer who went into Red territory, but now I can’t remember which farmer it is! I had a good idea, too!
The life of an elf! Anyone who dares go onto Red soil is banished from the stone, and can only live on the first floor of the fort.
The animals have been fighting. The pasture is at maximum capacity. I’ll just have to make a new one.
And two Red births.

11th Timber
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Why are these things not getting noticed!? How am I supposed to prevent this type of thing!?

19th Timber
The Dwarven Caravan has arrived! Bring out the wooden trinkets!
After our last encounter with the caravan, I decided it was best to appoint a new broker. As I looked at the selection screen, it listed all dwarves in order of their social skills. I realized something.
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For the past year, the Reds have been doing nothing but talking and making kids. And they have gotten quite good at both. The top two and a half pages are all Reds. Any one of them could sell ice to a polar bear!
Oh, and another Red has withdrawn from society. These moods are killer. Speaking of which, that Red clothier just died of thirst.

1st Moonstone
We have absolutely nothing to give to the traders. I want to hoard booze for next year, but we could only afford a single barrel. We’re trying to crank out more wooden trinkets as fast as we can.
Also, winter. Hopefully the aquifer will freeze soon.

8th Moonstone
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So Vendi was just sitting there, fishing, when she said to herself “You know, I just can’t imagine life without this wooden spear.”
As the end of our year draws closer, the Blue fort is going into hoarding mode. Trees are being chopped, plants are being gathered, and everyone is in overdrive.

12th Moonstone
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And it's right about here where the miner gets entombed in ice, immediately after the caravan leaves so we can't trade for a new pick. Blue Paddledmirrors doesn't have a bright future.
I always seem to end up with a magnificent burial complex and nowhere near enough bodies to fill it, or far too many bodies and nowhere to put any of them.


  • Bay Watcher
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I ah... have been eaten by Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead. Hurray for turn, even if it has turned out to be very, VERY tragic for the Blues. Your only pick, gone!

Have you been able to finish everything up?
Come and be amazed by this wonderful menagerie! Draw your own! Bring your favorite! The [Forgotten Beast Art Contest] is open for business!
Now also available - [The Legendary Artifact Art Contest]! It menaces! It has rings! It has craftsdwarfship!
I have a [YouTube] channel! It has Let's Plays and other stuff.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Pants-on-head retarded
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Losing our only pick has removed any motivation wheresoever for me to play this past week.  Blue is kinda screwed, and I simply didn't feel like playing.
I do still intend to finish my turn, though. I just haven't gotten around to it yet. Should be done by Sunday at the very latest, and I'm sorry for  stopping with my turn.
I always seem to end up with a magnificent burial complex and nowhere near enough bodies to fill it, or far too many bodies and nowhere to put any of them.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Pants-on-head retarded
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Life has been beating me over the head with  responsibilities, so I haven't played this weekend, but I'm getting about four hours off tomorrow. I'll finish my turn then, I swear. I'm sorry this is taking so obscenely long.
I always seem to end up with a magnificent burial complex and nowhere near enough bodies to fill it, or far too many bodies and nowhere to put any of them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Life has been beating me over the head with  responsibilities, so I haven't played this weekend, but I'm getting about four hours off tomorrow. I'll finish my turn then, I swear. I'm sorry this is taking so obscenely long.

Hey, hope life isn't too mean. Or at least not too strong. Or at least isn't using a slade hammer.

Wrap it up and upload it, I want to have a look at this :D and see what Reds can pull together.
Come and be amazed by this wonderful menagerie! Draw your own! Bring your favorite! The [Forgotten Beast Art Contest] is open for business!
Now also available - [The Legendary Artifact Art Contest]! It menaces! It has rings! It has craftsdwarfship!
I have a [YouTube] channel! It has Let's Plays and other stuff.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Pants-on-head retarded
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Paddledmirrors Part 2!

24th Moonstone
The aquifer refroze as our miner tried to dig through it, and now he’s trapped in an icy tomb, along with our only pick, and the traders left just before he fell in. Now, our options are incredibly limited. All we can do is wait to trade with a caravan for a new pick…
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This is the two aquifer breach attempts that I attempted. I learned several things, like to always have spare picks, that you can’t rush the double-slit breach method, and that our freezing breach attempt was actually too small. Now the only thing we can do is prepare for lockdown.
I’m going to build bridges to serve as front gates outside our measly two-doors gate. With increased goblin encounters, lockpicking is going to be an issue. Unfortunately, we lack stone for mechanisms, so we’ll have to build walls around the doors this year for a full lockdown.

3rd Opal
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Yes, I’m aware.
The gate is being built, food is being gathered, and the militia is sparring. The fort lives on.
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(Vendi is totally winning)

7th Opal
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Truly, a tragedy.

11th Opal
Before I knew what was going on, I saw the merchants still hanging around the depot fleeing into the fort while their bodyguards ran out the front gate. Apparently there was a giant louse attack. The bodyguards dealt with it easily.

14th Opal
Our main gate is finished. It’s a shame it’s currently inactive and not blue.
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Only thing left to do is to stock up for next year.

19th Opal
The traders finally left. We could start boarding ourselves in now, but I’ll wait until Obsidian.
There’s a tame stray horse idling outside our main gate. I’m having difficulty figuring out how to get him into the fort.

21st Opal
Our Jeweler gave birth to a boy. Another mouth to not feed.
That wandering horse just decided to wander into the fort. Guess that problem took care of itself.

28th Opal
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Those Reds make such horrible parents.

2nd Obsidian
Alright, we’re officially entering lockdown. All tree chopping is being canceled to make more haulers, and we’re building walls where the gate is (to seal off the depot).
And that horse wandered outside the fort again. Dangit.
A different, Red horse had a foal, and our brewer had a boy. Is it messed up of me to be coupling horse births and childbirth in the same sentence?

8th Obsidian
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The wall is almost done, we can seal it at a moments notice. It’s being left open until the last possible second to allow as many plants and wood as possible.
On a different note:
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Somebody is really appreciative of their equipment.

15th Obsidian
A kobold thief showed up just outside the front gate. He immediately fled.
And a Red birth.
Wait, scratch that. Two Red births.

18th Obsidian
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Holy crap, guys! It's a girl!
Oh, and something about someone being haunted or something.

In all seriousness, I’m surprised bkdevil isn’t buried yet. We have a tomb, but his skeleton just sits out there by the gate.

20th Obsidian
That’s it, we’re done. Wall us off, we’re officially locking down. Bkdevil is going to have to sit by the gate for a while longer. Did that horse come in? Good. Eh? The outpost liaison is out there? He'll be fine. Bring it in, bring it in, I don’t care about any logs left-
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I always seem to end up with a magnificent burial complex and nowhere near enough bodies to fill it, or far too many bodies and nowhere to put any of them.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Now with 20% less sanity and trans fat!
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Oh look, I have a steam account.
Might as well chalk it up to Pathos.
As this point we might as well invoke interpretive dance and call it a day.
The Derail Thread

Pie Maker

  • Bay Watcher
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Great, I'll try and start my turn between today and tomorrow.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2013, 12:05:55 pm by Pie Maker »
"W-w-w-w-what do you want?"
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