So I got my first batch of Soylent. Trying it out this morning.
Ordered the week's worth, looks like it has 7 pouches, and 7 bottles of oil blend, one bottle for each pouch. Each pouch says it has 3 servings in it. They average that one pouch of soylent lasts up to 2 days, depending on the consumer's metabolism and whatnot. They include a 2 liter pitcher you can use to make an entire batch by using a whole pouch and water. Alternatively they include a metal measuring cup you can use to scoop out a single meal from a pouch, which can be resealed like a zip-loc bag. One cup's worth of soylent mixed with one cup's worth of water makes approximately one meal, according to the instructions included.
I went with making "one meal", since I'm not that hungry this morning and I'm only trying it out instead of living on it. I just poured the appropriate amounts of soylent and water into a glass and stirred it up with a spoon. It's grainy, probably because I used a spoon to stir and mix it up instead of a more indepth method like shaking it or using a blender. Also, I used cold water, maybe it mixes better with warmer, or at least room-temperature water.
As far as flavor goes, it's not bad. Smelled nice when I opened the bag. Smells like vanilla. Tastes sorta vannilla-ish. Like vanilla and oats. I tried adding a bit of maple syrup to mine on a whim, didn't make much difference but that's probably cause I didn't add too much.
My biggest complaint so far is just the texture is weird. And if you don't mix it well it can have lumps of powder. But that can probably be avoided by mixing it well, like shaking it up in an airtight container (like the pitcher they provide to first time orders) or using a blender.