((Not so! One swift strike on the right person's head, and it all crumbles in a bunch of civil war.))
I believe Princip's backup weapon was a garden hoe.
Walk up to one of the frightened shopkeepers, switch to uncontrollable dancing.
"Greetings, my friend! You seem rather uncomfortable. May I ask what the problem is?"
Consult phrasebook for some of the more common phrases in Pharsec - greetings, proper methods of address and expressing gratitude, that kind of thing.
"No problem. No problem." He stammers and tries to look busy and avoid eye contact. Occasionally he glances up to make sure you're still there.
You run through the guidebook and find several phrases you think will be helpful in the future; greetings, methods of addressing others-they have nothing regarding addressing those of lower rank- various polite words and actions. You make sure to note the rude gestures as well, just to make sure you don't do them.
Look around for further signs of dissent with Glorious Leader.
Smile reassuringly at shopkeepers.
Your smiles do nothing to abate the fear and distrust of the shopkeepers. As you and the patrol party walk down the center of the street, people part in front of you and give you a wide berth. As you continue down the loosely paved road, you come to a small grassy, open area. There's a small crowd in the center of the area, and you can hear shouting in a foreign tongue.
Find nearest residential area and snoop around.
There are no residential areas around here, unless you count the homes of the shopkeepers that you occasionally see built near their shops.
Do you have any kind of e-books for free download? And the H.M.R.C. pantheon that you gave Lars in a virtual format. I really want to read something while waiting. Preferably books about weaponry and tips on assassination.
Send message to AM. Keep watching the gate.
You yawn and lean against the wall while writing your message.
I've got a book about assassination and the Pantheon is available too, if you want them.
I've got a handle on it not exploding immediately right now. I figured out how to get those little legs on the bottom going, hence why it's trying to get stepped on instead of trying to ram the walls. About to set it up as a stationary camera over the wall for now.
And I'm familiar enough with it to know I probably don't want to do anything more than fiddle with it's cover menacingly unless I am uninterested in the continued survival of anything nearby me.
Look for somewhere to setup the scout eye where it can see the stairs up to the gate, somewhere either hidden or out of the path of traffic on the wall.
The top of the wall here has small, flat stone ridges running along it's sides. You think the scout eye should be safe on one of them; assuming no one goes out of their way to find and destroy it.
"Blast... now... what was that woman's name again... I know I remember someone... Katherine... Quatherine... Caethareeene?"
Continue to search for my contact.
"Oh my god, I'm completely insane. There's no contact here. I'm not even a Bureaucrat...My name is William...I'm a dentist...I killed my wife...everything is a lie. Everything is a lie."
You blink and then smile.
"Oh, I know, I should find that messenger guy."
I stand by my statement that the 1/8th kiloton charge is extremely good value for your money, once you get an idea of what the blast would be like.))
((Here's one for how the blast would be like: That thing is simultaneously smaller (just a bit, though) than and 6.25 to 12.5 times as powerful as the M-388 warhead that the Davy Crockett nuclear recoilless rifle used.
You would, with an idealized ground detonation, get overpressures at:
15 psi (Complete destruction of reinforced concrete structures, such as skyscrapers):0.08 miles
7 psi (Severe damage to complete destruction of reinforced concrete structures):0.11 miles
5 psi (Complete destruction of ordinary houses, and moderate to severe damage to reinforced concrete structures):0.14 miles
2 psi (Severe damage to ordinary houses, and light to moderate damage to reinforced concrete structures):0.25 miles
1 psi (Light damage to all structures, and light to moderate damage to ordinary houses):0.36 miles
0.25 psi (Most glass surfaces, such as windows, will shatter):0.93 miles
So, damage out to about a mile, but only major damage within about a quarter mile. Not counting thermal or fallout effects.))
((And that's for structures. I plan to use it to eliminate an unmanageable crowd of people if I need to. Considering that 1 psi does light to moderate damage to ordinary houses, people aren't likely to do too well in about 1/3 mile to half a mile radius, if not further.))
I keep reference data for exactly this sort of thing.