This is a big issue with Toady's stubborn insistence on doing everything himself, and on a "when I feel like it" basis. A priorities system is an ABSOLUTE necessity for a game like this. Just look at Towns. Without the ability to set priorities as necessary, that game would be nearly impossible to get anywhere with for the simple reason that Townies are complete idiots. As things stand with DF, Dwarves are no smarter than Townies and the game functions at a much faster pace where as soon as you complete one task you need to start 4 or five more. This is made more problematic by the fact that we also don't of Towns' standing orders feature yet, so we need to keep giving the same orders over, and over, and over again.
This is really an unacceptable situation. The "bite-size" DF clones have essential features that we are being told will be added eventually, which makes it so that gamers who could be taking interest in the DF development process are off playing Gnomoria, and Towns, badmouthing DF all the way. Hell the Steam community hubs for those games tend to have brutal arguments going on between DF players and those who avoid DF because it's "learning curve" is more like trying to climb a mountain that is standing on it's peak.
I realize that I've probably come to close to the event horizon with this post, but DF is supposed to be a playable alpha. This means that playability needs to have a bit more of a priority than it does at this time. If certain things like "leader given priorities", standing orders, and proper medical and child care were added to the game, then it would be MUCH more playable, and enjoyable. The simple fact that female Dwarfs give birth where ever they happen to be when the counter hits zero, and then keep working with the baby in tow, makes things quite awkward and makes snatchers more dangerous than they need to be. The "birth and child rearing" system also makes it so that you end up with a military gender barrier that Toady never intended to have.
Now I'm no programmer, but if Toady had someone to dump the small stuff that he can't be bothered to deal with on, then progress with development would be much smoother and we would have a much more accessible game that more people would want to support. Hell, a lot of the sorts of assets that Toady would like to eventually add, already exist in player created mods. This shows that Toady has a large, competent pool of potential helpers who would work simply for the honor of helping The Great Armok Toady and to have a better vanilla DF. Whether or not Toady decides to accept aid, he does need to rethink his priorities somewhat.
Alright, I've already said enough to possibly get myself caught in a flame war or some other undesirable situation. This wasn't meant to be a rant and I do apologize for it, but I don't want to see this project's potential go to waste.