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Author Topic: Role-play fortress succession game! Libashód - Axetunnels  (Read 8118 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Role-play fortress succession game! Libashód - Axetunnels
« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2013, 06:39:12 pm »

Spring 408 ... The Fortress of Zuntírud ...
In the year 408, our high king chooses me to lead a new expedition to the south. To found an outpost there. An outpost that might dwindle the power in the region in our favour. We were asked to build a Fortress that will keep the whole land clean and safe for our traders and settlers. I wasnt very sure why I was choosen, but I started with preparation right away. It was not from my love of our king that I accepted. It was for my hatred of the goblinkind that grew within me during our unending wars. It was not very hard to find pioneers willing to leave their homes - but about them, we shall talk later...
On the road I borrowed one wagon full of food, seeds, axes and picks! With us we took two war dogs, 4 hens and a rooster, 1 billy goat and one nanny goat. We also took two wombat armours. And with all this packed, we hit the road!

Winter, 408
We came from Mountainhome,
Road lies far in the front,
As we ride to our new halls,
Into the roars of goblin gnaws.

Old dwarven poetry... I was never interested that much in it. But this piece of old words got me intrigued as we rode to our new destiny... From where you ask, my dear reader? Well... From the ancient city of Zuntírud! His halls endured many goblin sieges, his dwarves were amongst the sturdiest of its kin. And we were from their stock. Our little band of dwarves headed south for nearly a year - but now we were closing near... Who we were? Well let me tell you...

"Baloun" Litastlisid, myself. Woodcuter, outdoorsman, carpenter, good axedwarf... And of course, our chronicler. Straightforward dwarf, not very respectfull but always ready to make a good compromise - that might be why I was choosen by our king to lead this expedition...

"Datandur" Thimshurdomas, first of our miners - but before everything else, our revered engraver. His open mind, creativity and sense calmness might help us in our work.

"Mavj" Sacathérith, Mavj... She was not very known to us. But... She was a good cook! Not to mention a skilled fisherdwarfette and swimmer. While her skills were usefull to us, her helpfull personality and hand full of jokes should help us not to kill each other during our hard and long labour.

"UristGrey" Udarkadól, Ah! UristGrey - well... What can I tell you about her? Slow, maybe a bit lazy but always cheerfull! As Mavj, she joined the expedition in the last moment - but again... Her skills looked interesting enough. Growing, cooking, brewing, herbalism, cheese making...

"Strife" Shemtithall, I could never forget Strife of course... He is our architect! He is a... Silent type. He does not talk too often, nor does he argue with anyone. But genius dreams within him. He is also very crafty mason and quite efficent miner. While I cant really bond with him - I feel he is one of our brightest.

"Vendix" Shorastsashas, Vendix, our poet, bard, dreamer... It is astonishing what kind of soul could lie inside hardened miner and mechanic. Vendix is very disciplined, always first in the mine and last out. I quite understand him. He look for the beauty in the most common things. And for that I admire him. Well - it is he, who teach me a bit of love to poetry.

"Nocturne" Oslanem, Nocturne, our medical dwarf, is also quite silent. But he is very talkative with Vendix. Same as him, he has admiration for beauty. But unlike Vendix, he isnt very disciplined... In fact, he is quite lazy from time to time. But how can I complain? He is probably the most educated dwarf in our group...

Note to Gods:
Logem - God of Jewels, Minerals and metals
Gesh the Golden Accident - Goddes of gambling and luck
Elbel Bristlesearch - Goddes of Wind
Lidod the Periwinkle - God of deformity, blight, diseases and daylight
Aros Scaledsquash - God of Valor
Vabok - God of persuasion and poetry
Erib - Kea Goddes of mountains and wealth
Kithin Boarmint - Goddes of plants and animals

Spring, 409
1st Granite 409:
We arrived from Mountainhomes... Our surveys were very correct. We found lush land irrigrated by a steady river. Volcano was in a calm state and our scouts have correctly identified shallow veins of Galena located in andesite masses. Our journey was a long one. Our wagon barely survived it. Yet now we stand under our new home - Axetunnels.

First night was unusually hot - not what we were used to from our homeland... Next day we scout the entire area thoroughly. By noon we all stood before the area - excelent place for our entrance. Well guarded by mountainsides, beatifully aranged by the nature itself. Especially Nocturne saw beauty in this place. While Baloun was more interested in possible defensive measuer, Nocturne admired every inch of that place. But it was not the best time to admire nature. "Strike the earth!" yelled Baloun and our miners, Strife, Datandur and Vendix started their work...

2nd Granite, 409:
Digging went very fast and very well. First part of our entrance is now complete. Strife paid me a visit before the nightfall, asking me strange question - How do I want to lay out the fortress, where should be this and this... My head was fairly heavy from all the talk! I nodded and nodded... In the end, I gave into him - after all, he was our architect. Next morning, we sat into the sand and start our talk again - in better shape.

"So what do you think chief?" started Strife
"Well... At first, we need some shelter, the weather here is way too hot to be comfortable..."
In that moment, Vendix showed up and sat on my left side:
"So... Whats all this about boss?" asked Vendix
"We are trying to discuss the layout of the Fortress Vendix, not that you are interrupting..."
"Great idea boss!" yelled Vendix enthusiasticly: "We should make it nice ya know! Something ... You know - original! Not like our stinky mountainhome!"
Strife sobbed: "It should be pracitcall, you know Vendix?"
My head felt heavy again - I have to stand up: "Soo... You two - how about we start with a little entrance tunnel? Any problems with that?"
"No." answered both of them.
And with this, Strife went to the mountain, to order new diggings, while Vendix continued his jibber jabber. Rather than going through this again - I returned to wood chopping.

9th Granite:
Our toil is hard... But our work is going very well. But honestly...? It is nice to be expedition leader, overseer, but one has to always solve the problems - just this morning,
Mavj visited me while I was eating my lunch - some plump helmet pie. She (with too much joy to be honest) talked about the bounties of our river, about various fishes and mussels - also alligators. That, homewer, was not her point. Her point was to set up a fishery immediately - somewhere near the river. I nodded and promised her that I shall build her a small shack near the river.

13th Granite:
Not much rest for us my dear diary, oh no, no, no, no... More like scorching heat, insects and... Alligators. I saw him... Watching me at work, clapping his teeths in hunger... Well.. At least my work on the shack is succesfull, and our boys in the mountain have finally mined deep enough - it is time to go deeper... We started digging out new floors. On the second floor there should be our warehouses and production, on the thirt floor, there should be our grand hall and kitchen... Then, on the fourth floor, there will be our accomodation.

22nd Granite:
Miners have struck Orthoclase - good news - magma-safe material should come in handy!

25th Granite:
We have completed digging of our food stockpile. Too

9th slate:
Finally, we have a little time for rest. By "we" I mean everyone except for Sibrek. She just got her farm dug out - and she has work to do. Lets be honest - Nocturne helps her a bit but over all, farming became mostly Mavj´s job. We built few workshops - for farmer and butcher. Fishery is also completed, with roof and everything. I am quite proud of my skills when I look at that hut. It stinks, it is full of fish guts... But you know... No sun is in here - so I might take nap there while working in the woods. Mavj is quite pleased with it too!

12th Slate:
While I was inspecting the new farm I saw Datandur standing near the pillar located right in our entrance chamber. He looked at the huge pillar with ambition and lust. I stood right next to him and nodded silently. When Datandur noticed me, he smiled an hugged me - to my great discomfort: "Hey! Overseer, finally! I have some ideas aboot this fine pillar!"
As I nervously sneaked out of his hug, I answered quickly: "Oh... Oh... Well Eh... Fiiiine?"
Datandur nodded: "We need to engrave it! And we need to engrave it well!"
While I was a bit by Datandur´s behaviour, I had to agree: "You might have apoint, my good dwarf... This pillar would be the first thing anyone see - it musst be fancy!"

Datandur happily nodded again: "It has to be majestic, overseer!"
"But... Keep in mind our goal here! To drive goblins out of this land."
Datandur whistle: "Of course, I shall dedicate this pillar to our cause!"
I answered with a bit happier face: "Good! Do it as soon as you can."
Next day... The pillar was engraved with various scenes depicting our struggle against goblins - and it was engraved well.

5th Felsite:
Miners finished our carpentry workshop and stockpile, with it, they dug our dormitory. Our nwe task is to prepare beds and dug out our great hall - at leas the basis of her.

"Great Hall"... whispered Strife silently while looking at his sketches. We looked at them - we all looked at them. It was a night before the digging should have started. Strife started with explanation:
"So, my fellow dwarves... This is our new hall!"
Nocturne points to the wall: "You mean... That wall?"
Strife, in a mood we have never seen him before, smiled: "Well now it is just a wall! But soon... Soon we shall have grand hall with many pillars, statues, private tables, engravings..."
All of us admired his plan - especially Datandur was amazed by it. I smiled, I agreed... But for me? Well... It is just another hall. Maybe important hall, but still - another hall. But I digress... We all agreed with Strife´s plan and so digging started!

21th Felsite:
So our grand Hall is roughly finished... Miners are continuing on digging our stone stockpiles and masonry. For myself, i found another job. I am working on our beds, wheelbarows, barrels... I have to say that those Dwarfs i bring with me - they are industrious bunch. They work all day, sweat and blood indeed. At night, we have a short time for talk. While they mostly respect me, I cant say I like it... I dont feel that this position of leadership suits me. But - I was chosen to lead this expedition by our king. Well... I dont like him! But at leas I have got away from him.

23rd Felsite:
We have our first crop of plump helmets! Thanks to UristGrey and Nocturne are in order. For a day, we take some time for ourselves. We all gathered in our Grand Halls (without tables and chairs, so it was not THAT grand yet) and throw a little festival dedicated to Kithin Boarmind, our good Goddes of plants. Vendix took great pleasure from it. I had quite some time to talk with my fellows. I discovered many things about them. I surely get along with Vendix - sometimes, he got on my nerves with his laughing and whistling - but overall I like him. Homever most of the time I spent with Datandur - I found him to be a very good fellow. Maybe a bit too emotional from time to time but overall - we have the same taste for art, food... And alcohol.

And thus the spring has ended.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2013, 06:46:31 pm by Baloun »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Role-play fortress succession game! Libashód - Axetunnels
« Reply #16 on: March 11, 2013, 06:45:18 pm »

I'd be screwed on this one with how large that is. My good computer is pooped. 4x4 or 3x6 is the most I could do.

I would like to be dorfd as a tough as nails veteran regardless.
Mavj, you didnt wrote that fast enough :D... BUT.... I will enlist you in the military as soon as I can. So... In summer. Homewer, I will get you off the list then (but if you want to try it, just say so and you are back :) )


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Role-play fortress succession game! Libashód - Axetunnels
« Reply #17 on: March 11, 2013, 07:18:42 pm »

Sure, I'll join. Also, can you please dorf me as Lothar Shinwhales, Metalsmith/metalcrafter when you get a metalsmith.
Anything that happens, happens. Anthing that, in happening, causes something else to happen, causes something else to happen. Anything that, in happening, causes itself to happen again, happens again. It doesn't necessarily do it in chronological order, though


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Role-play fortress succession game! Libashód - Axetunnels
« Reply #18 on: March 11, 2013, 07:51:43 pm »

Ill take a turn! Make me a hunter please
Sorry friend I started already... But I am putting you in now. But you are grower, brewer, herbalist, milker and cheese maker. Sorry for this... Homewer you are in!

Meh, a farmer would've been my 2nd choice so its all good :p


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Role-play fortress succession game! Libashód - Axetunnels
« Reply #19 on: March 11, 2013, 08:13:54 pm »

Are we doing this by season or by year?
This won't end well, it never does...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Role-play fortress succession game! Libashód - Axetunnels
« Reply #20 on: March 11, 2013, 09:25:04 pm »

Well, at first I thought three miners was a bit much, but it seems to be working out just fine.

And you, sir, are a fine storyteller. Keep 'em coming.

Except two pictures are too small to read and clicking on them doesn't help.
I always seem to end up with a magnificent burial complex and nowhere near enough bodies to fill it, or far too many bodies and nowhere to put any of them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Role-play fortress succession game! Libashód - Axetunnels
« Reply #21 on: March 12, 2013, 03:27:58 am »

To answer everything ...

1) We are doing this by a year - standard. I just posted my first update so you dont need to wait for too long.

2) Three miners are actually great! I always used one - two miners... But I get used to this set up fairly well. Our grand hall was digged in so fast!...

3) Raptorstorm - Sure! I am giving you Mavj´s place in the line. Also... When metalsmith arrive, you are in.

4) Pictures... They work for me. They are too big, thats why its only thumbnail. If you click on them you should see them in a bigger version, then you click once more and you should see them in their original size. Homewer... Those pics are terrible - I will try to make them better in the next update (which will come today).
« Last Edit: March 12, 2013, 03:31:29 am by Baloun »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Role-play fortress succession game! Libashód - Axetunnels
« Reply #22 on: March 12, 2013, 05:33:48 am »

Summer 409:
1st Hematite:
Today I had a talk with Datandur, while we were having our modest breakfast. It has became a bit of a ritual for us - to meet every morning, discuss things in the fortress. This morning homewer, Datandur looked concerned for no apparent reason, I asked him where the problem is:
"Problem? Have you ever been near the river, Baloun?" he shrugged.
"No! I just built a shack in there, you know... Only shack in there." I coughed ironically.
"So you saw those alligators, right, Bal?"
"So...?!" he nearly yelled: "Did you saw their big giant tusky teeths?!"
I was speechless for a short moment: "Well... Yeah... So?"
"I mean... They look far too dangerous! Maybe more than greenskins!"
By that moment, I was a bit tired of this: "So what? What do you propose?"
Datandur smiled cunningly: "I have a cunning plan!"
"Wha-" I was interrupted quickly:
"We need to build a watchtower near the river! Connected with our fortress via tunnel!"
I nodded: "And if someone break down the wall, they will be left with a perfect way to our homes."
Datandur made a gesture (of no good meaning): "So what?! We can make the entrance near the entrance, BEFORE our trap-line."
By this time.... I was really getting drowsy again: "Fine, fine... I might discuss it with Strife - he wont be amused by this..."

A little bit later...

Strife WAS amused by this. Sadly in a good way - he silently accepted the idea and with grumbling, he started with designing of our watchtower. Homever... Right now we had too much work to do inside the mountain, so the project was of a second priority right now.

2nd Hematite:
Strife visited me last night - thankfully not about the alligator-watchtower. He showed me some plans of our Grand Hall. He intended to make her into two-floor hall. So it is more "majestic" he added. It will be a lot of new work - but to have a dining hall with a balcony, giant pillars? How can I disagree... I promised that we shall start with this as soon as our stockpiles are ready.

3rd Hematite:
Datandur started with smoothing the upper parts of pillars in our Grand Hall. Rest of us worked on stone-stockiple.

17th Hematite:
Stone stockpile is completed, thus began the harder part of all this - getting all that stone there. I kind of promised to Vendix, that we MIGHT have wheelbarows. And I surely crafted one in my spare time! But I just didnt have *enough* time with all the other tasks. So we started to piling the stockpile by hands. Also - near the stockpile, we have masonery and craftsdwarf workshop.

19th Hematite:
Soon after our stonepile was completed, I ordered to dig out new stockpiles - for furniture, goods and so on... Vendix was looking for some free time, but I had to just calm him down. We need to finish two stockpiles, Grand Hall... And also - our accomodation. After that - we shall have some rest.

24th Hematite:
After our day´s work, we have climber the mountain with Datandur, to look down into the valley. After a while, we sat on an edge of a cliff:
"Nice place afterall, dont you think?" I smiled
"Nice... You, my friend, cant appreciate the fine beauty of this place!"
"Argh, Datandur, stop it. You sound like Nocturne now!" I laughed.
"But he have a point. This place really have it!"
"Have it? What *have* it?"
"The spirit!"
I sighed: "The spirit... Honestly, it needs more iron or copper, so we can fend off greenskins, when they come."
"If they come, you mean..."
I looked south, to the ocean: "No, I meant what I said. They will come. That is why you are here, no, Datandur?"
Datandur winkled: "That is why ma AXE is here."
We laughed for a while - but it was time to sleep. Next day had to be full of work.

26th Hematite:
Our finished goods stockpile has been completed, miners immediately began with digging of furniture stockpile. I would be happy to give them more stockpiles to dug - but we worked hard for nearly four months now... So I ordered the Grand Hall to be finished. And then - our accomodation... And after that? A bit of a rest finally.

10th Malachite:
Our crop isnt good - we have seeds but I suspect that Mavj and Nocturne arent working well enough. I dont want to be harsh, but our alcohol level is low right now. When I voiced my opinion to UristGrey (Sibrek), she just looked at me with frustration:
"Yeh boss, we dont have enough alcohol and plump helmets, you wanna know why? Cuz I am the ONLY ONE HERE, who tends to those fields!"
I take one step back: "Eeeh... What about Nocturne and Mavj? They should help you out."
UristGrey looked at me as if I murdered someone: "Weeeeeell sure! Nocturne shows up here once in a month and Mavj, she is always sitting near that damn river, whistling and singing about some carp crap!"
In my self-preservation, i stepped back again: "Weeeell... I will talk to them, allright?"
UristGrey stepped before me and stuck her nose right into my face: "You better be talking to them soon!"
I hastily departed - and I learned valuable lesson - dont F*CK with UristGrey... Seriously.
In a short notice, I visited Nocturne and ordered him to stop everything else and help UristGrey. Nocturne looked at me with stern face:
"But overseer, I am doctor! Not a phy... Not a farmer!"
I sighed: "Back in Zuntírud... Didnt you said that you know how to grow crops and so on?"
Nocturne pull his head back: "I might have said that!"
I nodded: "So... Can you please try to do it?"
"But overseer, there are so many stones around here! I need to get them to the stockpile!" he whistled.
"Leave that to me." I showed him the way up: "Go upstairs, help UristGrey."
Nocturne, with tired face, nodded.

22nd Malachite:
As I was walking near the river with Mavj, we looked up to the mountains. Mavj pointed out to me, that there are few dwarfs closing in... We both watch them closely as they were moving in...
Mavj looked at my axe: "I guess those might be friendly Chief."
I paced my head slowly: "Most likely Mavj, lets go. We shall welcome them."
As they came in we walked towards them...

Woodcutter and beekeper, hunter, woodcrafter and butcher, potash maker, soaper, farmer and fisher, gemcutter... Seven dwarfs.

They were from Mountainhomes! They told us a lot about how things changed - it were grave news only. Mountainhome was besieged by goblins again, many died... But those fellows? They break out and run to our fortress. We accepted them even tought we didnt have enough food, alcohol or beds. Nocturne came to me as soon as they arrived:
"Overseer, we dont really have enough provisions to keep them."
I looked at Inod, one of them: "But they are quite adorable, dont you think?"
"And how will you feed them?" asked Nocutrne quickly.
"The can feed themselves!" I stopped Inod:
"Inod! You and newcomers, please, help on the farms now, would you?"
Inod nagged: "Dwarf! I am hunter, I led this peple here!"
I agreed: "Allright, calm down... Just tell your people to do it fine?"
Inod gave me a furious look: "One would say that you can fed yourself!"
I nodded again, slowly: "Well it is easy. If you want to eat, you should try to work for it."
Inod closed to me: "Fine then..."
"Fine." I slowly walked away...

26th Malachite:
To be honest, I wasnt quite sure about those newcomers - but they put in serious work! We have enough ale now, our field is sowed, they haul everything furiously. After all, they aint THAT bad. Also - we have outer doors finally in place. Datandur even found a bit of free time and crafted some rock pots - usefull stuff. Also... Strife informed me, that he will soon carve some statues to our Grand Hall. Of course I agreed! Not to mention, that Strife started with overseeing construction of second floor of the Grand Hall.

1st Galena:
As the digging ouf second floor in our Grand Hall began, I was sitting in my workshop, working on beds... Vendix ran to me: "Boss! We have it!"
"What?" I asked quickly
"Copper boss! Tons of it!"
I smiled: "So we should be ready to make some weapons for us after all?"
Vendix nodded: "Sure thing boss!"
I smiled again, more openly: "Great news... Well - for now, continue with digging!"

2nd Galena:
Digging went very well. Also we completed nest boxes for our hens. They were placed immediately, but we should not have eggs yet. We need to wait for some chicks to hatch. Also... Our field was finally productive. Newcomers really prove themselves to be usefull. I should talk with Inod soon...

6th Galena:
As I was dining (on the floor of course), Strife visited me. He wants to build a new trade depot, in order to accomodate any merchants that might come. I answered him, of course:
"You mean the Depot I just ordered to be build?"
Strife slowly raised his eyebrows: "Exactly that one!"
Slowly, he went away.
But in another news, we have our first bigger crop. It seems that we might yet survive.

11th Galena:
We have four statues, all made by Strife. One of them depicts me - second depicts our god Vabók and the last two are depicting bats. While we shall use Vabok´s statue in a future temple, my statue will be installed in the Grand Hall! And it is a fine statue... Strife really did great work here.

24th Galena:
Our work in Grand Hall is nearing finishion. Lower floor is almost done. Soon, we shall remove the first floor. Balconies are done of course. After this, we shall start with digging out accomodation. While founders shall have their tables on the balconies, along with rooms for them. The rest of the fort shall have slightly smaller rooms in the second floor - but also next to the Grand Hall.

And thus began autumn!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Role-play fortress succession game! Libashód - Axetunnels
« Reply #23 on: March 12, 2013, 08:08:57 am »

Autumn 409
1st Limestone:

We work, we toil, we sweat our blood,
Axetunnels are strong yet well dugged,
We eat, we pray, we share our beer,
Axetunnels arent that hard to steer!

As i was passing by some newcomers, I noticed Nocturne with them. They sat in the corner of our dormitory, singing. Merry short poem about our tunnels. I sure heard that gladly. With enough food on the stock and alcohol aplenty, we finally have one less to worry about. I marched through the entire fortress - everything run smoothly here. I promised our miners a bit of free time after they complete the Hall and accomodation... There is a big lot of things to do - but I am ready to keep my promise.

8th Limestone:
Our War dogs served us well on the road, as soon as we stopped near Axetunnels, they were brought to the gate. And there... Well... I saw dogs humped each other few times. And I am sure, that Majv even watched on purpose... So it was no suprise, that today we saw a whole bunch of puppies! Many dwarves took pleasure in them. And it was yet another yoyous moment in the Axetunnels! By night, Datandur found me in workshop - sweaty, tired and with beard full of ash and little rocks. He smiled happily: "Baloun! Lower level of the Grand Hall is done!" I followed him there - it surely was nice place... But there were two things to do. To throw down the roof and to complete our accomodation. Datandur saw this well and get back to wark immediately.

14th Limestone:
All the upper pillars are engraved - thanks to Datandurs skill and Nocturne´s advice. I saw those two together quite often. Nocturne surely likes Datandurs work. Datandur, on the other hand, find Nocturne to be quite like him. They discuss every engraving and every pillar. Now - we started with throwing down the roof.
My work in carpentery is done now, so I went out again, to cut some new trees. They will be direly needed before we make our magma smelters and forges.

2nd Sandstone:
Roof of the Grand Hall was finally colapsed. We started moving in furniture and before all - digging our rooms. Dormitory is a bit unpleasant place to stay. I musst once again say, that everyone is working hard in Axetunnells. We have a lot of food and alcohol now. And soon, everyone shall have his own bed.

10th Sandstone:
We are all tired... But we are close! First room are nearly completed. I started moving the beds by myself. Sooner these roomes are completed, the better.
Upper level

Lower level

12th Sandstone:
We were all working at horid pace down in the tunnels - only Mavj was at the door. Whistling her songs and tending to her hair. It was she, who ran down to us, yelling: "Hey! Chief! New dwarves are comming!" I placed the bed on its place and adjusted my beard. We have heard, that things in Mountainhome are ugly... I went towards our new citizens with compassion in heart. And now I didnt have to be affraid of starvation in the fortress - there was a plenty of food. In the head of the migrants, there were a short, sturdy and fat dwarf - Lothar Shinewales, my long lost cousin! As I went towards them, he halted and yelled:
"Hey! You! Who are..."
I runned towards him...
"Baloun! Is that you my old lad?!"
I stopped right before him: "Lothar? Can it be you? I tought you were lost few years ago, during that goblin raid!"
Lothar, apparently still fat enough, laughed loudly: "Well sure I was! We all were!" he showed me his companions: "We are the Silver Shields, we were captured and forced to labour for those hellish goblins! But we managed to escape - we run south from them... And here... Heh! We didnt expect any dwarf to live here!"
"It is a long story, old friend, a long story indeed! Come in, we have warm beds, food, drink and a lot of beatifull dwarfettes!"
Lothar laughed again and followed me to our Fortress. As we descend from the Mountain, he admirably commented on our site: "Good place cousin! Very good place indeed! Enough trees, magma, river... So... What do you do here?" Asked Lothar
"Well actually... I am the first overseer here."
Lothar nearly choked: "You?! But you were always..."
I nodded.
"But you had....!"
I nodded again.
"But ... YOU?!"
I nodded for the last time:
"It was a mere luck my friend... You see, when our king looked for someone crazy enough to lead an expedition into the goblin teritory, I just went by his hall. His guardsman - my old "friend" yelled at me: "You! Baloun, are you tired of your meaningless life yet?" And you know me... I was."
Lothar hit me in the back while laughing:
"So you actually went there to die?"
I raised my finger: "Oh no, no my friend! I came here to make sure that those pesky goblins die first!"

And thus my cousin Lothar and his five companions of the Silver Shield arrived. I have to agree that they could be usefull - all of them know how to handle a weapon! We drafted them immediately... Altough we dont have a barracks just yet.

22nd Sandstone:
So our stonecrafters are working hard! They are making a lot of crafts. I had to agree, that some of those crafts are really great to look at. We might use them in trade - or for ourselves of cource. As I was walking through our fields, I saw many plump helmets there, all were tended to. Our farmers really work well now. Evidently, we just needed extra pair of hands. As our work on Grand Hall and accomodation nears to an end - I tought it is time to make new plans. While I shall give our miners, Vendix, Strife and Datandur some free time, we might soon need to carve our barracks... But theit free time wouldnt be free of work entirely. We need mechanism, furniture... But lets be honest - after months of mining, this will be vacation.

27th Sandstone:
Finally! Rooms for us, founders, are done. All of us have their own beds now. Work on the lower level has begun. As I was finally resting in my own room, Datandur came in: "Baloun, good evening to you!"
I sat on my bed: "So Datandur, what brings you here?!"
Datandur laughed: "I just wanted to tell you something."
"So why do you stall?"
"Because it is a bit fun, you know." he shrugged.
"Wait... Fun... Or *FUN*?!"
Datandur, realizing his faux paus quickly waved his hands: "No it is just fun, I promised!"
I breath heavily: "Good... Good... Just - dont scare me next time, right?"
"I was talking to Vendix, you know. About the lower levels. He said he wants to start with masonry, to help out with furnishing!" Datandur laughed out.
I just raised my right eyebrow: "Well... It is actually great idea! Go, tell him to start!"
Datandur stopped laughing: "But he? He does not know a damn bit about masonry!"
I just smiled: "Maybe... But he can learn. And we really could use another mason."
Datandur opened his mouth: "Your call. But if he accidentally cause our fortress to explode - it is your fault."
I nodded.
"You understand, Baloun?"
I nodded slowly.
As Datandur left, I finally get to the better part - I fell asleep in my own bed.

8th Timber:
I spoke with Glassbreaker - Lothar´s wife - who is actually a very good glassmaker! Dont ask me about that nickname - long story. It seems that we have now a lot of new chickens! That means one thing - we can and will start to eat eggs again!

11th Timber:
And so - everyone in the fortress have their own beds! Our work on the lower and upper levels is not done yet, but it will be soon. And that will be a holliday for our miners.

16th Timber:
A caravan from mountainhome managed to get past the goblins! Our depo is ready and our broker, Strife, is preparing for negotiations as am I. We went out with Strife together, Strife, tired from designing and working on the Grand Hall was a bit slower.
"Hurry up, Strife!" I shouted
"Maybe you should slow down, *overseer*." he grudged.
I indeed slowed down: "So is everything clear Strife?"
"Yes, yes... We might need some booze, meat, maybe some animals and we are selling that junk from the goods stockiple."
I nodded, then stopped: "Junk? Hey! Those are our finest crafts!"
Strife kept walking and repeated: "Sure, sure, sure, sure, sure..."

At the end of that day, we bough few barrels of ale and rum - booze we sorely lack.

Our liason discussed a lot with me - but honestly, I didnt listen too much... He kept talking and talking... WHen he finally left I was very pleased.

Note: I will finish it tonight. Sorry for delay :).
« Last Edit: March 12, 2013, 08:19:05 am by Baloun »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Role-play fortress succession game! Libashód - Axetunnels
« Reply #24 on: March 12, 2013, 11:12:40 am »

Excuse my crude drawing (and the fact that I just CANT draw normal woman (or dwarfette :) )). Homewer, here is something to create a bit of ambient:

« Last Edit: March 12, 2013, 11:15:38 am by Baloun »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Pants-on-head retarded
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Re: Role-play fortress succession game! Libashód - Axetunnels
« Reply #25 on: March 12, 2013, 02:09:55 pm »

Hah! I'm the tallest!
Look at me, I gotta be like 4 feet tall!
I always seem to end up with a magnificent burial complex and nowhere near enough bodies to fill it, or far too many bodies and nowhere to put any of them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Role-play fortress succession game! Libashód - Axetunnels
« Reply #26 on: March 12, 2013, 02:31:22 pm »

Hah! I'm the tallest!
Look at me, I gotta be like 4 feet tall!

Also... You have got a pipe! :D I am planning to draw more things for this Fortress. I know my drawings are no masterpieces, but I like to draw anyway :)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Pants-on-head retarded
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Re: Role-play fortress succession game! Libashód - Axetunnels
« Reply #27 on: March 12, 2013, 02:55:12 pm »

I'm the same. I lack any kind of talent, but that doesn't stop me from drawing scores of stick figures.

But in my defense, they are the best dang stick figures you ever saw!
I always seem to end up with a magnificent burial complex and nowhere near enough bodies to fill it, or far too many bodies and nowhere to put any of them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Role-play fortress succession game! Libashód - Axetunnels
« Reply #28 on: March 12, 2013, 03:04:57 pm »

I'm the same. I lack any kind of talent, but that doesn't stop me from drawing scores of stick figures.

But in my defense, they are the best dang stick figures you ever saw!

Yeah :D I totally believe you... Today I will post the conclusion of my overseership. I hope that the next overseer wont die in the most horrible way :) Horrible way is ok.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Role-play fortress succession game! Libashód - Axetunnels
« Reply #29 on: March 12, 2013, 04:03:28 pm »

You may be the tallest but I got the largest feet...
This won't end well, it never does...
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