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Author Topic: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread  (Read 20704 times)


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #240 on: April 07, 2013, 02:14:21 pm »

You have been given 3 Ducats and 3 parcels of land that should be more then enough for your job, more will not be forthcoming from me this year...bloody leeches.

Also Train Axe-Mastery


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #241 on: April 07, 2013, 02:36:58 pm »

Jarod's grin froze, but it did not fade. However, it was no longer reaching his eye.

"You granted me three ducats and as much parcels with the duty to hunt mages and creatures. The latter I have done happily; the former I cannot yet do, since this kingdom does not have the resources to build a castle which could contain the aforementioned mage and no trade routes with any kingdom which does. Now you extend my line of work without forewarning, and without expanding my pool of resources. However, spies are expensive. Building a spy network will cost a small fortune and maintaining it will cost as much. I have found resources outside of the crown to use for my duty, but I cannot by any means imply them in the creation of a spy network. Now I am left with two choices - either take resources from you, or somewhere else.

However, the latter has two problems - firstly, while it is easy to find money, it is not easy to find a reliable source of it which will not dry out after two months and leave me with an expensive network I cannot maintain. Secondly, if the money comes from a third party some of our agents may realize that the people they owe their loyalty to are the people financing them, not the people giving them orders. Should the investor's goals ever differ from ours, he will be holding our entire spy network on a leash. I am competent, Your Grace, but I am not omnipotent. If you think the risks are acceptable, then say so and I will be off, and I will do the best I can despite the odds given to me. However, if you do not have absolute confidence in my ability to find an ever-loyal and ever-rich source of money, I will need further financing.

He had said all that in a matter-of-fact, conversational voice. However, behind an almost emotionless mask, he appeared to be somewhat irked - perhaps even annoyed. Still, the entire speech had been about as polite as it could be.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2013, 03:04:08 pm by Shootandrun »


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #242 on: April 07, 2013, 02:56:35 pm »

Logan's scowl deepend while his mouth turned into something which should be described as a grin but had more the quality of a snarl.

You see Inquisitor, i gave you these lands not only to hunt mages and oversized dogs but also to weed out traitors in this kingdom. I have given you the equivalent of a duchy and 3 Ducats, an amount of land and money which caused many a war, and you just go ahead and tell me it's not enough? I don't care if its not enough! You have been given resources and orders. Make the best from it, next season more might be forthcoming if at least some results are shown. Otherwise i might have to reconsider my choice for the Grand Inquisitor. You are dismissed, Inquisitor Jarod.


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #243 on: April 07, 2013, 03:12:51 pm »

Jarod bowed deeply - perhaps a bit too deeply, in fact. When he faced the king again, he spoke in a perfectly emotionless voice.

"Your wish is my command, Your Majesty."

And on that note he left the throne room.


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #244 on: April 07, 2013, 05:59:18 pm »

At the Meeting
You have no idea how much i missed you.

Araline has whispered back, in much the same way.

"Ahhh....Careful of the ribs, they're quite tender." She had said, finding it a bit difficult to catch a breath for a variety of reasons.


She had watched the duel between Jarod and Logan with only passing interest. It was the forming of a thought in her mind-that Jarod was the sort to resent his position, no matter how he got it...when it was granted by someone of higher rank. That did not dilute his effectiveness, no...but it made him more difficult to manage.


She was glad to have business later-a road network extending all about Nocte, and the incoming 'gift' of Opium...which she had on occasion to use herself. She knew it was easy to get hooked, which was good for business. Keeping it an expensive habit was a good way to reduce it's deleterious effects...and hopefully, make her a good deal richer.

Action 4: Begin the building of the road network with the 3 ducats granted. Note, the roads around our border from Dru and likely invasion points therein deliberately remain mostly undeveloped, to hinder potential aggressors. Most bridges in that area are made of flammable, cheap wood. Lol!
Action 5: Tightly control the imports of Opium-keeping prices high and supplies hard to come by. Licenses for price reductions are mandated for certain individuals that can meet pre-reqs, like 'Doctors'. Araline uses her knowledge of these imports to try and control the business for herself, generating personal profit.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #245 on: April 09, 2013, 05:58:02 am »

Training Rolls
@Dwarmin - Weaponmaster (Swords) II: 244314 ->  +40 self-trained experience [40/100;0/100].
@Ghazkull - Weaponmastery (Axes) II: 335433 -> +90 self-trained experience [90/100;0/100].
@Shootandrun - Weaponmastery (Swords) II: 461462 -> defaults to +0 self-trained experience [0/100;0/100].
@Urist_McDrowner - Weaponmastery (Maces) II: 122554 -> +40 self-trained experience [40/100;0/100].

@Dwarmin - Look for a trainer for Weaponmastery (Swords) II, employing 0,5d to that end.

Spoiler: Roll (click to show/hide)

Your call, greatly bolstered by the sizable sum of money behind it, attracts not one, but two would be instructors. One, Ros d'Voress, a swordmaster of relative renown, in his late 30s and dressed in fine linens, would gladly pledge his services for the meager sum of 1d/season. The other, a haggardly dressed old man in leather robes who rudely refuses to part with his family name, Rodach, offers his services for the large sum of 3d/season, stating that he will offer his services for no longer than a season, and even then only if his tentative student agrees to duel him first.

[?] You notice the old man's left sleeve seems to sway much less than it should on someone of his diminutive frame.

Spoiler:  GM Note (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: April 09, 2013, 06:01:45 am by Azthor »


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #246 on: April 09, 2013, 10:18:54 am »

With Valerian

Logan welcomed Valerian in his new wargfur cloak.

I knew you were dependable Valerian. You have earned your posting as Captain of the Guard. Very well, enough flattery, bring me that Prisoner of yours, let's see whats with his magic. But keep him closely guarded i'd rather not see my brother raise from the dead again.


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #247 on: April 09, 2013, 10:47:10 am »

The knight only nodded his head in approval and motioned with his hand to the guards at the door who brought in the knight -he was unbound and waljked freely, only flanked on both sides by King's Guard soldiers.

"Your Majesty, the man here proved to be an honorable sort, albeit I cannot figure out what he tried to do to me. I submit him to your judgment but I want to make a point about his willingness to cooperate."



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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #248 on: April 09, 2013, 03:34:04 pm »

[~]After a long series of misadventures, wacky antics, and murder, Duke Raoul of Caedan announces, after the fact, his quiet, private marriage to Princess Amelia Crystophe III, Princess of Amius. He assumes the title Prince of Amuis, which becomes a protectorate under his command, of Nocte, unofficially, of course.

[3+1+1-1] The population seems content, if not excited, with this turn of events, especially after both princess and new prince give charismatic, if vague, speeches about the future of Amuis, and peace between the two nations. The Princess, however, is the only one who panders to ancient pride.

[2] The mercenary forces of the late captain...something, lacking the leadership, decides to rob and loot Amuis' copper mine. The mine is reduced to a size one mine by the damages  inflicted on a number of support columns within the mine itself, collapsing many of the tunnels and pits within.

Spoiler: Amuis (click to show/hide)

Nope, definitely not a spy.
[1+1] Something seems to click within Jaklin's mind, and she draws a sword, leveling it at you much like Gin's finger is. "So that's what you were saying you slimy bastard of a snake." she growls, advancing, "Surrender or face the consequences, spy!"

"Well that was surprisingly easy."

 ((OOC: Just a quick word here, would you want to finish the diplomacy thingy over IRC?))

[3] The investment...yields little to no immediate results, only apparently increasing next year's income by .5d/season. The people are, however, boosted by your apparent generosity, especially in this trying time for the fur-traders and timbermen. (+1 morale!)  .
[~]((Azthor handled it))
[2+1] A few Dru border patrols give you gruff, but you manage to slip pass them. Amuis seeming to lack most if not all the guards needed to keep its own border patrolled. The roads, ancient and old, are full of potholes, bumps, and sudden endings, and the going is rough, worse than if you just followed a forest path.
[5]\[1] The roads, which are in such disarray, require an entire five ducats to repair and rebuild, [2] stone is also lacking in Nocte, most quarries unable to put out the amount of stone and rock required for construction and repair.  [2] You also find few masons willing to work in this scorching hot summer, when they much rather be enjoying working on their crops and own houses and barns and what-have-you.
[4] The merchant, who you later meet with, protests, but in the end is silenced by his own greed.  Roads are required to import it in via wagon train efficiently and quickly, but a small amount still leaks into Nocte via the occasional wagon train.[5-1] You put heavy restrictions on it, making it hard to get ahold of unless you’re a doctor, or in the case of Darkdream, a torturer or cultist.

[~] You enter the palace of Amuis, the guards letting you in without even frisking or searching you, and find the Princess, a young, brunette woman, far younger than you remember the last time you came here, yelling at a set of workmen, who are moving her throne slightly to one side, and installing another. [1] A tall, blond man stands beside her, arms crossed behind his back, before he slips them into pockets built into his shirt there, staring blank-faced, turning around abruptly and stepping in front of the princess’s back, who seems none the wiser. “May I help you, ma‘am?”

Send Diplomats to Claine, offering Wood and Pelt Trade.
Send Diplomats to Isris offering the same Trade and measuring if they would be willing to strike an alliance.
Find out where the hell our River leads...

[6]Claine sends back your diplomat with treasures of bone and large, massive, wagon-bound chunks of salted, preserved whale-meat. It seems Claine is quite prosperous, and requires both of your nation's trade goods; for coats to fight the harsh frozen seas, and wood to build ships and harpoons. However, there's the issue that for any trade to be efficient and not just throwing money at bandits, a path would have to be cut through Dru. [.3 ducats worth of gifts and meat]
[6] They decline your offer of alliance, citing a need to be impartial in these rough, war-like times, but they still send you a well-forged few steel blades and other trinkents, and an agreement to trade with you if you managed to construct a road through the harsh, unforgiving forest of the northlands, to their mountain halls. [.7 ducats worth of gifts]
[6]The river leads down to the bay, through Dru, slicing pass Amuis, going over some rapids, through Claine, before finally arriving down in the rough, clear bay. However, due to the river's rapid flow and it's near-impossible to paddle against the current, the scouts arrive in fall by land, worn down, rough, and quite a few injured.

While recovering from the warg / specter incidents, go through all the books available in the city and from Araline on the subject of creatures. Look for weaknesses of the most common and the most dangerous foes.
[3]Most of what you receive is tales, legends and old stories, but you notice a few grains of truth within the works. But what you really find disconcerting is what you begin to read upon Specters, especially the fearsome Lt-yan of the frozen highlands and cold winters when the Heat from Under Earth is sparse.
Quote from:
A being of ~~~~ from the ~~~~~, summoned by ~~~~~ ~~~~, as well as ~~~~~~~~~ spi~~~ possibil~~y being re~~~~~ to ~~~. Upon slaying reverts to ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~d a~~. Must b~~ ~~~~~~~~ to ~~~~ or ~~~~, or bound wi~~~~ ~~~~ or it will ~~~~~~. Made of blue ~~~~~ fire, bestial, taking the ~~~~ and ~~~~~ of the recently ~~~~ to bind it ~~~~ this ~~~~~...
[6]The entire text is like that, the handwriting of this person so atrocious that you cannot even read the scrawled name on the back of the book. But, you do notice that the front is thick, with plates of metal attached to the leather, scarred by marks and nicks and stained with blood.

[~][~] "Drop your weapons." the man speaks to his guards simply, glancing at them both and making eye contact, before kneeling in front of King Logan. And, both do, the latter struggling with his axe, the other dropping to a knee beside the Silver Knight, throwing his sword into the hallway behind him, face blank.

"My highness, permission to speak?" and that's when the two of you notice the blood beginning to drip from the young man's nose, unto the floor, and he mutters a swear under his breath as he too notices it. He pinches the bridge of it and remains silent, the blood slowly stopping.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2013, 03:37:23 pm by filiusenox »
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #249 on: April 09, 2013, 03:46:19 pm »

Logans scowl turns into a face of barely contained outrage at the magic commands given by the Knight.

He spits at the ground directly in front of the Knight
Speak your part but you just forfeit a lot of my goodwill towards you by unnecessary black magic. The last mage to cast his spells so without thought and reason in my halls caused the death of 30 of my men and was killed and flayed by me personally.


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #250 on: April 09, 2013, 03:49:37 pm »

Valerian was still weak and unarmed, but he would jump to Logan's defense if needed, willing to shield him with his own body, if the knight did something stupid.


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #251 on: April 09, 2013, 04:11:39 pm »

Speak your part but you just forfeit a lot of my goodwill towards you by unnecessary black magic. The last mage to cast his spells so without thought and reason in my halls caused the death of 30 of my men and was killed and flayed by me personally.
[3]"You wanted me to see what I could do with my 'black magic', my Highness. I apologize if this wasn't the way you wished for me to do so. Both men will be fine, after I make sure they don't chop my head off for fucking with their minds."

There's a moment of silence, his tone still impeccably polite and cordial, "It was also a warning. Your captain of the guard drug me in front of you without a blindfold, without bindings, merely because I was polite and cited that my father was nobility. Mages without morals like mine, who have the pride to think themselves like the gods manifesting on earth and those who do truly traffic with the things in the dark, would see it as a chance to control or kill you." his tone slips into a dark growl for a few moments, before abruptly switching back, taking a deep sigh of breath.

He hesitates, before ripping a long rag from his tunic and binding it over his eyes.
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #252 on: April 09, 2013, 04:18:52 pm »

Hah. I like you son. So who was your father? Besides i'm well aware of the power of mages, the last one brought my brother Erid back from the dead. Although i killed him the first time with some satisfaction, putting him back down into the Underworld a second time wasn't very appealing, no matter what the peasants say.

Anyway, as you are obviously aware of, you are a mage and for a change it seems one to have at least some ability of Control over your power. So tell me do you see your...powers as gifts or as curses?


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #253 on: April 09, 2013, 04:25:00 pm »

"My father is a minor, landless noble within the city. He's a merchant, for the most part. He may have fought in the civil war at some point, but on your brothers side, before joining up with your's for the the final battle. Tylin Grath."

He gives an even shrug, before responding to you, "I woke in a pig-sty after a night of drinking, with no memories of my life and strangely colored eyes that let me control people."

"Both. I miss having blue eyes. They went well with my hair."
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #254 on: April 09, 2013, 05:18:21 pm »

Aralines eyes passed over the man with only vague recognition. Perhaps a minor functionary of some sort?

"...well, I was hoping to make an audience of the princesse-I was a good friend of her mother, and when I heard of the trouble brewing with Dru, I decided it would be prudent to pay a visit and learn how Amius was doing, among other things."
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."
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