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Author Topic: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread  (Read 20644 times)


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #135 on: March 22, 2013, 01:21:15 pm »

With travel not encountering much difficulty, Valerian made his way into the duchy of Caedan. His first steps were towards the castle in the town where the duke resided. The troops and mercenaries remained in a camp outside the city, awaiting the march into the affected regions.

Valerian made his way to the duke, gaining access by the virtue of his position as the Captain of the Royal Guard. When he me t the duke ,he gave a customary bow and and begun.
"Your Highness, His Majesty King Logan sent me here with considerable forces to tackle a problem that was reported in your lands. Apparently wargs started assaulting the villages and there is much fear caused by that. Is there anything I should know or that you want to tell me?"


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #136 on: March 22, 2013, 05:55:20 pm »

The remaining regiment is to get to know the castle. Maps are to be found, architects and engineers in the city are to be rounded up and set on securing and mapping the castle and the city  for defense and security. Also, new policy is instituted - proper disarming of all guests.

[1] They, like you, get lost in the long winding halls and empty rooms of the massive, sprawling castle. Most, if not all the regiment, has to be rescued at some point by a passing guardsmen. This, in turns, makes the older, more experienced veterans dislike the newbs. [6] No complaints are filed, but a number of the newer guards sport broken noses and bruised eyes after a few days, and the Veteran Guard barracks apparently have been moved.
[5] Few maps exist of the castle, but a number are dug up to assist in the efforts of the architects. A new one is rapidly sent in, showing a number of possible defense areas
[4] While the materials for the castle’s securing can be acquired from the ruins of nearby buildings and an old quarry, [4] labor costs are high, four ducats to be exact. Perhaps due to the cluttered state of the castle itself. However, the stonemasons and engineers offer to make the castle more uniform, and update its architecture to be less confusing.

Leave for Caedan with my PG, while leaving King's PG in the capital with him. Take the mercenary regiment with me if they agree.
Head to Caedan with my men.
[4][4][5] Upon nearing the mansion of the Duke of Caedan, you both notice a man clad in heavy armor. Blood stains the jaggedly-cut metal upon his chest, and blood-soaked bandages, obviously made from rags and leather, are visible underneath his armor. He leans against a heavy-bladed halberd-spear thing, gripping it tightly with one obviously mutilated hand, while the other holds…

The other holds an arm of decayed flesh, long, terribly sharp bone claws drag on the ground, the arm looking to have been severed at the shoulder. Stains the color of old, dried blood speckle the claws and the whole thing looks rotten and disgusting.
The knight- the silver ornamentation on his armor still gleaming under the congealed blood, some of it as black as night- is slowly hobbling towards the door/gate.

Araline leads the army to her land as logistics and defense coordinator, rallying her people to fight. She makes sure there are no delays!
[6] A band of peasants, some of which are exceptionally shady looking, having heard of this attack on the northern villages. They band together out of fear and march with you, whether you like it or not. Very few have any actual weapons and armor, instead most wield axes, hoes, and hastily made wooden spears. (+1 regiment gained)
[2] None of you notice the tracks until you arrive at the border of the village that was most recently attacked.

[5] vs. [2+2] You notice them, perhaps by scouts, perhaps by first hand witness, before they notice you. A massive pack of Wargs, blood still coating their fur in places from their recent slaughter, noisily chew on bones and bits of once was humans, some it still disgustingly familiar.

[2++1] The peasants balk at going up against the beasts once word spreads of them through the ranks.  They stand their ground, perhaps realizing that if they flee now they might not make it, but are willing to try if it starts going bad.

[4] vs. [6+2] Then you hear howling in the distance a bestial sound that sends instinctual shivers down your spine. Your body begins to prepare adrenaline, readying you for fight or flight. It seems they have noticed you.

Send an herald to the lands granted to the Inquisition. Look for a proper place to build headquarters for the organization.
Look for engineers willing to build a temple / fortress in the Inquisition's lands. Inquire about their price.

[5] A nice hill is pointed out to your herald. It once apparently was a monument to the Flowering Maiden. And indeed, several trees and non-national plants grow on its slopes, of course nothing rare.
[3] An old man, with a number of sons, volunteers to build your fortress/temple for a single ducat worth of gold or a single parcel of land as collateral if you don‘t wish to spend the money right now.
[1] Unfortunately finding the stone is going to be a difficult job. The man suggests sending a missive to Amuis, Arbe or Isris, to purchase stone.

Cross into Visil Dru. Conduct a survey of the villages. Find out economic conditions, rumours and any particular issue that Korolle comes across. If questioned, simply say that I'm a Chronicler.
[3] A brief survey is all you get as you drift through the villages of Korolle after a swift ride over the border. Luckily, you aren’t harassed quite yet. [6] The villages are well-kept, spotless and well-arranged. Grey daub over wood seems to be the most common building material, giving each house a uniform look. The streets are clear of debris, and the peasants labor in fields irrigated from rain reservoirs and dams. Guards, clad in dark red under thick bronze armor, patrol the streets, cracking down on one thief you notice quite brutally. The peasants themselves all look skinny and fatigued, and you pass by quite a few burnt out ruins and un-buried skeletons.
[6] Recent rumors indicate that a peace treaty is being arranged with city-state of Amius, as well as a trade agreement with Isris, who Dru angered in the past, resulting in a cut-off of iron arms to the nation, forcing them to use bronze for armor, instead of the better forged iron and steel.
[2-1] However, you seem to have acquired some suspicion, and despite your credentials as a Chronicler, you soon find yourself surrounded by bronze-armored guards. “What’re you doin’ in Dru without a pass, Chronicler?”
« Last Edit: March 22, 2013, 08:20:10 pm by filiusenox »
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #137 on: March 22, 2013, 06:50:58 pm »

Before the audience with the duke...

[4][4][5] Upon nearing the mansion of the Duke of Caedan, you both notice a man clad in heavy armor. Blood stains the jaggedly-cut metal upon his chest, and blood-soaked bandages, obviously made from rags and leather, are visible underneath his armor. He leans against a heavy-bladed halberd-spear thing, gripping it tightly with one obviously mutilated hand, while the other holds…

The other holds an arm of decayed flesh, long, terribly sharp bone claws drag on the ground, the arm looking to have been severed at the shoulder. Stains the color of old, dried blood speckle the claws and a thin flap of membranous skin hangs down from the back.
The knight- the silver ornamentation on his armor still gleaming under the congealed blood, some of it as black as night- is slowly hobbling towards the door/gate.

Valerian was both intrigued and shocked to see that man. He motioned to Ramus to follow him as he approached the man and called out to him.
"Hold there, saer. What happened to you? what is that you hold in your hand?" 


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #138 on: March 22, 2013, 06:55:17 pm »

The following letter is sent to the High Priests of Nocte, inviting them to a council in the capital to discuss the Inquisition's creation and its duties.

To the High Priests of the Aspects,

I hereby invite you to a summit in the King's Halls to discuss the formation of the Inquisition by His Majesty the King Logan of Nocte, during the aftermath of the Victory Feast's disaster. This meeting will allow us to discuss the duties of the Inquisition and set in stone its relation with the rest of the Priesthood. Also to be discussed will be the Inquisition's stance on heresy and heathens, which was left unmentioned by His Majesty when he formed the organization.

Jarod, High Inquisitor, Priest of the Third

Spoiler: High Priest (click to show/hide)


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #139 on: March 22, 2013, 06:58:40 pm »

Ramus trotted up beside Valerian as he spoke, calling back over his shoulder,

"Jared get the men to gathering every bit of wood they can, every group that goes to get wood better have five men to work and four guards or I'll have your hide you hear me! The rest of the men I want in groups searching the surrounding area, if they find anything out of the ordinary don't check it out, I want their asses back here reporting a week before they saw it!"

With that Ramus turned his attention to the man Valerian had hailed, time to see what kinda hell they were wading into ...


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #140 on: March 22, 2013, 07:05:16 pm »

"Hold there, saer. What happened to you? what is that you hold in your hand?" 
With a painful sounding wheeze, the man stops abruptly. He slowly turns, face hidden behind his helm. A bandage much like the rest is hidden under his collar, close to his jugular. "The arm of the beast...or maybe beasts by now...that's been terrorizing the good people of this...duchy..."
His head tilts slightly, a movement that inspires a sharp gasp of pain from the man, "And who might you be? You don't look like the average bumpkin from 'round here."

"Jared get the men to gathering every bit of wood they can, every group that goes to get wood better have five men to work and four guards or I'll have your hide you hear me! The rest of the men I want in groups searching the surrounding area, if they find anything out of the ordinary don't check it out, I want their asses back here reporting a week before they saw it!"
"Hah. That's not something you see everyday. A noble, actually giving a damn. Don't's in the forests, to the south. I drove it back from a village near the forest there. Just barely. It'll be back later tonight...but the people are gone." then he breaks into a sharp laugh that abruptly cuts off with a groan of pain.

The following letter is sent to the High Priests of Nocte, inviting them to a council in the capital to discuss the Inquisition's creation and its duties.
[4,6,4,4] Four men and women of differing statures and appearances arrive at the meeting places a few days after you send your message out.  Each is clad in well-made clothing and ornamented with marks of priesthood.

[1,3,2,1] And all but one seem annoyed or angered, many bringing weapons with them. They stare at you, obviously waiting for you to speak.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2013, 07:24:16 pm by filiusenox »
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #141 on: March 22, 2013, 07:13:36 pm »

Valerian was surprised by the resilience of the man and his ability to get here on his own in such state.
I am Captain Valerian Vingarde, just arrived here from the capital to assist you in this problem. And It looks to me like you will need to be looked at... Ramus, help me with this, he barely walks!

He carefully takes hold of the man, and together with Ramus they take him towards the mansion.

"Hey, people! we got an injured knight here! Servants quickly!"

He then spoke to the knight to the knight. "Do you mind if I take that arm and look at it? I brought 3 regiments with me, we will hunt those monsters down as soon as possible. But you must rest first, I will speak to you later."



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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #142 on: March 22, 2013, 07:32:48 pm »

The priests did not seem to be in a very... Cooperative mood. That could be problematic. Jarod had absolutely no authority over them - he was relying on their good will here, and they seemed to be short of just that. He put on his best regretful look and spoke in his voice for apologies.

"High Priests, I must start by saying that I regret having had to call you here. Usually, I would have visited each one of you in your own church and not have bothered you with the travel, but an altercation with the mage who ruined the victory feast left me unable to travel. The abrupt foundation of the Inquisition also left me unable to communicate through letters before the deed was done, which is why I was forced to go for a more urgent and... Bothering option.

I have invited you here so that we could discuss the Inquisition's powers, duties, and its relations to the regular priests. The King has formed this organization solely for hunting down mages; however, our authority also seems to cover protecting the northern borders from the beasts terrorizing the populace. Before deliberating about other duties, however, I must ask you - what is your current stance on the Inquisition as it was made by the King?"


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #143 on: March 22, 2013, 07:34:52 pm »

He carefully takes hold of the man, and together with Ramus they take him towards the mansion.

[1] He abruptly reaches up, throwing his helm to one side and grabbing you with surprising strength. The young features of the old captain of the guard are revealed, brunette hair crusted with blood sticks to one side of his face, obviously from a heavily bleeding temple wound.
"Look into my eyes." he all but growls at you, something in his voice compelling you to look.

"Feel no fear, Valerian Vingarde. Face it and do not turn away." and for a moment, a burst of pure, undiluted courage fizzles into being, your muscles singing with strength and power. Before it abruptly fades, flashing away as quick as lightning, leaving you tired, drained, weary. The young man's eyes roll back into his head, and he passes out as blood begins to drip from your ears and nose. And then, one of the young man's eye-whites fills with blood. His chest stops rising and falling, before he begins to breath again.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2013, 08:16:39 pm by filiusenox »
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #144 on: March 22, 2013, 07:44:40 pm »

His head was aching and his ears were ringing. He did not know what hit him, but he stood on his legs, just barely. He called up a pair of his men to take hold of the unconscious knight while he barely managed to make his way towards the mansion.
"Is there a medic or a bloody servant around here? We got a chopped up ex-captain and a bleeding captain here!"
Valerian managedo t stave off the exhaustion some time later, as he refreshed himself with some wine and food, before talking with the duke.

Pick up the arm of the beast for later inspection. Have the ex-captain taken to the mansion and looked after, but sedated with milk of the poppy to prevent him for casting further magic.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2013, 07:46:19 pm by Ardas »


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #145 on: March 22, 2013, 09:12:41 pm »

"...what is your current stance on the Inquisition as it was made by the King?"
"It is necessary in these dark times, Lord Inquisitor. Beasts prowl at the borders. Mages consort with dark forces to bring society to ruin and return it to the dark. It is as needed as the guards the walk the streets, keeping the people safe from that which would prey on them."

"However, I doubt the intentions of the king. Why only form this Inquisition now? And why did he make a mage a favored guest?"
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #146 on: March 22, 2013, 09:25:02 pm »

"The mage was apparently a small war hero of sorts. His Majesty thought he could use him to entertain the guests - I doubt he had any idea of just how dangerous a mage truly was. I am not sure he has even now."

Jarod shook his head as he spoke.

"The King wants the mages taken alive, and trained. I am not certain what his intents are with them, but he does not simply wants them dead. This is obviously a large problem - mages are formidably dangerous, even when taken prisoners and especially if we must leave them in a state where they can cast spells. Besides, if we capture mages, it will formidably drain the Inquisition's resources to keep them under our custody - I will probably be forced to leave a full time garrison wherever I manage to imprison them, and the troops I can raise are few.

Assistance from the priesthood could greatly help in bearing this burden and allow the Inquisition to use its resources elsewhere, of course, but these are dark times - I am certain the priesthood also has needs of its own, and as such a refusal will not be taken as an offense."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #147 on: March 22, 2013, 10:07:39 pm »

The Chronicler looked at the men dumbfounded.

"Pass? I'm sorry gentlemen, but I've not been informed about a national pass-port system being implemented in Dru. Forgive me, our records on the area are woefully out of date. If you would tell me how I would go about getting one, I will do so with no resistance."

As he said this, the Chronicler quickly took out a writing tablet and asked: "Would you know by any chance when this system of passes were well, passed?"

Honestly state that I am unaware of such a system and that I wish to know how to acquire one. Ask also when this system was enacted.
You win Nakeen
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Inanna is my husbando


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #148 on: March 22, 2013, 11:20:25 pm »

Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #149 on: March 23, 2013, 07:57:52 am »

Ramus looked over at Valerian and shook his head as he walked away, the servants carrying the man inside, looking over his shoulder he speaks,

"I don't know about you but I'll be staying here for the night, and so will my men. Hmmm, I wonder if this place has somewhere that sells a stiff drink? Jared send one of the men inside to look for something strong, make sure he pays whoever he gets the damned thing from this time, also get the men set in. Any that can got inside I want inside, the rest I want in a camp gathered right here with massive pyres burning at every entrance way by tonight, get moving man!"
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