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Author Topic: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread  (Read 20714 times)


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #90 on: March 16, 2013, 11:50:11 am »

Jarod smiled at the lady as she entered. It was a forced smile, but he managed to make it look courteous enough. When she suggested water, he lifted his right hand and waved the suggestion out of the way.

"Thank you, my lady, but I do not require any drink, or any mercy-killing. I am more resilient than I look, and the healers did good work. The specter's claws did not cut me too deep, and I did not become feverish - thank the Third - which seems to indicate the danger has passed. I did ask for your presence concerning my appointment, as you guessed. It... Raises a few questions."

He studied Araline with an investigating look. His lonely eye went over her body in a matter of seconds, before meeting her gaze. She was quite good-looking, and the Priests of the Aspects all believed in profiting of life's pleasures, but he wished to remain focused for now.

"The way I understand it, you will be responsible for administrative matters the king does not wish to personally take care of. Well, it is important that we discuss of a few things. As you may or may not know, by granting land to a Priest, the King effectively made the area I received into a 'Holy Land' of sorts. It will be nearly impossible for him or his heirs to reacquire it, even after my death, unless he does so outside the law. This leads me to believe that the Inquisition will remain in this kingdom for a long time. As such, we should discuss about what exactly its powers are.

Specifically, I wish to know about whether or not I possess the right to raise troops - and I certainly hope I do, for an Inquisition of two men will have a hard time chasing down mages - and just how much authority I would possess outside of the lan- outside of my lands. There are also other things I must ask, but starting with those questions will help me formulate the next ones."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #91 on: March 16, 2013, 05:24:44 pm »

Question Talsamar as to the whereabouts of all mages known to him. If he refuses to tell use all methods of torture possible (hacking off of fingers, flaying, needles into the eyes...the whole nine yards). Take my time with that. If he refuses to answer close him away in a cubicle were he cannot stand nor lie and has to sit in an uncomfortable position. Torture him till he breaks.

No matter what have him publically flayed, then hacked to pieces, which will be distributed among the families of the victims for their own rituals.

[1] The man says nothing as he's brutalized, his eyes boring into the King even as he's tortured and maimed. [6] And after a few days, he finally does break, starting to sob abruptly and the torturer removes the gag. He lists out quite a few mages, and the guard jots them down.
[1][6,4,5] Then the mage abruptly speaks a word, a single word in a language that causes his tongue to burn and his ears and eyes to bleed. The guard recoils as an alien dread sweeps over him, the temperature dropping in the cell, the mage's wounds starting to bleed once more. The well cast curse sought out it's victim without pause and Talasam slumps in his chair. His final words were whispered with a twisted tongue. "You've already placed the blade against your throat, King."
The king [3] feels nothing. A small headache forms, but nothing else happens.

[5] The death of the Mage that ended up killing their family members, and the public humiliation of his body brings a sick sense of peace to the grieving families that lost their children, husbands, and wives to the monsters.
[2-1] The public seems less pleased, stating that the King is soft for letting him die before he's flayed. Indeed, it seems rumors have spread about the king's apparent attempt at 'entertainment', namely, demons and magic. Many taverns have hushed conversations about how the king may be a madman, using those powers to entertain a hall full of drunk men.

King Logan holds open Court. All who have requests for the King are invited.
[5] It seems all is well in your kingdom. The civil war took a brutal toll on the serfs and thralls, and many homes and buildings were destroyed. But, a rich lumber merchant has donated many tonnes of timber to help the construction effort. The wood is low quality, but wonderful for use in building.
[4] Rumors, however, arise, about the forest's apparent encroachment and dark things stirring in the cold forests of the kingdom's borders.
[6] A diplomat from a neighboring, small country arrives, asking to meet with the king or his diplomat. He's apparently from a place called Amius and is their representative and diplomat. He's a stout young man, with a wolf pelt is draped over one shoulder.

Action: Communicate back to my lands-I have bounties placed on all Mages in my lands to be brought in ALIVE and mostly UNHARMED. Dead mages earn no money. There is a strict time limit on this-eventually, they are left to their fates.

These are communicated to professional bounty hunters and not the rabble. This is done quietly, with all possible swiftness. Those captured are held in cells and treated fairly awaiting my arrival, but any non-magic using family or friends that accompany them is given warm warm beds and good food. Make sure the following letter is copied and handed out to those we take into custody prior to arrest, if possible.

[5-3] No true Mages are found within your lands, and the few that are drug into your cells are old women with knowledge of herbalism and a tendency for being hermits. They know nothing of any true magic, besides the magic of healing and folk superstitions.
[6] They drone on and on about how they could have just been hired for exceptionally cheap prices if the duchess wanted something, seeming quite indignant about being removed from their houses to be thrown into a cold cell.
[5] However, one has apparently heard rumors from the palace, about what happened and states she knows a few things about the monsters that attacked, or atleast where to find information about them. Whether she's speaking the truth or not is hard to tell. [5] She's a sturdy woman, slightly younger than the others and bearing burn scars all up and down her sinewy arms.

Valerian Vingarde is granted the Position of Captain of the Guard.
King Logan creates the Inquisition. A Institution which is tasked with the Capturing and Training of Mages as well as using them for the good of the Kingdom. They are also tasked with fighting Rogue Mages, Traitors and Supernatural Beasts.
Jarod the Bastard is granted the Position of Grand Inquisitor aswell as 3 Parcels of Land.

[5] The creation of the Inquisition is met with cheers and applause. The north and east forests are particularly dark these days. Rumors of beasts and monsters on the prowl are growing, and strange shadows glimpsed at night. The Inquisition raises hopes that these will be dealt with, and the dark forests drove back.
[5] The Guard is very well-run when Vingarde gets the position. The former guard captain, a young blond man bowing out with a small smile and congratulating the new captain cheerfully. He doesn't turn over his armor or sword, stating both are heirlooms from his line, but doesn't put up any fuss as he's sent packing. [3] There's a few easily handled issues, but most of the paperwork seems done for him before he arrives and the guards are already on semi-efficient schedules. There's a few too many tavern patrols, but otherwise it all seems in order.

[6][6][6] In fact, there's hardly any criminals walking the streets, and the cells contain a few criminals, but...for the most part, it seems crime is exceptionally low in the capital. Almost non-existent, it would seem. Only a few pickpockets and a single murderer awaiting execution are being held and most bear bruises and marks of harsh beatings, but no major damage is done to them. [+1 capital city morale]

Raoul gets out of the infirmary, and heads back to the Duchy of Ceadan.
[4]"Sir? I have a request to make of you or an offer to give you." the young guard pauses, before continuing, "May I travel with you to your duchy? I hear foul beasts are aprowl there, and I'm sure the king will hand over my position to another, soon enough. I never supported him in the war and served under his brother.". He shifts in his armor, seeming uncomfortable, fiddling with the sword on his belt.

[5]Regardless, you head home. The trip is calm and relaxing, the kind springs day wonderful for you to travel in. You arrive at your lands and find the peasants are working the fields, planting their crops while a few men and women with green feathery earrings drift along, chatting and helping out where need be.
[5] The city is ahum with commerce, people working hard on their crafts to sell and barter, trading wheat and vegetables and all sorts of things with one another.
[1] Then you arrive at the castle. And your youngest sister emerges from the mansion to greet you.  She quickly informs you that a number of people have been attacked and killed. Each bear heavy mutilation and are barely distinguishable. [5]  A militia has been formed in the outlying villlages, especially near the forest. She suspects it's wargs, coming down from the north to hunt.

Valerian spends some time on exploring and memorizing the castle layout and structure.
[3-1] You drift around the castle and manage to get lost a number of times, almost always pointed in the right direction by one of the many guards that drift around the castle. They seem to try and patrol every room of the castle, baring the king's personal quarters, but there is always at least two standing by that door. The rest wander the castle on the schedule given to them by the previous captain and changes in shift are constant and sporadically placed.
[5-1] Not a single one of them mocks you for losing your way, and a few volunteer, without sarcasm or malicious intent, to help you explore and memorize if you so choose.

Search the shadier area of town and try to locate one of the more influential criminals in the area, stick to the shadows as much as possible to avoid detection. ( +1 Stealth. )
[1+1] You fail to locate a single criminal. Guards are quick to snatch up and apply vicious beatings to most of the pickpockets or muggers you find or drag them off to jail for a while, depending on how old they are and how much they attempted to steal or if they hurt anyone. You manage to find a mugger, and follow him, but a burly guard jumps him and beats the ever living shit out of him with a cosh, then begins to drag him away to the jails.
[2+1] You manage to hide in the shadows before the guard notices you, and, to your credit, he doesn't. He seems intent on searching the criminal for any weapons and then getting his job over with.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2013, 04:16:07 pm by filiusenox »
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #92 on: March 16, 2013, 05:41:31 pm »

Continue the search remaining in the shadows.


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #93 on: March 16, 2013, 05:48:37 pm »

At the captial, pre-departure:

"Sure, I don't mind you coming along. To be honest, my siblings and I don't hold the new king in high regard. Especially once news about the mage reaches them. I'd be more than happy to accept your offer of help, though I have not yet received any news about any attacks yet..."

At Ceadan:
"Thank you for informing me about the attacks Adriana. We'll need to find the source of the wargs doing so to clear them out so that the attacks stop. Should have a little more assistance about that though..."
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #94 on: March 16, 2013, 06:18:14 pm »

Lady Aralines Dinner

Once out of sight of the public Logan's scowl vanished entirely and instead a grin crept on his face

Well, why not, i had to bear the mages screams the whole night and i'd like to have pleasant company for a change.

The Diplomat

Logan decided to meet the man personally, not out of distrust to the Chronicler but because he didn't want to cause any imagined slight in the other diplomat by sending a Southerner to do Northern Business. However the Chronicler was invited to give advice.

He awaited him in the Throneroom.

The Council

It was a small room with a round table next to the Throneroom where Logan had invited the Grand Inquisitor (or his representative), His Right Hand Araline,the Chronicler and of course the Captain of the Guard to discuss matters of the Treasury and how they would proceed this season.

Logan meets the Diplomat from Amius himself, the Chronicler is invited however
Logan calls the Grand Inquisitor (or a representative), The Kings Hand, The Chronicler and the Captain of the Guard to a meeting.

« Last Edit: March 16, 2013, 06:22:52 pm by Ghazkull »


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #95 on: March 16, 2013, 07:21:03 pm »

Duchesse Araline's Dinner

While normally it would be a bad form to be a third person in such setting, Valerian took care to stand in the corner nearby the king, outside of the candlelight and watched. The duchesse was the last person he was worried about - He still knew little of the layout and preferred to stay close to the king at most times unless directly dismissed.

The Council Meeting

Valerian waited his turn to allow the hand and the Inquisition matters be settled first, before making his request.
"Your Majesty, I only request that the amount of money equal to the rents from the land granted to King's Guard be directed to me to establish proper force to serve you."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #96 on: March 16, 2013, 08:19:40 pm »

At the captial, pre-departure:

"Sure, I don't mind you coming along. To be honest, my siblings and I don't hold the new king in high regard. Especially once news about the mage reaches them. I'd be more than happy to accept your offer of help, though I have not yet received any news about any attacks yet..."

At Ceadan:
"Thank you for informing me about the attacks Adriana. We'll need to find the source of the wargs doing so to clear them out so that the attacks stop. Should have a little more assistance about that though..."

"Thank you, your lordship. It's an honor to travel with one such as yourself." he replies, and you can't tell if he's being sarcastic or truly, honestly sincere. His face is set into an inscrutable, mild smile.

After you get done talking, the young man bows to Adriana, from behind and to the right of you, apparently taking that as his cue.
"I suppose that is my cue, your lordship? It's a pleasure to meet you," he pauses, the charm in his voice slipping for a moment, ...uh...Adriana." he frowns and straightens, lips quirking slightly, but lapsing into silence.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2013, 08:31:01 pm by filiusenox »
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #97 on: March 17, 2013, 02:10:47 am »

Jarod smiled at the lady as she entered. It was a forced smile, but he managed to make it look courteous enough. When she suggested water, he lifted his right hand and waved the suggestion out of the way.

"Thank you, my lady, but I do not require any drink, or any mercy-killing. I am more resilient than I look, and the healers did good work. The specter's claws did not cut me too deep, and I did not become feverish - thank the Third - which seems to indicate the danger has passed. I did ask for your presence concerning my appointment, as you guessed. It... Raises a few questions."

He studied Araline with an investigating look. His lonely eye went over her body in a matter of seconds, before meeting her gaze. She was quite good-looking, and the Priests of the Aspects all believed in profiting of life's pleasures, but he wished to remain focused for now.

"The way I understand it, you will be responsible for administrative matters the king does not wish to personally take care of. Well, it is important that we discuss of a few things. As you may or may not know, by granting land to a Priest, the King effectively made the area I received into a 'Holy Land' of sorts. It will be nearly impossible for him or his heirs to reacquire it, even after my death, unless he does so outside the law. This leads me to believe that the Inquisition will remain in this kingdom for a long time. As such, we should discuss about what exactly its powers are.

Specifically, I wish to know about whether or not I possess the right to raise troops - and I certainly hope I do, for an Inquisition of two men will have a hard time chasing down mages - and just how much authority I would possess outside of the lan- outside of my lands. There are also other things I must ask, but starting with those questions will help me formulate the next ones."

Araline took his querying male glance by settling her body sidelong, an act she did almost unconsciously. He might as well get a good look for his trouble.

"...On the issue of raising troops, I would say we're in agreement-I would place the Inquisitions manpower needed at around three units in strength, and no more. It can no doubt be raised when you have shown that you are successful in your duties, but I do want to limit your growth. The Inquisitions power will be in stealth, not brute force-better to kill a mage in his sleep, then attempt an arrest in the middle of a crowded market place-so I believe.

And anyway, I can't have you getting too comfortable, right? Nothing was ever started in a day."
She replied, in a chiding, sort of joking, maybe not tone.

She was entirely convinced having a private army of the Faithful was a bad thing, but it was alot of power, just begging for corruption.

"As for rights...that is more difficult. I fully expect you to show the honor and strength of your position, but people do not like to be meddled with. As Freemen who follow the Kings rule, they are by right mandated to follow your own in pursuance of the task he has bequeathed upon you. I will allow you as many rights as the Kingsgaurd would have themselves traveling in open land-but I would also judge you under a more scrutinous light. Your position-as I'm sure you can well imagine-is one that has the rife opportunity for a man of lesser virtue to take advantage of. As Hand of the King, I must be steadfast and vigilant.

Ideally, you must win a battle of hearts as well as sinew. Keep the people of Nocte safe, and from there all other things flow.

I will not have the Lords of the Land gathering to shout the King down if you overstep your bounds or cause some disaster. If they demand a head for misdeeds-as they often do-yours will be the first to go. Do you catch my meaning? The Order and it's day to day are yours to command...but, I would brook no further destabilization of Nocte, which has suffered quite long enough."

She fell silent then, wondering what took the mans eye. No doubt a good story there.

Lady Aralines Dinner

Once out of sight of the public Logan's scowl vanished entirely and instead a grin crept on his face

Well, why not, i had to bear the mages screams the whole night and i'd like to have pleasant company for a change.

"As do I. Though I cannot say that I am know for my pleasantness, not particularly so." She replied lightly, a ghost of a smile on her own face.

Later that evening...

Araline had dressed up for the dinner, but nothing ridiculous or frippery-in personal company with Logan, she wore what she was more comfortable with-an expansive long blouse of summer orange (a rare dye she had obtained from a far western nation) designed to flow free and loose around her body, her hair down with a small runic brooch set in it, and a string of small rubies on a long silver chain across her chest. Her odd cane was present, but it was the one without the long blade inside it-this one had the carved wooden head of a dragon instead of a hawk.

She ate and drank slowly and deliberately-deftly cutting the peppered steak served with her tiny knife into neat geometric triangles before eating it, every time. Chasing it with a sip of wine after.

She seemed to have alot to speak about.

"...I think our new Captain of the Guard will bear watching. I have not yet judged his mettle, though he seems to be doing a superb job." She said, aware said man would probably be listening in some way-it was his job after all. "A good man, but he may not be 'blooded', as the soldiers used to say. I daresay this might be his first command, and we should hold him to a higher standard because of that...he also has a stubborn streak of chivalry. Lamentable, but what can we do but let him learn?

...and I will be hiring someone to clear our the Castle Rooks-those gory big black birds that scream at passerbys over by the gallows, as if our castle was haunted by Vampyri. In fact, I'm probably going to move the gallows outside the walls...

...New curtains for all the rooms. From my own pocket, I think proper suncloth will do. It smells most pleasing in the summer, and is quite useful during the winter...

...Odd rumors of a criminal stalking Finster, called the Tiefling. She's apparently some sort of magickal thief, steals all sorts of things, than hops or flies away over the eaves. Turns all who dare pursue her into her new pet cats, apparently. Utter nonsense, I think. People are likely bored with the city being so safe...

...I had to have the castle cook imprisoned, deciding on his sentence. He was buying old cheese with castle funds, and saving the dividend out of his old pocket. Been doing it for a few decades, anyway. Which explains alot...

...I have searched my land in general, and few if any magick users reside. That said, I might have a lead on our monster problem...

...Do not be surprised if the sun goes dark soon. An odd warning, yes? My house Astro-logists predict an eclipse of the moon, lasting no more than an hour. Hopefully there won't be any riots this time-end of the world, end of the world, you know the whole deal...then again, they are wrong fifty times out of one hundred, so who knows..."

She sighed, mostly in mock frustration. All things would play out surely.

In time, she turned to him more fully and angled her head-playing for his undivided attention.

"But, I did not solely ask for your company on account of castle gossip, Logan. and I both know, the War devastated your family, no less than it did thousands of others. Your brothers are all gone, and a good deal of your other kin are as well-imprisoned, mangled, excommunicated, exiled or you well know. We did most of it ourselves.

In essence, I believe the Coldraen line is weak and vulnerable. It is scattered and in need of unification. It needs fresh strength and vitality-ideally, from your own loins, if I may be a bit crude. You need heirs-legitimate ones. Then you can rally whats left of your family around you.

In my own estimation, you do need to think about marriage.

If the Hunting Damsel indeed feasts on our misfortune, a strong line of inheritance will keep Nocte safe. And personally, I think it's a bit overdue. You are King now. You deserve a little better than one night stands.

What do you think? Have I ruined your appetite with my pontificating? Soon perhaps it will be 'Aral, she nags me endlessly about this King business, I wish she would find a deep well to hurl herself into!', yes?"
She finished with a smile, having more or less managed a feminine simulacrum of Logans own voice.

Then, going back to her pepper steak. She never varied in her precise cuts-three to either side, the same every time. It was an oddity of her own devising. Araline did not like chaos and disorder.

Marrying off the King was one less thing to worry about. The lucky bride was still up to question.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2013, 02:13:20 am by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #98 on: March 17, 2013, 04:28:10 am »

Just Outside Lady Araline's Private Quarters...

The son of Olsievf had spent the whole day looking over the state of affairs, reorganising his rooms, and seeing to his own matters. He hadn't even begun to look at the national relations or at the neighboring countries; in his mind they were all bloody Northerners and particularly rough ones at that. Now, now, that attitude is unbecoming of one of Loreis' apostles...

Even so, it was going to be a tiring occupation, acting as diplomat. Still, it would let him get a first-hand experience for his records, at the very least.

And now, I speak to this duchess because...? She's the King's Hand? She has a motive? Trade? Alliances? Must know, must discover.

He found his way to Araline's quarters, guarded by her man. The Chronicler explained his purpose, and allowed the man to tell her lady.

With the Diplomat of Amius...

The Chronicler had joined the king for the appointment, eager to discover this fellow diplomat's purpose. He looked over the man. Young. Wolf-pelt. Amius...Korolle postulated. Youth meant either that trusted, mature or a noble. The last was a given. The wolf-pelt signified...wisdom? courage? cunning? Perhaps simple fashion? The Chronicler was not completely sure. He had half-remembered reading that northerners commonly hunted wolves. Perhaps it was a symbol of age? He would need to watch this one carefully. As for this country of origin...The Chronicler remembered that it had been very tribal-based and its people extremely observant of the seasons as a religious practice...but that information was at least 30 years out of date...

Regardless, the Chronicler stood a short distance away from the king, to make sure it did not seem that Logan depended on the Chronciler.

The King's Council...

The Chronicler had quickly drawn up a budget for foreign expenses.

"Your grace, your...foreign ministry would need a  budget of perhaps four ducats. This is however only an...estimate and it may be likely that we may require ten ducats for diplomatic purposes. It all depends on the national agenda, your grace. Should you liberate populations or...contribute your skills to other realms I would need some more funding to do as you wish."
« Last Edit: March 17, 2013, 05:56:28 am by micelus »
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #99 on: March 17, 2013, 05:19:32 am »

Duchesse Araline's Dinner

Lamentable? Not blooded yet? You little.... Valerian remained composed and looked undisturbed but chewed on those words, trying to discern the purpose here. From the last talk with her it was obvious she was after something. Was she provoking him again? Or was she simply mocking a knight she never saw fight or serve? Aristocracy tended to do that often. For now it had no bearing on his service, only king's word mattered. Maybe with time that would prove to others he is a sensible man. And he was not going to renounce his chivalry, not even the smallest bit. Or so he hoped.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2013, 05:22:02 am by Ardas »


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #100 on: March 17, 2013, 06:55:40 am »

Just Outside Lady Araline's Private Quarters...

The son of Olsievf had spent the whole day looking over the state of affairs, reorganising his rooms, and seeing to his own matters. He hadn't even begun to look at the national relations or at the neighboring countries; in his mind they were all bloody Northerners and particularly rough ones at that. Now, now, that attitude is unbecoming of one of Loreis' apostles...

Even so, it was going to be a tiring occupation, acting as diplomat. Still, it would let him get a first-hand experience for his records, at the very least.

And now, I speak to this duchess because...? She's the King's Hand? She has a motive? Trade? Alliances? Must know, must discover.

He found his way to Araline's quarters, guarded by her man. The Chronicler explained his purpose, and allowed the man to tell her lady.

The Chronicler was invited in, the burly guard parting way with a grunt.

Duchesse Araline was in the larger of her suites room-one she had converted into a sort of museum. Most of the trophies were from the war, usually treasures and relics from Noble families that had either been disintegrated by the fighting-leaving their goods and wealth up for grab-or been forced into poverty and lost their titles, and bought at cutthroat prices. There were many pieces of weapons and armor, furniture, paintings, antiquities-in addition to a few oddities.

She motioned for the chronicler to join her, motioning to one of her best pieces.

It was a mostly complete skull of some great reptilian beast, enclosed in clear glass-it looked like what one assumed a Dragon Skull would be, with eye sockets large enough to stick ones head into, and teeth as long as the arm. Quite fearsome!

"My house historians say creatures like this once roamed the land in great numbers-The Tyrant Lizards, who hunted early Noctian settlers-before we hunted them mostly to extinction. They apparently couldn't fly or breath fire or poison gas, but were large enough to swallow a man in one gulp-or a woman, I suppose...

As for myself, I do like it. I've a fancy for fearsome things brought low, at my beck and call. They certainly enliven a room.

Tell me what you think of this piece, Chronicler. Is it of interest to an order such as yours? What do you know of Noctes earliest ancestry?"
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #101 on: March 17, 2013, 11:30:11 am »

The Dinner
He was dressed in simple, functional clothes. Ones which would alllow him to freely move in case of a sudden attack during the dinner. Logan had smiled politely and had looked interested while Aral pontificated on and on, occasionally eating a bit of the meat, his own manners not half so exquisite then those of Aral but he tried to do his best to emulate her in this. His grin grew wider as she spoke about marriage. Whenn she finally finished he broke into loud laughter. Not mocking, or bitter or ironic but simple amused laughter.

Oh, Aral. You always think of everything. And you are the only person remaining who speaks to me bluntly. And yet to your most important question you dance like the cat around the hot porridge.

You know, i had feelings for you way back then at the beginning of this. When you went with my brother i couldn't understand it. A young heart broken, but life went on. The war went on.
When Gared died, i didn't make advances out of respect to him. He would have been better on this throne than me...better suited...he was a better man.

But that has nothing to do with this. You are what this kingdom needs, a brilliant mind bringing it back from its smouldering ruins. That's why i gave you the position of King's Hand. I don't want you to marry me out of necessity out of pure need or ambition. I have already given you the power to form this kingdom to your wishes. That leaves you with the freedom of choice.

Logan leaned forward awaiting her answer, well aware that he had reduced her "freedom" to two choices.
He was well aware that he just did something which he usually avoided as best as he could.
He gambled.



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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #102 on: March 17, 2013, 12:43:43 pm »

-With Araline-

Jarod frowned, but remained silent as she spoke. He knew her intent - despite her careful wording, it was clear beyond doubt. She was worried power placed in the hands of priests would be abused, and she was not going to trust him with such responsibility. He was not sure what to think of the mention of his head falling - perhaps it was all it was, stating what would happen if the lords gathered against him, or perhaps it was meant to be a threat of some fashion. It did not matter. He stayed silent for a few moments after she was done, thinking.

"There is much work to be done, my Lady. The King wants me to bring into justice all the mages of the kingdom - and they will know I am coming for them no matter what I do now. Up north, there is talk of beasts - there has always been, and there will always be. And so I must hunt down beasts and mages - though the distinction is getting narrower by the hour. I have to track down men capable of breaking armies apart and either kill or capture them, and ensure no darkness leaves the forests to prey upon the northern fringes of this kingdom.

I have been given a duty and I shall honor it. I am not one for too much chivalry and honor myself, but when the King commands, I obey - after all, his goals and mine have been the same in the areas where he involves me. However, I must accomplish those tasks with as many men as three parcels of land will support, all the while making sure I do not abuse my authority and step on any lordling's toes - which could mean something as benign as hunting down a mage hiding in their lands without their permission, or being accused of stealing glory because I killed a beast they could only imagine to wound in their wildest dreams.

I am no politician, Duchess. I am a knight, and I was trained to kill and am damn good at it. I am a priest, and I was taught to guide the hearts of men and to be the light that illuminates the darkness. I am a bastard, and I was bred to stay away from noblemen and always remind myself that I am not one of them. But I am no politician, and I have enough things to worry about as it is without having to dance to the tune of petty lords ruling over three peasants and as many sheep. Do you understand my, ah, problem with the limitations I was given, my Lady?"

-At the Council-

[5-1] Impressively, the Lord Inquisitor managed to leave his bed and make it all the way to the council room by himself. He had apparently even refused to lean on something while making the trip. When he entered the room, he appeared to be grinding his teeth so hard they might shatter, and his steps were heavy and slow, but he sat down without a complaint and leaned back in his chair before talking. There was a distinct strain in his voice, but he managed to keep his expression relatively composed.

"For now, my sole demand is the same as your Captain's, your Majesty. Three ducats to raise a force the Order's lands will be able to support without further financial aid."
« Last Edit: March 17, 2013, 12:50:10 pm by Shootandrun »


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #103 on: March 17, 2013, 02:24:58 pm »

The Diplomat

Logan decided to meet the man personally, not out of distrust to the Chronicler but because he didn't want to cause any imagined slight in the other diplomat by sending a Southerner to do Northern Business. However the Chronicler was invited to give advice.

He awaited him in the Throneroom.

The young man bows deeply, almost kneeling before the king. "My most esteemed lord. I come from the nation of Amius. We're a poor folk, indeed, our only income comes from selling the tin and copper from our mines."

"That is why we come to you today with an offer, your highness. Our kingdoms were once bound in blood, but drifted apart with the coming of the ages. I come today with offers to renew that tie of blood by marriage with our princess. A wedding gift of much land will be given, if you so choose, but alas, our gold supplies are quite low, and that is what we wish as a dowry..."

Continue the search remaining in the shadows.
[4+1] vs  [5]
You find no criminals. The backstreets are silent and safe to walk down, and are oft-used by people in a rush from one place to another. It's really too quiet around here, and every now and then you hear someone behind you, but can't see anybody when you look.

Quote from: Taricus
*Awkward silence*
After making pleasant conversation, the young ex-guard captain turns to you, bowing, "Thank you for the honor of letting me travel with you, your lordship. I will go and assist whatever militia has formed to hunt this monster or these monsters down." and then he heads off, provided you have nothing more to say.
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #104 on: March 17, 2013, 02:34:44 pm »

Growing impatient Mathis walked into the middle of the street before shouting.

" I need information, first one to give me what I need gets paid. "

Make myself stand out to try and draw a criminals attention.
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