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Author Topic: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread  (Read 20633 times)


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #105 on: March 17, 2013, 05:30:31 pm »

The Dinner
He was dressed in simple, functional clothes. Ones which would alllow him to freely move in case of a sudden attack during the dinner. Logan had smiled politely and had looked interested while Aral pontificated on and on, occasionally eating a bit of the meat, his own manners not half so exquisite then those of Aral but he tried to do his best to emulate her in this. His grin grew wider as she spoke about marriage. Whenn she finally finished he broke into loud laughter. Not mocking, or bitter or ironic but simple amused laughter.

Oh, Aral. You always think of everything. And you are the only person remaining who speaks to me bluntly. And yet to your most important question you dance like the cat around the hot porridge.

You know, i had feelings for you way back then at the beginning of this. When you went with my brother i couldn't understand it. A young heart broken, but life went on. The war went on.
When Gared died, i didn't make advances out of respect to him. He would have been better on this throne than me...better suited...he was a better man.

But that has nothing to do with this. You are what this kingdom needs, a brilliant mind bringing it back from its smouldering ruins. That's why i gave you the position of King's Hand. I don't want you to marry me out of necessity out of pure need or ambition. I have already given you the power to form this kingdom to your wishes. That leaves you with the freedom of choice.

Logan leaned forward awaiting her answer, well aware that he had reduced her "freedom" to two choices.
He was well aware that he just did something which he usually avoided as best as he could.
He gambled.

Araline paused for a moment. Garad had been her first choice-for a number of reasons, both political, emotional and physical. When he had died, she had found her position difficult to maintain....swearing allegiance to his brother had been her only way to survive. The mention of her old lovers name brought a flurry of memories-a smell, a touch, a sound, a taste-they were faded and broken little things she had locked away deep inside because they hurt her, and she couldn't show that weakness, not to them. Not to anyone.

Even before she had arranged for the death of her own father to avoid what was no more than slavery via matrimony, Araline had decided that she needed to be strong to survive...

It was odd, of all her stratagems and calculations, Logan had honestly surprised her. Not that anyone would ever believe it. Why would he want to marry her? It made no sense. Thoughts and feelings were dangerous things, she knew. They made you do all sorts of...foolish things. She had loved deeply once, and it had almost killed her to lose it. Her cold, logical mind screamed at the insanity of subjecting herself to that once again.

And yet, she could not deny the enticement. Araline had known Logan longer than anyone-knew his mind and heart. Beneath his scarred visage, there was something else. Something that was like her...and something she was missing, thought she knew not what.

As was her way, she went on the attack when confronted with an unknown variable.


I can't say it is not an intriguing idea. The rumor mill has been saying we're all but joined at the hip for years now...and I also can't say I've never felt anything for you. I too, did not pursue that something as vigorously as I could have. A part of me...thought I would never get over Garad. That I would be seen as something awful if I tried to be anything but a poor excuse for a widow.

...But why me, of all people?"
Araline asked, genuinely puzzled.

She paused to take another sip of wine, before idling motion to the crowds seated far from them.

"To say, there are no lack of full bodied, empty headed women younger than myself here that would serve the purpose just as well. Or am I special to you, somehow? Unique?" She queried, raising an eyebrow.

-With Araline-

Jarod frowned, but remained silent as she spoke. He knew her intent - despite her careful wording, it was clear beyond doubt. She was worried power placed in the hands of priests would be abused, and she was not going to trust him with such responsibility. He was not sure what to think of the mention of his head falling - perhaps it was all it was, stating what would happen if the lords gathered against him, or perhaps it was meant to be a threat of some fashion. It did not matter. He stayed silent for a few moments after she was done, thinking.

"There is much work to be done, my Lady. The King wants me to bring into justice all the mages of the kingdom - and they will know I am coming for them no matter what I do now. Up north, there is talk of beasts - there has always been, and there will always be. And so I must hunt down beasts and mages - though the distinction is getting narrower by the hour. I have to track down men capable of breaking armies apart and either kill or capture them, and ensure no darkness leaves the forests to prey upon the northern fringes of this kingdom.

I have been given a duty and I shall honor it. I am not one for too much chivalry and honor myself, but when the King commands, I obey - after all, his goals and mine have been the same in the areas where he involves me. However, I must accomplish those tasks with as many men as three parcels of land will support, all the while making sure I do not abuse my authority and step on any lordling's toes - which could mean something as benign as hunting down a mage hiding in their lands without their permission, or being accused of stealing glory because I killed a beast they could only imagine to wound in their wildest dreams.

I am no politician, Duchess. I am a knight, and I was trained to kill and am damn good at it. I am a priest, and I was taught to guide the hearts of men and to be the light that illuminates the darkness. I am a bastard, and I was bred to stay away from noblemen and always remind myself that I am not one of them. But I am no politician, and I have enough things to worry about as it is without having to dance to the tune of petty lords ruling over three peasants and as many sheep. Do you understand my, ah, problem with the limitations I was given, my Lady?"

Araline nodded, distracted, and uninterested in further discussion-really. She had other things on her mind.

She took him to task not unlike the unruly soldiers she had had discipline during the war. Complaining...they were always complaining. Especially since she was a woman.

If he thought her easily pushed about, he was in for a surprise.

"Understood...and, I have no doubt you will succeed completely with what has been given to you. Can you do anything else? You were given a difficult job, and you will do it-or get out of the way, and allow someone else.

You know my reputation-a packmaster, a logistician, a mover of supplies. I must view things beyond the point of emotional bias.

Don't expect pity from me. To hand too much power to a third party now would be dangerous-for the King, for you, for me. The Lords would wonder why you were being shown favoritism above all...and if the King is truly in control. No army must rival his own in size, and by my calculations, yours will come dangerously close. And what might you-or your successor-do with such power? Ask me not to judge the hearts of men. I saw fields of fresh blooming corpses, what happens when power is to freely shared.

Rest assured. You will live by the limits I have set, and when your order has proven it's effectiveness, or the threat of the Magickers rises to unforeseen levels, it will be expanded-that is my promise to you. I expect you will have your problems with the nobility, but effective results blunt all criticisms, don't they? Do well, and I will not let them bother you overmuch. I want to be your ally, not your enemy...

To put in simpler terms-Logans armies only survived the hard winters because of strict food rationing-and because I hanged the men who dared to steal. You will eat what you are given...and if you hate me for it, so be it. So did those soldiers, who survived the dark and the cold to feel the warmth of summer and touch of a womans breast once again.

I cared as little for their grumbling bellies, as I do your idle complaints. I did not accept my position to be loved-let them love the King if they want. I have a job to do. As do you."

With that, she smiled, settling herself back into the chair. There was a thin hope he understood her a little better now-but she doubted it. Most men, when denied what they wanted, snarled, curled a fist and threw a punch-unthinking rage. She knew well enough. Her father had done enough to her mother, to teach her that.

"Now, was that all you wanted to talk about? Or shall we turn to lighter matters?"
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #106 on: March 17, 2013, 05:53:09 pm »

Logan sighed.

It is very simple Aral. Who else is there? Do you perchance happen to know any young, good-looking intelligent women skilled in leading armies and countries, who don't just see me as the "Blackhand"? Women who choose out of their free will and not just because im fucking King Logan of Nocte? Because im rich? Because their fathers say so?

No, propably not. You are the only one, there is nobody else.


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #107 on: March 17, 2013, 06:18:23 pm »

She had to give him credit for that.

He was the 'Blackhand', yes...but she had as many deaths on her own conscience as he. She did have a conscience, as unlikely as they might seem. It was just buried deep under the bedrock of who she was. By any legal definition, Araline was close to being a sociopath-unable to empathize with others, prone to overwrought pride, manipulative to the nth degree. But she was not entirely so, and not always.

Given the choice...of her own free will...there really was nobody else.  A part of her had always hoped to stay at a comfortable distance-enough to protect the King, but not getting too close. In case things went bad.

In that moment, she had a distinct impression of melancholy. Logan needed her, he always had. If she denied him the havens now...there would be no going back, for either of them. She would have liked to believe Logan would take such a disappointment with grace...then she remembered the sound of a fist going through a wall, and a cry for mercy. Logan would never do that...she hoped...but it would be no less than painful to him than if she had stabbed her dinner fork into his eye.

It was no fear of hurting him that made her accept-she could do that, and had done that for his own good-but the feeling that hurting him would also hurt her. It was like uncovering something of value that needed to be kept safe.

She truly wondered how much choice there really was for any of them.

Logan was destined to Rule-she believed that-and apparently she was destined to be at his side.

If so, it was not a terrible fate. He was the King after all.

In the end, she made the choice as she did most of them-logically, the Kingdom would benefit most from this arrangement. There was a small part of her, an emotional part, that wanted it for no other reason than 'yes'.

"...I need some time to think about this. makes my heart glad, to feel something...once again. both cauterized parts of ourselves, in the war. We had to do that to win. Important parts of who we once were. I am unsure if we can ever heal them completely.

But, I think I might be willing to try. With you. If you catch my drift, saith the boatman."
She smiled, hesitantly.

And, stepped off the edge.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #108 on: March 17, 2013, 06:21:02 pm »

Jarod glared at her, challenging her to meet his stare. The exchange lasted for a few seconds - and he smiled, before beginning to laugh heartily.

The laugh lasted less than three seconds before it turned into a bad cough, which turned into a snarl as pain shook him. He placed his good hand on his chest, but the smile returned after the pain passed. When he spoke, the tone was lighter.

"I like your style. You and I have similar methods of negotiation - although I am more, ah, direct in my refusals. Oh well. And here I thought I could convince or bully the noble lady into giving me what I wanted. At least now I know the King did not solely give you your position solely for your looks and your capacity to keep track of food records during the winter - a good thing, overall. I will not pretend to try and fool you - I will seek to have those annoying limitations lifted, somehow, but it will not be done through you. For now, we can move on to something else. This one is about, ah, resources management - a subject you ought to be familiar with."

The man's tone changed, becoming much more serious. The smile went away, replaced with a more neutral expression.

"For now, and for a long time after that, I'm afraid, my forces will be limited to one regiment. I intend to move them north to protect the fringes of the kingdom against beasts which may live in the forests. That is where their strength will be most useful, where numbers will matter most. This will leave me remarkably short on manpower to actually hunt down mages. Of course, I fully expect at least some support from the forces of the law throughout the kingdom, but I will simply lack the men to make a proper network of information... Which is why I'll have to look somewhere else.

I will hopefully have the city guardsmen working in cooperation with me, and as such the official side of the streets will be covered. However, I know very well that in the countryside's roads and in the darker alleys of cities - the places where mages are most likely to hide - it is criminals who will have information. I must ask if, should I manage to establish a 'non-official' information network, it would be possible for the guards to look the other way in the case of those who cooperate? I do not particularly enjoy dealing with criminals myself..."

Without stopping or even changing his expression, he lifted his good hand and scratched the oldest scar on his face, the one that had taken his eye.

"...But I feel as though it is a necessary evil, in this case. Better to have free criminals than free mages in our streets, in my personal opinion."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #109 on: March 17, 2013, 06:37:10 pm »

She nodded in turn.

"...And credit to the saer, for recovering so ably from an upbraiding. Most men have tempers like dry tinder-a single spark sets them to flame. Good to see you are made of sterner kindling. Yours will be a bit harder to set alight.

And, also-I am yet vain enough to think the King would not be so fond of me if I were a foot shorter and less full in the chest. We all have our advantages, Saer Jarod. I do not pretend otherwise."

Araline thought a moment on his next suggestion, crossing her legs. Body language is such an interesting science.

"I would be remiss if I did not say I myself have done whatever needed to be done to accomplish my tasks.

And you are right. Better a sneak thief or a smuggler be causing trouble, than some fool who can shoot lightning from his ass and summon an army of ghosts during dinner parties. I can make sure you have the power of protection available to your trusted eyes and hands. It will be a hard decision, who to spare for the greater good, but I leave those up to you.

That said, I can only rule laws and not hearts. You will make enemies because of this, as I'm sure you will know-likely dangerous ones. Make sure they're worthy enemies."
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #110 on: March 17, 2013, 06:50:37 pm »

He chuckled at that last sentence, and regretted it immediately after. It would take some time to get used to control his respiration.

"Enemies are enemies, my Lady. Their worthiness is a subjective thing; the fact that they'll stab you in the back if you give them half a chance is not. Still, I appreciate the fact that we could come to an understanding. It may all just be idle speculations - as I understand it, there is barely any criminal at all in this city, and as such there may be not much to build an information network on... But that will wait, for now. This is all I wished to ask you, and as such I have no desire to take more of your time. Did you wish to discuss anything else?"


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #111 on: March 17, 2013, 07:10:17 pm »

"Nay, I believe I should let you rest now. I don't want my presence to increase the pressure on your heart overmuch-I have that affect on men, I'm told." She replied, a wily look in her eyes-it made Araline seem younger, somehow-or perhaps merely less jaded.

As she departed, she couldn't help but feel she had met someone like him before-a ghost of a feeling. No doubt in part because was so cunning a diplomat and smooth as Rancoran silk.

The man could charm a snake from a rosebush without daring the thorns or the fangs, she had to give him that.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #112 on: March 18, 2013, 03:00:29 am »

Lady Araline's Private Quarters...

The Chronicler gazed at the creature's skull. A 'tyrant lizard'. Similar creatures had been mentioned in the old records; the last had died or disappeared in the South two millenniums ago. Yes, nobles and their hosts had hunted the creatures for sport, even though just a few hundred years prior to the hunts, these great beasts had been ravaging their own castles. A bit of revenge perhaps? Yes, must've been. Still, a shame none had kept them in a secluded forest or menageries somewhere...If only the fools had kept a breeding pair...

The Chronicler, after a few silent moments of contemplation, replied.

"My lady, while the Order is interested in all knowledge and it is true that many of the Order would be interested in the creature, the Order as an organisation would not place importance in the remains of extinct beasts. Such 'idle thoughts and trivial things do not prevent the Apocalypse', as an abbot once told me."

"As for your nation's early history...too be quite frank, the Order has relatively little knowledge in these areas; the last Inquiry-the recording of a region my lady-was 120 years ago, and the last Chronicler based in Nocte's current borders was...34 years ago, and she had been interested in plant-life."

Korolle paused to catch his breath.

"That said, the Order has general histories of this region dating back 1400 years. Nocte, as the records state, was first populated by tribal nomads from the north-east who were escaping the 'terrors of the night', rival tribes and food shortages. It remained in a state of tribalism for...600 years, give or take a decade before instituting the modern system."

"The information is mostly hearsay and unverifiable accounts, but the general gist of it is sound, my lady."

Korolle waited for the lady's reply, all the while glancing at the rest of her fine collection. He might have to catalog these treasures in time.

With the Diplomat...

Had Korolle been in Logan's position, he would have instantly refused. To take the hand of a beggar-princess for land, especially with so little background information? Ha!

Korolle turned to the king and spoke.

"Your grace? I would recommend thinking of this proposition before making a decision. If you would allow, I would wish to speak to your guest."

Quickly go over all that Korolle and the Order knows about this Amius. Ask Logan if I may speak with the diplomat.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2013, 03:05:52 am by micelus »
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #113 on: March 19, 2013, 01:05:52 pm »

Quickly go over all that Korolle and the Order knows about this Amius. Ask Logan if I may speak with the diplomat.
[5+1]  Amius is a tiny nation to the south, sharing a short stretch of border with Nocte. Several, larger nations surround it, such as Dru, which rivals, if not exceeds Nocte’s own size. The nation relies heavily on it’s exports of tin and copper to barely support a large mercenary army, which it uses to hold it’s borders against Dru, keeping it locked in a stalemate.

[1] However, you don’t know the diplomat, or the current ruler or state of affairs.

[3] “My lord, if you’re going to stay silent this entire time, then perhaps my princess will prefer to marry the Red King Artag, of Dru.” he calmly states, suddenly pushing up to a stand, and crossing his hands behind his back. “After all, his nation is far stronger than Nocte and a far better choice...”

Valerian spends some time on exploring and memorizing the castle layout and structure.
Train hammer/polearm combat

You learn absolutely nothing new from your intense, rigorous training, or perhaps because of it. But, your skill doesn't stagnate, that's for sure.
[3-1] You still keep getting lost in the castle, even when the guards try to help you. Although they seem to lack annoyance about the fact that they have to assist you every now and then.

A village in the north, in the Duchy of Blackberry, has stopped responding to all communications. People sent in to see what's wrong never come back. The neighboring villages send word to the King, asking for help against this menace. And then, they too, never respond and the people sent to investigate are lost in contact.
[-1 parcel from the Duchy of Blackberry]
« Last Edit: March 19, 2013, 01:46:34 pm by filiusenox »
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #114 on: March 19, 2013, 03:07:05 pm »

Ramus walked towards the gate with four of his men in tow, those four being the captains of his troops, who wore full battle gear though that not being much considering they had just started out. Ramus wore his signature coat, the outside a solid black bearing the symbols of Logan's army across its back and the inside a plain white to be changed as he saw fit. Strapped across his back were the two swords his men had seen him use time after time as he led one charge or another against their enemy, patting the crooks of his elbows Ramus found the knives he kept on himself at all times.

Walking up to the guards at the main gate he spoke,

"I'm Ramus leader of the mercenary group Black Hydra, I request a meeting with the King or Captain of the Guard at once."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #115 on: March 19, 2013, 03:14:57 pm »

The guard eyes you before leading you to the barracks, where Valerian was sitting in his room and cleaning his gear. The guard asks you and your companions to leave your gear behind at the gate and then lead you inside as soon as your swords and knives are left at the entrance.

"Sir, we have a mercenary here, he wants to talk to you."
"Sure, let him in. What business do you have with me, condottieri*?

*word from southern languages meaning a mercenary, Valerian speaks them as a result of his chevalier education.


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #116 on: March 19, 2013, 03:37:55 pm »

Ramus had deposited his weapons with the guard's at the gate, leaving behind a pile consistent of two swords and his six knives that had been hidden so easily on him, the guard had displayed quite the look of surprise when he took a pair strapped to his shoulders. After he was taken the gate to his meeting he let a small smile slide across his face due to the knife hidden in the sole of his boot, it was pretty much useless to him a real fight true but by surprise he could still kill a man if he had to.

Running a hand through his hair and signaling for the four captains to stay outside Ramus entered the room, he nodded to the man that sat behind the desk and spoke,

"I am here seeking to make a business agreement of course, after times of strife I've seen that mercenaries are quite needed. My men had experience through the war, and as the leader of Black Hydra I would like to make a deal with you if you have need of our services that is."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #117 on: March 19, 2013, 03:49:24 pm »

Valerian observed the man carefully, but spoke freely with him, and without any suspicion in his voice.
"You are in luck then, since we have received troubling reports form blackberry duchy. We will need extra manpower. State your price and any temrs of employment you have in your contracts and I will see if there is any money in guard chest to provide you."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #118 on: March 19, 2013, 04:18:35 pm »

Ramus ran a finger down the scar on the right side of his face, a bad habit he'd picked up over the past two months, before replying,

"I would like upkeep costs to be paid by you along with a ducat for every year of service, but foremost I would also like a ducat payment for each war fought in no matter the outcome of that war."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #119 on: March 19, 2013, 04:45:16 pm »

The Council

Logan scowled at the diplomat requesting ten ducats.

Ten Ducats! Do i look like the son of the Harvesting Lady? We currently have 22 Ducats in our chests and thats before i have paid the Named Men and Carls who are in our regular army. Grand Inquisitor 3 Ducats are granted, aswell as the 3 for the Captain for the Guard. Inquisitor you may take 2 Regiment of my Men to take care of those threats in the North to augment your own troops that you can raise in time. Take another one to round up mages and i want you to send heralds to gather any volunteering mages. I also want you to build a fortress or a tower to keep them in, train them and house them. Find out what the price is for building such a construction and maybe a material that is immune to magic.

Captain, you move to Ceadan, i want you to take care of the Wargs, leave the Kingsguard here and take 1 Regiment of Regulars. Diplomat i grant you 2 Ducats for now. Use them to establish Trade Connections with the surrounding Kingdoms, preferably Dru. Also find out all you can about the lands surrounding us.

Lady Araline, what do you need to expand infrastructure and for the rebuilding efforts. And to repair the damage in your lands?

The Diplomat from Amius

Ah yes the Red King. The King you have been at war with since how long? Make no fool of me Diplomat you have come here for a reason and your urgency cries that you need something from us, speak true or leave i am no man for veiled words.

Logan gives 3 Ducats to the Inquisition
Logan gives 3 Ducats to the Kingsguard
Logan pays the troops from the Civil War (2x Heavy I, Tactician; 2x Heavy I, Ambusher) = 11 Ducats
Logan gives the Chronicler 2 Ducats
19 Ducats
3 remaining.

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