Well my upgrade RTD is getting annoying because I have to PM someone 90% of the time so they'll post there action. So I'm gonna make up an RTD that popped into my head on the side. I guess this'll be kinda like a minimalist game since anyone can come in and out at will and everything. Though this RTD is a bit different... well you'll find out
Welcome to a new RTD game! This one is nice and simple. You are a personality is this one person's head. You post an action along with 5 other people people. Your action will be what that person does for the turn. Then I roll a 6 sided die and whichever number I get will be the action the person does. Then I make up stuff based on your action and then we do it all over again. Whether you succeed or fail is mostly up to me. Though you won't die very easily considering there is only one person to control. That would be boring if the game ended in 5 turns right? Not everything will go as planned though... usually they will but not always. I'll update it as soon as I get six actions and I have the time. And I'm a person with lots of time.
[1st person]
[2nd person]
[3rd person]
[4th person]
[5th person]
[6th person]
[I roll a 4]
[The person does person #4's action]
[Stuff happens]
[end of turn]
I hope makes sense to you all. If you don't get it.... well just post anything and you'll get it eventually.
1. One action per turn.
2. You can copy other people's actions if you want that action to happen.
Rules will be added or changed as needed.
And now the setting... you are a personality in some guy's head... though there are also dozens of other personalities as well. Though you all want one thing in common, a cure for your split personality. Unfortunately for you... you don't remeber who you are, your stuck in a jail cell (atleast that's what you think it is) and everything is all futurey. With the exit to your cell covered in a transparent red force field and the walls, floor, and ceiling are made out of steal... or some sort of strong metal. The cell looks like it only temporary considering there is no bed or toilet or anywhere to sit except the floor. As well it feels like your moving... like you are in a vehicle of some sort. Can't really tell since there are no windows. You have a orange jumpsuit on... like you would see on a prisoner. Now what do you want to do?