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Author Topic: Blind? Classic?! IRONMAN?!? We're all going to die... in XCOM: Enemy Unknown!  (Read 10898 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

No time for pleasantries Recruit, grab your gear and get to the Skyranger!
...and remember, stay away from Chryssalids!

I am aware that another B12er also has an LP of this game running, though recently posted that it would be on hold for the time being due to a heavy workload. But I would strongly recommend that those with time also visit IronyOwl's thread (which can be found here). It seems they're running a SSLP, so our LP styles are quite different, and the game itself offers such diversity that I imagine our play throughs will be very different indeed. :)

Now this has the potential to turn into a bit of a battle-field, between die hard fans of the original, and those freshly exposed to the franchise via this remake. However, I shall brave these potentially stormy waters in order to give you a view into the insides of this (so far) awesome game :)

For those completely unfamiliar with the franchise, X-COM is set in the year 2015, where the Earth has been invaded by an extraterrestrial force. We do not know who they are or why they're here, but we do know that they're abducting or just flat out killing us, with impunity. X-COM is an initiative put into effect by the governments of the Earth in an attempt to combat this alien threat.

The original game, titled UFO: Enemy Unknown (X-COM: UFO Defence in North America) is a sci-fi strategy game, and was developed by Mythos Games and the legendary MicroProse in 1994. It was released on DOS and the Amiga, though later on the PlaySation. Hands down, this game is responsible for stealing the most time from my school studies while I was a child, and first introduced me to the turn-based strategy genre... an addiction I have struggled with ever since ;)

In addition to a massive graphical overhaul the gentlefolk at Firaxis have bravely chosen to tinker with the fundamental formula that helped to define the original game. I leave it to you, the viewers, to form your own opinions on whether they have successfully managed to improve on the old formula, without destroying the delicate balance between atmosphere and brutally hard game-play that the original struck so well. It would be fair to say, however, that MANY games have tried this before, and almost all of them have fallen far short.

For my own part, so far, I'm very pleased with the experience they have managed to fashion into game form. It's clear that the developers are masters of their craft, and you can certainly feel their love and passion for the original game in their offering here. There are a few nagging quirks that I feel could have been handled better, and some I've yet to make my mind up about, but overall the experience is solid and very X-COM... and honestly, I can think of no higher praise to offer :)

I will be renaming soldiers as often as possible, feel free to request a soldier in the comments or here on the forums. You can be as specific as you'd like regarding class, gender, and nationality, but be aware that the more specific the request, the harder it will be for me to fulfil it (as the game randomly assigns these attributes).

So, with that lengthy introduction out of the way, let us leave for XCOM HQ, I suspect they're waiting for us!

Reports just in:

Archived logfiles:

As always, comments and critique are warmly welcomed :)

P.S. As with my Gnomoria LP, because this is an ongoing Let's Play, I'll include a post or two, catching everyone up to the most recent episode. Check below :)
« Last Edit: June 28, 2013, 04:59:18 pm by Cernunnos »


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

Operation Morbid Pipe
There's no better way to say hello to a new commander of XCOM than by having them jump into the action with both feet!

Operation Cryptic Sceptre
In the last episode we successfully prevented alien abductions in Lyons, France as part of Operation Morbid Pipe! Following our mission, we spent a bit of time settling in, meeting the heads of staff, and setting our research and development priorities.

In this episode we will face Operation Cryptic Sceptre, the proving grounds for our new rookies: Dyson, TheJonnyMar, and TheDapperJester!

Operation Forgotten Pipe
Following the success of Operation Cryptic Sceptre, in which TheDapperJester, Dyson, and TheJonnyMar were all promoted to Squaddies, we spent more time with our heads of staff. Unfortunately for our troops, it's decided that our highest priority should be the construction of weapons and facilities capable of capturing and housing a live alien!

That was then, this is now...

"Central, this is Voodoo Three-Seven. We have a confirmed kill on Bogey Zero-Zero-One. I repeat, the UFO is down." -- Well, you know what this means, right? Yep, Operation Forgotten Pipe, that's what it means!

Operation Lost Sword
In the last episode we sat on the edge of our seats as Dyson, TheDapperJester, Chinese Dave and Aavak engaged the survivors of the first UFO we've shot down. We held our breath as a strange alien of almost pure energy wounded Aavak and nearly killed Dyson! Finally, we cheered as the heroism of our troops was recognised in the form of promotions: Chinese Dave rises to the rank of Corporal, and Aavak to the rank of Squaddie. Hurrah!

But now, on the 17th of March, at approximately 11:20 AM, we receive a request from Brazil to prevent a plan by the aliens to detonate a bomb in a large cemetery, near a major Brazilian city.

With Dyson and Aavak in the medbay after their brush with death, the responsibility for Operation Lost Sword falls to TheDapperJester, Chinese Dave, and TheJonnyMar (and Jaiteley...)

Operation Cursed Father
Previously, we mourned the loss of our first soldiers, TheDapperJester, and Chinese Dave. Brazil was in a state of complete chaos, and the moral of our troops was low... then, just before signing off we received a call for aid from the United Kingdom. Leeds was under attack!

... in this episode, Jaiteley, who survived the disastrous Operation Lost Sword, and Mensah lead two Rookies to Leeds, UK, for Operatoin Cursed Father. That name doesn't exactly inspire confidence.

Operation Purple Saviour
Following the almost complete annihilation of our squad during Operation Cursed Father in the last episode, we managed to claw back some progress as our R&D effort gathered momentum, producing a number of useful technologies. The most important of which, some armour upgrades! If only we could catch a break with the operations though...

But wait! What's this? An operation name that doesn't suggest all our troops will die in puddles of their own bodily fluids?! Hurrah! The curse has been lifted... or has it? We shall find out in: Operation Purple Saviour.

Operation Brutal Smoke
Previously we saw our troops encounter a new type of part alien, part machine monstrosity in Operation Purple Saviour. However, despite the odds, our troops emerged victorious, with promotions handed out to TheJonnyMar, now a Corporal.

In this episode we cement the bonds of camaraderie between Shelab, Dyson, and Aavak as we send them out to give a new rookie a chance to earn his stripes in Operation Brutal Smoke!

Operation Dying Mist
In the last episode, following our continued successes (Dyson's moderate injury aside) our squad receives more promotions, Aavak to Corporal, and Shelab to Lieutenant. We then finished up with a cliff-hanger ending, right after shooting down our first medium sized UFO.

Now, with so many of our seasoned soldiers being treated for wounds, Aavak and Shelab are forced to undertake Operation Dying Mist with two fresh recruits... does the name foreshadow their fate?

Operation Crystal Daze
In the previous episode we picked up from the cliff-hanger ending, immediately launching Operation Dying Mist! Although the mission was our longest and likely our toughest to date, our squad manage a near flawless victory, with only Aavak being injured.

This episode starts at a pretty sedate pace, giving us a bit of time to appreciate our recent victory. However, it isn't too long until the aliens make their move... our first Terror mission! Will our squad be able to handle what Operation Crystal Daze has in store?

Operation Crystal Daze, continued... and Operation Hot Justice
In our last episode we were given our first terror mission, and against the most (in my opinion) terrifying foe from the original game: Cryssalids! With Dyson already taken out by a zombie (of all things) and my hopes for success plummeting like a recently shot down UFO, we left on a bit of a cliff-hanger...

Now we return to the terror mission, Operation Crystal Daze, to find out whether our squad will save the Egyptian civilians, or if the Cryssalids will just add our troops to the menu!

Operation Hot Summer
Previously, we watched helplessly as the Cryssalids and their spawn cut down our squad, one by one. In this one mission we have to say goodbye to Shelab, Dyson, TheJonnyMar, and Halceon all at once. We weren't prepared, and we lost almost all of our experienced soldiers as a result, but a much needed success in Operation Hot Justice awards us with a new sergeant!

With the base moral running low, will Aavak, now a lieutenant, be enough to hold everything together? Even with the help of the recently recruited sergeant, things are looking grim as the team head into Operation Hot Summer.

Operation Hot Pipe
In our last episode, we answered the question: "!Will Aavak be enough to hold everything together?" The answer, tragically, was no. No he was not. Another failed mission which brings us even closer to economic defeat, as the council of nations looks on disapprovingly...

But what's this? A rare (if somewhat terrifying) opportunity to assault a landed UFO and recover all those precious, undamaged components! With only fresh recruits able to answer the call, is this going to be just another failure, or will the new-bloods be able to show us weary commanders that there is still some hope? Join me in Operation Hot Pipe to find out!

Operation Lazy Smoke
In the last episode we successfully completed Operation Hot Pipe, though as a result we tragically lost a brave soldier, who heroically threw his life on the line to protect one of his comrades. A gamble which, although it cost his life, did end in saving the future JonnyMar... Russia Juliette, you shall be missed.

In this episode the British prime minister calls in for a chat. It appears that Birmingham is in a spot of bother. It sounds like this is a job for our recently resurrected hero! Let's hope his return isn't cut horribly short in, Operation Lazy Smoke!

Operation Lazy Smoke, continued...
In the last episode we left our troops in a dire situation--three of them in a state of complete panic, and our remaining two suppressed by heavy fire (best cliff-hanger ending ever!)

With their backs against the wall and panic tightening its grasp on the whole squad, will our troops be able to turn this around, or will Operation Lazy Smoke prove too much for them?

Operation Defiant Hymn
Hurrah!! Somehow, our squad, backed into a corner, manage to reach out and snatch a hold of victory's tail. Although it thrashed wildly, and one of our brave rookies ultimately lost her grip, the squad as a whole managed to claw its way back from the brink of destruction and successfully completed Operation Lazy Smoke!

Now, hearing of our staggering successes, Mexico have a small problem they would like us to look into. A UN official trapped behind enemy lines. Let Operation Defiant Hymn commence!

Operation Defiant Hymn, continued...
Once again, the last episode ended on a cliff hanger, with our men having located the UN official they were sent to retrieve but yet to make contact. However, in eliminating the aliens around the official, one of our squad was critically wounded, and poisoned...

With very little hope of completing this mission with out suffering any casualties, we prepare to escort the rescued official back to the evacuation point. But will the aliens let us go so easily?

Operation Rotting Knife
The Sword of Damocles hung long over the lives of our brave soldiers as they marched our VIP to safety, but the RNG Gods must have favoured us during our flight, as even our critically wounded Africa Hotel managed to survive! Hurrah!

However, does this mean we've used up all our luck for the rest of the game? As France sends us on a mission named Operation Rotting Knife, it certainly seems that way... join us as TheJonnyMar, SpartanCupcake, BreakfastItem, Russia Inda, and Japan Sierra (possibly PolarDash, if she survives) touchdown in Lyons for what may be their final fight!

Operation Flying Sentinel
What a climactic ending in the last episode, with PolarDash taking the last alien out with a stunning burst of reaction fire, and earning us 4 engineers!

In this episode we put those engineers to work straight away on producing some much needed laser weapons and armour. We get just enough time to see TheJonnyMar disappear up to the rafters with his new spider-man suit before Raven 2 shoots down a large scout over Germany. It's time for Operation Flying Sentinel!

Operation Flying Sentinel, continued...
Once again, we left our troops in a sticky situation in the last episode, flanked by Thin Men at a UFO crash site in Germany. Not the worst position we've left them in, but it certainly could have been better!

Now we will find out if the squad will be able to carry out Dr Vahlen's orders and capture a live alien, or will Operation Flying Sentinel go horribly wrong and end up with someone taking a plasma bolt to the face?

Operation Shattered Summer
Well, I think it's safe to say that last episode saw our squad achieve a stunning success in Operation Flying Sentinel. Not only did no one die, we captured a live Thin Man... ooooh the things Dr Vahlen's going to do to you, you poor, poor fool.

In this episode, after I finish having a long talk with Dr Vhalen about drawing up some moral guidelines for alien interrogation, we receive a frantic call from Japan. It seems we're needed in Nagoya to thwart a terror attack. Clearly they didn't hear how badly we messed up the last one of these missions we were sent on... ah well, too late now, let Operation Shattered Summer begin!

Operation Shattered Summer
In the last episode we began Operation Shattered Summer, which gave us an opportunity to see TheJonnyMar put his new skeleton suit armour into action! Oh, and we save some civilians... but the high point was definitely the spider-man moment ;)

However, we now return to the half completed mission in Nagoya, Japan. Will our elite squad of soldiers, forged in the fires of past missions, be enough to fight off the new (and terrible) threat of these upgraded Cyberdisks?

Operation Final Thorn
Well, the history books will record that Operation Shattered Summer was the turning point in the war against the aliens. What they may not go into detail about, is the terrible cost that securing success demanded of our squad. R.I.P. Russia 'Wednesday' India, and Kali. You will both be missed.

However, there isn't time enough yet to mourn, we will keep their photos on the memorial, and one day there will be an epic monument to all those brave soldiers, but those of us who're left, must look to the here and now. They must look to Operation Final Thorn. They must win!

Operation Unceasing Breath
They had to win, and indeed they did! Though, not without losses. However, unlike the previous mission, where the losses were heroic and in the pursuit of saving civilians, in Operation Final Thorn, the losses were because someone panicked... and decided the best thing to do was to shoot his squad-mates in the face.

While WitterQuick is being healed in the medbay, so that we can soundly flog him when he gets out, we launch a satellite in hopes it lightens everyone's mood. Surprisingly, it does, though we don't get long to enjoy it before some annoying UFO lands in china. Let's hope Operation Unceasing Breath goes a little more smoothly than the last two.

Operation Unceasing Breath, continued...
As if the RNG Gods themselves heard our plea, Operation Unceasing Breath went more than smoothly, it was a resounding success! Spreading over the end of the last episode, and into the beginning of this one, our squad were not only able to neutralise the alien threat in China, but also (unexpectedly) capture an Outsider Alien!

In the remainder of this episode, we explore just what secrets the Outsider held, and where it will lead our troops next...

Operation Silent Dirge
Left with a sense of purpose, and growing hope, our last episode ended with us discovering the location of an Alien base.

In this episode, we choose to focus on improving our position further, before attempting a strike against the Alien's fortified position. The remainder of this Episode's logs have been lost, and all that remains in the file is this short poem, a Silent Dirge...

"The flames of humanity's torch are fed,
by the last breaths of fallen heroes." ~Aavak.

Operation Brutal Bell
It's been days since the tragic loss of Jonny "Spider" Mar, but the troops still haven't recovered. They put on a front, a charade to hide their sorrow... but as their commander, I know. We all know...

However, the war isn't over! Those unshed tears must be held back a little longer, at least until we're done investigating the unknown class of UFO that has landed in Germany. Is that the sound of death awaiting our troops? Find out, in Operation Brutal Bell!

Operation Brutal Bell, continued...
In the previous episode we launched into Operation Brutal Bell with a sense of foreboding. Our squad, consists of DapperJester, PolarDash, Cormac, KitchenAppliance, BreakfastItem, and WitterQuick, but despite the high ranks of our troops we ended the episode having been forced to retreat before the might of a Cyberdisk.

Now, we return to the fight. Our troops aren't badly wounded, but it seems the enemy are able to send endless waves of soldiers at our battered lines, will the hold?

Operation Brutal Bell, continued...
Previously, our troops began pushing back against the alien waves, though not without injury. However, unlike the aliens, our men continue to fight under the burden of their wounds, unwilling to give in!

But how much further do they have to go? And do they have enough strength to continue the fight despite rapidly dwindling supplies? Operation Brutal Bell is turning into a war of attrition against far superior enemy numbers...

Operation Brutal Bell, continued... and Operation Morbid Grave
In the last episode we continued the growing tradition of ending on a cliffhanger, as we positioned our troops ready to breach the final (I hoped) room of the abduction ship.

When we return there's nothing left but to plunge in and throw caution to the wind. Will our bravery be rewarded with a flawless victory, or will we be punished for such folly? Follow the climactic conclusion to Operation Brutal Bell.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2013, 03:10:29 pm by Cernunnos »


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

Operation Morbid Grave, continued...
In our last episode we completed Operation Brutal Bell with only a few cuts and scratches among our crew (though Witterquick did complain about missing a few organs...), but the episode ended with a difficult decision. Would we protect Mexico, or the UK, given we can't afford either to panic?

In this episode, we continue with Operation Morbid Grave. Will it live up to its name and become the grave for our hopes of defeating the Aliens?

Operation Unceasing Gift
Well, despite the horrific name, Operation Morbid Grave was far less of a death trap than I was expecting. Although many of our ranked troops needed to visit the medbay, that's certainly better than them needing to visit the morgue!

In this episode we take stock of our dire situation, we have only 10 days to turn things around, or else humanity may be looking at it's last moments. But what's this? It appears that Antiquity has heard our prayers and sent us a landed UFO. And on top of that, with an operation name like Operation Unceasing Gift, what could possibly go wrong?

Operation Unceasing Gift, continued... and Operation Hot Stroke
Operation Unceasing Gift turned out to be a mixed bag really, we were hard pressed from the moment we started the mission, but through the heroic actions of our troops we seem to have gotten past the worst of it. One man down, and with another in a dire, though stable condition, we were left with just two enemies to kill.

In this episode, we find out if our guess was right or not, or whether this scout still had more tricks up its enormous space-ship sized sleeves. If we succeed, then our troops will have only 9 days time to rest and prepare for an assault on an Alien Base. A success there could ward off defeat for another month or so... maybe...

Operation Hot Stroke, continued...
With Operation Hot Stroke, our troops breached the alien base in hopes that a victory here will restore faith in the XCOM initiative. To our collective dismay, we were met with Chryssalids... my favourite.

Now we return to our brave squad who, cut off from any chance of retreat, drive deeper into the belly of this beast. The stakes are impossibly high, will their nerves be able to hold under the pressure? Will mine?!

Operation Hot Stroke, continued...
In the last episode we continued to push our way through the enemy ranks, slaying Mutons and Chryssalids with impunity. We were fools to believe it could last... Operation Hot Stroke will punish us for our hubris.

Operation Purple Hero
It's over, at last! In the previous episode we successfully invaded the aliens base of operations, and slew the alien commander! However, two brave soldiers gave their lives in that mission, so that we, upon our return, would not face imminent defeat at the hands of the despicable 'Doom meter'

In this episode, with many of our men still in medbay recovering from the previous mission, we immediately launch into the next operation, titled "Purple Hero". Whether any heroes emerge from this alive is yet to be seen...

Operation Purple Hero, continued...
Previously, we made our way to Germany, in order to rescue a VIP from the clutches of the vile Thin Men. The mission started well, with our troops managing the encounters and dispatching all the enemies before moving on to the next... then tragedy struck and an unexpected escalation resulted in one of our soldiers being taken out.

Now, we return to Operation Purple Hero, and to the climax of this mission. Will we be able to avenge our fallen comrade and rescue Mr. Hutch in the process, or will the Thin Men's poison wear us down completely?

Operation Crimson Father
Previously at XCOM HQ our valiant forces returned victorious from Operation Purple Hero, in which they rescued a VIP from the clutches of the ever sneaky Thin Men.

In this episode, our troops are given some down time. Something they sorely needed after fighting such important battles back to back. We also welcome some fresh faces (and a few old ones) onto the base, including JonnyMar III and Halceon II!

Operation Crimson Father, continued...
In the previous episode we we ended on a cliff hanger, with our squad having just touched down for Operation Crimson Father.

We now return to DapperJester, PolarDash, TigrisVU, Wolfenoutt, KitchenAppliance, and BreakfastItem as they investigate the crash site, but something doesn't sound right... what Alien could that strange snarl belong to?

Operation Silent Moon
Happy days! In the previous episode our triumphant squad not only successfully completed Operation Crimson Father, but they did so without taking a single injury!

In this episode we are deployed to the UK, one of the most panicked countries that remain in the XCOM project. Will our troops be able to prevent panic running any higher, or will things just spiral out of control? Find out, in Operation Silent Moon!

Operation Silent Moon, continued...
Operation Silent Moon has already taken one casualty, though through the expert medical skills of BreakfastItem, Wolfenoutt is safe for now. He's not healthy, but out of the danger zone.

In this episode we hunt down the remaining aliens on this ruined road, hopefully without adding anyone else to the list of critically wounded soldiers. Or worse, the list of dead ones...

Operation Cursed Tears
Well, that was short and sweet! Though, what terrible price will fate demand for that quick and easy conclusion to Operation Silent Moon? Oh, right, just before the previous episode ended we got informed of imminent death via Terror mission...

Well, after a few moments to tidy up our crew roster we select the six best, and bravest soldiers we have to be sent to Novgorod. Before we set out, I had our troops record a farewell message for their loved ones, to be delivered in the event that they do not make it back from this mission. Let's hope they never need to be sent...

Operation Cursed Tears, continued...
In the first part of this mission, we saw a civilian turn traitor and begin working with the aliens! After lulling Witterquick in close with their cries for help, the civilian turned to their new Alien masters and threw open a door, allowing two Chryssalids to swarm over him...

After having to put down their own comrade before the horror which gestated within his chest was able to fully mature, the team is understandably low on moral. However, despite the difficulty they must press on! There are other civilians that need to be saved, non-traitorous ones we hope!

Operation Cursed Stallion
In the previous episode we successfully repelled the aliens, thus putting a stop to their Terror attack in Novgorod. Although there was much rejoicing and many sighs of relief, we cannot forget that a soldier died to this mission. Rest in peace, Witterquick.

But now, after a short break for the Holidays, we return to XCOM command to continue our role as the commander of Earth's last and best line of defence! And what better way to ease ourselves back into the commander's chair than to go on a mission? Thus begins Operation Cursed Stallion!

Operation Cursed Stallion, continued...
So, it seems the aliens still had some tricks up their sleeves eh? I've been getting a bit suspicious of the lack of additional units, seeing as the Original had a few more. Enter the Sectopod... or as I've begun calling it: Metalgear-XCOM.

Out troops will have their work cut out for them in this episode. Having bailed out of a direct fire-fight the moment we caught sight of the hulking monstrosity. But we can't hide from it forever, someone's going to have to go kill it, or at least spot it so PolarDash can take a shot... time to draw straws?

Operation Cursed Stallion, continued...
Well, it seems that due to some bad intel in the last mission, our plans didn't quite go as smoothly as we'd hoped. It seems the Sectopod can indeed move, which makes the task of killing it a little more difficult. While hunting about for this threat, we also ran into a cyberdisk and its cohort... needless to say, we wished we hadn't.

But now we return to operation Cursed Stallion, the cyberdisk slain, the floaters broken and retreating. We must continue our hunt for the battle-mech, but will it make it easy on us? I doubt it.

Operation Cursed Stallion, continued...
In the previous episode the Aliens pulled something of a no-show, instead leading us on a merry chase around, and eventually over the ship. But no sign of the Sectopod.

So, in this episode we will continue our hunt. There can't be too many more places that enormous mech could be hiding, though will its allies simply allow us to chase it down unmolested?

Operation Cursed Stallion, continued...
While we weren't able to discover the location of that elusive Sectopod, we did uncover a group of Mutons in rather swanky looking armour. Unfortunately, this doesn't end well four dear Nakusoo...

However, with the Mutons slain and our troops in position to enter the ship, it's time to end this game of hide and seek. The Sectopod can't have many places left to hide, and once we find him, we're going to exact sweet vengeance!

Between Missions
To cheers and tears our victorious squad returned to XCOM HQ in the last episode, though tragically one man down. Rest peacefully Nakusoo, your heroism has bought the Earth a few more days at least.

In this episode the crew get some much needed down time as the aliens appear to be licking their wounds after the loss of another large ship. This will give us some time to catch up on some R&D, and to find out the results of our first psionic tests!

Operation Dying Heat
To say I was pleased with results of our psionic tests would be a great understatement! Not only did Dapper Jester turn out to be able to crush things with his mind, but MrAfroKing too!

In this episode we will get our first chances to see our psionics in action, as well as the vastly upgraded Titan armour. Though it would be a bad move to get too caught up in the moment, we do have a civilian to save, after all, so business as usual... with a little mind crushing on the side

Operation Dying Heat, continued... and Operation Vengeful Justice
Taking our crew out to the streets of Montreal, our squad made quick work of the alien foe on their mission to rescue Anna Sing from the Thin Man threat. Along the way, we got to see the awesome powers that Dapper Jester and Mr Afro King now command. Yay, for Psionic mind-fraying powers!

In this episode we return to our squad as they make their way towards the extraction point. Will the aliens be able to reinforce and eliminate the civilian? Or will our psionics be given even more opportunity to hone their powers?

Operation Vengeful Justice, continued...
Previously our mind-fraying super heroes helped to rescue a VIP and generally restored faith that XCOM had the alien menace under control. It certainly seemed like they were licking their wounds for a while, allowing us an uncharacteristically long period of time to mill about the base and relax a little. But it was inevitable that they wouldn't remain silent forever...

We return now, to the beginning of Operation Vengeful Justice, where we meet our squad as they creep up towards an alien craft of truly immense proportions. The question begs, for whom will this Justice be vengeful?
« Last Edit: March 08, 2013, 03:10:39 pm by Cernunnos »


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

Operation Vengeful Justice, continued...
In the previous episode, our elite sniper, Polardash, met with a grim fate after Dapper Jester's mind-melting powers backfired in the most horrible way, causing a panicking Floater to take a shot at Polardash while she was out in the open.

While that floater was, of course, immediately executed by the remaining members of the squad, it has left them shaken. None more so than Jester. But there isn't time to grieve right now, not only do we have a job to do, but there are still far worse enemies on the field than the Floaters we've already killed... a Sectopod lurks in the bowels of this supply ship, and we must eliminate it if we even hope to complete this mission without any more casualties.

« Last Edit: March 07, 2013, 08:30:25 pm by Cernunnos »


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

Operation Vengeful Justice, continued...
With our team's spirits slightly restored, following the previous episode's near flawless elimination of both the Sectopod, but also some Elite Mutons, we had made good progress. We had done everything by the book, we'd positioned our troops well, ready to press on towards the command centre of the ship. When we left them, they had each reloaded their weapons, and we had a clear plan of attack.

Now it is time to implement those plans, we can hear other enemies still aboard the craft, at least some more Mutons and Floaters. If there is anything else lurking in the shadows aboard this colossal space ship, we will soon find out. Onward, for XCOM, and for Polardash!


  • Bay Watcher
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Just budding my head in here to say I really enjoy this lets play! XCOM looks awesome as well! :)


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

Cheers! It's great to hear that people are enjoying the series, and my moments of epic fail (R.I.P. Polardash and Jonny Mar III) haven't driven anyone to madness. Yet. Though I think JonnyMar may be close, after watching his third incarnation in the game get gunned down, lol.

As for the game itself, it has a few quirks, and the camera can sometimes feel like you're trying to handle a fork-lift truck made of jelly... but by and large the the Sirs and Ladies over at Firaxis have done a fantastic job at preserving the X-COMyness of the game, while freshening it up a bit.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

Operation Dying Heat
The completion of Operation Vengeful Justice could be described as bitter-sweet. We successfully raided the alien supply ship, slaying a great number of aliens, including a Sectopod, Elite Mutons, Heavy Floaters and even more Sectoid Commanders. However, the price for this victory was high indeed, with not only Polardash, our elite sniper, falling prey to a panic-stricken Floater, but we also lost Jonny Mar III, the sniper we were training up in order to cover for Polardash should she ever be in the medbay during a mission.

And so, we return now to X-COM HQ, and to the memorial. It's time to remember the heroes and heroines who have given their lives for the sake of Humanity. There are so many names, so many pictures, we can only hope that their sacrifices have not been made in vain...


  • Bay Watcher
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I am... really impressed. I consider myself a really good gamer, veteran of the original X-Com trilogy as well as the UFO series, and I really struggled. I actually recently gave up on ironman alltogether as I got sick of thinmen dropping on me.

Looks like I need to be less sensitive to battlefield losses. I always ended up feeling that I must have those skilled soldiers to actually be able to fight thinmen (the only threat, I find, to rookies). But your experience is inspiring me to try again.
Come and be amazed by this wonderful menagerie! Draw your own! Bring your favorite! The [Forgotten Beast Art Contest] is open for business!
Now also available - [The Legendary Artifact Art Contest]! It menaces! It has rings! It has craftsdwarfship!
I have a [YouTube] channel! It has Let's Plays and other stuff.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

That's an amazing compliment, I'm really pleased my own experiences have helped draw you back to the game. I've seen quite a few other people get really wound up at the game due to a few losses, and in fairness, they can certainly spiral out of control from what I've seen, but I'm quite suborn. I think it's a quality that suits X-COM (especially the original... "What's that? Alien grenade to the loading ramp of the skyranger on the first turn? ... joy.")

To be fair, my play-through is still limping along, we're on the edge of disaster and have been for the last two game months lol. One wrong move and it's over, but I think the tension is making me raise my game a bit, lol.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

Operation Dying Heat, continued...
Previously, in Operation Dying Heat, our squad rescued two civilians as they tried to find a defensible position from which to begin eliminating aliens. And eliminate them they did, with a Berserker and two Chryssalids already slain, some of the pressure is off.

However, with mounting civilian casualties the squad cannot afford to sit still, but we cannot afford to risk the lives of our men. Regardless how much we want to save the innocent by-standers, we have not forgotten what happened to Witterquick...

« Last Edit: March 16, 2013, 06:39:37 pm by Cernunnos »


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

Operation Dying Heat, continued...
While the civilian death toll continued to rise, so too did the alien body count during the last episode. Not only that, but we got to see Jester employ the latest weapon in his mind-arsenal, Mind Control! It didn't turn out so well for the person being controlled, but from where we were standing, it looked very impressive.

With the end of the mission in sight, let's see if we can't complete Operation Dying Heat with some nice climactic explosions. That's sure to impress the council ahead of our monthly report!


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

Operation Burning Sentinel
Needless to say, we at XCOM HQ could hardly be happier with the fact that all of our troops made it back from the terror mission without any serious injury. Of course, it would have been nice if we could have saved some more of the civilians... but I can't pretend that a little bit of me feels as though letting them die was payback for what they did to Witterquick.

With the council report having left the troops in high spirits, we turn to the next mission with no small measure of confidence as well as some new armour! Indeed, finally our Angel of Death, Knaagdier, has earned her wings! Let's hope Operation Burning Sentinel doesn't cut them off.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

Operation Burning Sentinel, continued...
While Knaagdier explored the limits and strengths of her new armour, it occurs to us at XCOM HQ that a downed UFO will not provide the greatest opportunity for her to use her new gear. Indeed, it seems much of this mission will have to take place on the ground, inside the fallen alien craft.

With the Alien commanders already killed however, how much resistance can the remaining aliens offer? There are at least some more floaters and a party of Mutons we can hear roaming around, so we can not afford to lower our guard.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

Operation Cursed Paramour
Operation Burning Sentinel threatened on numerous occasions to be our undoing, however the steady aim, calm nerves, and of course, mind-control abilities of our troops saw us through without any fatalities! However, not everything went out way, as a very large UFO reminded us, we are still the underdogs in this battle.

However, after greeting some new soldiers, we are presented with a terror attack in China. Will we be able to redeem ourselves? If nothing else, it's time to put the combat stims to the test...

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