I love how in LW's world, the European Council is not a thing.
In the ancient Spartan government the council of elders would propose state policy to the citizens of Sparta eligible to vote. Although the Spartans could vote, they could only ever vote for policies put forth by the council of elders, who could also simply keep proposing a policy until it passed. The citizenry held only enough power to delay policy change.
The European Council, the collection of all of the Prime Ministers and Presidents of the European states that make up the European Union have even less power, not even able to vote on the policies put forth by the European Commission. At most, the heads of states can provide a guide for the Commission and pray the Commission will listen to them. They are reduced to nothing more than managers. Unless they make like a Pole and tell the EU to suck on some cauliflower.
Not that I disagree that the EU Constitution thing was a farce (and whatever changes the Irish did get - such as a guarantee of one Commissioner per state - sucks), but those things were done with the agreement of the Council, aka the various state governments.
Any handover of popular sovereignty was to be done by referendum, not by the heads of states. Flaunting this was done for the express reason that in all likelihood the Lisbon treaty would have failed just as the EU Constitution did if the people were allowed to decide for themselves. Obviously only affluent elite male academics matter though, so no one is allowed to decide for themselves. Hurray for EU democracy?
Also, LW, do you have stuff on " Commission because the Commission says so has led various countries' prime ministers to tell the EU to suck on a stick of cauliflower."? Last I heard of it, it went through some preliminary Council hearing wihtout causing too much of a fuss.
Frontex is based in Poland
Poland just told Frontex to suck on a stick of cauliflower
Poland is based
In all seriousness though the only EU countries this does not affect are France, Britain, Germany and Ireland. Ireland and Britain both retain control of their borders and have told the EU to fuck off and suck on a stick of cauliflower whilst France and Germany are surrounded by Schengen countries and so have lost nothing whilst taking from the Balkan, Southern and Eastern countries. Unsurprisingly the Balkan, Southern and Eastern countries are outraged that the Germans believe they can simply give themselves their borders, least of all after Germany brought this disaster to Europe and hypocritically instates border controls on its own nation whilst fucking over the Balkans. Principle critics are Poland, Hungary and Amnesty International. Everyone has otherwise decided Greeks and Italians don't matter and will simply be Europe's refugee camp for German immigrants Germany doesn't want, and Turkey is just chuckling sensibly because they've won.