If you give North Korea a food shipment, he's going to ask for aid with his nuclear program. When you assist his nuclear program, he'll probably ask you for a launch platform. When he's finished, he'll ask for lifted sanctions. Then he'll want to look in the UN to make sure a preemptive strike isn't being planned. When he looks into the UN, he might notice that his society is anachronistic. So he will probably ask for help building infrastructure. When he's finished building infrastructure, he'll want to sweep out the corrupt politicians. He'll start executing. He might get carried away and execute all the politicians in the country. He may even end up dynamiting Great Leader's palace as well! When he's done, he'll probably want to disarm. You'll have to set up storage facilities for his outdated military equipment with maintenance supplies. He'll store all those tanks and guns away, making sure they're all well-oiled and unloaded. He'll probably ask for you to sign a peace treaty. So you'll write up a peace treaty, and he'll ask to amend one of the clauses. When he sees you accept the changes, he'll get so excited that he'll want to make more. He'll ask for a spare pen. He'll scrawl in another amendment. When it's finished, he'll want to sign his name. Then he'll want to hang it in his capitol building. Which means he'll need... a high-tech document case. He'll hang up that treaty and his people will gather to look at it. Gathering those people together will remind him that they're still starving, so... he'll ask for a food shipment.
You heard it here first, folks. Giving North Korea food aid will topple their government and bring peace to the peninsula.