I was being facetious. My country terrifies me but no more so than any other large country with nukes. Your analogy is apt. DPRK is dangerous because they know their geopolitical strength is weak and there is significant international pressure on them, plus they must maintain the illusion to their people of strength. Between a rock and a hard place, with a hand grenade and a crazy look in their eye.
"I swear I'll do it! I swear I'll do it!" Says Kim. Unbeknownst to all, he has already pulled the pin, but the grenade is defective.
Won't be defective in a couple more years. We have to start accepting the reality that pretty soon North Korea will have the ability to wipe a decent chunk of people off the face of the earth.
Though, I have recently read an article (I think it was in
The Economist?) about how North Korea, having made significant progress in its nuclear program, now wants to be respected as a responsible nuclear state rather than a rogue nation that threatens everything it sees. Deciding to send athletes to the Winter Olympics was one of the inaugural moves of integrating with outside nations. Kim Jong Un has also said that he will not threaten any countries that don't disrespect the interests of North Korea. Basically Kim Jong Un now wants to be seen as a leader that can be negotiated with instead of a delirious madman whose every action must be put in check. There's still some optimism to be had here (at least about, you know, not dying.)
Also, about a third of a thousand pages! Woo!