They appear at nearly every large-scale protest in the Western world.
So do Trotskyists. Think about it.
They have found and reported a number of pedophiles and sex offenders after ordering dozens of pizzas to their houses.
"We shall defeat them with Pizza! THEN THEY WILL GET DIABETES,
AND DIE! MUAHAHAHHA!" Or does the pizza have a zombie plague or something?
They cannot be stopped due to the complete lack of leadership and structure of crowd psychology.
Neither can the Trotskyists, again (Not after ol'Leon took a Ice Pick to the neck). They can be made irrelevant.
They and corporations that support similar ideals are the last bastion of defense preventing the internet from being directly controlled by oppressive government regimes.
I fear corporations more then I fear my government. And more importantly I fear base humanity more then both of them. (And I fear Zombie Trotsky the most)
From nearly all political views, they have done at least some good for society in spite of their vigilante nature, and they will not be going away any time soon.
What if, my political view was Authoritarian? What about my opinion? Or does that one not matter because it is
wrong? And what if Zombie Trotsky wants me to oppress the masses? Your Philosophy does not account for that!!!!Today I learned using the quote button inside another quote, on a new line, with the "toggle view" set to "what your post will look like" mode. reverses the order of the tags, allowing you to stick comments in easily. Is Good Day.