Strife, I'm not sure to the extent which it is "America bashing" rather than "blindness" bashing. Tyg13 has tried to argue "the US is pretty good", which it's not. You are 100% correct though, most places aren't. Even the best places tend to be fairly bad compared to how they should be. That's realistic.
But in a thread based around "What do you think is the best at being both free and non-corrupt", I think it's a stretch to put America out there. America has a lot going for it, and they are a lot better than a good chunk of the world, but I think its facetious to say they are the most free or the least corrupt. Especially, as with Tyg13, when the basis for your claims is that you, personally, are pretty good, mostly due to the fact that you've never tried to rock the boat or upset anyone more powerful than you, so the country must be pretty good, and you ignore all the evidence to the contrary. I like the USA, but I think getting complacent and thinking "things are fine the way they are now" is basically the worst thing a person can do for their country, when there are real problems we could be out there fixing. At the very least, recognizing those problems and trying to support those who do something about them is important.
I think the best thing the US has going for it is a pretty awesome set of ideals we should be trying to live up to, and trying to insure out country lives up, and it frustrates me to see someone who professes to like our country so willing to throw those out the window and give up on them because "things are fine because the problems don't effect me personally" or simply close their eyes and plug their ears as those ideals are worn away.