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Author Topic: From Napoleon to Beyond (Nation Management Game)  (Read 24460 times)


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Re: From Napoleon to Beyond (Nation Management Game)
« Reply #45 on: March 07, 2013, 04:34:01 pm »

If nobody has taken the Ottomans, then I will.

Aim to enter trading and mutual protection pacts with Russia, Prussia and China. Establish signifigant military and merchant fleets in the Med. Look to integrate neighbouring Islamic nations into mutual co-operation agreements playing the religion card if needs be (Specifically nations in North Africa and other nations in the middle east (Afghanistan, Pakistan...).
« Last Edit: March 07, 2013, 04:35:54 pm by MonkeyHead »
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Re: From Napoleon to Beyond (Nation Management Game)
« Reply #46 on: March 07, 2013, 04:51:57 pm »

If the revolution didn't happen/the second coalition didn't happen I will be adjusting my action.


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Re: From Napoleon to Beyond (Nation Management Game)
« Reply #47 on: March 07, 2013, 05:08:22 pm »

Speaking of which...don't forget the War of 1812. If America doesn't make some serious improvement in their relations with England, something should go down.

Oh, and while I can't do anything about it, I condemn ye metagamers making an alliance based on something you can't even know about yet!
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: From Napoleon to Beyond (Nation Management Game)
« Reply #48 on: March 07, 2013, 05:12:07 pm »

Yep I condemn them too.  :P

Oh god, the computer troubles I've had in the last three hours.  The worst part is that I don't know if it's over yet.  The computer could slip back into a fumbling mess and I can't do anything but wait.  :(  I may resort to using the I-pad for the update.   :(  It is that bad.  If it works, you will see an update soon. 


And now I give you the most awesome piece of literature I have ever written and probably will ever write for a while.  This surprisingly did not take that long.  Obviously my computer is working at full speed, so that is good. 


Russia is a massive empire unified from the remnants of Kiev-an Russ, itself split up by the Golden Horde.  While it's army is massive, social problems and lack of military reforms make it fairly weak.  This does not mean some country like Prussia or Austria can just waltz in and take the empire.  It is the largest country at this time.  This means that troops have a hard time getting from one end to the other.  This over-extension can be played upon on both sides for a great change to occur in this country. 


The First French Republic has been founded with lots of bloodshed. The French were having a food crisis.  Prices were skyrocketing and the king kept on making things worse with his opulence.  Soon things exploded when the king had asked to put taxes on the people.  The people said no, the church said yes, and the nobles said yes.  This was unfair because the people were the majority, yet every group had one vote.  The people came to the king with an ultimatum.  He had to have every representative get one vote.  He said no.  The people killed him   After the war which established it, its leader Robespierre had mass executions.  Eventually the national convention executed Robespierre and set up the directory, a group of five men.  After that, the directors overthrew the government and took over, establishing the Consulate under Napoleon Bonaparte, a Corsican who became a French war hero.  Napoleon has to both save the republic from itself or switch to a stronger, older government.  The consulate is at war with its neighbors.  A stubborn Austria and an angry Britain wars with the French.  Many other nations join them, including Sweden, the Ottomans, and the kingdom of Naples.  While Napoleon was away in Egypt, France slowly lost battle after battle.  Now Napoleon is back


Prussia has the most advanced military at this time.  While it has the most advanced military, it does not have the strongest military.  Prussia is in a great position to unify the rest of Germany, as long as it can defeat the Austrians in a war.  Its government is an enlightened despotism, one that has proven to be successful, and many great military leaders come from the German nation.  Prussia idly watches the conflict with France.  To the west lies the rest, you know what to do. 


Austria was founded by the inheriting of several nearby duchies by the Hapsburg.  This caused many problems, as it is a multi-cultural empire.  Eventually they became Holy Roman Emperor.  After that, they expanded and solidified their grasp on it.  They became decadent.  Their army is fairly weak and outdated and will need substantial reform to become capable again.  Several great artists come from Austria, expect them to come again.  Unrest in this multicultural hodge-podge will lead to it's downfall.  Near the Hapsburg Empire is an Empire in a similar decline.  it would be good to capitalize on this and invade, much as the Hapsburg have done in earlier crusades. 

Ottoman Empire

In Islamic law, there can only be one ruler.  As the times passed the Muslims slowly took land from the orthodox to the west.  From the ashes of the Byzantine Empire and the Sultanate of Rum rose a nation lead by Osman I.  The Ottoman Empire would be fashioned out of his name, an interesting empire that uses religion as a form of citizenship.  Education and economic reforms have helped prolong the empire.  All is not well in this glorious empire, as it has been on the defensive for several centuries.  Austria and Russia have been destroying the balance and taking back the christian lands.  Peace has been brokered as the Prussian menace


The massive empire has millions of people, yet constantly loses to other smaller countries.  The mongols bribed their way through the great wall and went on a rampage.  Then Manchuria would take over forming the current Quing dynasty.  Maybe now it is time for a Chinese China, one that will stand on it's own.  Or will the west use its influences to slowly partition the China among themselves.  China must deal with the problem of westernization while not losing itself in the process as it has been in the passed centuries.  Maybe the Chinese will have their country after all. 


The US is a new country, with a new government founded on the person.  It had its faults, as shown with the articles of confederation.  Now a new constitution has been made that passed the initial tests.  It has proven to be able to be manipulated with the alien and sedition acts passed by Federalist President John Adams.  These acts lengthened the time it took to become a citizen and allowed anyone suspected of conspiring against the government to be thrown in jail.  This was a very controversial act, one that would prompt two states, Kentucky and Virginia, to nullify these unconstitutional acts.  The new president is a Democratic-Republican of no relation to the current states who pledges to repeal these laws. Slavery mounts a growing threat to the nations unity.  These internal issues are no comparison to the struggles in diplomacy.  When the USA refused to repay the French Republic citing that they owed the monarchy money, not the republic, the French closed negotiations and started seizing ships.  The response was an undeclared war that lasts to present times.  Maybe the new consul will be more receptive.  Britain is another touchy subject.  In the Ohio territories, territory ceded to the US by the Treaty of Paris, British forts remain.  The Great Lakes have warships ready to attack at a moments notice floating nearby.  Will the US assert itself, or become slaves to the British once more?

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

Having united the isles under one kingdom with the act of union of 1800, this nation truly does rule the waves.  The notion of being British began with the original act of union in 1707.  Now, a hundred years later, the country adds a new kingdom to it.  Britain is an old nation with a rich history, one of the best recorded histories of all nations.  It all started with an invasion of the island by the Normans.  William the Conqueror conquered England.  His successors would inter breed with the Saxon culture to create the culture of English.  Soon they spread over seas and colonized India and America.  They pushed heavy laws on the later.  Americans and British fought together in a series of wars against the French and Indians.  This plunged Britain into massive debt.  Britain blame america for its plight and forced heavy taxes on the colonists.  The colonists rebelled and somehow beat one of the best armies in the world with little more than armed citizenry.  Now Britain licks its wounds from its major loss.  Britain fights their long-time rivals, the French, for reparations for helping the colonists fight their war.  The French and the English fought oftentimes as part of the Hundreds Years wars.  Now, with revolution consuming France, the British form a coalition with other countries to crush their enemies for the last time.  Hopefully it will be an end to the Hundreds of Years of War. 

The Japanese are a nation of warriors.  They choose traditional samurai over newer guns and cannons.  The Japanese cling to the old tradition of feudalism and shun newer ideas of the enlightenment.  They have a hierarchy with farmers forming the important base, merchants and artisans forming the middle and being the least prestigious, and the samurai and daimyo being the top.  This has proven successful in keeping the country together, something that will be challenged by the coming years.  The west will try and break it apart and subjugate it, but it may surprise the world and beat the west back.  Or it may disintegrate into tiny quarreling city states, as it has, time after time.   


The Spanish are a country that dominates other countries by force.  They are the product of several marriages taking advantage of the country and subjugating it.  Their flag is the Hapsburg's dynasty flag.  As an effect, the country has had several succession wars on who would be king.  They've taken war as a trade.  Even before the country had united, they were at war.  They waged their own little crusade on the Muslims to the South.  Afterwards, the looked to the west for conquest.  They were the first to invade america.  The first island to fall to the inquisition was Guanahani, or now named San Salvador.  The Spanish stripped the island of its resources and its people died with it.  This practice continued with the wars to subjugate the Aztecs and Incas.  They found gold and swarmed to it.  They forced the natives to convert to Christianity and forced them to work a slaves.  They relied on their colonies to massive amounts of gold, and as such invested heavily in their colonies with that gold.  This has lead to serious economic problems in Spain.  Most of its economy is focused on the gold taken in from its colonies in america.  The gold goes to Spain.  Then it gets pirated a little by the English and Dutch privateers.  Then it gets to Europe and goes to the Spanish coffer.  It gets traded away to keep the treasury at stable levels.  The gold appears to be running out, and the colonies are getting rebellious to Spanish rule.  Will Spain slowly wither, or will it manage to overcome mounting inflation and depleting gold reserves. 

I am still taking players.

Prussia - Taken
Austria - Taken
Japan - Taken (I would have known what you wanted, only two nations are empires of the rising suns, the Aztecs and Japan, and the Aztecs are not even in this game.  )
China - Taken
Russia - Taken
France - Taken
USA - Taken
Spain - Taken
Britain - Taken
Ottoman Empire - Taken

Never Mind :P
« Last Edit: March 07, 2013, 08:34:40 pm by alamoes »


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Re: From Napoleon to Beyond (Nation Management Game)
« Reply #49 on: March 07, 2013, 08:29:15 pm »

The problem with everyone taking sides is that suddenly there's no one to conquer...the ottomans would have been my first Screw it. Russia, china, Japan, America, maybe Prussia  th US and the ottomans. Firs target guys, should be Africa. All of it.

We need a catchy name and acronym. I vote for Alliance of Prosperous Eastern Hemispheric Nations for the Uplifting of the People.


We're on the app an' up.
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

Optimism is Painful.
Optimize anyway.


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Re: From Napoleon to Beyond (Nation Management Game)
« Reply #50 on: March 07, 2013, 08:36:54 pm »

First post is up.  Read that, then post what you want.  I'm going to bed.  You'll hear from me again tomorrow.   :D


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Re: From Napoleon to Beyond (Nation Management Game)
« Reply #51 on: March 07, 2013, 09:06:11 pm »

I'm looking at you, Hungary.


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Re: From Napoleon to Beyond (Nation Management Game)
« Reply #52 on: March 07, 2013, 09:23:19 pm »

Well... shit. We're clearly on the defensive.

Start to give the people more power, make a few changes to satisfy the masses temporarily. Long-term changes will be made after France is safe.

Make sure to amass a strong, defensive army and place them along the borders at strategic locations.

Also, begin negotiations of alliance or peace to the United States, Japan, China, Prussia, the Ottomans, and Spain. Take precedence to make friends and bump uglies with Spain, as making sure they don't fuck our shit will ensure more military power devoted to other places. Propose trading, peace, and possible alliances in war to these nations specified.

Send an assortment of ships and explorers to Africa to find potential places to colonize.
I need to put something interesting here.


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Re: From Napoleon to Beyond (Nation Management Game)
« Reply #53 on: March 07, 2013, 09:27:12 pm »

Reform the nation and military, by uniting people by a sense of nationalism. Encourage citizens to serve the good of the many, and enlist in the military. Then we go after Hungary.


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Re: From Napoleon to Beyond (Nation Management Game)
« Reply #54 on: March 07, 2013, 10:25:54 pm »

Clearly, thought The Jiaqing Emperor, seventh in the Qing dynasty, it is time to consider our relationship with the outside world. Our massive, mighty armies are routed by the smaller armies of foreigners; worse, those White Lotus people were causing unrest even near Peking! As much as China must not become Russia, Japan, Luxembourg, or whatever, we won't be China if conquered by Russia or Luxembourg. Therefore...we must make is our only chance of retaining our culture and way of life, let alone our freedom.

Send emissaries to all nearby nations, including Japan, Russia, India, Korea, and Siam. Also send merchants or traders to such nations, to foster good relations with them.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: From Napoleon to Beyond (Nation Management Game)
« Reply #55 on: March 08, 2013, 12:04:45 am »


The president sits at his desk and ponders the situation. Europe is a Powderkeg ready to explode and his actions alone could very well determine if his young nation will be ripped apart in the crossfire or put in a position to take advantage of the chaos and seize neighboring European Lands. Preparations must be made, and allies of some sort must be acquired. The Russians have as much to fear from a clash of the European Powers as we do... perhaps we can find kindred spirits in them.

At Home:
-Focus heavily on improving Lumber and Ship Building operations. Increase the size of our merchant and military fleet
-Let loose some propaganda to inspire fear of the British and Spanish, to encourage the people to support or perhaps even demand military expansion

-Send emissaries to all European Nations

(Also what are the rules for PMs? Can we do secret diplomatic stuff via PM if we CC you GM? Can we PM you sneak attacks and other under the table activity?)


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Re: From Napoleon to Beyond (Nation Management Game)
« Reply #56 on: March 08, 2013, 01:38:06 am »

This will be interesting. Bring it on you landlubbing French dogs!
Expand the army and the navy throughout the empire.
Start looking into reformed military tactics, our army shall not be defeated again.
Allow the colonies more say in imperial matters that affect them, like taxation.
Invest more into the sciences and arts, as well as education throughout the empire.
Expand the Cape Colony and colonize deeper into Africa.
Continue the settlement of Australia.
Expand the Empire's Industry.
Coordinate efforts against the French with the rest of the Second Coalition (Ottomans, Austria, Russia and Prussia).
Looks for conflicts, weaknesses, or other things that can be exploited in Indochina.
Send envoys to China to further open trade and bring more exclusive rights to British traders.
Blockade the French in the Atlantic if I'm not doing so already.

Hey Remuthra, you do realize that you are currently in a war with France and sending armies after yourself is probably not the best idea at the moment right?
« Last Edit: March 08, 2013, 05:28:06 pm by Emral282 »


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Re: From Napoleon to Beyond (Nation Management Game)
« Reply #57 on: March 08, 2013, 01:56:27 am »

yeah let's do this

Reform colonial system, allowing an amount of self governance for a share of their tax revenue and a pledge to deliver soldiers for Spain's campaigns.
Industry, industry all over the Spain, start building it, start expanding it, look into some additional ventures in Mexico and Colombia also.
Install new currency standard, based on the newfangled revolutionary metric system.
Query France for installing a more efficient means of trade across the border.
Attempt to diplovassal Portugal.


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Re: From Napoleon to Beyond (Nation Management Game)
« Reply #58 on: March 08, 2013, 03:30:08 pm »

Similar to before...

1) Aim to enter trading deal with Russia, Prussia and Austria. Specifically fund out what goods they would be willing to pay for.
2) Establish signifigant modern military and merchant fleets in the Med and Black sea, and look to develop our trading ports in the same areas. Get these ships scouring the med for profitable trade routes between africa, europe and the middle east.
3) Signifigantly increase taxation/berthing fees for all traders and ships in the med docking at our ports if they are not Islamic - end goal here is to encourage people to use Ottoman ships for trading in the med above all others, driving out competition and allowing us greater control of our own trade and ship movements in our waters.
4) Look to integrate neighbouring Islamic nations into mutual co-operation and protection agreements playing the religion card if needs be (Specifically nations in North Africa (Algiers, Tunis, Morroco et al) and other nations in the middle east (Persia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Arabs...)).

alamoes, are we allowed to PM you secret moves? :)
« Last Edit: March 08, 2013, 03:33:57 pm by MonkeyHead »
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Re: From Napoleon to Beyond (Nation Management Game)
« Reply #59 on: March 08, 2013, 04:37:25 pm »

Reform the nation and military, by uniting people by a sense of nationalism. Encourage citizens to serve the good of the many, and enlist in the military. Then we go after Hungary.

You are Austria.  You already own Hungary in 1800. 

Clearly, thought The Jiaqing Emperor, seventh in the Qing dynasty, it is time to consider our relationship with the outside world. Our massive, mighty armies are routed by the smaller armies of foreigners; worse, those White Lotus people were causing unrest even near Peking! As much as China must not become Russia, Japan, Luxembourg, or whatever, we won't be China if conquered by Russia or Luxembourg. Therefore...we must make is our only chance of retaining our culture and way of life, let alone our freedom.

Send emissaries to all nearby nations, including Japan, Russia, India, Korea, and Siam. Also send merchants or traders to such nations, to foster good relations with them.

Can you  post you actions in your color?  I think it is yellow. 
« Last Edit: March 08, 2013, 05:00:19 pm by alamoes »
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