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Author Topic: Archtomb- A Masterwork Succession Fort - We're back in action!  (Read 16312 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archtomb- A Masterwork Succession Fort
« Reply #15 on: March 05, 2013, 11:20:24 am »

Actually could you Dorf me as any military
I PTW anything that seems interesting


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archtomb- A Masterwork Succession Fort
« Reply #16 on: March 05, 2013, 06:47:17 pm »

23rd of Galena
Things are going along smoothly. We’re digging out stockpiles and a large workshop area, as well as a military barracks and training room. Bridges are built across the rivers, so the entire area is accessible by foot now. The trade depot is accessible, for now, but we’re going to make a dirt road to keep trees from regrowing.

1st of Limestone
Autumn has arrived, and I just realized that we have absolutely nothing for traders. We need to fix this.

18th of Limestone
The workshop area is finished, and multiple workshops are being built. I’ve ordered trade goods to be made, but it’s slow going. Hopefully, we’ll have something worth trading… We have been digging up multiple gems. Maybe we could trade those?

1st of Sandstone
Things have been going smoothly. I’m having my bedroom engraved. I just can’t focus on my bookkeeping unless I’m in a modest office.
Bane’s office is dug out on the workshop level, it just needs furniture. And smoothing
We’ve also built a Stonecutters workshop. We’re advancing technologically. We’ll be building a automaton army in no time! But for now, let’s just make anvils out of stone.

15th of Sandstone
Oh dear.
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It seems the locals and our hunters don’t get along.
A dog came and helped the hunter kill the langur man, but the rest of them got away and stole some ammo. We’re going to have to make more.

28th of Sandstone
Even more migrants!
A farmer, a clothier, a milker, a horse foal, and a beardless keetchick. Just some family looking for a place to stay. We’re happy to welcome them, but they aren’t much for our cause…
We have a forge now, and we’re in the process of smelting the meteorite and hematite we have. We’ll have to keep digging for anything more valuable.

16th of Timber

A caravan is here. And we still have nothing to give them. Lets see how this goes.

26th of Timber
Well, absolutely everything we had of value to trade only amounted up to three barrels of booze. Fudruckers!
Well, let’s look at the bright side. We can easily survive the winter.
And we just got a beginning metal industry up and running. Slag is starting to build up, so we need a slag pit.

1st of Moonstone

Really? I could’ve sworn it was just autumn…. This year is blasting by really fast.

20th of Moonstone
The caravan just left. I don't know why, but the outpost liaison stayed behind with a few bodyguards. He won't tell my why just yet.

20th of Opal
The outpost liaison has relayed a message for me. The other races grow suspicious of our new outpost. Should they learn of my outburst at the mountainhome and our true purpose here, it may draw unwanted hostilities. In order to keep our guise as a simple outpost, I must resign by the start of spring. It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but it is for the best.
In other news, look at all the morah vine.
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We’ve got twenty of them hanging around the front gate. Let’s raise the bridge and keep them out, shall we?
…we don’t have a lever connected to the bridge. We should really fix that.

2nd of Obsidian
One morah vine did overstep its bounds. Luckily, one of the liaisons bodyguards happened to be chilling by the front gate. It was a very short fight, and the other vines took off.
I’m having a lever room dug out on the workshop level. It is a little ways away from idle dwarves, but it’s still in a high traffic area.

22nd of Obsidian
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The dogs immediately scared them out. But this is a reminder of how vulnerable we are.
Also of note, the river never freezes during the winter. How useful.

1st of Galena
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And with that, I’m done. I am being resigned. I can continue to live in Archtomb, but I no longer have control. Perhaps, one day, I can return to power. But for now it falls on another’s shoulders.

The fort:
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That was a very uneventful first year. Only a few bruises.
Aside from the moat, we have absolutely nothing in the way of defenses. We do have ample iron and meteorite, so equipping a militia shouldn't be too hard. The only problem is the lack on anyone with any smithing experience whatsoever. I gave a random dwarf the smelting labor, but that's it.

And apologies for my poor writing.

Now, here's the save. Agent of Avarice's turn. Good luck.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2013, 07:13:13 pm by chaosgear »
I always seem to end up with a magnificent burial complex and nowhere near enough bodies to fill it, or far too many bodies and nowhere to put any of them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archtomb- A Masterwork Succession Fort
« Reply #17 on: March 05, 2013, 08:16:55 pm »

The Diggy Diggy Master demands an office of his own! Just treat me like a noble who's willing to do some work, lol. I wanna hear fluff about me yelling at the other miners XD

Agent of Avarice

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Re: Archtomb- A Masterwork Succession Fort
« Reply #18 on: March 05, 2013, 08:17:33 pm »

Cool starting it now :)

Agent of Avarice

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Re: Archtomb- A Masterwork Succession Fort
« Reply #19 on: March 05, 2013, 08:46:04 pm »

How do I take screen shots gents? I'll have a post up on the morrow, probably finish my turn in a day or two.


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Re: Archtomb- A Masterwork Succession Fort
« Reply #20 on: March 05, 2013, 09:50:15 pm »

Press the print button, alt+tab out of DF and paste the screenshot into a bmp, png or jpg of your choice. Or use a screenshot program, I think "Fraps" has this option.
::: ☼Meph Tileset☼☼Map Tileset☼- 32x graphic sets with TWBT :::
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Orange Wizard

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Re: Archtomb- A Masterwork Succession Fort
« Reply #21 on: March 05, 2013, 11:18:22 pm »


I'll be watching...
Please don't shitpost, it lowers the quality of discourse
Hard science is like a sword, and soft science is like fear. You can use both to equally powerful results, but even if your opponent disbelieve your stabs, they will still die.

Agent of Avarice

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Re: Archtomb- A Masterwork Succession Fort
« Reply #22 on: March 07, 2013, 02:22:54 am »

Collected Journal Excerpts of Sqaziz Sherhorast, resident of Archtombs.

1st of Granite, 102:
I awoke today, cleaned a shell and slept. The pungent odor of shellfish still wafting through my nostrils as the world faded to black. Since my arrival here repetition and continuity had mired my every action. But something is stirring, changing. The universe itself has moved.
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4th of Granite, 102:
The overseer has resigned; he just plopped down like a sack of bearded potatoes and said “My work here is done.”  Someone will have to fill the void, we’ve been leaderless less than a day, and efficiency has plummeted. Then again I've always though the men this fortress were useless, my husband certainly is.

6th of Granite, 102:
No one has taken charge, I've decided to try and organize some of the stocks and work shops. Maybe put to the lazy ones back to work.

10th of Granite, 102:
Yesterday I told Dig Master Linuvash to excavate some expanded bedrooms and a larger workshop floor. He was absolutely ecstatic, and I believe his shouting may have burst the other miner’s eardrums, poor fellow. I also asked Muthkat, the farmer to try some metalwork; she’s smith caste after all.

2nd of Slade, 102:
A horde of migrants arrived. I could hear their pig tail boots tromping through the dense grass. I could see their haggard faces and hollow, thirsty yellow eyes. I tried to stop them, but in minutes the dining hall was overrun, booze was sloshed, food was inhaled, and in less than an hour they had all but depleted our stocks.
The old dining hall smells of urine and cheap liquor, Digy better hurry his beard up and finish the expansion.

3rd of Slade, 102:
I set two of our farmers on brewing duty, and claimed one of the newly built stills for myself. After brewing a mediocre batch of wine I decided to survey the new arrivals. Five smiths, two young soldiers, a jewel cutter, a group of hunters, and a mess of farmers. I set the smiths on the forges, and the soldiers to their barracks.
The two young soldiers insisted I address them as ‘Inzane’ and ‘Bastus’ if they weren't the only dwarves competent with a hammer and axe I’d write them both off as moonstruck. But I suppose one must be suicidally insane to take up arms in a Dwarf Fortress, have they seen the mêlée fighter mortality rates?

23rd of Slate
The booze is flowing and I can hear clang of iron from the deep as the smith’s pound out blades and bolts and hammers.  Our three man militia will at least be equipped in full iron armor.

25th of Slade, 102:
I saw something I never want to see again. Today, as I was strolling through the stock piles Ingish Eddaz, a clothier, stopped dead in his tracks, and without a sound commandeered a clothing workshop. Every ounce of free will seemed to leave his body as he was consumed by some need, some desire. In less than a second he went from dwarf to machine. He keeps… drawing pictures of cloth, blocks, and rough gems. Perhaps he is trying to communicate some great truth?

17th of Felsite, 102:
Some strange swarthy elves have arrived, they seem to be traders. Perhaps Ingish can finally get the cloth he’s been demanding for the last few weeks? Maybe then we can get him off the clothier’s workshop before he starves.

Also saw a kobold thief today, not long after a witch saboteur appeared in the stock piles Inzane and Bastus drove them both off.

18th of Felsite, 102:
I was forced to replace Vedix as broker, between hauling and bookkeeping the poor fellow hasn’t the time to deal with the traders. I quite like it, something about money changing hands is very… stimulating. The drow proved amiable enough, they walked away with some cheap bone knick knacks and the fortress was left with enough food and booze to feed us for a season, or at least enough to keep us in blissful stupor in case of goblin invasion. The sunberries were a particular treat.

1st of Hematite
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11th of Hematite:
Ingish finished his… toga. I remember seeing something similar in a risque engraving I kept under my bed, wonder if he had the same usage in mind? The spike and gem stub placements suggest he probably does.
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2nd of Malachite:
Some more migrants have arrived, I wasn’t the least interested in their names, a few were competent fighters, the rest I’ll put to work as cheap labor.

4th of Malachite:
‘Bane’ has been promoted to mayor, and as all nobles do, he has demanded better quarters, the miners have fortunately already cut out a few lavish rooms, maybe even I’ll have them furnished.

17th Limestone
A happy little water dragon has arrived. The hunters are currently pin cushioning the poor hapless beast. I’m looking forward to dinning on some plump helmet and water dragon roast. Some Red Panda men have also arrived, the hunters are proving to be efficient killers, I’ll make sure to organize them into a militia to complement our mêlée men.
The water dragon has fled. Our cook has been inconsolable for hours now.
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1st of Sandstone
Some more migrants have arrived, the fortress is swelling. We are officially a village, it won’t be long before even the king himself comes to live here I think. In other news, the gem cutter have been very efficient, unfortunately so have the useless knick knack makers. We nearly lost a peasant in the finished goods stockpile, poor fellow keeps jabbering about =Bone Scepters=. Commissioning some bins should help.

6th of Sandstone
Another of our people has withdrawn from society. A glassmaker. Unfortunately we haven’t a single glass furnace; this will have to be rectified if she’s to survive. Or perhaps not, one toga genital/torture device is probably enough.
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24th of Sandstone
Wasps, three of them the size of cows! Damn thing smashed six workshops and killed some poor pleb before one of our valiant defenders managed to slaughter the beasts. I will place totems made from their skulls in order to dissuade any more beasts from attacking. Will also need to lay traps in the water fall overlook areas.
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That's Archtomb thus far! I spent more time editing this than I did writing it, so please excuse my attempts at humor, and just try and imagine it written by, say Dr. Sues. Next post will be up on the day before two days from today!
« Last Edit: March 07, 2013, 02:31:20 am by Agent of Avarice »


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Re: Archtomb- A Masterwork Succession Fort
« Reply #23 on: March 07, 2013, 02:44:22 am »

So the first migrant wave you get has five smiths? Lucky you.
Great writeup. I'm looking forward to the day before two days from today.

...wait, you replaced Vendix!?
I always seem to end up with a magnificent burial complex and nowhere near enough bodies to fill it, or far too many bodies and nowhere to put any of them.


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Re: Archtomb- A Masterwork Succession Fort
« Reply #24 on: March 07, 2013, 03:02:37 am »

I'd say something now, but then that'd spoil the fluff for my turn :D

Agent of Avarice

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Re: Archtomb- A Masterwork Succession Fort
« Reply #25 on: March 07, 2013, 03:20:09 am »

So the first migrant wave you get has five smiths? Lucky you.
Great writeup. I'm looking forward to the day before two days from today.

...wait, you replaced Vendix!?
Yeah... he was caught between accounting and trading and meetings. Nothing was getting done. Poor little guy was heart broken but it had to be done.

Agent of Avarice

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Re: Archtomb- A Masterwork Succession Fort
« Reply #26 on: March 07, 2013, 03:21:45 am »

I just finished my year. Since a few people are on, I could post the second half and upload the save, or wait until tommorow. (Second half is way more interesting)


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Re: Archtomb- A Masterwork Succession Fort
« Reply #27 on: March 07, 2013, 03:30:01 am »

Oh, please do it now  :D

Agent of Avarice

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Re: Archtomb- A Masterwork Succession Fort
« Reply #28 on: March 07, 2013, 04:06:21 am »

25th of Sandstone
I’ve assumed every duty of 'Overseer' and although I've been nominated for the title, I have decided to refuse. I’ve never been a fan of authority, or any form of rule. Besides I've heard what happens to dwarves with titles in places like this.
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15 of Timber, 102
The dwarven caravan has arrived! Its been too long since I’ve had the chance to move some of more useless junk onto to some hapless city dwarf, praise the wagons!
Those wagons moved awful fast, like cleared the map in two or three tics, perhaps I’ve found a glich Meph, if it occurs again I’ll try to make a video of it.
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22nd of Timber
A mighty ice wizard rushed the fort! And was promptly scared away by a kitten. Cowardly fellows considering they’re “Masters of the Elements” and all.
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14th moonstone
It's been months, her drawings litter the floor of the glass rooms. I had feared she would simply starve, perhaps pass out from exhaustion, instead that poor glassmaker has gone insane.

 She charged a cheesemaker  I was forced to send the militia. This marks the second death at Archtombs. At least the men finally got to test their blades.
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23rd of Moonstone:
I’ve seen many things since immigrating to this fortress, cow wasps, bearded keets, and even a mad glassmaker. This truly was one of the more surreal.A mountain of elemental rage, a titian of the land. Living water come to reign destruction upon us all! I sent the archers and warrior to the gate to route the beast, what happened next will go down in dwarven history as nothing short of a miracle. The mighty beast charged, tearing trees from thier roots and rocking the world like a cascade of earthquakes with every step. As it neared the gate the soldiers broke formation and met it a stones throw from the bridge. The battle lasted seconds, one soldier had slain the beast in a single blow. You see, he was armed… with a sword, and instead of killing it the old fashioned way, he kicked its head off. I’ve dubbed him ‘Giantslayer’ unoriginal I know, but what can you call a dwarf who kills a fifty foot monster with his feet?
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1st of obsidian:
The years drawing to a close, I think I’m rather tired of leading. Managing the lives of eighty living breathing beard carriers is too much stress for a humble merchant. I hope I’ll get a severance package. I've compiled a list of the notable residents for the convenience of the next overseer.
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I think it’s time to start acknowledging my husband; he keeps eyeing that farmer woman.

18th of Obsidian
The Drow are back, I’ll make sure to clean them out as well, poor saps. They seem quite taken with leather goods, which is fortunate considering the mountains of tanned skins we received from the latest atrocity against nature*

*Hunting Expedition

1st of Granite:
My resignation is official, good riddance. The fortress has prospered, and so have I. Would the next overseer please clean up the corpses? I never had time for it.

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The current Fortress layout and notable areas:
1. Entrance
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2. Food and Workshops
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3. Dinning Hall and pleb rooms+1st floor noble housing
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Lots of fun! We've got Gold, Galena, Sphalerite, Hematite, Lignite, B. Coal, Emeralds, and gypsum. No goblinite, frequent wizard attacks, and a huge wild life problem. 20 militia dwarves, 10 meele, 10 ranged, all armed armored, and at least competent.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2013, 04:13:28 am by Agent of Avarice »


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Re: Archtomb- A Masterwork Succession Fort
« Reply #29 on: March 07, 2013, 05:29:21 am »

When you die, I shall build you a tomb of solid gold.
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