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Author Topic: Madoka RTD Pregame RP Round 5: The Hunt  (Read 33032 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Second page now.

I've pretty much done all I can think of without a better idea of what I should put in the Biography section.
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[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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((Um. Not to be rude, but Madoka wasn't exactly a fanservice-oriented show. It was, however, about the greatest drink ever made. Though if your only exposure has been through doujins...))

((Well... I was just trying to be funny... didn't really mean much by it. Though I really was asking that question out of curiosity.))
« Last Edit: March 04, 2013, 11:36:20 pm by superBlast »
"Come oooooon, a little insanity never hurt anyone.... Well except for that one guy, but never mind him." -superBlast

I gots a new livestream! Check it out here at

Flying Dice

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((Um. Not to be rude, but Madoka wasn't exactly a fanservice-oriented show. It was, however, about the greatest drink ever made. Though if your only exposure has been through doujins...))

((Well... I was just trying to be funny... didn't really mean much by it. Though I really was asking that question out of curiosity.))

((I'm not sure if I remember any specific mention in canon of why they were all-female, but I do remember that in that verse a shitload of famous historical figures were magical girls. If I had to guess a real-world reason, it would be because the show was a deconstruction of Magical Girl tropes, and male magical girls is already something of a deconstruction. Sort of like how having a purely human conflict loaded with War is Hell themes in Evangelion would have been redundant.))

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We have our winners! I'll post everything that's relevant to them, then the rest of you guys at the bottom.

Diane Gounaris (Harry Baldman)
Power Level: 4
-1 DEX, -1 INT, -1 WIL, 34 max SP, +2 exp required per level

Gretchen W. Gardener (GreatWyrmGold)
Power Level: 5
-1 DEX, -1 WIL, 36 max SP, +1 exp required per level
Her bio is a little lacking, but I understand I was vague. In addition to the next part of the submission, give more details on her school and home life.

I chose these two because I thought they'd make the most interesting duo. We had a lot of downtrodden girls, and I didn't want to pick two of them. Now you two have a little more work to do before you're done signing up.

It's been 4-5 months since you guys contracted. You both made your wish within the same week, and Kyubey led you guys into each other. He says you'll have a better chance of surviving together.

I would like it if you guys didn't become best friends instantly. I picked you cause I thought you two wouldn't get along together super well, but your situation forces you together. That said, I also think it would be pretty dumb for you to hate each other. I'm sure there are a variety of interesting options between those two.

You two should cooperate to make your biographies work together as well as possible. This is due at the very end of the character creation process, so you guys have the longest time to think through this. Make use of it.

The Original Pair - Part 2
got changed, updated one is here

Other Submission Critiques
Spoiler: Wwolin (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: scapheap (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Flying Dice (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: superBlast (click to show/hide)

And now I'm opening the next round of signups, for the next two girls. Don't tailor your characters to what I was looking for in the original pair. I'm looking for very different things here. For instance, I definitely won't want contrast between the two quite as much.

Do not edit your previous post if you're resubmitting. Make a new one after this post. I'm only going to look at stuff after this post for submissions, and I'd like to keep the previous drafts of any resubmissions just because I find that interesting.
The Friends (0/2)
Age: 13-15 only for these two
Physical Appearance:
Biography up to before you met the other one: Specification - At the time the game starts, you two are going to be close friends. You've known each other for 1-3 years. But since you don't know who the other girl will be, don't write any of that yet.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2013, 06:26:40 pm by penguinofhonor »


  • Bay Watcher
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((Alright I'll change a lot of it up.))

Name: Gale Flagg
Age: 15
Physical Appearance: Short and tends to be mistaken to be a lot younger then she actually is. Long white hair, Orange eyes, nothing else of particular interest.
Family: Grandparents(mother's side)(in the apartment next door), mother(Nurse), father (he's dead though), older brother (lives on his own but nearby, visits the family every once in a while. Goes to college).
Interests: Video games, and martial arts.
Biography up to before contract: Gale is a pretty hardcore gamer that plays all sorts of games and is quite good at most of them. She also practices martial arts at the karate dojo that a few blocks from where she lives where she recently got her black belt. Gale quite well known throughout her school, not because she's popular, but because she almost looks like a kid and stands out because of it. Much to Gale's dismay since while every girl her age and can pass themselves off as being 18 or so, or at the very least being a high schooler, she's stuck being treated like a kid. Even by people that knows she's not.

She tends to be a loner but not by choice but rather she tends to not be very good at talking and thus not good at making friends. Which is another thing she dislikes about herself since she actually likes talking. In fact once she is able to, she'll talk forever. Though that rarely happens. She's just glad to have at least one close friend now despite her loner tendencies. (Has even had a few years where she didn't have any friends at all and just had a few acquaintance.) Though she does take pride in being a good at video games and being able to defend herself if the need ever arises. Sometimes she even boasts about it. She also rather enjoys winning over new people in the dojo she goes to who don't her seriously (especially when they treat her as a kid).

She also tends to be pretty lazy about anything that doesn't interest her, which puts her grades quite low for never doing her homework. Though once she finds something that does interest her (usually but not always it's a video game) she'll pursue it actively until she finally get's bored some time later. The only thing that she hasn't lost her interest in is karate.

((Is this any better?))
"Come oooooon, a little insanity never hurt anyone.... Well except for that one guy, but never mind him." -superBlast

I gots a new livestream! Check it out here at


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Alrighty then, Willamina Woodson round II

Spoiler: Sheet (click to show/hide)

The bolded selection is kind of a vague reference to the other character. If they knew each other for a few years, then I figured it would be in middle school. If there's anything that needs changing, just tell me and I'll see what I can do.
I meant we'd start stabbing the walls and floor for points and not just for science.


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I have a feeling that this thread will be very amusing to watch.
Spoiler:  Character Sheet (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: March 06, 2013, 04:53:33 am by Empiricist »
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


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Same as the first with changes

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« Last Edit: March 05, 2013, 06:19:39 am by scapheap »
You were planning to have a 15 year old magical girl kill Witches by drinking them under the table!? It's original, at least.
Morpheus, a magic girls game

Flying Dice

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Spoiler: Round 2 (click to show/hide)

Aurora on small monitors:
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  • Bay Watcher
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Oh, and for the record: I am working on Gretchen. It's just that I'm encountering writer's block. I'll submit at least a rough draft within a couple hours.
I suppose part of the problem is my lack of understanding about what's needed/expected, but I'm working on that by rereading/reading more thoroughly others' backstories and basically writing in anything that fits and makes sense to include.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
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We have our winners! I'll post everything that's relevant to them, then the rest of you guys at the bottom.


Gretchen W. Gardener (GreatWyrmGold)
Holy carp!

Name: Gretchen W. Gardener (hey, it's a nice acronym!)
Age: 15
Appearance: Gretchen has large, red eyes which draw most peoples' attention. Her dark black hair would be thick and wavy if she didn't cut it so short; it's maybe a centimeter, tops, possibly half that. She is pretty thin, especially at the waist. Gretchen wears blacks and blues, often both colors at once, as well as several bracelets (not all at once, but usually not only one or two at once either).
Family: Includes Mother, Father, Elder Brother (deceased), Younger Sister, Maternal Grandmother
Interests: Science Fiction, Entomology, Thrills, Literature
Personality: Secretive and tricky. Typically more likely to hide her strengths than show them off. Obfusticates clumsiness when not around anything important. Despite this, pretty kind. Generally speaks her mind when not lying.
Bio: Gretchen was born to a fairly well-off family. She always had too much free time, a lot of which was spent with her older brother. Dan wasn't a good influence. While Gretchen never got into the kind of trouble her brother did, she does enjoy causing mischief. Despite this, Gretchen is a kind girl when people or certain kinds of animals get involved, and she always tries to stop her mischief before people actually get hurt; these are due to the more gentle influence of her father, a Christian who tries to raise his children to be moral and disciplined, which was more successful with each child. In contrast, her mother was often at work or something, and when at home her standards were high; this, in turn, lead Gretchen to work hard at her studies.
At school, Gretchen mostly stuck to her own group of friends, including a few other girls who enjoyed her general sense of humor. Gretchen was typically the one who kept the group on the less dark side; the others were either more shy or more apathetic. Aside from this group, she hung out with some sort-of nerds; while she didn't initially like them much more than anyone else, she wasn't as good a student as she thought her mom would want her to be, and so studied with them. It was here that she picked up her enjoyment of science fiction and certain select sciences.
Not quite a year before the Contract, Daniel enlisted in the army*; this was an emotional time for Gretchen, due to her close relationship with her brother.
Yeah, this will probably need to be expanded more.

Description of the Situation of the Contract: The strange creature which granted her wish
Wish: After considering "I wish you would not grant this wish," "I wish I didn't have to be a magical girl," "I wish for omnipotence," and "I wish I could go to Hogwarts," Gretchen decided to think about it before actually making the wish. She got home and noticed her mother home early. It turns out, Daniel had been killed. Gretchen was glad she hadn't wasted her wish on any petty thing like messing around with the Powers-That-Be or Hogwarts, and promptly wished Daniel was alive again.
Life since: Well, evidently that wasn't as easy as it sounded...Gretchen was grief-stricken and wouldn't listen, so eventually the wish was granted as far as the creature could. Which wasn't far. Needless to say, this traumatized Gretchen, her family, and her brother's unit all the more. Understandably, Gretchen felt a bit...displeased about this situation. Specifically, she felt cheated...she wanted her brother back, but got nothing. Gretchen also doesn't understand the importance of her work. Hence, she's been doing everything she can to fulfill the letter of her agreement while violating the spirit, to get some petty vengeance. I suppose I'd need to know a bit about what my "partner" is writing up before I get into more detail.
Trust: Well, Diane may be a, but she's friendly. Gretchen feels a bit protective of Diane, in part because of her frankly terrible life so far, in part because of her slightly lesser magical power, and perhaps in part because something about her reminds Gretchen of Jane. Again, more on this when I see how Diane trusts Gretchen.

Magical Weapon: A blue hand crossbow. It has a blue crystal resembling Gretchen's soul gem at the base of the grip. It has a spidery design of black lines running across the main part and the bow part is jointed like arthropod legs. The bolts are simple wooden ones, made from sticks by Gretchen when no one's looking. When fired, the bolts can turn into a wide variety of things, from fire to centipedes.
Magical Outfit: When Gretchen is on magical girl business, she wears a navy blue...shirt, I guess?...and a matching skirt. Under this is a pair of baby blue leggings, over which are some black shoes. Enveloping this whole ensemble is a hooded cloak as black as her hair, which grows almost long enough to reach the floor during transformations. (Not that it shrinks afterwards; she carries some good hair-cutting clippers in her normal clothes.) She wears several large, elaborate bracelets on the outside of her sleeves, most with stones the same size, shape, and color of her Soul Gem (a dark sapphire), but her actual Soul Gem is on the back inside of her hood.

Boring but Easy Rules Stuff:
SP 36/36
Str 4
Dex 5
Agi 6
Int 5
Wil 4
Cha 4

Defined Spell:

Summon Swarm--Summons a good number of arthropods of a specified type or types to a nearby location.


I hope scapheap gets in soon; I just noticed Clair's interest in insects. I think that the two of them would get along pretty well...
Anyways. An hour earlier than guessed, give or take several minutes. Critiques and lore help?

EDIT: And I hope Harry's girl is a lot more cheerful and not-crappy than mine after the wish.
LATER EDIT: Well...a little.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2013, 09:00:42 pm by GreatWyrmGold »
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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This is my biggest uncertainty. In case you haven't gathered, I don't know much about Puella Magi whatever-you-call-it, or any other Magical Girl shows, and TV Tropes doesn't help either. I'm not even sure what is making the contracts.

Oooohhhhhh. Somehow I didn't recognize this as a possibility. Well, I'm going to spoil everything about the anime for you so I hope you don't mind. this is Kyubey. He's an alien, from a race with no emotions, also known as an Incubator.

His race was looking for ways to battle the heat death of the universe (i.e. when all the energy in the universe drains into the empty space and the universe just sits there for eternity), and somehow they happened upon Earth, where they discovered that the emotions of young girls carried tremendous power that could be harvested. So they started making them into magical girls to optimize the process.

The contract starts out with a wish. The girl accepts it and gets whatever she wants via Kyubey's so-advanced-it's-basically-magic alien technology, but in exchange she has to fight witches (Kyubey doesn't phrase it like a contract requirement typically, more like you have a duty/obligation to fight against evil). Kyubey then harvests the energy from the happiness her wish brings her. Unfortunately, though, there's some rule that states all changes in happiness must have an equivalent amount of unhappiness. This usually results in the girl's wish getting turned on its head. Kyubey does not tell the girl this will happen, as he's a master of lies through omission.

In becoming a magical girl, the girl's soul is placed into her soul gem. This allows Kyubey to repair damage to her body that would normally be lethal, as her life is not contained to it. Unfortunately, if the soul gem gets further than about 50m from the body, the girl cannot control it and her body dies. She's pretty much forced to have it on her for the rest of her life. Her soul gem is drained over time through living and fighting, and can only be recharged through the use of grief seeds, which are left behind by defeated witches. Kyubey eats emptied grief seeds through a compartment in his back.

The combination of sad crap and stress that magical girls go through often sends them into despair and inevitably drains their soul gems. When empty, her soul gem turns into a grief seed and she becomes a witch. Witches are great for Kyubey, as they cause a lot of sadness through their general destruction and trickery, giving him even more emotion to harvest for energy. But witches left unchecked would probably do horrible things to Earth's population, so magical girls are sent to kill them. This makes an endless cycle.

Your character would not know all of this. Kyubey lies through omission pretty much constantly. He has no emotions - in his race, they're seen as a weakness or sickness - and therefore isn't opposed to sending a girl off to her death if it benefits him, which it usually does. Your character, depending on how inquisitive she is, might know that she'll die if she stops fighting witches, that magical girls exist to save the universe, or that her body exists independent of her soul, but he'll typically only tell you information you need to know or any information that might make you continue fighting witches instead of giving up.

The Attribute Points...that should be the six from starting out, plus one per level past first, so a total of 10 from levels rather than 2, right?

Six from starting out, plus one from each even level. Did I say differently in the OP?
« Last Edit: March 05, 2013, 02:53:48 pm by penguinofhonor »


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Don't say I didn't try to warn you...
all I know about magical girls comes from TV Tropes.

I should be able to do this better now, though.


I missed the "even." So...I get a total of 8 points to spend, correct?
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[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Also I'm rewatching the series now, just to iron out any details I may have missed or gotten wrong. I plan on finishing it before I start the campaign. Things in general are subject to change before then.


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I've decided to watch the anime since this thread made me wonder why I dropped it after episode 1 even though a lot of people like it and now I remember why... but I'm ended up watching past it anyways just to see if it got any more interesting to me. I just watched the end of episode 3... my first reaction was to laugh my ass off at it lol. As fucked up as it to laugh at that... I just couldn't help it lol. Now I'm off finish up the rest of the show before this RTD starts up.
"Come oooooon, a little insanity never hurt anyone.... Well except for that one guy, but never mind him." -superBlast

I gots a new livestream! Check it out here at
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