So, I know I haven't really been able to keep up on the (Un)Holy Powers game, but that's partially stress, and partially overwhelming number of players. So, I was thinking of DMing a DnD game. I like to DM. It's fun to smack munchkins upside the head with negative levels. It would be mostly player run- that is, I'd like the players actions and characters to help dictate what happens in the story.
I'm partially looking for interest, partially looking for help(still a bit of a novice DM, truth be told), and partially asking a question. We all know 3.5 is incredibly fun, and customizable. We should also all know it's horribly unbalanced. While a twentieth level fighter can kill a wizard with ease if he gets close...he's not gonna get close. At first level, the wizard's going to run out of spells before the fighter gets halfway there.
So the question is whether I should run a fourth or third and a half edition game. I have the core books for both, access to every splat book for 3.5, but fourth has it's merits, much though I hate being unable to make a ranged fighter without being a ranger. Anyway. I also need assistance with something. I would absolutely love to use map tools. It's working great in the game where my DM's using it. I just don't know how. Really, anyone who would want to be the DM's assistant would be greatly appreciated. Other questions come from potential players, since, as I said, it's about them. I would prefer if it was RP heavy. Not so heavy that we don't roll a dice per session, or everyone has twelve pages of background. Just...not to the point where we're one dimensional(two dimensional is fun, and fun.)
Bleh...I think I'm just rambling at this point. With the insane great base of lunatics players here at Bay12, I'm sure it'll be FUN fine.