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Author Topic: The Age Of Fire: Game Thread  (Read 26483 times)

Digital Hellhound

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Re: The Age Of Fire: Game Thread
« Reply #45 on: September 18, 2013, 09:39:20 am »

'I... well, this is an unexpected pleasure, Ms. Coupe,' Bill Capello said, his mind racing on how the diminutive girl had gotten past security and into his office without being noticed. Frankly, he couldn't even see how she'd made it into the casino without being reported. The staff were always quick to report a wealthy regular, though from what Father had said, she couldn't have much more to waste.

Jacqueline was sitting in his chair, behind his desk, and looking supremely at home while doing it. Bill just felt - he hated to admit it - nervous, but he kept his expression neutral. Be iron, as his father had always said. He'd thought it so fucking ridiculous his entire life up to this point, but... looking at the girl, he felt some primordial fear stir in his heart. He was in the same room with a predator, waiting for the smallest sign of weakness, ready to pounce. So he straightened his back and stood his ground.

'I am glad you could meet me on such short notice, Mr. Capello,' Jack said. The faint smile playing on her features seemed to give her words an almost mocking tone. 'I know you must be a busy man, these days. My condolences on your father. I rather believe he made this casino what it was.'

Bill gave a nod that he hoped could be understood as gratitude or acknowledgement. He didn't trust his voice not to quiver.

It was the truth, he supposed. Lucius Capello, Jr, had taken what had been just a bunch of empty lots at the edge of town and transformed it into the booming hub of casinos, hotels and 24/7 entertainment it was today. The Omega had always been the most successful - certainly most famous - casino in the district, even after the Cartel had moved in, and then the Becketts, and the mayor's cronies. When the Laudanum's owners had tried to move against him... well, there was a reason the lot it had once stood on remained empty, to this day.

The problem was, that seemed to be the Omega's destined fate soon, too. Bill knew he was not his father. He didn't have the old man's oft-ridiculed 'iron' or business acumen, and he'd cashed in the old favors and connections to keep the casino afloat this long. Fewer and fewer customers came in every day, drawn to the Republique or the Esmeralda rather than the Omega. He'd had to cut down on maintenance of the grand old building, halt the expensive light show and fountains. But nothing was helping - he was beginning to think of just giving in, using the remaining money however he wished and damn the old man. And yet... he had been supposed to inherit his father's empire. Supposed to enjoy the prestige, power and sheer wealth of being one of the top men of the business. He wasn't ready to let it all go. Not like this.

Bill forced himself back to the present. The girl was still in his seat, still behind his desk, still studying him with strange intensity.

'In any case...' he said. 'Perhaps you would like to explain how you got in here and tell me what you want, before I'll be forced to call security.'

'Of course, Bill. I'd hate to start this on the wrong foot,' Jack said, her tone as smooth as silk.

'Start what?' he said, irritated. The girl still hadn't inched from his chair. As he watched, she idly opened a drawer of the desk and rummaged inside, seeming to forget all about him.

'Our business enterprise together, of course,' Jack said, after a moment. She pushed the drawer closed and turned back to him as if nothing had ever happened. 'I know just how badly this casino is doing. I never thought I'd see the day, but I suppose Lady Luck doesn't deal us all an even hand.'

She paused. 'Ah. I'm sorry, Bill, that was so terribly cliché. I do get carried away sometimes.'

'I'm sorry,' Bill said, 'but what?'

To his surprise, the girl actually laughed. There was nothing cruel or mocking about that laugh. For a split second, the predator was gone - but the hardness was back in her eyes as quickly as it had gone. Still smiling, she continued.

'I'm sorry, Bill... I seem to be making a habit of hopelessly confusing people. Alright. Just this once, I'll try not to ramble.'

'I have no idea what you want from me, but-'

'I'm going to buy a majority share of this casino. I'll leave the day-to-day running to you, of course, and you'll receive a share of the profits I think you'll find is more than suitable. I will make sure this casino will never lack customers again. In exchange, you will not pry into my matters here or elsewhere. If there is a decision to be made, you will not dispute my judgement. For now, you only need to know that I require private rooms for a special game of mine for New Year's.'

There was a moment of silence in which Bill gaped at the girl in disbelief. 'You? But you're not... how would you even... this is ridiculous, and I can't just...' he trailed off, and frowned. 'Wait, at New Year's? You mean this... the 'Heart's Desire'? You run the Heart's Desire?'

The girl nodded, giving him the enigmatic smile again. Bill tried laughing, but only managed a nervous chuckle. Jack didn't even seem to notice.

'You might wonder on how I will ensure our success... well, I have my means, Mr. Capello,' she said. 'As I said, you do not need to pry. I know you can use the money, and I want the Omega. Do we have a deal?'

'I... I need to think about it.'

'There are other casinos. There always are. I came here because the name of Capello used to mean something. With my help, it could do so again. Now, do we have a deal?'

Bill blinked. He couldn't shake the feeling this was just a dream. He couldn't shake the feeling he was about to make a deal with the devil.

'Okay... okay. We have a deal.'

Jack smiled, and for a moment Bill could imagine the slits of a hungry big cat in place of her eyes.


Null Act: Jack buys the Omega Casino to act as an investment and her stronghold, and plans to hold the next Heart's Desire there at New Year's. The location and time will be distributed as per the usual method.

Full Act: Jack makes the Omega supernaturally alluring - and even more addicting than your usual gambling.

Pointless Null Act Because I Like the Mental Image: Jack fusses over Magnus like a newborn baby as he recovers.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!

The Alchemist

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Re: The Age Of Fire: Game Thread
« Reply #46 on: September 18, 2013, 10:41:04 pm »

The cop tackled the beast of the man out of the window and presumably continued their fight once they landed, but Lloyd was too busy coughing and trying to catch his breath to notice. At least until the explosion shook the building. Ayana dropped out from the shadows a little later and helped Lloyd up to his feet. "Why the fu-," Lloyd started before collapsing into another fit of coughs.

"My apologies Sir. I was waiting for the right opportunity to attack," Ayana responded as Aldrow entered the room.

"Are you alright Lord Absolon," inquired Aldrow.

"And where the hell were you!?"

"I believe that I am too valuable of an asset to be lost to simple skirmishes Lord Absolon. Although even I did not escape unscathed." Aldrow revealed a few holes perforated throughout his body.

Lloyd stood up and dusted off his outfit now torn across the left shoulder and down the chest. "We'll have a talk about that later, but right now we need to hurry up. Even if that cop didn't call for backup that explosion would have sounded some bells. Aldrow go and repair as many Ringers and Bolters you can. Ayana I need you to round up all the regulators and destroy them until they're nothing more than spare parts ... and take out the orgonic fabricator. Those things have caused us too much trouble."

Lloyd headed downstairs towards the vagabonds that took residence within his factory. He scoffed along the way about how his favorite outfit was ruined and the delay to his plans while casually stepping over dismantled robots and parts. Upon reaching the refugees he spoke, "I very regretfully inform you that your stay has been worn out due to these unfortunate events. However, you can still remain if you would be so kind as to lend your bodies for the continued production of various goods at this factory. Also due to these unfortunate events I must reposes the regulators that you have been given because of the trouble they have caused. If you wish to receive another one I would suggest searching for an Elton Peterson. I would also request of you to not mention anything about the regulators to the police or if you do merely mention that they were created by Elton and as brief business partners I offered this location to you in exchange for a favor."

Just as he finished a Ringer, missing an arm and half a leg as well as an eye, brought in the cop that saved his life. The Ringer spat out,
"Status report: Found special guard AYANA. Now fulfilling primary directive: repair special guard AYANA."

"That isn't Ayana you dolt, THAT is Ayana," Lloyd said pointing to his no longer polished, but still unscathed bodyguard as she crushed a regulator between her hands with ease. "Still I do feel like I owe this peon something so bring him into the other room and I'll take care of him."

The Ringer complied and Lloyd set to work as Police sirens sounded off in the distance. The man's body was scorched and bleeding, the bruises he received seemed minor in comparison to everything else. Nothing could be discerned of his body except for his hair and trench coat that both seemed to have inexplicably survived the explosion. "Not much of a design," Lloyd whispered to himself, "But I'll have to make due. When the police arrive try to stall them, but don't resist them!" Lloyd worked as swiftly as he could rummaging through parts, tools, and flesh until it all became a blur and merged as one.

The project was nearing completion when the doors creaked slowly open and a large round man in a police uniform barged into the room, "YOU! Stop whatever you're doing and put your hands up!"

"Blast it you bloody fool! You made me lose my focus."

"I'm not kidding here psycho! Stop now!"

"Look I am trying to save a life here, give me a minute and he'll be right as rain...err well as right as any who's been through what he has can be."

Five more cops entered through the room, one remained while the others split up and continued exploring the factory. "What the hell are you talking about?" Lloyd ignored him and continued working until the officer asked him again a few moments later.

"Can you please hold your questions until I am done, this is very delicate work."

"If you don't answer my questions I-I-I'll shoot."

"Then you go ahead and you shoot, because I have to deal with this first you imbecile." The large cop took a step forward, but was stopped by the other, much skinnier, cop. Lloyd finished up the rest of his work. It wasn't the best he could've done, but given the circumstances it was more than superb if a bit sloppy. Wires hung haphazardly, scraps of metal were bent in every which way, and pipes were barely aligned. Still it did its job and bits of metal fell as Adam stirred. "Now I thank you two for your patience, but I would like to have a word with this man in private before I speak to either of you." They remained there until Lloyd chimed in, "It's just a matter of personal thanks and an offer of future employment. It's the second part that I would like to be private and I can't exactly have you two in on that private of concerns, nor can I wait for this opportunity to arise again." The two cops very cautiously retreated back into the room with the ex-addicts.

Adam sat up and let out a long low-pitched metallic groan. "Hello there. May I have the pleasure of knowing your name sir?" Adam only responded with a few clicks and whirs. "Oh right. Sorry about that." Lloyd tapped on Adam's throat a few times.

"eirrrrrr My-my-my-my name is Adam. W-w-what happened to me," Adam asked his voice constantly fluctuating from a smooth deep voice and a shrieking high-pitched one.

"Well as far as I know you saved my life and then got yourself blown up. I decided to save your life after you saved mine and now that you're awake I'd like to talk to you about a few things."

"L-l-like what?"

"Well you obviously saw my operation and I would just like to clear up some misunderstandings you may have. The robots are obviously my workers and security and naturally for security they would need weapons, which are produced within legal boundaries I would like to remind you, and after today's events you can see that they would be extremely necessary. The prosthetics are going to be my main product for the foreseeable future as they are a massive improvement upon any other design."

"Alright, but w-why do I get the feeling that you have s-something else you're going to say?"

"Well, I would like it if you could find your place of employment with me. Let's just say that I have bestowed upon you some unique abilities, but given the time crunch I was under I can only assume you're currently operating at 20% efficiency. Unfortunately I do not have much in the way of money right now, so I would appreciate it if you could find a way to get yourself stationed at this factory. I may be able to pull a few strings, but naturally given my reputation not many will want to assist me."

"What do you mean by 'unique abilities'?"

"We'll talk about that later. Now just get some rest, I hope to see you tomorrow." Lloyd stepped into the room full of cops taking statements from the residents and staring perplexed at his mechanical constructions. "Thank you all for being so patient with me. I'm ready to answer your questions now."

Lloyd walked back into the factory after being detained all night for questioning. The factory was still a mess, but a more organized mess with a multitude of robotic bodies working restlessly on repairs. There was a mess of parts piled in the middle of the room that a single Ringer slowly crawled out of with only an arm and a head remaining, in one of the corners there was a gaping hole in the wall from the explosion with exposed leaking pipes. Lloyd was greeted by Aldrow, "Welcome home Lord Absolon. I hope that you were treated well while you were away."

"Well enough Aldrow. Now will you please set up a room for our guest. He will be staying with us for a while, at least until he is brought up to full capacity and then it's his decision to leave."

"Is there anything else that needs to be done sir?"

"Yes there is, but I will deal with them myself. You have your hands full already." Aldrow turned back to overlooking the hasty repairs as the multitude of mechanical men slipped between one another carrying armfuls of parts to and fro the impromptu repair stations set up on the factory floor absolutely wet and blackened from the spreading mixture of water and oil. All the parts were piled together in the center of the room except for the smallest parts that were all methodically arranged atop a cracked table. Lloyd ran up to his room where the broken window was covered up with damp pieces of cardboard already peeling off the window. Retrieving a small device out from his now shattered desk Lloyd set to work compiling a letter.

Spoiler: Letter to Magnus (click to show/hide)

Lloyd called in a Bolter and told it to find the man that attacked the factory and to relay this message while showing no lethal intent to the man and following the instructions that pertain to it. The Bolter looked down at the paper for a second before departing and Lloyd slumped against the wall weary-eyed as Adam walked through the door. "Not now we'll talk later, for right now ask around for Aldrow he'll help you get up to speed on your abilities. Also please refrain from leaving until after a certain event that I have planned as after that event I should be able to compensate you well for your services. In the mean time we'll adjust you to your changes and share with you a bit of my plans good sir, but for now I must rest."

Full Act: Rebuild Adam with greatly increased speed and agility and slightly increased strength, extremely tough skin that can sustain a great deal of small arms fire with minimal damage, and the ability to change the features of his body to either be completely randomized or to copy another person's body and face. Adam's trench coat has been transformed into a bullet-proof coat that Adam can shift around, at will, to whatever area he deems needs more protection. Adam is built for more hit-and-run tactics and close combat favoring speed and dodging over endurance and strength.

Null Act: Deal with any additional police inquiries.

Null Act: Have the Ringers repair the damage received after Magnus's assault and continue production.

Null Act: Teach Adam how to use his abilities and additional combat training.

Null Act: Have a Bolter search for Magnus and deliver the message to him.

Null Act: Report that what is produced at the factory currently as to be announced with the next few months.

Null Act: Destroy all regulators at the factory and the fabricator.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2013, 06:54:21 pm by The Alchemist »
Well...we're both drowning, he was drunk the whole time...this was a success!
- Me after completing a game of Red November.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Age Of Fire: Game Thread
« Reply #47 on: October 27, 2013, 10:35:25 am »

Turn Four: Sidelong View
John adjusted the rather uncomfortable vest under his jacket as the Russian goons attached silencers to their AKMs. The funny thing was that any time he put the vest on, he never needed it. The van shuddered and shook as it went along the roads. The only light was the headlights up front and the occasional streetlight. John was usually a cleaner, but the boss had said that for Duffey, John could live with pulling off a hit. He had a sense this was connected with the shootout in the Green Eyed Amusement Park he was told to check out not so long ago. Not anything more then a feeling, but it was there.

"So, can I get your assurance that this is going to be a clean hit?" asked John. The big Russian, Dmitri, looked at him with only one eye. The eyepatch covered over the missing one.

"This will be clean." said Dmitri. John raised an eyebrow, then nodded to the C4.

"And the use of that is...?" asked John.

"Assassination of her protector." said Dmitri. John shook his head.

"You need C4 to take out a Raymond Chandler-type hitman? Seems a little overkill." said John.

"With Jacqueline Coupe, anything is possible." said Dmitri. "We have arrived."

The lights of the Omega twinkled outside.


> ******************

Hades 13 Multiverse Operations Reports #294, Class Zebra-Bravo. Choose document folder for viewing.
* Level-10 Entity Analyzation and Force Response
* Universe Exploitation and Controlled Enhancement
* Level-9 Entity Containment, Destruction, and/or Exploitation
* End of the World Prevention and/or Adjustment
More document folders. Choose folder or view more.
> Access Folder Level-9 Entity Containment, Destruction, and/or Exploitation

Accessing folder...
Complete. Choose world for current report.
> #31498-FNI-15-FF
Accessing report...

Hades 13 Reports [PRECISE DATE CLASSIFIED] 2012-13 AD
For internal viewing only.
First things first, may I congratulate our agents within this universe for successfully remaining the radar. Level-9s are infamously difficult to trick, and with the precense of two Level-10s in the area this is a significant problem. We were initially skeptical of this operation especially since a similar operation relating to Level-9s (Operation Roman Phoenix) had to be shut down due to [CLASSIFIED]. We believe that the same will not happen again, but keep on the look-out nonetheless and do not be afraid to suggest an evacuation plan. Here is a compilation of all the information given by currently active agents on Persons of Centration (PCs). God bless America.

Illumina Vasquez
Elton Peterson has gone dark on all fronts. We could locate him, but we doubt he is going to do anything but sit out the current events. However, he has been replaced by a decidedly more volatile element. Illumina Vasquez is a prepubescent Level-9 who was not aware of her abilities up until this point. We issued a Class-1 Kill Order as soon as the essence scanners spotted her. She was originally in Saint Peter's Orphanage for Lost Children, an orphanagn/foster home. An operation did begin to assassinate her, but she ran away from the orphanage, making tracking difficult. Her current location is unknown.

Illumina's father is [CLASSIFIED], but her mother shows a much more mundane history. Carla Vasquez is a Latin American with immigrant parents. She is a single mother. Her brother was diagnosed as mentally unstable and he was brought into her care when her parents died. She was charged with murdering her brother while under the influence of alcohol. She pleaded guilty and is currently on death row in Cliffside Federal Penitentiary.
Encounter Advisements on Illumina Vasquez
Call for back-up immediately. Avoid contact with subject. Quarantine site from general public. Use psychological techniques confirmed to work on children to bring her into immediate custody. Separate her from all drawing equipment and/or paper. If she begins to draw, disregard containment protocol and shoot on sight. If she begins to draw a picture of you or your fellow agents, evacuate the area immediately.
Standing Orders
Dead or Alive. Kill if actively dangerous, capture if not. Attempt to preserve for research dead or alive.

Merlin Ambrosius
As stated in the previous report, the existence of Merlin and Matthew's store is a complete breach of information security. While Jacqueline Coupe and Red Kirmiz (For example) essentially contain themselves, Merlin is defying security regulations in such a way that cannot stand. Despite Merlin's capacity as a Level-9, an assault using common extradimensional breaching tactics would most likely work. However, an issue has come up. Using Ryan Duffey's Ectoplasmic Sapient Entity (ESE), Merlin has created an unusual security system that makes a traditional assault impossible. The request by agents assigned to Merlin and associated acquaintances for several Martin-Helmer Quantum Reality Stabilizers, while reasonable, is simply unable to be completed due to the restrictions on travel into the universe. The Level-10s are watching all entry and exits, making further transport into the universe unlikely at best. However, as soon as we can find an opening, we will fulfill all equipment requests. For now, just follow your training for Type-Delta Reality Violators.

As for the relation with the Level-10. There is some form of a deal on-going with the Level-10 dubbed "Green".  He has been supplied with ingredients in order to create artifacts in exchange for an unknown price. We believe the ingredients to have no "strings attached" aside from some minor surveillance arcanics.

Encounter Advisements on Merlin Ambrosius
Do not make presence known. Do not begin eye contact, vocal acknowledgment, gestures, or any other noticeable emotes. Begin Mental Defense Procedures. Make very quick exit. Call for back-up when out of effective range of the subject. Specify that you need a Type-Delta response unit. If he notices you, continue MDP while making polite conversation. Do not show panic or anxiety. Attempt to keep conversation short. Mention impending appointments or a sudden realization of past duties. If the subject begins exhibiting active Type-Delta distortions, leave the area immediately. If this is no longer possible, attempt to negotiate. Be warned that the subject is highly intelligent, and is able to manipulate persons extremely well.

Standing Orders
Lock and key. Attempt to contain all security breaches, do not act aggressively toward them. Gather up all sold artifacts and memory-wipe all buyers.

Robert is both the most threatening to our interests and the most promising.

He has gained assets that allow him access to (at least) the city police department, and he now has a limited knowledge of the other Level-9s (Luckily, the police department is not very competent. The only knowledge that Robert currently possesses is their mere existence and hints of their true nature. He has also created an extremely dangerous substance that could cause a "Lights Out" Extinction Event if handed incorrectly. If left unchecked, he could potentially cause us to lose this world.

However, this substance (That he has dubbed "elerium") is a potentially endless energy resource. He has also created extremely useful security robots (Several of which have been taken for capture: it is unknown whether or not he has managed to detect this) and a revolutionary method of computing. If we manage to recruit him, then we shall be all the better for it. However, Level-9s are infamously unreliable and tend to be quite flighty, and attempting a Level-9 Mental Pacification Procedure would destroy the very thing we're attempting to do. Ultimately, we require more time to decide our course of action.

Encounter Advisements on Robert [REDACTED]
Despite being a Level-9, he is focused primarily on construction and device-making, meaning that he is not a threat in the typical Level-9 fashion. Most methods of assault would generally result in a favorable outcome towards us.

Standing Orders
Wait and See. Report any unusual behavior that could conflict with objectives.

Nathan Richards
Nathan Richards has not done anything of note. Compared to the other Level-9s, he has not done anything that conflicts with our plans. We believe he may attempt to breach security, but for now he seems to be continuing along with his life fairly normally. So, we decided that the best course of action would be to attempt to learn how precisely his Level-9 abilities function. We did this by capturing one of his creations which was wandering around a nearby park. Due to his lack of guardianship over the creation, we presume it shall not be missed.

Superficially it resembles a Class Delta Humanoid, Type 3, and appears to resemble a scaled-down version of a female human with wings. However, further investigation concludes that it does not possess the reality-violating abilities of a Type 3. All it seems to possess is a minor ability to heal. Most intriguing, a dissection reveals that the specimen should have died due to several biological errors, most prominently a violation of the Square-Cube law. We believe that Richards can not only create beings but also alter reality, meaning that he is not a Type-Beta Reality Violator but in fact a Level-9.

Encounter Advisements on Nathan Richards
Attempt to incapacitate him without him being aware of your prescence. If you are spotted, attempt to cause him as much pain as possible in order to incapacitate him. If he manages to create a hostile creation, attempt to kill him instead of the creation. We are not sure what this will do, but it will most likely render the creation harmless.

Standing Orders
Wait and see. Report any unusual behavior.

Red Kirmiz

Encounter Advisements of Red Kirmiz
We believe that Red Kirmiz is not able to defend himself in an unconventional manner. Thus, we believe that a standard squad of Hades 13 agents should be able to incapacitate him. However, cautious should be advised. We do not know precisely what he is able to do as he has not been in a directly dangerous situation so far.

Standing Orders
Wait and see. Report any unusual behavior.

Lloyd Abs
Spoiler: deployed (click to show/hide)

Liberal Guardian: America's Most Reliable Newspaper since 1964
Issue #590595 [waterstain] 17, 2013
Police Department Files Hacked!
Culprit remains at large!
In a shocking turn of events, the police department's network has been breached by an unknown hacker. Information is scarce at the moment, but the police department has released a statement saying that no files were directly harmed, but a note was left saying "For god's sake, get better security, this is embarrassing" signed by a "J". The identity of the hacker is unknown. Police Chief Vimes was unavaliable for comment, but the city mayor Thomas Azur released a statement saying that "This is probably nothing to be worried about". However, with this breach of security combined with the ever-growing crime rate and evidence of corruption within the police force, it questions how long we can trust our police force
Continued on Pages 2-4

Excerpt from Psychology Report on Police Detective Adam Hammerson
I believe Hammerson has a concussion resulting from shrapnel. His reports of dead bodies clad in armor and a group of homeless people within the factory conflict with the official report. As for Absolon operating on him, it seems Absolon only preformed first aid upon him, not as Adam claimed, "Some sort of weird cyborg thing or whatever". The most damning evidence is obviously his reports of hearing the voice of Lloyd Absolon coming from his left ear. I suggest that Hammerson be released from the payroll for as long as it takes for the concussion to wear off.

Dmitri was correct. It was a clean hit.

It was easy getting through the front door. They didn't even need to kill anyone. Just walk through, AKs and pistols hidden in suit jackets. Then they piled up on the door the contact said the game was being held. They could hear faint muttering on the other side. Dmitri held up five fingers, then slowly counted down. John cocked his silenced pistol, then got up beside the door. Dmitri let the final finger down, then kicked the door down.

"Let's get this started, shall we? I'll explain the rules, then I'll de--"

It all happened in a flash. Funnily enough, the tommy-gun wielding thug wasn't there. Interesting. The next, it seems Jack had lightening clean reflexes because she had her guns drawn at them within a few seconds. John ducked back while the two thugs who weren't quick enough got blown to pieces by a hail revolver fire. The table was tossed over to form a barricade and they traded shots for a while, not getting anywhere. Dmitri decided to put an end to it by pulling the pin on a grenade and tossing it in. The people at the table screamed, then there was a massive explosion. John looked in, then walked in with his pistol raised. The smoke would obscure him, he imagined.

Too wrong. Jack stood up and pointed her two revolvers straight in his face. She had a few scratches and bruises, and a rather angry look on her face, which surprised him. Well, I suppose a grenade ruins anyone's day, he thought. She pulled back the triggers, then fired.

Click. Her eyes darted to the guns, then to John.

John shrugged. "Hey, A for effort."

Then someone shot him from behind Jack. He fell over, feeling like a train ran into him. That must have broken a couple of ribs. A man with glasses, a goatee, and a nice brown suit stepped through holding a smoking Mauser C96. John considered what he would write in a mental diary, and decided that What was it with people nowadays. How do you even get Tommy guns and Mausers? Those guns are rare as hell. would be pretty good. John coughed, then added another thing to his train of thought. Getting shot is really, really painful.

"Well, Ms. Coupe, how lovely to meet you." said the man.

"Nice to see you, Frank." said Jack, turning around. "Come to rescue me?"

"Well, you don't seem like yourself." said the man, apparently named Frank.

"Sorry, it's just that I have got a massive case of tinnitus and I think I might have caught from shrapnel from that." Jack gained back her trademark smile, though it was a mite shellshocked. "Isn't it a mite coincidental that you just happened to pop up while I just got attacked by gangsters?"

Frank shrugged. Dmitri fired another spray of AK fire, which caused John's heart to jump and the two to duck slightly. Frank said, "My Alvis is still running outside. Do you want to fend off the rest of the Russians by yourself, or do you wish to drive away from this mess?"

"Magnus'll probably come right around in a second." said Jack.

"Are you certain, Ms Coupe?" said Frank.

Jack paused for a second, seemingly thinking about it.

In Summary
Jacqueline Coupe
Russian and Irish goons interrupted the Heart's Desire with guns. The rest of the casino is unharmed, but Magnus is still at your apartment recovering so it may take some time for him to get there. Frank has just offered you a ride out of there. Do you accept it?
(OOC Note: Riding with Frank means you can cut to the chase of your next act.  Staying at the casino means you can describe Jack kicking Russian goon ass/Russian goons kicking Jack's ass, depending on what you think would be good. Choose!)

Lloyd Absolon
Adam's out of a job for now, but he still has contacts. There's a radio in his head allowing you to contact him and he's got the idea of the lessons. The factory has been somewhat repaired, though there may be some people snooping around. Magnus hasn't been found. The regulators are destroyed and the factory announcement has been broadcast.

The security system is working out well to get rid of invaders. The supplies from the Green Eyed Man are ideal, apart from some unusually obvious surveillance spells that are very easily removed. The branch has been located.

The police database has been hacked, and Joan has files on Jacqueline Coupe, Red Kirmiz, and Lloyd Abolon. They all appear to be intriguing. Meanwhile, two of the eyebots have gone dark. The last of the footage shows a figure near them just before they stop recording.

Nate Richards
Nothing much has happened, apart from a few things. Holly is gone, and the Salamander is noting how weird your next door neighbor is.

Red Kirmiz
Nothing much has happened. Or perhaps you've just been doing things more quietly then usual?

Illumina Vasquez
Someone new on the scene. What is she going to do? Let's hope nothing too horrible happens.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Age Of Fire: Game Thread
« Reply #48 on: October 27, 2013, 12:05:13 pm »

Illumina was on the run. She hadn't left the orphanage the normal way, when she became an adult or someone adopted her, no, she'd left on the run from bad people. Very bad people, who wanted to hurt her. She could tell, her dreams whispered it to her. She trusted her dreams, they were usually right about things like this. So she fled into the streets of the city, knowing full well they could find her again, in theory. She just kept moving, until she couldn't move any more, having ended up in a secluded ally near the university, in that grey area where it's secluded enough for dark deals to go down, but in a good enough part of the city that it has some degree of risk.

Of course, all the running in the world couldn't help at the moment. The bad men had followed her, men in weird outfits with strange, black faces with bulbous growths over their mouths, approaching her from both sides of the alley. They came slowly, speaking kindly to her, but she knew they were lies. They were bad people, and they needed to be punished. She looks up at them, sniffing quietly. She didn't like this part, she didn't really want to hurt anyone, but the bad people wanted to hurt her, so she had to protect herself, right?

They were within three feet of her when she struck.

A wet sucking sound , skin splitting and changing, sounds of breaking and remaking of bones in her arms as they split into innumerable tendrils, each tipped with a wicked, barbed blade. The nearest has time to let out a cry before the tendrils lash out, two of them wrapping around his throat, more swarming over him, tearing those tumors from his face, pouring down his throat, muffling his screams as they lash about, tearing at his body.

More strike out from her, and the second is impaled through the stomach, the barb itself splitting inside them and sending out smaller tendrils to tear apart the body from within as their limbs are bound by the tendrils attached to them.

The last pair manages to begin to run, but her tendrils lash out, catching their legs,hauling them out from under them. They scream as she stands over them, eyes endless pools of Nothingness, a window into a place so dark and void that the very sight of it drives men gibbering mad, to claw at their eyes until they can no longer see that dread emptiness.

Those barbed manipulators wave slightly in the breeze before striking down at them, shattering their ribcages and taking hold of their hearts, beating frantically in their chests for a moment before they're torn, bleeding and hammering against her fingers, from their bodies.

The screams go silent, and stillness reigns for a moment... and then a dread crunching sound as the remains are hauled in, her body opening like some monstrous flower, the bodies accepted into it and ground down, devoured in body and soul, to become part of Her.

She burps as she totters out of the alley, wobbling and staggering a little, dress soaked with blood, bright blue eyes half-closed, exhausted.

She collapses in front of what seems to be an apartment building, her blood-soaked dress clinging to her.

Time Passes...

A group of children, forgotten by society, homeless, cast away, finds her, the bloody girl in the road, and takes her away, to help her, if they can, for they can tell she is one of them, the forgotten orphans, those with none to look after them but each other.

Their leader, Karol, takes charge of caring for her as she sleeps...

She would wake, in time.

But that's a story for another day.
Quote from: Wing, via Discord
I want a coat that doesn't make me look like a rear admiral from the East India Company


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Re: The Age Of Fire: Game Thread
« Reply #49 on: November 11, 2013, 05:12:00 am »

Robert had made a gamble, and consistent with his previous experiences, he had lost. Two of the eye drones had gone dark, with no more information to their fate than a vague image of a man reaching for them. There'd been no warnings, no damage reports, and most worrying of all, no confirmation of a successful activation of the self destruct protocol. By the time another one of the drones had made it's way to the area, there was no sign of either the figure, or the drone. A most troubling situation, as it would be only  a matter of time before the drone's containment system failed, and the elerium started it's devastating spread.  He had to find the drones, before that moment. After all, it' was very unlikely that whoever captured them, knew what terrible secret they contained;

The installation of the sensor was another risk, but one he had to take. The underground installations were completely coated  and insulated by a layer of protective elerium alloy, and would inevitably obstruct the sensor. As such, the sensor had to be installed on the buildings roof, a spherical structure hidden amidst a forest of the satellite and television receptors, a lone and ill functioning lightning deflector and the loud and obnoxious AC unit. 

The remaining 8 of the drones were sent out in pairs of 2 to investigate Jacqueline Coupe, Red Kirmiz, and Lloyd Abolon. Heightened alertness, avoid contact if possible, and immediately self destruct if at the slightest attempt to capture or destroy them.

Full act: Create an automated sensor array to search for elerium or elerium based objects. Interference from other magical objects is to be expected, but not intended.
Zilch act: Deploy spy drones against Jacqueline Coupe, Red Kirmiz, and Lloyd Abolon.

Digital Hellhound

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Re: The Age Of Fire: Game Thread
« Reply #50 on: November 30, 2013, 04:50:49 am »

'You're a sweetheart, Mr. Dillard,' Jack said, 'but I am afraid you're thoroughly underestimating my associate.' As she spoke, she reached under the table for the extra ammunition. She felt like she'd need it.

Jack surveyed the scene of devastation that was the game room. So much time spent on redecorating this suite, and these goons had to barge in and shoot it all up! The players had fled at the first chance, too. Those were winnings she'd never see again, not to mention the damage to the Heart's Desire's reputation. Fucking unbelievable. The best she could hope for was that this would just increase the mystique.

She looked at her unlikely savior. It was more than a mite coincidental that Frank Dillard, of all people, had happened by to take out the last of them. Someone else might have left questions like this until after they were no longer being shot at - though whoever was outside seemed to be regrouping instead of spraying wildly now - but Jack did not grant herself that luxury. She could feel Magnus alert and coming through her mental bond, in any case.

She looked at the shot goon twitching on the floor. Still conscious. She could work with that.

'I'll have to turn you down, Mr. Dillard. Before you undoubtedly make a run for it, however, I'd be interested in how you happened here just at this very moment. Or, well, no doubt you'll come up with something like 'you were late for the Game' or somesuch, so I'll cut that. Mr. Dillard, tell me everything you know.'

She knelt down to the wounded man next. 'And you, darling,' she said, smirking. 'You have a wonderful choice to make. Either you tell me who the hell you people are and why you're in my casino, and I'll just shoot you here,' she emphasised the words by tilting the gun towards his crotch, 'or I make you waste away like Duffey did, every single moment of your life from here on in perfect agony. Do take your time.'


Zilch Act: Jack holes up in the Omega, fighting off the gangsters while waiting for Magnus and/or the Casino security to get the fuck there. Jack interrogates both Frank and John as to what they know of the attack and what's going on.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: The Age Of Fire: Game Thread
« Reply #51 on: November 30, 2013, 04:17:21 pm »

A flash of something appeared across Frank's face, but it was gone in a flash and he was back to a smile in no time. "I suppose the truth must come out, eh? Such a shame, I had a good excuse planned. I'm afraid that someone is keeping an eye in you. Anonymous call at 3am, I sit up and find that the caller's very interested in Heart's Desire. He said an attack by the Russian Mafiya was imminent, and you needed extraction. Which brings us to this Irish fellow."

"Fraid I can't say nothing, ma'am. I don't know why I'm here. Bit disappointing. You could kill me..." said John, who was trying to desperately think of an escape plan. Not only was his hostage-taker telling him that he was going to die, but she was saying she was going to make him die like Duffey. Did she have poison? "... It would be a terrible waste of the poison, right? And bullets. That would be much better put to use killing that Russian bloke. I mean, sitting here, I'm pretty helpless, and I'm hardly able to rip apart your entire business operation just by seeing your face and the interior of one of your -- Probably just one of many, right? -- gambling parlors. The time and effort to make me die in agony would be much better put to use on other activities. Such as skiing. Or kayaking. I have some tickets for a skiing holiday in Finland if you're interested. I'm pretty sure there's skiing in Finland. Might be nice...?" John realized that at this point he looked quite desperate. Besides, even if he won, he would have to buy skiing tickets to Finland.


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Re: The Age Of Fire: Game Thread
« Reply #52 on: December 13, 2013, 11:23:03 am »

Matthew noticed the effect when the birds vanished.
There'd always been a few birds hanging about the shed - robins, starlings, those little brown ones he called coffee birds - and though they generally didn't stay long, there'd been a large enough population around that there were always at least some birds around the shack. To find none was ... eerie. When he went to ask Merlin about the absence of any animals in the area, the only answer he'd recieved had been a wink, smile, and slyly uttered "Precautions, lad. Precautions." So nothing would come from that corner - and worse, he'd said it in that particular tone that indicated that he wanted Matthew to figure it out and then explain it to him and if he didn't there'd be that look of dissapointment on his face for months on end and it made him feel so guilty oh god he didn't even want to think of the Face. He'd scurried off to start experimenting.
His first trials yielded inconclusive results. Trying to Sight the anomaly only yielded empty air, though he thought he saw a faint shimmer at one point next to a rusted street sign. Further investigation had no results.
He experimented with various magical abilities - a gout of fire or two, streaming some water through the air and heating it to various temperatures, promoting the growth of various plants, stopping time for a second or two in baseball sized areas - that one really tired him out - and he even managed a lightning strike at one point throughout the week he spent on this when a storm rolled in. Admittedly it had helped, but in spite of his failure to find anything he was proud of his improvement. Just under a year ago he'd been barely able to move a teacup and look at him now: with a day of preperation, he could take a fairly mild rainstorm and rile the clouds up to such an extent and direct the electrical charges running through their bellies just so that he could cause an actual fricking lightning bolt to come down from the clouds! He'd like to see any average kid do that.
However, no matter how satisfying it was to do that, it didn't help him in the least. His breakthrough actually came as quite an accident. He had entranced a stray dog and was bringing it back to the shack to test the results of moving it around with magic. It was quite a surprise, then, when the dog disregarded his 'follow' command and skewed off to the side at a fair distance from the house. He didn't seem to notice that he'd done it, and looked at Matthew in confusion as if to say 'why are you over there?'. Matthew was naturally perplexed by this, and walked up to the dog and bade it come. And it did, but again at some predetermined point it just turned the other way without even noticing. Matthew, seeing a pattern, had the dog follow him to various points along the imaginary line he was drawing in his head, and quickly saw that the dog was avoiding the shack itself somehow, in a 500 meter circle surrounding it. If he walked within the perimeter of the circle and told it to follow, it followed along the outside of the circumference of the circle. But for all the odd patterns he made the dog walk, not once did it seem to notice that it was unconciously avoiding the edge of the circle. So this is Merlin's idea of precautions, he thought as he lead the dog around. Well, I might as well test its limits. In the following days, he lead a variety of animals to the circle and bade them to try and get past it, to no avail. Moles tunneling underground instinctively turned aside at the edge of the circle, no matter how deep he made them go. Birds went around even at distances of a kilometer up, like there was some sort of gigantic infinite cylindr surrounding the shack.
He had to admit, it seemed to have worked. He resolved to tell Merlin he'd learned his trick, but not today. Maybe tomorrow, or the day after. That was his birthday, after all.
He idly wondered if Merlin had remembered.

1 Merlin Act: Merlin casts a spell on the shack that leads to the mansion that causes anything apart from Merlin and Matthew that comes within 500 meters of the shack to subconsciously move away from it and head somewhere else. They generally won't even notice the fact that they went around in the first place thanks to the effect of the spell.

The city buzzed with the bleak energy of millions of people. They walked quickly through streets between highrises, ducked into and out of alleyways, lived the nightlife, died in droves, were birthed in more. The city, despite its problems, pulsed with life.
Such an extent of life that it was hardly a surprise that a little bit more went unnoticed.
It was actually quite a nice system, thought Merlin as he sat back in a chair with a plotting expression. He was looking at a screen of marble, about 10 feet wide and 5 feet in width, that currently had what seemed to be a camera feed of some sort on it. It was in color, showing the proceedings of people in and out of a building from what seemed to be an awning above the entrance. Merlin flicked his hand and the view shifted to above and behind the stream of people, then to from the side, then to below the legs of them. Not wanting to infringe on the privacy of the townsfolk too much, he switched to another view and sat back.
It was ingenious really. No one ever noticed bugs, especially very small ones, unless they actively bit the individual, and he needed a surveillance system. It was advantageous in both regards. He'd taken a few bugs in from the surrounding area in his shop; not a hard thing to find anywhere really, and enhanced them, giving them human levels of sight to augment their compound eyes and acute hearing. After hooking them up to this screen by tying what passed for souls in them to it, he sent them out into the city to spread out, breed, and observe, all the while sending back the information they recorded to the viewing screen for him to observe at his lesiure.
At his utterance, sound began to transmit through the screen by some arcane mechanism. It sounded very slightly tinny, as though viewed through two sets of ears somehow. A constant stream of muttering and talking came through.
Meh, nothing to see here, Merlin grumbled. He raised his voice slightly as he spoke to the screen.
The shack.
This pronouncement yielded a view of the shabby house that comprised the foundation of his abode from half a kilometer away. Nothing was near it.
The shop.
Looking down from a roof across the street at the shop. No one there, and the security system seemed quiet.
Merlin continued to look through the eyes of the insects, peering at the city from all angles. At last, however, he turned his attention away from the screen and padded away to another corner of the house where Matthew was currntly reading out of a grimoire.
He was satisfied.
1 Act (gained from crystals): Merlin creates a spy system of tiny insects such as noseeums that go out into the city and spy on it. They will breed as necessary to keep the necessary numbers up, and relay their vision and hearing (both of which are human quality) back to a viewscreen wall in the mansion for Merlin to observe. This wall is responsive to voice commands from Merlin and Matthew, and can be directed to observe a particular location or person by speaking the name of that person/place, which will be placed under observation of some bugs if they weren't already. The view can be switched at any point to any particular bug through precise thought.

He had to hand it to Merlin, he knew how to throw a party, Matthew reflected as he leaned on the balcony and watched as the mass of people below flowed through each other like bubbles broiling on the surface of a pot. For once the great hall they lived in wasn't empty, echoing with every footstep. It was instead alive with talk, with laughter, with light and sound and movement and he loved it.
The guests told him as he danced among them that Merlin had been planning this for quite some time, that his thirteenth birthday was apparently some sort of very big deal for the old feller. He ate the finest foods and drank the best root beer he'd ever tasted. As the night went on, he conversed with friends he never quite bothered to ask the names of, played video games on gaming rigs that weren't there the night before and eventually he found he couldn't remember when the night began, and nor did he care. He was having fun! The most fun of his life. He talked to a great many people who were there to wish him a happy birthday, and though he didn't know any of them, he had a strange sense of familiarity with them, as though they were family that he hadn't met but still knew.
That night lasted eternity, but eventually the celebrations wound down and he found himself on a grassy knoll some distance away from the mansion, talking to a beautiful older lady who had dark red hair. She was talking, Matthew realized as he faded back to the present...
"...and what happened to going out and having friends, anyway, hmm?" She looked down at him curiously from where she was sitting on a nearby tree branch.
What d'ya mean?
She shrugged. "Well, not only you but most kids your age don't ever seem to have many friends due to many things. Studies. Isolation. Restrictive parents. Don't you wish you could have something different?"
Matthew shrugged. Dunno. Never really had that sort of experience, and didn't really see the need for it. I do enough interesting things on my own.
"Well, what about tonight?"
"I saw you having fun tonight. Think about it. Wouldn't you like to have fun like that every week? It's not too late to turn back. Merlin would give you up if you really wanted to."
Wait wait wait. How do you know about Merlin?
"Who do you think invited us here? You're 13 now, Matthew - a big year by any terms. If we lived just a few centuries ago you'd be considered a man now. It's your choice, Matt. If you want to give up your training in magic, become normal, you can do it. You wouldn't be in danger from other practicioners. You'd have friends. Don't you want that?"
Matthew thought. This was obviously a big decision that the woman was asking him to make, and even if he'd been inclined to treat it as a joke the tone with which she'd spoken forbade it.
In the orphanage, he'd been treated alright by the other kids. He hadn't really had any friends, but everyone had been amicable with him.
Being with Merlin was ... a big difference. He'd never met quite anyone like him, so eccentric and yet he had an answer to any question posed of him. And unlike the teachers he was used to , who only tolerated a certain amount of questioning, Merlin never got tired of talking with him. They'd spent whole days just discussing the finer points of some of the things he was interested in. Plus, of course, the extradimensional mansion was very nice.
Then there was the party tonight. His first taste of normality, of having friends and maybe even a family.
It really wasn't that hard of a choice, if he was honest to himself. Sure, friends were nice, but he could work on that and still have magic. Giving up magic for friends, though? Not a chance. He turned back to the woman.
Sorry if I disappoint you with this, but I'll stay with him. Magic isn't something I'd give up for anything.
The woman seemed pleased by this before she reigned in her expression. "Oh! Well, at least you made a choice then. Although I'm not sure Merlin would appreciate you discussing your studies with total strangers."
You know I can see through that glamor, right, Mer?
The lady shrugged, and her skin seemed to split open and fall apart, revealing the wizard leaning against the tree, grinning. Nice work there, lad.
No other words needed to be said then, and they sat on the knoll, overlooking the city, bustling and pulsing with light. Eventually Merlin heaved himself to his feet. Well, I suppose now that the party is over, I should give you your present, he said as he tapped the floot with his staff, splitting the far bigger glamor open and revealing them to be indoors. Blinking in surprise, Matthew followed him up a secretive set of stairs, eventually coming to a door that Merlin pulled a key out for. Before he put the key in the lock, he turned back to Matthew. Remember, if you accept this there's no turning back. You will be committed to the path of the arcane for life. Matthew nodded, and Merlin unlocked the door. Proceeding into a stone chamber, Matthew glimpsed - what was that? Was it - yes it was -  a staff on a stone plinth.
For me?
Merlin nodded, and Matthew advanced, disbelieving.
As he drew close to the staff, he idly noted that it was made of ashwood, and marked with carvings similar to that on Merlin's staff, but different somehow. Almost ... empty. He looked back to Merlin, who nodded approvingly. He reached out and hesitantly picked the staff up. It was a bit heavy, like all staffs were to him, but he didn't feel any obvious magical energies coming from it. Just as he was wondering if Merlin wanted him to do something with it, his voice came from behind, amused:
"Reach into it, Matthew. You'll find what's missing."
Matthew, knowing not to question such advice, and figuring he meant to extrude his aethric sense into it, did so. ...Hmm. The carvings on it weren't anything spectacular on thier own. Mainly spells of empowerement and channeling, which meant that though they weren't much on their own, together they could form something worthy of being called a wizard's staff.
But something was missing, some sort of entrance, an activation switch, a- oh, there it was. Channeling a small amount of magic into it, Matthew felt resistance. Spurred onward by this, he poured it on, pushing his power into the tiny breach in the staff until it broke.
When it did, the thing seemed to come alive in his hand, as the runes were overtaken by a spreading glow of deep red, and he felt a momentary sensation of all the power he'd put into that coming back, double - no, triple - no, it was everything, all the power in the world, the power of the stars, of the gods themselves!
He moved to laugh triumphantly, and the moment was gone. The sense of euphoria faded back into the staff, leaving it glowing faintly red, just as he now noted Merlin's glowed faintly blue, and leaving him with a pleasant humming sensation. He pushed it into the background of his conciousness as Merlin strode up to him.
Well done, Matthew! Well done indeed, he cried, his voice seeming to sprinkle flakes of power from each word to his ears.
Now you know why you cannot turn back. The staff is bonded to you now; it will assist you in your already remarkably intuitive grasp of magic, and more importantly, let you control it far more effectively. It is a focus, a symbol of your power and a sign that you are my apprentice, from this moment until the moment that you become a full wizard.
You've mastered the basics. Are you ready to begin your real training?

Hell yeah, he responded without hesitation, his own voice seeming to pulsate with light.
Flavor Act: Merlin carves the staff with appropriate runes as described above.
Matthew Act: Matthew bonds with his staff and becomes an official apprentice of Merlin (no real effect on gameplay apart from an increase in fine control and a better magic sense).
Null Act: The magical supplies are kept in storage and observed for anything unusual for now.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2014, 06:10:22 am by Xantalos »
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((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))

Digital Hellhound

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Re: The Age Of Fire: Game Thread
« Reply #53 on: January 05, 2014, 08:16:34 am »

'Funny. I like you already, but I'm afraid I can't just let you go,' Jack said, and slammed the revolver hard into the man's face. There was a nasty crack of bone and he went down - unconscious at least, though she could still use him if she'd... hit too hard.

She looked back at Dillard, considering the situation. The hallway outside offered little cover - though also to them - and she did not have the ammunition for a protracted firefight. The Russians, if that's who they were, seemed to be going perfectly untouched by the Omega's security. She would have to have a little chat with Capello over his hiring standards. She wondered if the little man had called the police. They could actually be of use in this situation, though response times even in a tourist-frequented place like this would not be quick. Of course, they might think to investigate into her business closer afterwards, which she had no intention to go through. Magnus would clear out these goons with no problem when he arrived, but waiting for him might take too long. She could sense the man in the back of her mind through their bond, but he was far away yet, though certainly aware of her danger.

'Well, Mr. Dillard...' Jack said, as another burst of automatic fire swept around the doorway. 'I can't say I know who my mysterious benefactor is, but I'll not inquire too closely into their motives right now. Y'know, I didn't really peg you for the heroic type, Frank. Your willingness to put yourself in harm's way for me is touching.'

Jack sighed, looking at the turned-over table and general devastation. She hoped none of the players had gotten themselves killed. They'd seemed very adept in fleeing as soon as the first shots were fired, while Jack herself had held the goons' attentions. Best to deal with that later, she supposed. Now, though...

'This isn't how I planned to spend my night,' Jack said. There was no trace of a smile on her face, mocking or otherwise. 'The Mafiya. God knows this is just what I needed. I don't know what the fuck their problem is, Mr. Dillard, but it looks to me I need to make some things clear for the underworld of this town. Number one - you do not fuck with me. The time for that is long past. Whoever's running this freakshow is gonna find just how bad an idea this was when I'm done here. They think they can - what, intimidate me? kill me? Someone's just monumentally fucked up, and I'm gonna make sure that's the first thing this city sees in the morning.'

Jack's eyes were pulsing now, darkening from their usual green as they beat to a deep, staccato rhythm. The shadows seemed to deepen around her. The smile on her features was that of a big cat over her prey, and there was nothing kind in it.

'I would suggest,' Jack whispered, her gaze seeming to look far past Dillard to somewhere he could never see, 'that you step back, Mr. Dillard.'

This attack had not come from these men. She could see the chains on them as clear as day, the strings men more powerful than they were holding. These were underlings, thugs for hire. They did not think for their own and they certainly had not come up with this plan themselves. She only needed to follow the strings and... pull. And all would fall into the flames of her making. She stepped into the hallway, the gunmen hesitating from the sheer force of her presence. Jack smiled, enjoying the perfection of this single moment.

What had she done before, but petty tricks? The power surged in Jack, and at that moment, she knew perfectly just how much more than mortal she was. Subtlety could go hang itself. She was... she was a god.

And this city would know it.


The magic struck the first man, and continued - but it was nothing so simple to be constrained by the mere physical space of the casino hallway. It sought and found the man above, a bolt of invisible power bounding to wherever it needed to go to murder the leader. But from that, still-smoking corpse, it raced ever-onwards, higher and higher, finding the next one in the Mafiya attack's chain of command. Death had risen on wings of dark, unforgiving power, and lanced lightning-fast from man to man. It moved in instants, crossing kilometres if need be in a matter of seconds - perhaps giving just enough time to see one's underlings collapse - and took to its embrace all it found.

The chain ended at someone, the highest step of the ladder. Someone had given the order, someone had planned this. And them Jack saved last, but the horror of that death would not be surpassed anywhere else. The human body contained an unfortunate amount of blood, and Jack would see all of it run.


Full Act: Jack engulfs the Mafiya operation in a death curse that will kill everyone directly involved (ie, everyone participating in this attack in some way), from the lowest thug all the way to the top. Except for the highest in the chain of command, there will be no signs of assault or violent death, but they'll drop dead where they'll stand. But whoever ordered this... oh boy, there won't be much of a body left to recognize.

(Alternatively: the curse kills one person in every 'step' of the chain of command, ie; one common thug, their leader, his superior, etc, until the person in charge.)
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!

The Alchemist

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Re: The Age Of Fire: Game Thread
« Reply #54 on: January 23, 2014, 01:19:58 am »

A rhythmic thud was all that disturbed the stiflingly vacant day almost colorless. Ayana scouted the location Lloyd ordered her to along with three other Bolters; it wasn’t long after they arrived that the regular denizens relocated. She sighed a typical mechanical sigh, that is an inaudible one. Three days of this. An odd click resonated from her body as Lloyd came into her view, he came to view the location for the event that he had planned it was her job to make sure there were no outside forces that could interfere with the preparations but she could not help herself from coming by his side whenever he visited.

She stood by his side for a full five minutes as he slowly turned surveying the whole of the site, or what was left of it, until he finally rested his eyes on her. “Ahh! Oh it’s just you Ayana. What are you doing here, aren’t you supposed to be patrolling?”

She could barely get herself to both speak and not speak at the same time, “I’m your bodyguard sir. It’s my duty to make sure you are safe, that is all. That is all.”

“Yes, yes you don’t have to repeat yourself. I’m safe so you can resume your duties.”

“If you don’t mind sir, I would just like to stay with you until you depart. You know in case anything happens, this area isn’t as secure as home.” She smiled a bit as she said the last part.

Lloyd stood there and looked at her for a few moments, well not really looked at her more like looked beyond her as if thinking about something before a small smirk spread across his face. “Alright, you may accompany me. I needed to get a better view of this place anyways.” An odd click emanated from her body once more and she reached out to grab a hold of him, but stopped herself before she moved an inch. All that disturbed the wonderful vacant day was an irregular thud of two steps not quite in sync yet.

He’d been on this case for two weeks carefully following his mark. According to his information the person he was following was the head of a growing drug peddling gang, but he was only following him because his wife thought that he was cheating on her. The investigation was drawing to a close and all he had to do now was wait for the crimeboss to finish his business inside the motel. Then Lloyd screeched into his ear. “Hey, Adam I have some wonderful news. I have found the perfect location for the big event!”

“Hey Lloyd can this wait I’m in the middle of something,” Adam whispered, he hadn’t quite gotten used to talking with Lloyd without talking aloud.

“You should see it! There’s old Victorian era amusement park here! Sure it’s a little dilapidated and run-down, but I’m sure with a few Ringers it’ll all be set for the big day in no time! Quite fitting considering myself don’t you think?”

“Isn’t the Victorian era only supposed to apply to British history? Wait an amusement park? Is it the one that I’m thinking of too?!”

“Oh so you knew about this place too. Why didn’t you bring it to my attention earlier?”

“You do realize what happened there right? It wasn’t that long ago.”

“I’m sorry what happened?” Adam pulled out his phone and held it as if he was calling someone. He could tell that he was raising his voice and could do without drawing much more attention to himself.

“What do you mean, how couldn’t you have heard?”

“I’m sorry, but I haven’t kept up with any recent news.”

“Look all you need to understand is that something bad happened there a while back and a lot of people got killed! So I don’t think they’d be very inclined to come and see your--” Adam then realized that Lloyd had been talking the whole time.

“-at’s what you want then lead on” A loud click followed and some heavy footsteps. “Sorry did you say something?”


“Sorry Adam this is a bad time right now. Can you leave a message with Aldrow and I’ll follow up on it later.”

“You were the one who contacted me!” A sharp ring pierced his head and he hollered in pain. After a few moments Adam looked up and the crimboss’ car was gone.

“What’s that you said,” Lloyd asked looking at Ayana rather surprised that she interrupted his call with Adam.

“There’s something that… I can’t find the right word for it, but it’s important. Just follow me please.” She moved only a little bit, Lloyd had gotten good at noticing the infinitesimally small movements she made. However, this movement was a bit odd.

“Well if that’s what you want then lead on” another click erupted from her. She must be expressing something with that sound. Nearly every time we’re together she makes that sound. Slowly the two of them walked into a covered home of one of the homeless that lived in the park. The home stood between two supports for one of the falling apart rides and against a crumbling concrete wall. They just stood there staring at each other until she made a motion with her head and mouth, but no words came out. “Sorry did you say something?”

Immediately Adam responded, “PEOPLE WERE KILLED WHERE YOU’RE AT!” The exclamation didn’t phase either of them. It was just an unwanted distraction at that point.

“Sorry Adam this is a bad time right now. Can you leave a message with Aldrow and I’ll follow up on it later.” Lloyd killed the signal and then looked back up at Ayana. She clasped his hand with both of hers and held onto it dearly. That’s all she did. She was acting weird, at least that’s what Lloyd thought, except in any other situation he would have thought of her as an it and not a she. They stood there for what seemed like an eternity, just staring at each other. They shared something, it was mutual, it was immaterial.

The engine of industry roared in the factory now that all the necessary repairs had been made and none could be happier than the overseer of the production, Aldrow. What transpired these halls every day was an organized mess all orchestrated by the greatest manager around, Aldrow. There was truly no greater logistical or tactical manager then the great and powerful Aldrow! There can only be one representation of true perfection and that representation is of course--Three Ringers interrupted Aldrow’s oblivious vanity as they bellowed steam and bumped into Aldrow. Pathetic scum.

After adjusting his appearance he walked across to the other wing of the factory to view the team he picked out to renovate the new location for the event. A-05: a hard-worker. A-04: least accident prone. A-031: only one who hasn’t been shot aside from some bolters and of course Aldrow. A-03: never really liked that one, hopefully it’ll get scraped. A-02:only one to never question Aldrow’s orders. A-01: only one who’s almost as perfect as Aldrow. A-0: the best, most perfect, most qualified, and best quantified unit and of course the only manager.

“Alright automatons. We have an assignment that we will need to complete for Lord Absolon as soon as he tells us to, so let us make sure that we know what to do.”

“Query. Don’t you think we should bring more units,” asked unit A-02.

Ignoring the unit Aldrow continued. “We need to set up a stage for Lord Absolon and saturate the area with flyers informing the public of the event. Our Master has already released a statement that our products will be displayed at this event. We expect a large a large gathering and need to build a stage to accommodate that. Everything else has been taken care of so focus on the task at hand and try not to draw any attention” Unit A-02: only unit to question Aldrow’s orders once.

“Yes sir,” spoke all 6 units in unison. The main entrance creaked open and a single set of footsteps followed and closed in on the room.

“That must be him now.” The first one to enter was Lloyd and closely followed by Ayana holding his arm. “Ayana! What are you doing here?! You’re supposed to be patrolling.” Ayana: an attention-mongering weasel and a corruptive influence on Lord Absolon.

“Silence Aldrow. Some things came to my attention and I decided to have her return here with me. She is my bodyguard after all. You can take three other bolters to make up for her loss on patrols.”

“Of course Lord Absolon. Query. Am I to assume that we are ready to proceed?” Ayana: worth three B models, no; not even worth an eighth of unit A-024. Unit A-024: all that was left was an arm and a head; scrapped.

“Yes. I trust you to attend to these matters.”

“Of course sir you can always trust me. I live to serve you after all.” Statement: true.

The big day finally rolled around and a steadily growing stream of people were entering the grounds for the event in front of the stage, most seemed to be attracted by the limbs for the limbless posters that had quickly flooded the streets. The automatons were all disguised in thick long trench coats and hats and were constantly scurrying around at the edges of everyone’s vision. They didn’t instigate a panic, but they certainly contributed to a shared thick tension that soon enveloped the environment. Suddenly tiny things like a creak or a groan set off hundreds of panicked looks and many gave the small raffle booth, offering a free set of limbs to the winner, operated by Adam a wide berth. Behind the stage Aldrow and Lloyd were going over the performance and Ayana was sitting up high among the rafters just behind the curtains. The two of them, Lloyd and Ayana, would share passing glances every once and a while.

“Alright, Sir let us go over the performance one more time.”

Lloyd sighed and said, “Don’t worry we’ve gone over this plenty.”

The noise outside suddenly dropped, not like a slow and peaceful drop that happens as a conversation draws to a close but more of an abrupt death as if something died. It was never stated, but it was known amongst all the visitors, the show was about to start and all attention turned to the stage. Lloyd entered in full regal fashion; he was draped by a cape of blue and red, with gears ticking the seconds and heartbeats that went by, and covered in red pants followed by a blue shirt and a rich emerald green scarf. He spun a cane around his hand showing off a factory ensnared in glass kept at the head. As much for his antics he drew slow and heavy steps walking to the microphone and stood there for half a minute to make sure all eyes and ears were focused on him and him only. When he spoke his voice bellowed out slow honeyed words, “Ladies and Gentlemen. I welcome you to this humble showing of my new products. They are nothing new in the way of ideas, but they are revolutionary in their design. You may have spotted several of them around these grounds, however, I wager that most of you heard about the artificial limbs especially from our fliers.”

Slight murmurs disturbed the speech and Lloyd waited until the commotion died down before speaking again. “Now I assume most of you are here for the limbs so I would like a volunteer for demonstration. Preferably someone who already has an injury and a high tolerance for pain since this operation will hurt a bit and we can’t numb the pain right now. First to volunteer gets to keep the model.” After a short while of questioning looks and confusion between who exactly the first volunteer was (Ayana found the first one to raise their hand). The volunteer was short, scruffy, and obviously poor if not homeless and missing both his left arm and right foot. As the volunteer ascended onto the stage a clean metal table was pushed out with an artificial limb on it. “Ah yes my good sir you will do nicely. Now just lay down on this table and we’ll have you done in a minute.”

After the man laid down Lloyd spun back to view the crowd. “Now it is time to introduce my second invention,” Lloyd whistled and Ayana dropped from the rafters landing right behind the table, “This is what I call a Bolter, it is a security model not normally suited for surgery, but shall do well in this scenario nonetheless. Please prepare yourself now this might hurt a bit.” Ayana quickly forms her weapon into a sharp blade and slices a thin portion and immediately moves the limb next to the wound as it comes to life and grafts itself to the man. It was a perfect procedure. The patient on the other hand wasn’t so perfect and let out a painful screech that lasted until the limb fully affixed itself to him. “Perfect! Just perfect! Now why don’t you stand up and show these good people the control you have over that new arm of yours!”

The man stood up slowly, but the arm reacted to his motions immediately and followed his every command, which in this case was just a lot of flexing it and winding it around in circles. A large applause started, but a few held their enthusiasm. “A good show indeed don’t you say. I would like to say that the 20 raffle winners will all receive an artificial limb. Just the limb, not the procedure well unless you want the procedure.” Lloyd took a short break and sat on the table next to a small pool of blood before speaking again in a more serious and energetic manner, “Now how about we go onto the real show,” he snapped his fingers and multiple Ringers started flowing from behind the stage carrying various bits of metal, some rusted others clean, some salvaged others new, and some of them were even broken all pieces were put into one big pile directly behind Lloyd. Three Ringers walked up to the front of the stage to be displayed. “These my ladies and gentlemen are my third invention and my livelihood. These are production models, the ones who made all this possible. Now you may be wondering if these are just people in suits but I can assure you they’re not. They are completely mechanical workers, allow me to demonstrate: Unit A-03 please talk and wave to the nice people.”

Unit A-03 responded and it’s ghastly mechanical voice rang into the microphone. Lloyd snapped his fingers and the two models on both sides of unit A-03 grabbed its arms and ripped them off. Another snap; there goes most of the chest. Another snap; off goes the head. Silence overwhelmed the crowd, but Lloyd did not let it sit. “Now some of you may wonder how these inventions came to be, and I will be honest it hasn’t been totally due to my ingenuity. I am more than human. I know you will not believe me, so I have prepared a little demonstration. If you have any video recording devices I would suggest getting them out now.” The Ringers dropped the last bits of metal and Lloyd climbed the pile of parts and stood there.

At first nothing happened a bit of the crowd began laughing and saying that Absolon had finally gone off the deep end, but the metal was moving albeit slowly at first. It was gaining speed at an exponential rate, climbing up around Lloyd and encircling him. Eventually the pieces began to lift off and form a maelstrom of metal as various bits and pieces tore themselves apart, rearranged and fell into place around Lloyd; forming a structure around Lloyd. The structure built itself up slowly, but then grew faster and faster encasing Lloyd in a metallic prison until it reached it’s completion.

A whirlwind of steam rushed out of the pipes behind the behemoth that stood 14 feet tall. After a minute the steam stopped and it began to move forward, it was human shaped, but had vastly different proportions with the midsection and legs being extremely thick in comparison to the upper body which was still massive in its own right. As it moved forward the stage groaned and its midsection began to shift out of the way revealing Lloyd, “Invention #4. Now if you still doubt my position I can do no more to sate your skepticism. As for those who believe in me I offer this.” A blue banner unveiled behind Lloyd to reveal a grey crest of a clock with factories bellowing steam on its hands. “I wish to build a more perfect society and to do that I will need to re-energize the spirit of industry in this husk of a city. So I ask you this will any of you lend me your bodies so that we may work towards this society, in return I will do my best to provide for your needs. This city has been decaying for far too long! It is time to turn it around! And we WILL succeed!”

Null Act: Continue sending a Bolter to deliver the note to Magnus.

Null Act: Host a product demonstration at the abandoned amusement park.

Null Act: Give away 21 prosthetic limbs.

Null Act: Offer Adam a job as head of security and some of the money earned from selling the limbs.

Full Act: Create a 14 foot tall humanoid shaped vehicle called a Reaper primarily used for heavy lifting and construction, but can also be outfitted with the weapons that have already been designed by Lloyd. It is fully compatible with both automatons and humans and interfaces fully with the pilot(so say that a part of the vehicle gets damaged the pilot will feel the pain) for better control. The pilot resides in the very center of the vehicle which is heavily armored and visuals are provided by a device almost like a para scope, but allows vision in nearly every direction.

Null Act: Auction off 2 bolters to the highest bidder with the following terms:
  • You must not try to copy the design or replicate this model in any way.
  • You may not attack this unit or otherwise detriment it without a reasonable cause.
  • You may not force it to attack other units of its kind.
Failure to comply with those terms will result in the unit becoming immediately hostile to its owner. These terms are repeated every time it is transferred to a new owner.

Null Act: Continue production of Bolters and Ringers. Begin production of Reapers
« Last Edit: April 10, 2014, 08:48:32 pm by The Alchemist »
Well...we're both drowning, he was drunk the whole time...this was a success!
- Me after completing a game of Red November.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Resident Shipper God and Freyjapiller
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Re: The Age Of Fire: Game Thread
« Reply #55 on: January 24, 2014, 11:03:03 am »

Nathan was....stressed. Extremely so.

Specifically, he was getting irritated with the constant examinations lately. Exam after exam after exam; it was a wonder he managed to keep himself sane, what with a horde of sentient fireflies, a sarcastic salamander and a spaced out Fae; speaking of Holly, where the hell was she? God knows.

Tom was getting more used to this; he barely noticed it when the Salamander, now named "Jeeves", sniffed and slithered around him for food. Kari still didn't know about Nate's gift; Tom had deliberately steered her from Nate's room every time she came over and Jeeves generally kept out of her way, stating that he didn't like her scent or what not.

Now, what was he doing again? Oh, right, studying. Always bloody studying.

Damn it. Biology. Of course. Why this?
"You'd think being a fucking demigod or something gives you instant knowledge of this crap. 'Parently not."
Indeed, he was decent enough at it, but Nate was only humanly so. He sighed.

God knows whatever the hell Jeeves was doing.
Null Act: Study Biology. Also, feed the Sentient Hive.

Jeeves himself was getting more and more fascinated with this man his Master lived next to. He found him...curious.

Always with something to do, barely leaving, always scheming, and always, Jeeves heard what he said. The Hive never paid attention, no, and that Fae, before she'd disappeared off for several days, didn't care, but this one....

...this one was like Nate, and he wanted to know what he was doing.
Null Act: Spy on Red.

Other NPCS:
Tom: Not under control
Hive: Null Act: Continue hovering around tank until called for.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Age Of Fire: Game Thread
« Reply #56 on: February 08, 2014, 07:09:00 am »

Red looked at his wall. What had been orderly before was now a great collection of snippets from the various newspapers. He despised the chaos, yet in this chaos there was structure. He was not alone, he knew that, but if there were more of him they could be dangerous. The Queen of Hearts, as he enjoyed calling her, hung on the far right side of the wall, a photograph below an actual card from a poker game. Her number and all other information was written on that card. Next to it, news items on the strange events in the dockyards. He also collected a poster about prosthetic limbs, and several proclamations from a man named Asimov, which just didn't sound right. Those were just some of the things that were going on in the city.

He massaged his temples for a moment, then ground to a mental stop, resetting his line of thought. He knew what he was, he knew that he was beyond most of the people that lived in this city. He knew that he was more powerful than both those that lived in the gutter, and those who called themselves mighty. He was beyond the mayor, beyond the police, and yet- He felt oddly certain that he was at a disadvantage. That others like him had awakened no longer seemed coincidental, and while he doubted that he had even found the tracks of half of his kin yet, he knew that they had begun to act, to shape the city. As had he, and his own existence made him ponder another question. If he was beyond the world, who was he to deny the possibility of other mythological beings? He had once read of H.P. Lovecraft's sunken city, and he knew some of the myths of ancient Greece. He had heard of the spirits that many of the world's native people used to worship. Previously, he had deemed these things unworthy of recognition, but he himself heralded an era of mythology. If at least some of the many myths of this world were true, where had these beings gone?

Despite the power he had amassed, he started to feel insignificant, as if he were but a pawn in the game of something even larger than him. There were others like him, but it seemed likely that others like him had once been too. Those predecessors had fallen, and the same, in turn, could happen to him. Red's thoughts had guided him to the bathroom, where his hands held onto the edge of the sink tightly. He looked himself in the eyes and, despite the fact that he no longer wore the contact lenses he had worn before, they were red as red as sunset. His hair, his eyes, his clothes, they were Red. He was a color, and everything it symbolized. He was a God. And despite all that, he remained insignificant.

With a shout, he struck the mirror, shattering it. Clenching his throbbing fist, he looked at the blood that dripped down from his fingers. Blood, too, was red. But his, his burned. It was hot, fierce, and it summarized so well what he was. He was necessity. He was a symbol of life, yet he was also associated with death. Clenching his fist more tightly, he watched as the droplets struck the floor, where they hissed, then evaporated, as would liquid mercury. The floor was littered with shards of glass, and three of the shards, each a jagged shape, had turned red, hazy. There was no reflection on these mirrors, but there was a voice – his voice.

Johnny had not heard from Red in a while, but he and his companions had done relatively well. For some reason, they had progressed, and together they had rented an apartment downtown. While they lived somewhat cramped up, they had become like a family. Johnny could not help but keep his attention on the news, to keep following the leads Red had shown him, and he felt that Red would return. Most of the group was out when he heard a knock on the door. "Coming!" Not taking his eyes off the television, which showed images of a huge steaming machine that enveloped a rather odd man called Avalon, he opened the door. The hallway was empty, save for a small package. The package was wrapped in a poster about prosthetic limbs, and when Johnny unwrapped it, he found a letter and three small leather pouches. The letter was handwritten, and the ink was red.

"Dear Johnny,

As we are both aware, the city is changing. You and I are forces of this change, and I have come to trust you. Thus, I will ask of you a favor that I would not ask of anyone else.

I have come to conclusions that change the way I look at this world. I have changed my plans accordingly, and as before, my plans include you, my friend. As you know, your enemies are my enemies, and your allies are my allies. Thus, I trust your judgment. Each of these three pouches contains a shard. One of these shards is for you, the second is for one of our enemies, and the last is for someone at random. I trust that you will select the right people, and that you will not lead them back to us. I will return soon, and we will speak. I promise you that, and I promise that, when that time comes, I will answer one the many questions you undoubtedly have.

Yours sincerely,


Full act: Red shatters a mirror. Three large shards remain.
Spoiler: The Blood Mirrors (click to show/hide)
Zilch act: Red leaves the shards for Johnny, and asks him to keep one shard, while finding suitable new owners for the other two.

(So, spending one act, I should still have three acts next turn, correct? I kept this one relatively short.)
Spider Overhaul
Adding realistic spiders to Dwarf Fortress. (Discontinued.)

Godhood VIII
The latest installment in the Godhood roleplaying game series.


  • Bay Watcher
  • if you must die, die spectacularly
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Re: The Age Of Fire: Game Thread
« Reply #57 on: March 10, 2014, 06:57:17 pm »

Turn Five: Things Get Serious
There is a being in a long black cloak and a strange white mask like a bird's skull.
Seven Months Until Arrival
Anya looked out at the city, leaning on the railing of the penthouse's balcony. She had long blond hair which drifted slightly around her neck in the wind, and a long blue dress that looked very expensive, and a feeling that precludes anything big going down: sparkling excitement, and the slightest hint of terror. Behind her, the elite of the city were drinking, snorting, and loudly bragging about their latest accomplishments. The city was far from her home, which was a good thing since her home was a shithole. Of course, so was this place. She may have been far off the streets, high up enough to reach the clouds, but she could smell the blood from up here.

The mafia's bride wanted to leave. But then again, who wanted to stay? The only thing that kept people here was circumstance and a lack of options. Nowadays, though, things were heating up. The Cartel was moving into the city at a frightening pace, but they weren't even the worst thing out there. Certain names were flying about like lightening: Red, Coupe, Absolon. Lots of names, but not many certainties as to what they were. Lot of bullshit, not a lot of facts. Anya preferred facts.

Her husband (Though such a word did not suit him) dragged himself over to greet her with his swollen and horrendous slab he called a body. The two were more mismatched then a tennis player in a soccer match. The only thing that kept them together was that he had money and she only had a nice body, so as long as she closed her eyes during their more intimate moment, she was happy with the arrangement and so was he.

It was moments like this, though, that really pissed her off. In a year, they would only talk 8 or 9 times, usually in public places. Their penthouse was big enough that she could safely ignore him and he would get on with his work. When he was particularly drunk the problems would start. For one, he'd think she was his actual wife. Even she had the smarts to recognize that she wasn't anything of the sort.

"My baby." he said, slurring and shaking slightly in the cold wind. "You know I love you?" The  last word had a curiously upturned quality to it, like he was asking a question. He sounded American when he was drunk. Even if he didn't know her, she knew him.

"Yeah, sweetie." said Anya. "I do."

"You don't." he said, leaning on the rail. "No-one does. They all go... hey, there's Petrov. He's just a fucking... fucker. They don't give me no respect."

"You're the most respected man in the city, Faddei." said Anya, feeling hollow. "Don't say stuff like that, it's just the drink making you think all wrong." The fact the drink made him think at all, Anya thought, is practically a miracle in and of itself.

"You're my best girl. I love you. I really do." said the mafiya kingpin. "All of this. For you. I did all this for you. I wanted someone to love, no-one would love me without respect. No-one would love me without money. So I broke men, bones, stole. All this. For you."

Anya sighed and stopped fooling him. "You fucking idiot. You didn't do any of this for me. So don't pin all this on me like you're some sort of a heroic family man. You don't love me. You just wanna fuck me. That's all you'll ever feel."

He narrowed his eyes and stood up fully. Now that he was taller, Anya felt the excitement bubble over to utter fear. She wanted to stop, to apologize, but the plan was so close to completion. "Don't talk to me that way, baby, I can get real angr--"

"That's my point. Real men who marry women they love don't spend their entire time either fucking them or beating them. Your kind only manages the lowest feelings. All you are capable of is fucking and beating people."

He reared up and got right up in her face. "Honey, I'm going to count to three. And if you don't apologize, I'm going to do something very nasty."

So that's when Anya headbutted him. He drew back, screeching in pain and holding his bleeding forehead. Just what she wanted. She kicked him in the stomach sideways. He wobbled over the railing he leaned on previously, then in a second he was gone. Faddei didn't have time to scream before he hit the ground.

Shooting him would have been simpler. But it wouldn't have looked as clean. She wiped her hands and silently began practicing what she was going to say to the people inside. Anya had the ability to cry on demand: it came in handy on several occasions. She began to walk over to the door and opened it.

That's when she found that inside, there was a lot of corpses, most of them very high ranking. A lot of them looked like they were heart attack cases, but for the leader of the Irish mob who was over for this party... Well, she assumed it was the leader of the Irish mob. It was hard to tell, since what remained of him was mostly chunky in consistency.

Something inside her begged for some reaction to this, something human. She had a feeling that anything human inside her was long gone at best. One of the mafiya's top hitman stumbled backward and yelled "What the hell are we going to do!?"

Anya gave a meager smile. "Glad you asked." she said. "Let's get to business."


The spy bug project was a success. The number of people monitored by the bugs was only second to the amount of people monitored by cameras in London. Matthew wasn't sure what to think of this. On one hand, he and Merlin were literally Wizard Big Brother. On the other hand, that was also sort of cool.

Only one problem: one of the bugs was killed, and seemingly intentionally. The bug was flying into an abandoned building, then seemed to have been switched off by something, like an EMP would do for a less literal spy bug When Merlin reviewed the last of it's footage, all that was seen was some shadowy figures approaching. Matthew had volunteered to see what was up. Merlin was hesitant, but Matthew was pretty sure he could handle himself. Who knew what it was: Merlin was a great wizard but new situations could have made things different. Perhaps the bug had passed near a speaker playing dubstep and was vibrated to death for some reason. Magic was handy, and it generally played well with technology, but when science and magic collided it was like trying to play chess with monopoly pieces. Merlin may have thought it dangerous, but knowing exactly what causes breakdowns would be extremely handy.

The place where the bug died was a tenement near their shack. The Bogomolov Projects. It was on the edge of the Rust Streets, but it was highly unlikely that someone would be living here. The place gave the impression that it was a video of a place collapsing in on itself played in slow motion. Beside the tenement, an abandoned playground slowly played itself in the wind, with swings spinning and gates opening and closing with a rusty sound. Matthew wasn't scared. The only people that could be living there were homeless, and homeless were generally harmless if you didn't bother them. Or if they weren't on meth. Whichever. In either case, he had his staff and his magic, and he felt prepared to do whatever he needed to do, if it even came to that.

He pushed open the two double doors, which collapsed in on themselves. Classy. He concentrated, then tried to focus on the very weak signal sent out by the dead bug. He could see the hazy silhouette of it down underground. Matthew turned on the flashlight he brought along for the expedition then began to move into the tenement. The corridors of the projects were lit by thin slits from the boarded up windows, and crows feasted on the dead rats lying everywhere. Floorboards creaked below him worryingly as he entered a truly dark section of corridor. Once or twice he swore he could hear the sound of someone jabbering down in the basement. As he went deeper and deeper into the tenement, he thought he could hear two pairs of footsteps. He stopped, and so did the second pair. He was so ready to dismiss it as an echo he recognized the fear in that readiness.

Matt thought he could hear it coming from the corridor in front of him. He went against the wall and looked around the corner, shining the flashlight as fast as he could to get the follower red-handed. Nothing appeared. He heard the sound of tapping directly behind him, like the sound of someone walking on their toes toward him. He turned around, but once again the flashlight revealed nothing.

He checked in front of him, he checked behind him. Where else could the noise be coming from?

He realized too late when he looked up. With an unnatural strength and agility, something dropped from the ceiling and screamed unintelligable curses. The flashlight fell to the ground as he did, and smashed on landing. However, in that splitsecond between meager light and total darkness, he saw something dark on top of him.

Matt screamed out an apology and tried to crawl away, but the figure grabbed his throat and held, held so tightly that Matt felt his breath become more and more strained. He's trying to kill me. he thought. He's trying to kill a kid for walking into a building. Matthew had never dealt with a psycho. He had dealt with criminals, weirdoes, and annoyances, but he had never dealt with someone who was so beyond reason and sanity that they would kill someone due to proximity.

Trying to keep the panic down but finding it keep bursting through from the lack of breath, he pressed his hand up against the figure and tried to think, and think fast. The staff was on his back and too far to reach. He would have to use his hands. He thought of interlocking parts, and his first lesson. Remove the circle that keeps things whole. In a flash he saw the psycho's heart. He removed something from it. For a precious few seconds, the psycho kept his deathgrip, which was a moment that Matthew's subconscious would always make him remember in dreams. Then, the psycho cried out in pain and fell over. The cry was feminine. As the body toppled off him and he breathed in stinky, nasty air that soothed his burning lungs, he realized he had just killed a woman. Quickly, he stood up and ran from the scene, thinking nothing but to get out of the basement. Whatever was going on here could not possibly be worth the strain.

That's when the floorboards below him snapped, sending him plunging into darkness, in more ways then one. He barely felt the thud to the ground.

When he awoke, he could see that he was in some sort of a basement. In the distance, he could hear chanting, and he had one hell of a feeling that he was in a big jam.


Thomas Azur was not having a very good day. Seven months away was his reelection, and usually that's when he'd break out the bribe money section of his wealth. However, he now realized that it may not be enough. Usually his press conferences were quiet affairs with boring questions and boring answers. However, this was one had a sharper edge to it. The reporters had a distinctly hungry look about them. Thomas stood at the podium finishing up some dull speech and hoping that the questioning period would not last long.

"And so, we should monopolize our ventures and attempt to create a safer city." he said, finishing up at last. "We are now taking questions."

Most of the reporters held up their hands. He sighed quietly and thought about the Phoenix. As far as the police detectives said, he wasn't doing anything but hanging around his apartment and buying newspapers. He apparently sent a package once, and Azur got a similar one in the mail a few days ago. That was annoying, having to get the bomb squad in. They said all that was inside was a red-colored glass shard, but Thomas had them burn it anyway. For all the odd things that had been happening, he simply couldn't take any chances. He kept Red on high priority, with instructions that if any "strange events" occurred, it was most likely his fault. Azur suspected him to be behind the mafiya massacres, the regulators, and maybe even have a connection to Heart's Desire. Coupe was way too show-offy to be anything but mid-level management for somebody.

He pointed to a random reporter, a preppy young kid who looked vaguely hippish. This was not going to be good. "Hello, Michael Parma, of the Liberal Guardian." Oh Christ, that student rag was allowed in? This was going to be terrible. "Despite your claims that you are attempting to get drugs off the street and stop gang violence, statistics indicate that crime rates have actually grown by 22%, when the average was already 13% higher then Detroit, the highest rated city on the list at the time of the statistic. What is your opinion on this?"

Azur drew the microphone closer, then thought. "Crime statistics can simplify problems and draw attention to the wrong elements. The majority of crimes are most likely not affecting the average citizen."

"So as long as it doesn't affect the voter, it's okay?" said Michael. "What about the minorities, the poor?"

"As long as the citizen is not involved in organized crime, they will find that their city is a very peaceful one indeed. Next question." Azur said, pointing to the next reporter, a more experienced looking woman in a suit and tie, probably from the Daily Times, the newspaper he bribed the most. He felt safe.

"Concetta Sarka, Daily Times." she said, confirming his suspicions. Azur was good at reading people. "Is it true that you are planning to cut funding for inner city schools and increasing it for suburban ones?"

Ooh, awkward question. He obviously was not paying them enough. However, just as he was about to launch into another game of "Get The Press Off Your Ass", he noticed something red flash across the street, through a window.

Laser sight.

[15] There was a loud sound, like a huge stick snapping in half, and the window cracked. Thomas Azur stared straight ahead, feeling a cold feeling spread on his chest. He stepped off the podium, straightened his tie, and fell to the ground. The last thing he saw was the blood pooling, red as a sunset. Then all was dark.

Three hours later, they had caught the shooter. He had used a hunting rifle and claimed that a red shard of glass that had been given to him by a hobo told him to kill Azur. In any other circumstance, this would have been regarded as simple craziness and ignored.

In six hours, the police department was writing up the plan to assault Yeoman's Street 67.


Joan was analyzing the readouts from the elerium scanners. She had managed to get a gateway node going, allowing her to remain in the comfort of her room while still connecting to that magnificent machine in the old subway. Lucky her parents had the cash to get some decent internet or she would have had to make more trips to Robert's place then would be preferable. The drones had managed to make a 3D map of the city from their scans, allowing Joan the closest thing to a god's eye view.

Elerium scans were coming up zilch on all fronts. Interference was showing from the people the drones was ordered to study, and she wasn't sure why that was. She decided that elerium was the primary facet. She read up his docs on the effects it had on the human body based on what it had done to a random gang member unlucky enough to wander in. It was not pretty.

She was turning up the fine tuning, and thus was coming up with more ghosts. Mostly in the Rust Streets and near the casinos. A document was written up by her denoting the locations where ghosts occurred the most, but the ghosts were secondary to the main fact. Rogue elerium was somewhere, and she had to find it. She turned up the fine tuning so high that basically anything that could produce energy could have tripped it.

She got a faint signal near the Rust Streets. She switched to it. It was a large building, possibly a tenement. None of the drones had gone too near it, so the outline of the building on the map screen was fuzzy and inconsistent, and several walls being simply gone. There was a faint blinking elerium signature somewhere within the building. It matched the elerium signature given off by drones. This was not a ghost, electrical or otherwise. What confused her was the fact that it was not immediately detected. It should have been self-destructed by now, and she knew that it would have been detected in some shape or form by that method. It was steady, indicating the elerium was still contained.

Something was bugging her about the signature. She turned down the finetuning to the original level. Instantly, the signature disappeared. Turning it up slowly did not do any tricks. It only faded into existence when the fine tuning was up to maximum efficiency level. It was almost like the building had swallowed up the signal. There was something up about that building. It was close to the Rust Streets, so it should have had some of that ghost energy near it. She turned the fine tuning down to the ghost point. That's when the unusualness of the building went into downright bizarreness.

The building was totally clean of ghost energy. Since most of the Rust Streets was drenched in the goddamn stuff and even most of the city had at least traces, this bothered her. She looked up what she thought was the address of the house and realized that this was the Bogomolov Projects. Bad part of town. You heard something terrible going down in it every other month. Sometimes it's the latest serial killer's hideout, other times it's the latest location of a drug lab, and still other times it's the latest hangout for a bunch of methed up homeless who inevitably murder someone stupid enough to wander in and string their corpses up outside.

Now it was eerily clean of ghost energy for no readily apparent reason.

Joan knew that this was not something to celebrate. One of the many groups of scum that hung out in the Projects had their hands on the most dangerous material known to man. The fact they had absolutely no idea what it was did not hold any comfort to her.


Keke opened the blinds in a tight fashion, trying to see out without anyone outside seeing in. The street was empty, but they were probably not going to be empty for long. When the door opened, she reached out and grabbed her knife (A piece of glass with cloth forming a grip) then held it towards whoever was coming in. As it turns out, it was Karol. Keke sighed and put the knife on the lip of the window.

"Nervous, much?" said Karol, lighting a cigarette. Keke thought Karol had a uniquely cool way of doing this, but experienced observers would note that Karol seemed almost slightly afraid of the lighter's flame. She was still 11.

"I've got a right to be." said Keke. "We have got to get that weird kid out of here."

"She's staying here." said Karol definitely. "She's not causing any problems, and she seemed hurt."

"Oh yeah? She's trouble." said Keke, moving toward Karol. "The damn place is being watched."

"Watched, huh?" said Karol, moving past Keke and opening the blinds too widely for Keke's tastes. She narrowed her eyes and shook her head. "Nah, looks like you're still being a paranoid idiot from where I'm standing."

"Close the damn blinds!" yelled Keke, pushing past Karol and shutting the blinds. Before Karol could react, she span around and huffed. "I don't even get why we had to rescue her, now we have to deal with this kind of shit."

"We rescued her because she was one of us." said Karol definitely.

Keke laughed bitterly. "Oh, one of us, as if that's an actual thing." she said. "We're all on our own here. We just have each other, and that's it. When we start letting others in, stuff like this happens."

"What stuff?" said Karol. "You haven't got a lick of proof. Just staring out windows, like you always do."

"I won't take this patronizing crap." said Keke, walking to the door. "Go have your stupid 'we're all in this together' bull, but when they come for you, you should know it's all your fault!"

The door slammed.

Outside, the agent with a round face and blond hair across the way in an abandoned building blinked, sending out the transmission. With his type, it's not a question if you are being watched. It's when are you being watched.


Officer Boon looked at the half-disembled robot within the cell, through the glass window. It wasn't doing anything in particular, just watching and waiting. Just staring at him. He looked at Officer Doubek, who sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"Why is it gutted?" said Boon.

"When we bought it," said Doubek with a snide and nasally voice. "We tried to see how it worked. The auctioneer said we shouldn't do that, but we assumed it would not go psycho and try to murder us."

Boon tapped the glass. Immediately the robot sprung into action, dragging it on it's ripped out gut with wires spreading across the floor. It reached up and banged hard against the glass, having no effect but certainly putting in the effort. Boon stepped back, then shook his head. "Goddammit, a year ago this stuff didn't happen. Now we're up to our butts in assassinations and robots. What the hell happened?"

"Red Kirmiz did. Before bossman got his brains blown out by that sniper, he wrote down Red Kirmiz as the suspect for all these cases. Heart's Desire, the regs, you name it." said Doubek. "On the topic of who the guy even is, that's up for debate. Heard he's connected to that new homeless charity as well."

"Red Kirmiz. Don't ring a bell." said Boon. "Sounds kinda fake to me. Don't know nobody named Red in my lifetime. It's a color."

"Yeah, dipshit, what'd you think it was, a cocktail?" said Doubek. "Now, we gotta figure out what to do with this. I don't envy the other guy who bought it."

"Who was that?"

"Some guy in a white suit, hell if I know. Whoever he is, let's hope he doesn't break the rules... Wouldn't like yet another homicide to cap this shit cake off."


The brother opened the window silently, stepping in as quietly. The sister followed him like darkness. Their shoes made no sound upon the stained wood of the apartment, and their breath was not heard by a soul. Perhaps it was not present. The brother took a fuel can from his back, and began to spread the petrol upon the ground, staining the wood. The sister took out a match. But there was a sound. A door opening. They stood silently, awaiting their fate.

Tom rubbed his eyes and walked out of his bedroom. First he needed a pee, now he needed a drink. Thanks, brain. He walked past Nate's door, then into the kitchen. He took a glass down from a cupboard, which seemed to be the last clean glass in the house (They would have to buy a new pack of glasses: the sink was too terrifying to even consider using), then began to pour some OJ into the sink.

Outside the living room window, a SWAT team member accidentally stepped on a glass. His teammates looked at him incredously. Meanwhile, Tom looked up, then sipped the drink. He wondered what the noise was. Considering his city, probably a thief. He took the only weapon to hand (The glass), then went into the living room to check on what was going on.

This would be the [2] last mistake Tom would ever make in general. A baseball bat crudely smashed into the back of his head, and the last thing Tom saw through the bloody filter was a cloaked figure standing above him, wearing a white bird's mask made of bone. As he hit the ground, he could hear himself screaming in the distance, before he passed out and felt himself drift into static.

Outside, the SWAT members looked up. Inside, Red and Nate opened their eyes.

The red glass sent to Azur was incinerated, but luckily a sniper possessed by a glass assassinated Thomas. Unluckily, a SWAT team is on the scene at Red's apartment.
One of the spy bugs went missing in a bad part of town. Matt went to investigate, feeling confident, but hasn't reported back in days.
The Russian mafiya and some of the Irish mob have been taken out, but it looks like a certain lady benefited from the change in leadership and may have her own ambitions.
There is tension in the group of orphans who picked up Illuminia, and it seems like someone is watching cautiously.
Joan has found that the missing drone is in the Bogmolev Estates. The interesting thing is that it seems to totally lack magical energy.
Two intruders are inside Nate's apartment. Tom has been killed or at least severely brain damaged. A SWAT team is right outside.
The note was delivered to Magnus, whose response can be given by Digital Hellhound. Adam accepted the job, and the demonstration/bidding resulted in one of the cops getting a bolter and a Russian mobster getting a bolter. Reapers are now in production.

Digital Hellhound

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Re: The Age Of Fire: Game Thread
« Reply #58 on: March 14, 2014, 03:01:59 pm »

'So... what is it?'

'Shouldn't you know?'

'I didn't ask too many questions,' Magnus said, peering suspiciously at the sphere of metal on the table. 'Well, I asked Absolon questions. But I didn't get him to talk before the cop showed up.'

Jack raised an eyebrow with a slight smile. The 'regulator' and the robot - what a strange thought, even after everything she'd seen and done - waiting in the other room had arrived with Magnus, who'd told her he'd made the decision to hand them over to her rather than his employers at the time. The thought of just keeping them for himself hadn't seemed to occurred to him - at least not for long.

'You beat a man senseless,' Jack said, 'shoot up his factory, destroy everything he owns - and you don't for a moment suspect he might not have the best intentions at mind when it comes to this, err, gift?'

'It's just a block of metal,' Magnus said. 'What's the worst that could happen? And I left the tin man outside, didn't I?'
'Yeah, right. It's just a block of metal as much as the Omega is just a casino, or you're just a hired killer with excellent taste in clothing,' Jack said. 'Haven't you done this job long enough to know never to say 'what's the worst that could happen?', Magnus?'

The big man grinned. There was no bite in the girl's words, he knew that much over the bond. He'd only upped his protection after the attack on the casino, much to Jack's irritation. Still, she knew he wouldn't have brought these things near her if he thought for a moment they could be harmful - or, rather, more than she could deal with.

It had been a busy few weeks, after the attack. The police bribes and the cleanup of the many, many corpses had been dealt with quickly, and she'd set to the task of ascertaining the effect of her... retaliation on the underworld of the city. She'd sent out feelers, bought contacts, made it clear to Capello some changes would have to be done. The manager of the Omega had been scared shitless by the aftermath of the attack, but it seemed he was perfectly capable of drowning his sorrows in his ample salary. Jack Coupe was entering the criminal world in force at last.

She had discovered, slowly, gradually, that it had been a slaughter. She couldn't pinpoint why the Irish and the Mafiya had teamed up against her, but the reason hardly mattered. They would connect the dots and understand, now, even if they could not understand what had happened. She was sure of it.

There was blood on her hands. That was nothing new, she supposed, but she had never been so... direct. And not at this scale. She had tried to imagine herself just a few years ago, in this position. It wasn't that she minded, or felt more than a twinge of guilt - but the feeling was a strange one. The woman she had been before coming onto her powers would have never been capable of what she was doing now.

The Irish seemed too much of a problem to deal with right now, but she'd already decided on a course of action on the Mafiya. Whether because of her or not, there was a growing power vacuum in the city, and the Cartel were sweeping in. They already owned the Esmeralda, just down the road, and she knew they could not be happy about the lost profits to the reborn Omega. She had no intention to leave her position vulnerable to them.

There was a letter she intended to send with a messenger. If her information was correct, it would reach the new leader of the Mafiya, and they could get down to business. Now, though...

'We'll put it in the vault, for now,' Jack said, nodding towards the regulator. 'Let Capello know. He won't ask too many questions.'

'And the bolter?'

'The robot?' Jack asked. She thought on that for a moment. The man, Absolon, would also need to be dealt with. 'Send it back to the factory. Have it tell Absolon he's invited to the Omega - I don't think we want him as an enemy, at this point.'

'He seemed useful,' Magnus added. 'A bit odd, but useful.'

'I trust your instincts,' Jack said, more or less a verbal shrug. 'Let him know there's someone he should meet. I think I might as well inform our other out-of-the-ordinary friend. Now, if that was all...'

She gave a meaningful glance towards the corridor, and Magnus nodded. The poor girl hadn't had a chance to waste money at her own machines in weeks!

Spoiler: Letter to Anya (click to show/hide)


Magnus showcases the bolter and the regulator to Jack. She has the regulator stowed away in the casino vault, and the bolter sent back to Absolon inviting him to a meeting at the Omega (seemingly with Magnus).

Zilch Act: Jack tries to get in touch with Anya, darling of the Mafiya, offering a meeting.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!

The Froggy Ninja

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Re: The Age Of Fire: Game Thread
« Reply #59 on: March 16, 2014, 03:59:03 pm »

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