Yay, better 2d spessmen!
What's the update?
Odds and ends; some notable stuff is the modified, context-based combat system, which I already explained earlier in the thread. More than once, too, I believe, so exercise them search functon-clicking muscles if you want in-depth, but teal deer - it's not major, but it makes things a bit more interesting than Spessman 1's player clicking Spessman 2 and vice versa until one of them falls over but you can actually do things to influence your chances other than sanicking around.
Hardsuits are now voidsuits, but it's more than just a name change this time - they now act as a self-contained spess activity suit, with the helmet being, I believe, contained in the suit; so instead of being a separate item to lug around, you just hop in, take off your hat and let the helmet open up around you; the helmets also work as internals now, so no need for a separate mask. I might be mixing things up, because several suits, like the Mining or Engineering ones, were changed into Rigs, which are, essentially, exoskeletons/mini-mechs/I AM IRON MAN (speaking of which, rigs can be - voluntarily or not - hijacked remotely by AIs).
Voice changers no longer depend on having an Agent ID to work at full effectiveness, now you set your new voice with the voice changer itself.
Some changes were made to the window destruction system alongside making doors destructable - both show a message once the damage has reached certain thresholds, the latter, when damaged enough, starts sparking, then breaks into a de-powered (?), screwdrived open broken door.
There's also my motorcycles, you've seen a mockup during the last Train event although that was just a varedit, mine are slightly better, Glloyd's Millwall Bricks (a new improvised weapon type) and tons of bugfixes, notably for Xenomorphs.