Well, I just had a very interesting round. Ended up being an assistant, despite me signing up as roboticist, but eh. I just screwed around for a bit. Crushed someone in the door to their office after a failed hacking attempt, so there was that. Then I decided to follow a construction bot around, into the maintenance tunnels. I lost the bot, and wandered around the tunnels begging for someone to come save me. This resulted in me stumbling across the construction bot again, and I followed them out into a room in the medbay.
About this time, someone (Not sure who they were, though IC first name was Maxwell) stumbled across me, and he was looking for someone who was "fucking with his shit". He decided this was probably me, and set about exacting revenge. Grabbing a buzzsaw, he pinned me down, aimed for the groin, and then Pendle was a eunuch. After convincing him that I wasn't who he was looking for, and the guy he was with managed to drag him off of me, I managed to run out of the medbay, stole the ID of someone who was asleep to get into the recovery room (Leaving it outside the door for them), and slept for a bit.
And then came the joking attempts to fix it, which amounted to forcefeeding me some pills that made me trip balls. Eventually the poor thrashing bound Pendle was saved by a newly arrived emergency physician. All told, an interesting round indeed.