I don't know if that specifically is a great idea, but engineers could use more things to fiddle with. After the initial power set-up, it can get a bit boring.
Gateway: bring along an engineer to hack and such (less meta this way)
Traitors: should be doing damage to the station
Science wing in general: blowing things up accidentally, releasing hazards via gold slime
Meteors: doing what they do, usually to cargo or brig or escape
and other random events usually needing a patch job
Yeah, but Gateway is rarely used, and non-Traitor station damage is actually pretty rare, and those are all patchup jobs, and the engine is basically self-sufficient once it's started.
I'd like to see things that require some problem-solving or ongoing attention for engineers, like the laser charging thing Karlito mentioned - they need to up the power, but they need to monitor the power level so they don't fry the whole station, maybe visit some unused places and turn off the APCs to decrease the load on the station...
Actually, I think it should be extended, because well, a lot of things are just 'memorize/wiki the formula, apply the formula' with 0% risk of error and no creativity involved.
E: Recent update to Mining has a good idea. Mining is now actually dangerous, since you can set off the Gibtonite ore which is explosive and looks like, IIRC, Diamonds. So, you make the mistake of just holding one direction key and clicking away, you can get killed (though not gibbed), and if you pull it off nicely, you get explosives to help you mine faster.