So, following on from my questions about the singularity and SMESes (thank you all for that!), now I'm moving on to the wonderful world of Atmospherics. And by 'wonderful' I mean 'I have already managed to kill myself by accidentally unleashing a combination of plasma and N2O into my own face'.
Question 1: do the mixer/filter next to the storage area (see screenshot below) actually do anything? If so, how? I have previously wrenched in a full N2O tank and a full plasma tank into the 'inputs' to the mixer, and have wrenched in an empty tank to the 'output', but couldn't work out how to actually get them to mix in whatever proportion. I assume I'm missing something dead simple?
Question 2: I did manage to get a tank full of N2O and plasma (by using the actual mix loop, go me!), but then upon attempting to get some of it into an internals oxygen tank (for nefarious treachery purposes) I managed to...well, apparently open the big tank without having the internals one attached,
despite the fact that I'm sure I'd done it correctly as I've used big O2 tanks to refill my internals before without issue (and have refilled plasma tanks too), so I'm sure I followed all the right steps (i.e. place internals tank in big tank, access big tank interface, set release pressure, open valve, close valve, remove internals tank). Missing something here too?
Question 3: how do you empty a damn internals tank without actually breathing your way through all the gas in it? I was trying to find/make an empty one so that I could fill it up with my little lethal concoction, but couldn't find one anywhere...and it won't let me wander around with the valve open and turned up full because the game thinks I want to breathe from any open O2 tank I'm carrying!
Note: I actually want to learn this so I can be a
good atmospheric technician, not so I can "lolz I flood station wiv plasma!!1!". My less pleasant mixing activities above were simply step one in an intricate, deliberate traitor plan that unfortunately never got off the ground because I blasted myself in the face with the resulting gas.
Edit: to add screenshot.