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Author Topic: Space Station 13: Urist McStation  (Read 2124066 times)


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Re: Space Station 13: Urist McStation
« Reply #5820 on: May 21, 2013, 09:59:47 pm »

And antags love taking advantage of that and trying to handwave away their crimes as "Centcomm Inspectors".

Shit does not fly. If I don't have an official Centcomm Report on my desk detailing you specifically, you're going in the brig. Because if you're not on the crew manifest, then you have no access. you're trespassing everywhere you go. This is not a public station. And if you have dangerous or illegal items on you, you earned yourself a one way trip to prison. Or possible death if I think you're a significant enough threat to the station.

Flying Dice

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Re: Space Station 13: Urist McStation
« Reply #5821 on: May 21, 2013, 10:07:30 pm »

Q: How do you "know" that traitor items are illegal or dangerous? IIRC by the rules we play by, syndie gear is a complete unknown. Sure, the revolver and C4 are obvious enough, but how do you know that an E-sword isn't a toy or what an e-mag does without having them researched or actually testing them out? That aside, automatically executing someone who hasn't committed capital crimes (or at least hasn't been caught) just because you think that they're a threat is both massively meta and discourages RP. If I wanted to play a style where everyone blatantly metagames re: antags, I'd be playing tgstation. No offense to them, I'm sure it's fun in its own way, but it's less interesting to me.

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Re: Space Station 13: Urist McStation
« Reply #5822 on: May 21, 2013, 10:10:38 pm »

To be perfectly honest, I think the whole "Centcomm Inspector" thing is poorly played out and used as a cheap excuse. I think a head of staff would be smart enough to realize that the person was fake, a normal crewman maybe not. Not to say that justifies instant execution or perma-brigging, as you shouldn't do that without some kind of interrogation/investigation/trial just so you're not shafting the antag.
Well, you do have a busy life, what with keeping tabs on wild, rough-and-tumble forum members while sorting out the drama between your twenty two inner lesbians.
Your drunk posts continue to baffle me.
Welcome to Reality.

Flying Dice

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Re: Space Station 13: Urist McStation
« Reply #5823 on: May 21, 2013, 10:14:49 pm »

Yeah, I'm not saying let them go, but at the same time "Suspicious person" shouldn't be license for the Captain or HoS to permabrig or execute someone. Space Law is a thing, after all, even if we hardly ever have public defenders.

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Re: Space Station 13: Urist McStation
« Reply #5824 on: May 21, 2013, 11:05:29 pm »

Actually. It isn't meta. Security can lawfully kill anyone in possession of weapons if they even suspect that the suspect will attempt to use them. Its discouraged to do that as standard procedure but if trying to arrest them could expose you to danger, lethal kills from a distance are encouraged. You need Captains permission to EXECUTE neutralized threats, people who are clearly no longer viable dangers to the station, as a punishment for their crimes. But if I think I can't safely hold someone in prison and they might manage to break out and kill someone, I will terminate them under the armed and dangerous clause rather than try to drag them back to the brig. If I do drag them to the brig they're generally safe, unless they try to break out, or attempt to escape custody, or somehow blow their way out of the prison wing.

Also, I'm pretty sure most mildly intelligent officers can recognize a weapon or dangerous item. Have you ever held a real sword and a fake sword? It's pretty easy to tell cheap plastic from military grade sharpened steel. I give them a break on the more esoteric items (like having no fucking clue what the singu beacon is etc.). But to my knowledge it's never been stated that syndicate tech is somehow a complete mystery to us and we're too retarded to tell the difference between a toy and a lethal high-tech weapon. Besides, most "Centcomm Inspectors" tend to carry shit like revolvers and crossbows.

As for emags, its clearly not their ID, no one but the captain has a spare ID, and stealing one is grand theft, so it's immediately highly suspicious, and its also clearly modified. Normal people don't walk around with odd faux ID's and I've yet to see a good bullshit bluff about what it is.

Seriously, you think trained security personnel CAN'T recognize obvious contraband when they see it? Might as well not even bother playing security.

That being said, I have rarely ever been forced to terminate under the armed and dangerous clause. And the few times I have I've always gotten the captain's permission beforehand.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2013, 11:09:14 pm by Kaitol »

Flying Dice

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Re: Space Station 13: Urist McStation
« Reply #5825 on: May 21, 2013, 11:29:47 pm »

I can see sec saying "Hey, that guy's carrying some weird piece of tech I've never seen before. Question and possibly detain him!"

"Hey, that guy's carrying a high-tech crossbow and a hacked ID card. Shoot him!" is not, however, reasonable.

I never said a thing about obvious weapons. If it looks like a gun and they're shooting it at you like a gun, duh. If they're trying to beat your head in with it, duh. If they're standing around and it isn't obviously a weapon, shoot/stun/flash-first question/execute-later isn't reasonable. Emag: There are things in the world that are the same size and shape as ID cards which are not work IDs. "It's my space credit card." "It's my ID for another job." are examples of stuff that I, as sec, would accept from someone if I hadn't seen them use it and hadn't tested it. If I did figure out what it did, I would probably confiscate it and let them go with a warning. Incidentally, the HoP has boxes full of blank IDs.

Basically, yes, it bloody well is meta if you automatically react to traitor items as if you somehow magically knew that nobody aboard the station could possibly have them. I half expect to see sec strip someone with non-slip shoes and say "Ah-ha, you have shoes with better traction than ours! You must be a spy!" What about the chameleon device? How could you possibly know that that is anything but a high-tech toy without metaknowledge? Literally all that it does is project an image of some random object around you. What about that says "Dangerous enemy agent" rather than, say, "Someone who wastes their paychecks"?

Also note: The foam dart crossbow looks identical to the syndie crossbow, save for the item name text, which has been explicitly defined in the past as metaknowledge. Does that mean that you open fire whenever you see someone with a crossbow? The E-sword is identical in appearance and function to the toy swords, and can only be told apart by the meta name text and by usage. Do you shoot at everyone with an active sword?

Frankly, RPing it as "I'm super-paranoid sec that does a full body cavity search on everyone remotely suspicious and shoots anyone who has something that looks like a weapon." is a bullshit excuse to hide intentional metaing. But whatever, I'm done with this particular argument.

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Re: Space Station 13: Urist McStation
« Reply #5826 on: May 22, 2013, 01:00:17 am »

You two are talking past each-other here. Totally hearing(Well, reading) the other persons words as something quite different, and arguing about that.
I suggest you both take a hard look at these couple of posts again... Cause it's reading really silly from my perspective.

My Name is Immaterial

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Re: Space Station 13: Urist McStation
« Reply #5827 on: May 22, 2013, 01:02:12 am »

I never realized how fun it is to read porn over the radio from the librarians fortress. I should do this more often.


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Re: Space Station 13: Urist McStation
« Reply #5828 on: May 22, 2013, 01:03:11 am »

That last round was chaotic. I swear, the only reason I didn't trash the AI was because of Axl. I had my thermite all ready to go too.

Also: Kaylee & Alina best team ever.
Jacob/Lee: you have a heart made of fluffy
Jeykab/Bee: how the fuck do you live your daily life corai
Jeykab/Bee: you seem like the person who constantly has mini heart attacks because cuuuute


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Station 13: Urist McStation
« Reply #5829 on: May 22, 2013, 01:17:46 am »

What argument are you talking about? I stated my side of why I do things. Doesn't really look like an argument to me. It's important to me that people have faith in me doing my job as a security officer. Trust is important. You seem to have taken some of the things I said he wrong way, and completely misinterpreted others.

Allow me to elucidate you on several issues.

Firstly, what section of traitor items is an E-Sword or crossbow under? Isn't it "HIGHLY VISIBLE AND DANGEROUS WEAPONS"? That seems to at least imply they're well known and easily recognizable as lethal weapons, doesn't it? Plus the fact that they look like weapons. Security in real life does not fuck around with anything they vaguely think might be a weapon. And this is 2550, with high tech stuff all around. Bluespace, singularites, yadda yadda. I think energy swords would be common knowledge weapons by then to security on a restricted megacorp station. Or at least conceivable as weapons. And crossbows have been around forever. They can be easily seen as weapons.

I let Stealthy and Inconspicuous Weapons go generally, and Stealth and Camouflage Items unless they've given me a good reason to be suspicious. And even some of the more incongruous Devices and Tools. But the big obvious stuff will get you arrested. Probably thrown in the prison. Emags are always the most in the grey area for me really. I tend to let them go if the crime I brought them in for was minor enough for my character to not be overly suspicious. But if you tried to break into a secure area or murder someone, I'm already going to be suspecting you of being a syndicate, because we know there's syndicate from the report. In that case any odd tech is highly suspicious.

Next, please read the blue alert text and possibly green alert text next round you play. Privacy laws are suspended, and random searches are permitted under blue alert. Which the station is always on shortly after round start. People don't have to even act suspicious for us to search them legally and in-character.

If a fully grown adult walked into a police station clearly carrying what looks like a gun from a distance, what would you expect to happen? I'm sure nobody would pay any attention and let them carry on doing whatever they wanted to. No. The police would point their guns at them, tell them to drop their weapon, put their hands up, and then arrest them. Then they would look at the gun to see if its a fake.

You. Do. Not. Fuck. Around. With. Weapons. Cops don't, Security doesn't. Especially Security on a restricted research station owned by a dystopian megacorp.

Stunning and searching someone doesn't hurt anyone. Letting someone walk around with what may be a weapon out and just letting them go because "It might just be a toy, let them do whatever they want when we're on BLUE ALERT FOR SUBSTANTIATED ENEMY ACTIVITY." Is pretty ridiculous. This is not 2013 Earth. This is the 26th century in a far flung part of the galaxy ruled solely by a megacorporation. Hell, that wouldn't even fly on 2013 earth in most places. You can not just casually walk around with what looks like a weapon in your hands clearly viable and expect people to just ignore you. Especially in such a closed monitored environment like a restricted space station.

So, yes I can stun anybody who looks like they're holding a weapon. Because if its not a fake, then I just let someone with a lethal weapon go when they're not supposed to have a weapon. They should not be surprised when they get stunned for waving a fake one around. They should keep it in their bag, and play with their coworkers. If they run around the halls waving it around or let a sec officer see them with it, they do not get to complain when they get stunned, brigged, then searched. It's blue alert. It's what we do.

You seem to br accusing people of metaing even when they are simply RPing competent security, simply because it doesn't suit what you want. It has nothing to do with the way people would actually act or role playing. I have thought this stuff out. I usually try to think things out unless I'm in the middle of a gunfight, which I think is pretty normal. Have you ever even dealt with security personnel? Their job is security, and if they take their job seriously, especially on a RESTRICTED RESEARCH FACILITY, they're going to be suspicious. Because if they fuck up or let the wrong things slide, people DIE.

I only arrested people who committed a blatant crime. I only searched people who acted suspiciously, Even though random searches are permitted under blue alert, and we're on a tyrannical super corporation's station.

Also, simply because the sprites in a 32 bit game look identical does not mean they actually look identical. Which is why they have different descriptions when you look at them. Roleplay. As in, you are roleplaying you are on the station, not playing the game, which you don't seem to get. So no, the toy crossbow and actual crossbow do not actually look exactly alike. That would be impossible, because they are made of different materials and do entirely different things. Same for the sword. They may look similar enough to pass at a distance. But thats it. Hold them in your hands and look at them, and they are clearly not the same thing. Security is not THAT gullible

And also, yes, I WOULD probably immediately know that people could not have a lot of things, because this a restricted private research station owned by a dystopian megacorporation, where people aren't even allowed to have racy posters or lipstick. You think people weren't screened coming into the station? How much junk do people have in their pockets when they arrive on station? None. Because Nanotransen provides everything. The security personnel are fairly well acquainted with what is on the station, and what isn't, as well as who should have what. Otherwise they couldn't do their jobs or properly charge people for theft and return the stolen property. There are security posts in every section of the station, nearly, and security cameras everywhere. We have a pretty decent handle of what is and isn't on the station. I'm not saying we're psychic and know EVERYTHING though.

And another thing, when did I EVER say I brigged people for having emags. I only slap them with serious charges if they were doing something highly damaging to the station on top of having what might be illegal contraband tech if looked at closely enough. I've let people with emags go. What I said was simply why it was plausible for them to be suspicious.

I have never stunned and arrested somebody for carrying an emag. It's always for breaking and entering, or assault or something else. THEN I find the emag afterwards, and this criminal doing criminal deeds has this ID card that has clearly been modified. It looks very different from a station ID aside from being vaguely card-shaped. And if its their ID for another job why isn't their name or picture on it? There are no credit cards on the station because the only vaguely used currency is coin and theres nothing to buy on the station, its all provided by the corp. Hell, there probably aren't even credit cards in 2550. No one's ever given me a good mildly convincing explanation for them. Nobody ever even tried credit card or ID for another job, although I probably wouldn't buy either really. Your only job is for the corporation, and they would make damn sure to confiscate any ID from previous assignments.

I hope this has clarified why people may do things you think are meta, when they're really really not. Security really is in the most danger for meta, and I can see how some people can misinterpret things or get frustrated with them, I really can. People just need to remember their way of thinking isn't the only way of thinking, and that other people may have completely valid reasons for the things they do. Man this took a while to type up. But its important to me that people know why I do what I do.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2013, 01:25:45 am by Kaitol »


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Re: Space Station 13: Urist McStation
« Reply #5830 on: May 22, 2013, 05:31:00 am »

The round last night was pretty sweet. Vigilante hall, heh heh heh.


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Re: Space Station 13: Urist McStation
« Reply #5831 on: May 22, 2013, 06:46:07 am »

Firstly, what section of traitor items is an E-Sword or crossbow under? Isn't it "HIGHLY VISIBLE AND DANGEROUS WEAPONS"? That seems to at least imply they're well known and easily recognizable as lethal weapons, doesn't it?

Plus the fact that they look like weapons. Security in real life does not fuck around with anything they vaguely think might be a weapon. And this is 2550, with high tech stuff all around. Bluespace, singularites, yadda yadda. I think energy swords would be common knowledge weapons by then to security on a restricted megacorp station. Or at least conceivable as weapons. And crossbows have been around forever. They can be easily seen as weapons.

*BEEP*. Wrong. Highly visible and dangerous =/= well known and easily recognizable. If you hopped into a time machine with a full-sized nuclear device and landed into, say, XIXth century London, you would have a highly visible (thing is huge) and dangerous (capable of pulverizing the whole city) but unknown device. You wouldn't get arrested because no-one would have any idea what it is.

Revolver is obvious (unless you're a Traitor Detective), because well, it's a device which expulses very fast-moving pieces of metal into people's foreheads. Crossbow, on the other hand, in 9 cases out of 10 is a toy. Same for Esword. Until you see someone being slashed to death, the logical assumption is that someone likes arcades. Do you think people IRL get arrested for having toy guns? This is not a CIA secrecy level station, which is why Security is armed with stun batons and tasers and not Pulse Destroyers.

In that case any odd tech is highly suspicious.

Security on a restricted research station owned by a dystopian megacorp.

Stunning and searching someone doesn't hurt anyone. Letting someone walk around with what may be a weapon out and just letting them go because "It might just be a toy, let them do whatever they want when we're on BLUE ALERT FOR SUBSTANTIATED ENEMY ACTIVITY." Is pretty ridiculous. This is not 2013 Earth. This is the 26th century in a far flung part of the galaxy ruled solely by a megacorporation. Hell, that wouldn't even fly on 2013 earth in most places. You can not just casually walk around with what looks like a weapon in your hands clearly viable and expect people to just ignore you. Especially in such a closed monitored environment like a restricted space station.

So, yes I can stun anybody who looks like they're holding a weapon. Because if its not a fake, then I just let someone with a lethal weapon go when they're not supposed to have a weapon. They should not be surprised when they get stunned for waving a fake one around. They should keep it in their bag, and play with their coworkers. If they run around the halls waving it around or let a sec officer see them with it, they do not get to complain when they get stunned, brigged, then searched. It's blue alert. It's what we do.

*BEEP*. About as willing to be OSHA-compliant as the architect of the Death Star, perhaps, but even their goddamn Prison Stations have humane facilities (check /tg/ wiki). And, exactly, restricted, not top-secret. And the Blue Alert thing is simply /tg/ allowing metagaming. Good thing they didn't remove Green Alert yet, it's never ever used at all. Also, do you arrest the Chef for having his Knife outside kitchen? Logically, you should.

You seem to br accusing people of metaing even when they are simply RPing competent security, simply because it doesn't suit what you want. It has nothing to do with the way people would actually act or role playing. I have thought this stuff out. I usually try to think things out unless I'm in the middle of a gunfight, which I think is pretty normal. Have you ever even dealt with security personnel? Their job is security, and if they take their job seriously, especially on a RESTRICTED RESEARCH FACILITY, they're going to be suspicious. Because if they fuck up or let the wrong things slide, people DIE.

I only arrested people who committed a blatant crime. I only searched people who acted suspiciously, Even though random searches are permitted under blue alert, and we're on a tyrannical super corporation's station.

*BEEP*. Again, tyrannical, not true. Tyrannical corporations do not allow Clowns on the station. Tyrannical corporations would Loyalty Implant everyone just to be sure. Tyrannical corporations do not demand proper conduct from security officers. NanoTrasen is not tyrannical.

Also, simply because the sprites in a 32 bit game look identical does not mean they actually look identical. Which is why they have different descriptions when you look at them. Roleplay. As in, you are roleplaying you are on the station, not playing the game, which you don't seem to get. So no, the toy crossbow and actual crossbow do not actually look exactly alike. That would be impossible, because they are made of different materials and do entirely different things. Same for the sword. They may look similar enough to pass at a distance. But thats it. Hold them in your hands and look at them, and they are clearly not the same thing. Security is not THAT gullible

And you know this how? You are creating your own fluff and accusing people of not following it. If I were to design a weapon for stealthy killer operatives, I'd make super-ultra-sure it uses the exact same materials in the exact same crossbow/sword shape - to disguise it as a toy. Probably the only reason traitor items are not using the same names and descriptions as toys is that it would confuse the shit out of Traitors themselves, and/or that /tg/ just doesn't care, since they meta freely.

And also, yes, I WOULD probably immediately know that people could not have a lot of things, because this a restricted private research station owned by a dystopian megacorporation, where people aren't even allowed to have racy posters or lipstick. You think people weren't screened coming into the station? How much junk do people have in their pockets when they arrive on station? None. Because Nanotransen provides everything. The security personnel are fairly well acquainted with what is on the station, and what isn't, as well as who should have what. Otherwise they couldn't do their jobs or properly charge people for theft and return the stolen property. There are security posts in every section of the station, nearly, and security cameras everywhere. We have a pretty decent handle of what is and isn't on the station. I'm not saying we're psychic and know EVERYTHING though.

Meta, right there. How do you know they didn't take anything with them on the station? Are you claiming there's a dedicated personnel for stripping every prospective employee of everything up to and including pocket change? The only reason you don't start with any personal items is that it'd require coders to treat every player as a special snowflake who gets his custom-added teddy bear in their backpack on joining. Which is actually doable, BS12 has it. But unnecessary.

And another thing, when did I EVER say I brigged people for having emags. I only slap them with serious charges if they were doing something highly damaging to the station on top of having what might be illegal contraband tech if looked at closely enough. I've let people with emags go. What I said was simply why it was plausible for them to be suspicious.

I have never stunned and arrested somebody for carrying an emag. It's always for breaking and entering, or assault or something else. THEN I find the emag afterwards, and this criminal doing criminal deeds has this ID card that has clearly been modified. It looks very different from a station ID aside from being vaguely card-shaped. And if its their ID for another job why isn't their name or picture on it? There are no credit cards on the station because the only vaguely used currency is coin and theres nothing to buy on the station, its all provided by the corp. Hell, there probably aren't even credit cards in 2550. No one's ever given me a good mildly convincing explanation for them. Nobody ever even tried credit card or ID for another job, although I probably wouldn't buy either really. Your only job is for the corporation, and they would make damn sure to confiscate any ID from previous assignments.
. About arresting - fair enough. Again, you are assuming NT would bother to strip everyone out of their posessions for no damn reason. And that someone mustn't have a credit card for any bank, ever, just because they happen to work for NT. Name and picture - station IDs have no picture either. You are recognized by your face, not the picture on the ID. Which is why you don't need a photo for ID change, and why Plastic Surgery changes your name, whereas ID modification displays you as (as X).
I hope this has clarified why people may do things you think are meta, when they're really really not. Security really is in the most danger for meta, and I can see how some people can misinterpret things or get frustrated with them, I really can. People just need to remember their way of thinking isn't the only way of thinking, and that other people may have completely valid reasons for the things they do. Man this took a while to type up. But its important to me that people know why I do what I do.

'If I don't do that people will die' is not RP. Nor a valid justification. It's powergaming. This is a RP-ish server, to a sane degree, which means we like when people, you know, RP. Say, do things like talking their way out of brig instead of shooting it out. Which is impossible if a Security Officer happens to search your pockets and finds something which looks like a toy and decides it's enough to permabrig you, no questions asked. Or worse yet, bedbuckle you in Brig for 10 minutes with refills.

Which reminds me: can we PLEEEEASE add something to do to Permabrig that is not the Arcade machine? Say, the minimoog/violin? Some way to communicate? ANYTHING? Permabrig is instant Disconnect/Ghost prompt for me, no matter the round type, because even if someone decides to break you out in the end, you have to grind the hell out of the Arcade, which I consistently beat every time, and not only you cannot talk to others, but you also cannot even HEAR the fun things going on on the station. Which is excruciatingly boring.
We are doomed. It's just that whatever is going to kill us all just happens to be, from a scientific standpoint, pretty frickin' awesome.


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Re: Space Station 13: Urist McStation
« Reply #5832 on: May 22, 2013, 08:24:35 am »

Yeah, we BADLY need intercoms that only have a speaker for in the permabrig/brig cells.

Also, scrdest, fluff is NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT absolute. You're not absolutely "right". NOBODY is absolutely right, because our fluff is flexible.

Also, ID's don't have a picture on them because this game isn't super-high resolution. I do agree that credit cards don't need a picture on them, tough.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2013, 08:40:19 am by miauw62 »

Quote from: NW_Kohaku
they wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the raving confessions of a mass murdering cannibal from a recipe to bake a pie.
Knowing Belgium, everyone will vote for themselves out of mistrust for anyone else, and some kind of weird direct democracy coalition will need to be formed from 11 million or so individuals.


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Re: Space Station 13: Urist McStation
« Reply #5833 on: May 22, 2013, 09:00:31 am »

Yeah, we BADLY need intercoms that only have a speaker for in the permabrig/brig cells.

Also, scrdest, fluff is NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT absolute. You're not absolutely "right". NOBODY is absolutely right, because our fluff is flexible.

Also, ID's don't have a picture on them because this game isn't super-high resolution. I do agree that credit cards don't need a picture on them, tough.

I know no fluff is absolute. What I mean is that you cannot justify yourself based on your headcanon. And IDs don't have a picture not only sprite-wise, but also mechanics-wise:

a) You can show your ID to someone else - no image is shown
b) Even if you are mutated into something (say, flyman) your ID still works as though you were unchanged in appearance
c) If you are disfigured, every ID has the same effect on you, even your own
d) You can change your UE with UI intact
We are doomed. It's just that whatever is going to kill us all just happens to be, from a scientific standpoint, pretty frickin' awesome.


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Re: Space Station 13: Urist McStation
« Reply #5834 on: May 22, 2013, 10:06:59 am »

Yeah, we BADLY need intercoms that only have a speaker for in the permabrig/brig cells.

What about having one behind a glass door or something? How does sound travel around/between rooms? Someone could leave a station bounce radio outside a cell.

I never realized how fun it is to read porn over the radio from the librarians fortress. I should do this more often.

Just remember we have players that are underage in most countries.
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