If you're a committer electronics, want to see if you can make my brig rewrites part of the UristMcStation code?
True, but in terms of small revisions to the map like these, that won't affect /tg/station compatibility for the most part. It's when we start adding our own tiles/code/objects that it starts to get dicey.
The biggest problem with making tons of map changes is that they are extremely hard to merge with map updates that TG pushes. The second biggest reason we havn't looked at the map very hard thus far is game balance.
I agree, though in the OP it says that we're running tg, potentially forking off our own branch in the future. I'd rather stick with /tg/ myself, but there are changes which should be made to the map, even just to make it more "our" station.
I guess part of this issue is determining where we want to go with the server. If we want to keep it semi-private as it is right now, map changes can be viewed more openly. But if we want to go fully public, aka putting our server on the game hub, we need to keep the map fairly balanced out of fairness to all.
I agree, personally, I'd rather stay semi-private, because this is one of the few servers I can stand, mainly because of the people. But that's just my opinion.
I can definitely see a bumrush jail break occurring since there is only one set of doors and no flash between the common area and the entrance.
Hehehe, I had that in mind when making it. The whole point is to make it so that when people are permabrigged, they don't view it as the end of the game and just commit suicide or ghost.
I want to see the server go public, myself.
I've looked at the image you posted of your brig, and your wiring isnt ideal. The air alarm does not require a wire, and since this is the prison I would run the wire under the walls just to ensure a prisoner doesnt electrocute themselves *somehow*. Laundry room corner is borderline non-airtight with the missing wall. The reason the permabrig was made so inescapable is because, under TG guidelines, if you can permabrig someone, you can execute them.
Again, any time TG edits the map or changes the filepath of any object that exists on the map means we have to take time to merge those changes into our map, since maps are hard to automerge. The map vactor is running right now, in my opinion, shouldnt be running because some filepaths got changed and the items that were supposed to be on the map are not now, importance of said items aside.