Give Blueshields 1911 or other pistols, I mean the Detective has a revolver because it's an noir gimmick, Blueshields may as well have actual guns.
Second off: Yeah loyalty implants are gone now, at least on the Blueshield's part (and no one else ever had them prior to the update).
Third off, there was a gun that Skye sprited a while ago, the robocop gun (auto-9?) and it was pretty col. But honestly the Deckard is pretty okay as long as we're not dealing with nuke ops or something (and as long as .38 ammunition is added to the Autolathe so I don't have six shots all game). Though yeah, you could give them the same gun as the Detective and then they both can just steal everything from the seclockers I guess. What I really want for Christmas is for my stun baton to come with a power cell.
Mmm, I'll do that when I get home, adding the ammo to the lathe and giving you a legit stun baton. Always looking to improve on the blueshield.
I'm fairly sure they do have ammo. The Blueshield gun is a .38, literally the same as Detective's revolver (read the description on it, I even changed it to be a wink to that and its old alleged .44 caliber - even though it would still have taken .38s)
and AFAIK detectives *can* get .38 speedloader restocks from cargo. what why is this not in the autolathe?
Re: implants - BS12 removed them because a) they didn't want superdystopiaTrasen, b) it was a get-out-of-antag-suspicion card, IIRC, and I personally agree with the decision.
They make sense as part of tg-style Rev framework, where both sides perform literal brainwashing fuckery - but that's gone on BayRev, and they don't make a lick of sense in Cult anywhere where a piece of technology makes you resist
literally magic.