"from the start"
I'm kind of disappointed that the whole idea was immediately dismissed on the basis of "it's not NT so it's not SS13". Would SS13 have been any different if we were working for the Terrans from the start? For Vey Med? For a completely different corporation? We don't even work for Nanotrasen in SCOM and you went to great lengths to get the mode to something approaching working, so obviously that's not the problem with the idea. Would there be an objection to an independent station if we'd been independent from the start? If not, then why should there be one now? Why not judge the idea on its own merits instead of by basis of "this is how it's always been done so this is how it should always be"?
A mode is one thing. The setting of the whole game system is another. Of course it would have been different i it had been a different setting
from the start. Nanotrasen is a known entity that people play with, play against, and are familiar with. Doing away with it seems needless, complicated, and "out of character." I mean, as a mode that grows in popularity and sophistication until it replaces the original in the players' minds and hearts, I could understand the transition, but, I literally learned of this today from Aedel's post, which seems like a sudden announcement out of the blue. people don't like sudden announcements out of the blue like: "hey guys? that thing you've been doing and enjoying for years? Yeah, we're done with that now. Get over it, man up, and move on."
Why would you be surprised at all that there is at least initial strong pushback? Is it because you have been playing with the idea for some time and are excited,
But I can tell you that pretty much everyone who was talking about it and brainstorming ideas was super hyped to actually do it.
so why shouldn't everyone else be (even though they have no idea this is coming)? Why not take some time and sell the idea instead of complaining that people don't like your new toy as much as they like their old one. I mean, and if this was done in this thread I missed it: why not invite the players into the discussion before having dumped a load of effort into it because a small group of people "in the know" have decided they want to run with it?
Since I've been playing we've switched maps, twice I think, switched from tgcode to baycode, witched to objectiveless antags, and switched to supermatter from Singulo and switched out most of the playerbase. It's a dramatically different game now than it was when I started, so if this goes through, it won't break my heart, but my initial reaction is still: why bother? it seems pointless, unnecessary, and likely to add unexpected complications. and your response hasn't affected that at all.
If this sounds harsh, I apologize. I mean no personal disrespect to you or anyone involved with this idea.