NEW COMMAND REPORT CREATEDNanotrasen is proud to announce various improvements to Station U.M.C.S. This includes quality of life improvements such as cycling airlocks! Rejoice as your co-workers no longer get sucked out into the black void of space before your eyes! In addition, new opportunities to give money to us have opened in the form of slot machines, luxury merchandise and specialised Nanotrasen vending machines. Show your loyalty with a Nanotrasen crowbar! In addition, the gateway has been reactivated, allowing easy access to the safest regions of space.
Nanotrasen, improving the future, one step at a time. Glory to Nanotrasen.Indeed, as BigD said, it is finished. I just finished pushing it all, and I just emailed Vactor about updating, so hopefully it'll all be in soon. There's some good stuff in here, and here is the full list in all its glory.
- Various bugfixes!
- Various map fixes, including cycling airlocks and shutters to allow access for larger awayteams to the gateway!
- AI holopads added to all the breakrooms for those times when you really need to nag.
- The crusher is ported back in!
- Away missions make a return!
- Slot machines! (I think some people tested this with me at some point)
- Poker tables!
- A machine to order luxury merchandise from CentComm! (note: this is still a WIP, so I'll be adding more items as time goes on)
- Catwalks! (Catwalks replace plating on the exterior of the station. They let starlight through.)
- Some new clothing!
- Some new vending machines to spend money on!
- A couple vanity items!
- That backpack watertank for botany!
- Razors!
- Bats ported back in.
- The RD now has a pet crab!
- The HoS's pet spider Araneus is back!
- Medals and the medal box are back!
- Portable laptops! (note: there is only one on the map, in the captain's bedroom, as it is a WIP. Check it out though)
- Some cool secrets! (The party room may be a good place to start...)
- The librarian's bookbag!
- Some /tg/ posters ported in as well, meaning that there are around 30 random poster designs now! (I'll port the rest soon)
- Some random decals for atmos!
- Space Hotel awaymap ported back in!
- Slime Processor ported back in!
- Nienhaus redid his fox sprites!
- Access has been restored to pre-BS12 levels!
- With the change in access, the Xenobiologist job became obsolete, and I took it out. There are now 6 scientist positions, and xenobiologist is an alternate title for scientists. So, Scientists can access Xenobio again.
I think that's it. There's probably something that I forgot to write here, but eh. This has taken me about 2 weeks to put together, so I'm going to take a break from coding for the weekend. I apologize for the delay, I know I said yesterday, but it IS only me working on it, and I decided I'd rather take some more time to test it as opposed to giving you guys a steaming heap of buggy shit. The fact that I took time to test it meant that I was able to squash a pretty damn severe bug with awaymissions, so I'm happy with that decision. I'll try to have the next update done by next weekend, but no promises. It'll feature some more vending machines, a map change of the pool area into a sort of vending machine store thing, with the pool taking up about half the space it does now, some more genetics powers and disabilities, some more /tg/ posters, the updates from BS12, and whatever else pops up as I do that. After that, I haven't decided yet, but I'm always open for ideas.