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What should we call the underground forest?

The Undergrove
- 6 (40%)
The Corpselight Grove
- 9 (60%)

Total Members Voted: 12

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Author Topic: Ghoullights Chapter III: The Lamentation of Dyes [Succession]  (Read 39498 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • "Knowledge is power, guard it well."
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Location: The Battle-Barge, Lance of Dawn, in an Imperial Navy controlled sector of space.
General Darius sat lazily at his great desk as he read the softly glowing runes on his Data-slate, when there was a knock at his door.

“Come in.” General Darius called out.

The General looked up as the door opened and a tall man clad in the official uniform of a Commissar walked in.
“You called for me, General?” the Commissar said with a hint of confusion in his voice.

“Yes I did, Gaunt, here take a seat.” said the General as he indicated to the chair in front of the desk.
“You are aware of the planet known as Koladistam are you not?” asked the General.

Gaunt looked at the general and replied, “Yes I am. We have some undercover operatives working on the planet; there were signs of the fabled Adimantium used in power armour construction as well as a new, highly durable fibre known as “Phantom Silk”.

“Good, good…” The General trailed off. “I have some news that may come to you as a blessing or curse.” He said mysteriously.

“What is it?” Gaunt responded, his eyes lighting up.

“With the sudden death of Commissar Sabretache, Emperor bless him, we have lost control of a major outpost, “Ghoullights”. You are being sent to replace him but that isn’t all. There is talk among the locals of the dead coming to life, possibly caused by the Zombie Plague of Nurgle…” The General paused for a moment and then continued. “You are being sent to investigate the nature of this issue and to try rally the native people against whatever threats lie in their way. They are the only ones able to create the Phantom Silk fibre and this invaluable knowledge cannot be lost. Furthermore if the taint of chaos is within the planet, it must be purged. In light of the seriousness of this problem, you are being promoted Gaunt.”

“Promoted?” questioned Gaunt.

“Yes..." Paused the General, "To Governor-Commissar,” he then said slowly.

Gaunt was stunned. Sure, Commissars sometimes were placed in charge of small platoons. Why, even sometimes they could command a Regiment…but for a Commissar to Govern a planet, this….this was unheard of…
“But why me…” Gaunt tried to say before the General interrupted him.

“There is no time for questions now; a transport to the planet is already waiting for you.” The General said authoritatively. “Your standing orders are to maintain the defence of the outpost and to report all ‘undead’ related incidents. Understood?”

The Governor-Commissar responded his voice strong and resolute, “Yes Sir!”

I have downloaded the save and I am starting the turn soonish; there will probably be an update tonight.
Things are very seldom what they seem. In my experience, they’re usually a damn sight worse.


  • Bay Watcher
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Thanks for your service, Chaosgear! Did you do anything with the adamantine?

The hall of traps will probably take out a good few zombies, and looks like we have animals to use as bait too. Couple of suggestions for future overseers:

* Set all atomsmashers as restricted traffic areas, so you don't need to worry (as much) about dwarves choosing that as their hangout spot
* Set orders to forbid the dead and death items, and to zone only fishing so there is less of a chance of dwarves rushing out to meet zombies in pursuit of -socks-. Note that after this you must manually unforbid corpses to dump them. Also I think the save is set at ignore corpses from outside, which may be a problem if someone dies on our doorstep.
* Make sure the hall of traps can be closed to the outside, and closed to the fort. I suggest approximately

fortress - bridge - chained animal - traps - bridge - route to outside

Otherwise there is going to be a LOT of slaughter as suicidal dwarves rush to get zombie cages and/or reload traps while more zombies pour in.

Looking forward to it, Gaunt!


  • Bay Watcher
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I could do a turn if needed.

I would absolutely adore a go at this, I may or may not end up destroying the fort in the process, but it would be !!fun!! :p

Sign me up as Zombie, please. Dorfed, as, err...

Doesn't matter really.

Turn too.

Consider it done, good fellows. Destra, see the rules - I'm actually suggesting you savescum a bit to avoid completely destroying the fort if necessary. Remuthra, with our new future overseers, we don't really as pressingly need it, but would love to have you of course. Do you still want the next turn?

I'm adding Hotaru and Zombie to the dorfing list.


  • Bay Watcher
  • "Knowledge is power, guard it well."
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Re: Ghoullights - Zombie Elephants, Cruor and Silk [Succession]
« Reply #63 on: February 27, 2013, 03:57:24 am »

This is a masterwork Data-slate made from advanced alloys and blessed circuitry. It is adorned with glowing runes and menaces with holographic images. In the Data-slate is a Machine Spirit, it is content. On the Data-slate is the image of the Governor-Commissar and the dwarves, the dwarves are cheering. This relates promotion of Gaunt to Governor-Commissar of Ghoullights on the 1st of Granite, 1003.

1st of Granite - 1003
The journey to the outpost went smoothly and I arrived in almost no time at all. The pilot said that I had to be air dropped into the outpost due to the place being in lockdown. This also went smoothly and I can now see the reason for the lockdown, the outer compound and surrounding forests are crawling with the parodies of the living; the undead. It seems that General Darius was correct; we have a serious problem on our hands. After all the ceremonies of my appointment as Governor of the outpost and region which involved much partying and hard liquor I was given a tour of the complex.
The upper and lower areas are a mess of tunnels and passages which I can barely get my head around, the plump tour guide assured me that I would get used to it eventually. I wasn’t at all impressed with the state of the facility at first, it having insufficient housing, military, supplies and medical equipment. This changed somewhat when I saw It however. It is an awe-inspiring sight, a reminder of why I am here. It is an enormous cave filled with fields of fungus ‘grass’ and trees hewn from the earth. It was then that I caught a glimpse of something, a Phantom Spider. Its transparent body hung from the short trees as it spun a fine and silvery web. This is a truly magical place.
This changed my perspective of the outpost completely. Yes, it may be lacking in many respects but that underground forest is why I was sent here, to protect it.

I have begun construction of a new housing level, complete with my modest quarters. Here is a hologram of the blueprints.
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3rd of Granite - 100
The miners have struck some Hematite and Coal while I have news of a missing dog and a dwarf’s skill in herbalism.
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6th of Granite - 1003
I must say, those chaps back at headquarters did an amazing with this disguise and cover identity; I couldn’t even recognise myself! (That is apart from my very…manly muscles and physique). I also made myself in charge of the military of this outpost.
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12th of Granite – 1003
The Ranger Domas threw a party for me in light of my new ‘Bedroom for All’ Policy.
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18th of Granite – 1003
We have a severe lacking of wood and wood-choppers so I made the first few people I saw into them, watch them go!
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23rd of Granite- 1003
Today I began an extensive screening process to try improve the efficiency of the outpost. Everyone has been either designated as ‘Useful’ or ‘Worker’. This should help deal with some issues and I think that I may upgrade the stairway, 1x1 is a bit tight for such a large fortress.
Animal Mosh Pit, Fight for the Emperor you filthy animals!
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« Last Edit: February 27, 2013, 04:01:47 am by Sabretache »
Things are very seldom what they seem. In my experience, they’re usually a damn sight worse.


  • Bay Watcher
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Loving it so far, Commissar, but oh gods, you do NOT want undead water buffalos in the fortress. They are just... well... you'll see if it happens.


  • Bay Watcher
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Speaking of gods, while some here are faithful to the Emperor, here's what the rest of us unwashed pagans believe in.

Spoiler: Gods (click to show/hide)

A particularly significant one is Tarem, the skeletal god of death. He has revealed the secrets of life and death to mortals and received the worship of many significant figures in the history of our civilization. More on that later.


  • Bay Watcher
  • "Knowledge is power, guard it well."
    • View Profile

27th of Granite – 1003
I decided to take precautions against death and have given myself some makeshift armour and weapons for protection
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2nd of Slate – 1003
Work has begun on the ‘Mega Stair Highway’.
Work has suddenly stopped on the ‘Mega Stair Highway’ due to something that I believe is an aquifer. DAMN YOU SPAWN OF CHAOS HERETICAL WATER! *ahem* It looks like it is the end we are doomed…unless I can save the day!
I designate for walls to be built to block the flow of the water which is starting to flood the lower levels.

10th of Slate – 1003
The flood isn’t getting any better; in fact it is getting worse due to no one bothering to fix it. I order some people to fix it under penalty of execution; they were more than happy to oblige.
A baby was also born today amidst the chaos the flooding (at least the mist is making these people happy).
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10th of Slate – 1003
Hurray! The Tyranny of the flood is now over and has only semi-flooded some of the more useless levels. The end times are over! Bless the Emperor!
The walls are now in place and the stairway expanded. Just as planned!
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Another baby was born on this day. I decided that the baby shall have the title of ‘ENDER OF FLOODS’ due to the coinciding  glorious events.
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Also if someone could explain the entrance of the fortress to me it would be MUCH appreciated (and also exclude you from summary executions) as I have no idea how it works. [/font]

And with that I need a break, I hope that the updates were big enough for now. I will probably continue tomorrow or later, hope you enjoyed the Dramatic Tension.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2013, 04:56:28 am by Sabretache »
Things are very seldom what they seem. In my experience, they’re usually a damn sight worse.


  • Bay Watcher
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It's an airlock system that Chaosgear built. He decided to build it with one tile wide bridges so there's no way to tell when they're up or down, except looking with the k key I believe. Edit: no, that does not work. There's no way to tell when they're up or down period, but you can't replace them either until the zombies in the depot are dealt with. :P The levers are color coded and labeled with notes if you look at notes (N).

Normally you want to keep the outer bridge down and the inner bridge up, so merchants can access the depot but zombies can't enter your fortress. Then when the merchants (or maybe incoming migrants) are on top of the depot, raise the outer bridge and lower the inner bridge to trade.

Under no circumstances put a meeting area on top of the depot as that leads to a bug where it can't be deleted. To get migrants there, burrow them there or draft them into a squad and move them there.

Also yes, very good updates, thank you. Had a good chuckle at the water pic.


  • Bay Watcher
  • "Knowledge is power, guard it well."
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Ok I will keep that in mind. I will probably keep the fort sealed for a while (Gaunt is causing enough !!fun!!) until we have a proper military.
Also there is an issue, Gaunt, a glorious Commissar although being quite strong isn't very skilled in fighting. Time for Dwarf Fortress Extreme Fitness Camp Edition for the next update maybe.

Also Imgur is amazing, I am having so much fun with these write ups.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2013, 05:12:36 am by Sabretache »
Things are very seldom what they seem. In my experience, they’re usually a damn sight worse.


  • Bay Watcher
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Okay, but just a reminder - it's a good idea to get rid of the zombies ASAP, because when they linger and start routinely killing caravans, migrants and goblin ambushes, we are doomed. Doomed I tell you.

Why was my sliver barb farm up top destroyed?  :-\


  • Bay Watcher
  • "Knowledge is power, guard it well."
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I will try purge the land of zombies. I don't know what happened to the silver barbs.
Things are very seldom what they seem. In my experience, they’re usually a damn sight worse.


  • Bay Watcher
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Well, that doesn't really matter, I just liked it. Not like we have much cloth to dye. I looked at the save and there's also an alarming shortage of gutter cruor. But apparently we have 72 units of raw adamantine (!). Best case use for it: champions chopping zombies into a fine undead slurry. Worst case: zombies with addy battleaxes.

Also looks like the kiln up top is set to collect clay only without actually making anything out of the clay. We have 300 stockpiled clumps of clay. But the new fort does look cool.

You enjoy it now when you have the time. I'll have to make a journal update about this later. :D

Final note: remember to dorf people when you can.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Pants-on-head retarded
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I, uh, need to work on my storytelling...
...and my fortress designing.
...and my fortress administrating.

That missing dog was thrown in the atom smasher, no need to worry about that.

They way I told if the bridges in the airlock were up or down was from looking at the corresponding lever. Phoebus tileset made that easy with the big "ON/OFF" label.

Wait, do we seriously have phantom spiders in the tree farm?
I always seem to end up with a magnificent burial complex and nowhere near enough bodies to fill it, or far too many bodies and nowhere to put any of them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Bah, savecumming, I doubt that will be nessisry, I have plans, oh yes big plans, but they require stone, do we have vast fields of stone perhaps? I believe we do but not 100% sure :p also is it ok just to toss the save into the regular DF folder ? Or do I have to mod it too?


  • Bay Watcher
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I, uh, need to work on my storytelling...
...and my fortress designing.
...and my fortress administrating.


Wait, do we seriously have phantom spiders in the tree farm?

Don't you worry. Incompetence is the salt of DF.

Phantom spiders in the tree farm was probably beautiful artistic license. Or a vermin teleporting momentously. Getting those damn cobs to settle there in reality requires a ton of work and results in a working silk farm, if you can do it. Also webbed traps.

Bah, savecumming, I doubt that will be nessisry, I have plans, oh yes big plans, but they require stone, do we have vast fields of stone perhaps? I believe we do but not 100% sure :p also is it ok just to toss the save into the regular DF folder ? Or do I have to mod it too?

Stone...? Why yes, yes we have stone. We have all kinds of stone, actually. It may be because this map was generated with some aberrant worldgen parameters, namely lots of volcanism and 100,000 cycles of erosion, or maybe just dumb luck. We have mudstone, marble, obsidian, orthoclase, even microcline if you want it. The upper layers have iron and coal in mudstone, then there's tetrahedrite and galena in granite I think, and the lower levels have gold and cassiterite and marble and obsidian.

On an unrelated note, I've updated the rules a bit.
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