Tula Driikinainen was happily sitting in her house, carving out another bowl outta wood whilst a bean stew was cooking lazily on the heated fireplace. Suddenly, there was a ROAR followed by sound of rustling branches and stabs.
Something large fell into her entrance traps. Of course she knew that it will happen but she wasn't eager to experience that. She quickly dropped all that's not important, leaving only clothes at her, a knife, and her masterwork carving axe.
She gave the tool pile in the corner a quick look - amongst currently unused tools, there were 3 javelins. They had to suffice.
Upon bursting out of the house, she spotted IT: a small, wounded bear, trapped in the pit. Coming up close to him, she threw the javelins, hitting the small bear in torso, left and right frontal paws. THe bear merely roared at her again. Then they began to fight in melee, her carving axe against the toothy maw and mighty claws. Her axe smacked into the bear's head and paws, while the claws torn her left thigh. In fear and shock, she stumbled away and fell into the other entrance trap*. Her right shoulder and right side of the chest got nasty punctures.
She then climbed out of the pit and looked at the bear - it was uncounscious! She moved up to it and slammed the axe into it's skull. And then again. And again. Aaaand again. The last attack was on it's neck, it snapped with a sickly crunch, and the bear died.
That was 24th October. Now it's 1st November and Tula is sitting in her house, her wounds slowly healing. She is making more of the bowls, while over 100 bear cuts are slowly getting smoked in the smoking shed and the bear hide is tanning at the edge of the sea.
*As always in such situations, I messed up with numpad keys and went right into the trap