Okay think through the car thing. It's an AWFUL idea. Roads will be blocked to hell, it'll simply attract more zombies with noise, where will we find gas? Where will we find replacement parts? Do any of our people have the knowledge to perform on the road repairs? Cars are a death trap. Keep that in mind if this shit ever does really go down by the way.
For long-term use? Hells yes.
Once in a while, if the opportunity strikes? It's better than becoming, in the words of Colombus, a human Happy Meal.
Speaking of traps, what trap do you propose we do? How many zombies can it catch? Taking on a fast zombie is a harder proposition to the point of impossible. Say we have 75 people [as is max] against 2,000 zombies [as is minimum I believe.] I don't like our odds.
Oh, sure, if the odds are like that bike away like demons. But if it's us in a prepared area, against a handful of zombies (remember, the hordes will disperse
when we enter the wilderness, because there's just so much of it), we'll be able to set up all sorts of traps, from snares and falling logs to pits and broken bridges. Really, though, exact plans depend too much on zed psychology for me to guess at them right now.
I'd say friendly fire from JUST PANIC takes out at least 10 people [optomistic by the way], while cowardince claims another 5 [REALLY optomistic]. 60/2,000.
Stopping there we can assume that each person needs to kill 33 zombies. Not bad, but it does get worse.
So let's just say that of our 60 people 1/2 are armed with guns and 1/2 with melee.
Assuming also that bites have 100% transference rate.
Which is true no matter what kind of zombie we face.
Now, before I continue I need to point out that running away won't work due to people getting trampled and the zombies being able to keep up with us a bit. We'll tire before we outrun them in any case so that'd lead to a route for the zombies favor.
Don't tell me you're trying to go for an easy mode...
Now guns aren't hard to come across in America
Depends on where, and most importantly if we're actually in America.
but that leads to even MORE friendly fire with a group of 60 [We'll say 1/3 for brevity] so we're down to 40. Not good... Now as the 2,000 zombies converge on our location [attracted by gun-fire and other such noises] we make our stand. We'll say we do REALLY good and knock out 1,000 zombies. 40/1000 is actually better than where we were. Sure friends are lost and some lose it over that [0 for this projection though. We're tough minded] So now we need each person to kill 25 each. NOT BAD AT ALL!!!
Here's where it goes downhill. Those who engage in melee combat take out 5 each [REALLY OPTOMISTIC HERE] before they die. We'll say we lose 20 people. So the stats are now 20/900 [45 each].
Still too large of a group to run. We need MORE fighting. The remaining 20 hold of valiantly taking out 10 with guns and then resorting to melee until only 5 remain [small enough to run without getting trampled AND for us to realize we're fucked.] That means we lost 15 people who took out 15 kills [not their required number.] and now for even more bad news....
Those who got bit come back pretty quickly. SO of the 35 people who died 35 come back. The total now is 5/710 [142 each]... NOT good when we consider we have the entire town [smallest population] on our tails due to noise. Now we run until we tire and they catch up [they don't tire]
Still true with all kinds of zombies.
So I'm just saying we can likely survive slow zombies.
I'm not convinced the situation would be that much different in anything but how fast we die if we did the same things with a horde of 2,000 slow zombies.
Though I welcome alternate projections.
Here's something: We use the one organ that puts us above zombies and
don't fight a horde of 2,000 zombies, regardless of type.