Hi again, I suppose it's the same bug as with the custom nicknames in DT 21.2.
I think custom profession display is broken in this Dwarf Therapist release on the Mac. Are any of you able to see dwarves grouped by custom professions in the Dwarf Therapist labors tab?
I'm able to add a new custom profession and apply it to dwarves, but those dwarves remain grouped under the profession they had and the new profession doesn't appear. I've followed the same procedure (below) on the Windows version and it works there, so I assume it's not the way I'm doing it.
I've tried deleting DT (and ~/.config/UDP Software/Dwarf Therapist.ini) then re-installing and the custom professions still don't work.
Will you try to verify and report your results and or tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Here's the procedure I'm trying:
1. Switch to the labors tab.
2. Set "Group By" dropdown to "Profession"
3. Create a new custom profession, say "Tester" with a skill or two.
4. Uncheck "Apply as a mask?" checkbox.
5. Click "OK" button
6. Assign the custom profession to a dwarf
7. Commit the change(s)
8. Observe whether the dwarf appears grouped under the new custom profession or not
currently osx doesn't support writing any string values (nickname, custom profession, squad name, etc.) i have no idea why it's been disabled, so i'll pass it on to tareq to see if he can test it out.
Just posting to say: thank you for you wonderful tool.
I wish there will be more tools like yours (with a nice UI~) around for other stuff.
I just have a question about your optimizer: does the optimizer take in account dwarf traits/tastes?
I'm sorry to ask this, it's just that I'm curious to know how it works and if it will only distribute randomly labor based on the ratio and priority.
Sorry for my bad english.
when you create an optimization plan, you also map roles to the labors. the rating of the role associated to a labor is what the optimizer uses (in addition to ratio, priority, etc.) to determine which dwarves should be assigned to the labor. so yes, traits are used, but indirectly via a role.