Now it depends on getting the memory layout from dfhack, which is why all the discussion about dfhack the last couple of pages. There's a link early in that discussion with instructions for how to discover the memory layout. I took a look at it, and it's non-trivial. I used to use the scan tool that was built into therapist with no problems, but the dfhack instructions do seem to assume a lot of knowledge about how things work in dfhack, which I don't have (they're written for dfhack devs, so that's not really a surprise). I could probably figure it out, but by the time I do, someone with more experience would already have it done.
Besides, I'm not really sure I'm all that anxious to jump to .06. It's got a new bug that makes people upset if you trade away their masterwork items. I'm not sure if that's sufficiently bad to cancel out the gains. I don't really care that much about being able to specify that a statue should depict 7 dwarves slaughtering 50,000 elves or whatever. The exported wealth fix is nice, since it would mean human caravans again, but if I can't trade away masterworks... dunno. I'm actually surviving just fine in my .05 forts with no human trade caravans. I guess the other fix that I'd care about is getting people to quit grabbing stuff made of materials they like. I've got a dwarf carrying around one of my iron minecarts that's *supposed* to be used for moving magma up from the basement. But I already built an extra minecart, so I can live without that fix.
I guess if you really want to be able to specify images and statues, then moving to .06 is kinda important. But other than that, I don't really see the urgency.