Wow! We've made remarkable progress on the space program objectives while the boys in the lab have been shut inside watching lord of the rings making new rockets!
They've come out with some new designs for space rocketry, including a few designed to assist with long duration missions. We will need to prove that we can keep a kerbonaut alive in space for at least 30 days before we attempt any kind of long duration or complex mission. To that end, the scientists have devised a complete life support package to keep the little green dudes alive and well.
First up is the HydroCat! It may sound like some kind of wet cat, and it is! The HydroCat can combine CO2 and Hydrogen with good old fashioned electricity to produce life-sustaining water! I'm not sure where the cat comes in, honestly, but he's in there somewhere. Probably wet too. Still.... water is important for space survival. The remaining carbon from this process is formed into pellets and flung randomly about the cabin.
Next we have the EL Converter! This gizmo runs on well established magical scientific properties, and smashed electricity into water to produce oxygen! Its amazing! You can breath water! Comes in three flavors! Unfortunately the waste hydrogen from this process is just no good, and can't be re-used so we just vent it out the side and blame the noise on the dog.
Next we have the 1m hydrogen tank. It.. stores hydrogen. That is all!
The Garbage Container is a handy place to stick your garbage. When its full, just detach it and it will self-immolate to keep space tidy! They currently do not always self-decouple, so it may be best to put an actual decoupler on there. For science, you understand.
The Life Support container holds a LOT of food and water for extended duration missions. It holds 200 power bars and 500 big-gulps worth of water! Amazing! The smaller version stores only 70 power bars and 150 big-gulps.
Finally we have the oxygen tank! We have three versions of this tank. The smallest is a 0.5 meter diameter tank intended to be radially mounted. The other two are sized to stack inline with a 1m diameter rocket.
But that's not all!
They've also included a variety of new trusses! This doesn't really help much, but it was getting close to some of the lab techs' performance review and putting these in made it seem like they've been working all this time.
New pack is up. Feel free to continue. I've also included new objectives!