I think I'll sign up for this. EDIT: I have a few questions. Where do we put the saves after we've finished, do we need to have probe cores powered when they return to Kerbin, and what is meant by bringing kerbals and probe cores home (KSP or just Kerbin)?
Great! You can grab the save from the OP and get started on whichever mission you like. Keep in mind the extended missions may not be attainable right now but as I said, failure is acceptable and we'll learn something from each attempt.
For your questions.
1. Regarding the save, when you are done with your turn you'll have to host the save somewhere to get it to me or send it to me somehow. We can do that via skype or you can throw it on mediafire or however you decide. I'll host the save on dropbox once I get it from you.
2. Probe cores must remain powered through the duration of the mission, including the return. We do have access to a solar panel design and a battery pack, so that shouldn't be too hard.
3. Bringing them home means landing back on Kerbin. Landing at either of the KSP centers is better.
This command pod carries 2 days worth of Air, Food and Water for a single Kerbonaut
You don't have to carry extra air into orbit, you just recycle the CO2, or as GlaDOS would put it:
"You know the air you are breathing? it's far too expensive to pump down this far, we just pump out the CO2, freshen it up a little, and pump it back in.
So you'll be breathing the same roomful of air for the rest of your life"
However this means if power runs out, you are d-e-a-d. (I think there might have been some kind of movie about it, staring someone who rhymes with Gom Banks)
Also, a human(dunno about Kerbals) can survive 2 days without water, and 2 month without food.
But i actually doubt they brought any food or water into orbit on the first flights.
The life support plugin allows kerbals to live for (I believe) up to 2 weeks or so without food and two days without water. so that isn't as much of an issue. If the plugin doesn't work well, we can remove it but I'd prefer to keep it in for now.
And yes, we will have machines to handle CO2 scrubbing and such in addition to oxy tanks, water tanks, etc. The scientists are working on it!
I'll put everyone who has posted interest on the OP.