You dun goofed GWG.
In your last message you're being rather informal to some dude you just offended, and using 'why' in anything is accusatory. Remember they've got some slavery & a militaristic society, 'speaking for ourselves' isn't something a normal old soldier would have had.
Don't apologize too much, just rephrase the proposition, (what I meant to say was...), and go from there. Agree with him as much as possible.
I still maintain the following:
So, what do we want, what can we offer? Ask for the seat on the council, non voting at first of course, and a place in their hall. We might have to gradually work on this. All we can really offer is our combat prowess. Perhaps solving thievery problems, (though that's a risky gambit).
Ask for lodging in their fortress, food & company. Offer our services in defending their, (no, our), home. Simple as that. (To avoid becoming a pet, make sure you get that company. Always keep our dignity paramount, and being civilized works as well.) Maintain we want to be treated as a member of their civ.
yes please to both armor & training!
So, all they're
asking for demanding at this point is assistance in military campaigns. In return, what are they giving? Food and shelter, but only while we're on campaign. If we're fending for ourselves
most the rest of the time, why should we trade these non-issues for more headaches in open combat? That's downright hypocritical.
No, make a counter-offer and keep the two issues separate- the first being defending their home if we are given a place in it. Campaigns we will assist with for that same nominal charge they offered, but only so long as we are kept informed of the why & where. We want a pinky in the door of their leadership, and otherwise just establish ourselves as one of their own.
Play up the unreasonable harshness of their demands, & do the same for the meagerness and fairness of our own. We are a hydra after all, and would be a huge asset to their army and therefor their civilization. "Be reasonable."