And people still wonder why other people think politics is bunk. Seriously, this is just grotesque on every level. It's like reading the first efforts of a 14 year old trying to write a novel or something.
Where does the respect for these people come from?
You're talking about Cameron, someone whom no one respects and is just about universally reviled by everyone except sweet mrs piggy
No respect can be lost when you're scraping rock bottom
That would be true, of course, if I also wasn't talking about the larger… uhm…
issue. It's not like any of this is of particular importance. Not to speak of some of the almost comedic stuff that seems to happen in regular intervals. Most of politics seems more like a sitcom than anything. With characters painfully oblivious about their obnoxiousness, and…
I mean, just take a look at
Dabei wurden laut einem internen Vermerk des Ministeriums vom 7. November 2011 die Stiftungen kurzerhand zu "wichtigen Partnern" auserkoren. Sie seien damit "bei der Mittelverteilung gegenüber anderen zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen" – die drei folgenden Worte sind bezeichnenderweise fett gedruckt – "deutlich bevorzugt berücksichtigt" worden. Nicht nur hier.
This is about political foundations, purportedly foundations for the purpose of political education, every single one being dedicated to a certain political party and most using their money rather to provide infrastructure to said party instead of doing any actual political education. What this says here that someone thought it was prudent to print in actual bold that they were to be
particularly favored in matters of finance over other organizations in the context of furthering climate protection in developing countries.
I don't even know how that kind of stuff can be taken seriously at all, not to speak how someone is brazen enough to write it into a public document.
Cameron is just how this international sitcom jumps the shark.