So what you're saying is Russians live in the past?
With such a historical record of bloody wars, there are no guarantees that it won't happen again.
It's simple precaution, and not living in the past.
Liebelein, that argument is
entirely invalid. Germany and France don't fight any more, and we even had an Erbfeindschaft! Neither do England and France, for that matter. Although I do remember a Yes Prime Minister episode about nuclear deterrence...
The way I see it, the purpose of "states" should be to serve the people of their respective nations. If we're going to have states at all, I mean. It is very possible for a "state" to serve its people well and be small; the only problems start to arise when you want that state to rule the world or something, or become a superpower.
Owl, when you find me on the same side as maniac and our Far Eastern Europeans you know there's something wrong. For example, would you advocate splitting up Germany? Because just today I made a joke that we should have given the Soviets West Berlin, and in exchange they'd have to take Bavaria. And how do you cope with areas with mixed population? Sure, you talk about democracy, essentially describing a modern state - but why does this not apply to homogenous areas? Or rather, why make the distinction if you're going to give them the same system anyway? What you really want, deep down, is federalism. A system in which Western Ukrainians can coexist with Eastern Ukrainians, Serbs with Bosniaks, Germans with Bavarians. And why not apply the same system on higher levels? In short: Why not separate the nation from the state, eradicating the original sin of the long 19th century?