unrelated music to establish the mood
Man, I even could have played explicitly Christian Serbian war music in the Plug.dj. Missed chance right there. Probably a good thing I missed it.
Generally, though, it's pretty obvious if a building's been bombed. There isn't a building left, for one thing.
It is assumed that
S-8 unguided rockets have been used in the attack. They are pretty small and designed to hit infantry and lightly armoured targets, not to destroy buildings.
Anyway, I don't think that the explosion was caused by a misfiring MANPADS missile, as the Ukrainian government claims. The smoke trail of an Igla missile during ascent, as one of the videos in my previous posts shows, is white, while the smoke trail on the CCTV recording is mostly grayish. It's also much bigger than the smoke trail of an Igla missile.
If no S-8 were involved, then probably the Ukrainian Su-25 simply fired its high-calibre machine gun at the building. The sound heard in eyewitness videos resembles
the sound of Su-25's onboard machine gun somewhat.
unrelated music to establish the mood
This is hilarious for all the wrong reasons.
Fuck, the comments on that. I think it's the first time I see people calmy discussing the best way to genocide muslims, without irony.
I don't think they are serious - they are (hopefully) just fans of "Remove Kebab" meme.
Serbian nationalists, who can be found in the comment sections of videos posted by other Serbian nationalists, should be noted - they are incredibly hilarious.
Нико нема што Србин имаде Србин има муда као гајде Србин има курац шестоперац па га мрзе и хрват и муслиман и немац! Ову пјесму су украли хрвати,а чак и да смо је ми обрадили од вас(мада сумњам,али ништа није немогуће)то је једина наша пјесма коју смо ми од вас узели,а ви сте покрали све српске пјесме,свака друга пјесма коју пјева Томсон је заправо обраде неке српске пјесме,наше пјесме су старије,пјеване су још у 1. свјетском рату,а ви обрадили тек у овом,па вашу химну је компоновао Србин!
Па наравно да ниси Србин! Ти и не можеш бити Србин, све да хоћеш! Бити Србин је част и привилегија, не може свако бити припадник небеског народа! А ти си обичан пустињски штакор, одлично ти одговара то име, рођен си као штакор и умрећеш као штакор, јебига таква ти је судбина. Нема свако срећу да се роди као Србин!