I wonder how much your arguments reflect the East/West cultural divide.
It does so very much. 'But he built the Autobahn!' would be enough to be branded a revisionist at the very least over here. Sometimes I wonder if reunification was a good thing...
The fact does remain that before the war, Germany went from being one of the poorest countries in Europe to a military superpower with one of the highest standards of living in the world. Hell, TIME Magazine even called Hitler man of the year in 1938.
Without the horrors of the camps and the piles of civilian bodies marring his record, Hitler would probably be viewed similarly to Napoleon these days.
Of course, he also did that by robbing Peter (and Ezekiel, and David, and Eli...) to pay Paul. Without the piles of civilian bodies (that is to say, the piles as a consequence of the War, rather than the Holocaust) and the seized gold stores of the conquered nations, the German economy would have overheated and crashed hard when all of those loans they took to pay for the recovery came due. It also helps that a lot of their earlier policy was a continuation of that of the previous Chancellor, von Schleicher, before Hitler shifted to a non-productive military economy by steadily increasing investment into the armed forces to over 10% of the GDP in 1936 and still higher after, which doesn't actually generate wealth unless, as Hitler did, you go out and take it from other people. Pressure on Germany's economy also declined due to the moratorium on all reparations decided upon at Lausanne in 1932, again before Hitler took power. Indeed, German foreign capital reserves were so low in 1936 that they literally could not buy enough lead and copper to ensure the demands of their military industry. Agricultural production did not exceed pre-Great War levels, arbitrary bans on automobile production and development restricted motorization of the populace, unemployment was "fixed" by effectively removing undesirable population and women from employment, and the production of consumer or other non-military goods stagnated while standards of living actually fell.
That said, I don't disagree that there are some deluded people who would view Hitler like Napoleon. There are even today. It's not for nothing that people claim that Mussolini made the trains run on time, even though he didn't.