You touch the door with the muzzle of your Thompson and it eases open quietly. The bodies of two women, Diane and Paula, you realise, are sprawled in the middle of the floor in puddles of blood, and otherwise the room is empty. Their corpses and the ground around them are riddled with bullet holes and you suspect they surrendered before being shot. You check their pockets carefully and find a spare filter for your gas mask, which you tuck into your satchel. You move out into the hall and check the next two doors, both of which are locked. You pass the open door to your room and you're about to try the knob to the last door before the end of the hall when you hear a low thud of something hitting the floor emanating from the other side, followed by a muffled cry and sounds of struggle.
You head right. Most of the buildings are boarded up or collapsed but you notice a remarkably intact drugstore on one side of the street. You wait for a moment, checking for movement, but don't notice anything walking around inside. Do you check it out or move on?
Dark Suit [revolver], Satchel [full whiskey flask, gas mask, 1 mask filter], Thompson [in hands; half ammo]
Warm Rags [switchblade] + Leather Overcoat [pack of cigarettes] + B-3 Gas Mask (doesn't need filters), Long Lead Pipe [left hand], Briefcase [right hand; full bottle of whiskey, unopened food tins], Backpack [broken gas mask]