Sprinkle sprinkle
cocaine vulnerary.
Up to 10HP healed
Gregor in the meanwhile thrown his javelins at the Fighter again; the first one struck the axeman in the stomach. He thrown his axe at Gregor, hitting him in the leg, but then the second javelin killed Fighter A after hitting him in the chest.
Hit: 98+5+7-15-20-14 = 61
Hit roll: 29, hit!
Damage: 17+1-1-7 = 10dmg
Fighter A retaliates!
Hit: 77+15-5-7-20-25 = 35
Hit roll: 25, hit!
Damage: 21+1-1-3-10 = 8dmg
Hit: 98+5+7-15-20-14 = 61
Hit roll: 48, hit!
Damage: 17+1-1-7 = 10dmg
In the same time, Valor ran to Fighter A and sliced mightily at him, but it wasn't enough to bring him down. The axeman tried to hit Valor, but failed to do that properly.
Hit: 110+15+5-14 = 116, autohit!
Damage: 13+1-7 = 7
Fighter C counters!
Hit: 77-15-20-23 = 19
Hit roll: 41, miss!
Shortly afterwards, Ami trotted to Olison and patched him up.
10+13 = Up to 23HP restored.
//Oweeewooo~ LVL UP at end of turn v:
Alexander Jorinn: 19/27
Ami Storm: 22/23
Charlotte Braxis: 23/23
Christopher Shields: 14/22
Daniel: 25/25
Derick: 25/25
Gregor von Hexham: 11/28
Olison Eul: 25/25
Riven: 21/22
Seyena Ikane: 23/24 Dismounted Carrying: Anja
Tantallos Forsaken: -/24 3/3 Poison (5/5, stalled)
Valor Inara: 16/25
Bandit A: -19/30
Bandit B: 1/30
Bandit C: -4/30
Bandit D: -3/30
Bandit E: -18/30
Bandit F: 30/30
Bandit G: 30/30
Archer A: -10/24
Archer B: 24/24
Archer C: 24/24
Mercenary A: -8/26
Mercenary B: 17/26
Mercenary C: 26/26
Fighter A: -2/28
Fighter B: -8/28
Fighter C: 21/28
Dora: 34/34
Cilia: -2/37
Anja: 25/25 Carried by: Seyena Ikane Sleep (2/5)
Wagon: 5/5 hits left