Marpa sighed, seeing all the mercenaries slowly loading themselves on the horses of her riders. More than half of the horses had to bear not one, but two people on the saddles.
"I'm going to kill someone when we get back. I'm so going to..."After that, the troop left the fortress in a rhythmic trot, the horses being swift even with the extra weight.
~~Chapter 3: The Border City of Fezzan~~
Large, prosperous city, that was changing the owner more then thirty times in the last one hundred years.
Originally Menelean, it was bought or conquered by the two warring sides many times because of it's strategic location.
It's been four years since Menelean troops took the city back from Berebian ocuppation forces. It seems as if Berebians almost gave up on the city.
As the mercenaries enter the city, everything seems to be at peace...
Marpa's riders passed the large, stone arch that was leading into the city. As promised by Prixima, Marpa got the mercenaries to the city in less than a day. The morning coldness was giving away to the brightness and warmth of noon time.
The city gate was wide open, allowing every person to come in and leave Fezzan as they want - as if the citizens were oblivious to the fact that they're half a day travel from Berebian border, and their vast armies.
Captain Marpa sighed with content when her riders stopped on a small plaza, with a fountain at its centre.
"Ahh, nothing beats a city like this. Well, you guys can get off my horses now. I hope next time I will hear less complaints." "You were in Fezzan before... right? You know where to go?" Marpa asked, her face suddenly shaded with doubt.